Weight loss for men is often faster than weight loss for women.. much to their dismay.


Weight loss for men often is easier than weight loss for women
The reason why this may happen is because of the way they digest food. Men typically have a larger muscle mass and their bodies are able to break down proteins more efficiently, so it’s easier for them to see results faster when trying diets or making exercise-related changes!

Here are some tips specific to weight loss for men that could help you start on a new weight loss journey or help to rev up the journey you’re already on.

Hire a Trainer

Many men working at their weight loss get faster results when they join a gym. Strength and resistance training could help you get great results and fast. Many men can lift more and do more reps than women as well as have the added benefit of upper body strength.

It can take time to get into a workout routine but a trainer can help you with the right form, can spot you, and can get and keep you with weight loss motivation while tailoring a customized work out regimen and diet that will help you reach your goals. Hence, using a trainer is a great tip.

Why is it so important to hire a physical fitness trainer? Physical fitness trainers are there for you. They will help you reach your goals, motivate and inspire you through hard times, and also celebrate along with you on the good days.

Many people don’t know that even though they say they want to work out regularly or be fit, they don’t know how to get started. It is difficult  to get past the initial stages of motivation to actually start exercising on their own. A trainer will help you with that by putting together a plan and helping you follow through on it.

Another problem people run into when working out on their own is that they get hurt. They may not have a trainer to help them determine what exercise is best for their body or someone to spot them while they are lifting weights. A physical fitness trainer can help you find exercises that will be safe and effective for your body. Even if you have specific limitations such as an injury or chronic pain. In addition to helping you with what exercises to avoid and which exercises would be best for your body, they can also modify the exercise based on your ability level.

Working out at a gym is not for everyone. Some people simply don’t like it or cannot afford to pay for a gym membership. And if that person has found someone who gives group classes, they know that it is not the same as having a personal trainer.

Weight Loss for Men Tip: Switch it Up

If you don’t opt for a trainer but do choose to go to the gym, make sure you vary your workout routine every 6 weeks or so. This will keep you from hitting a plateau and will keep things interesting, too. A combo of cardio and strength training and / or boxing could be a great mix.

Set Manageable Goals and Stick to Them

While men do tend to see good results in terms of weight loss, many do set sights really high at first. Consider smaller milestones, such as a couple of kgs at a time.

Make Sure You’re Eating Enough

Men and women don’t have the same caloric requirements. Not all dieters should eat a specific number of calories daily. 1200 daily calories isn’t likely to be enough for you. Your specific requirements depend on you. Consider checking out your ideal calorie intake based on your age, activity level, and current size. There are many online calculators that will help.

It’s important to get a good mixture of carbs and protein and fat as well. Getting professional advice could help and you with your weight loss goals.

Every journey begins with a step. With each step your weight loss journey will produce results. Weight loss will help you with your health, wellness, energy levels, and your self esteem. Consider focusing on the above tips on weight loss for men.

Finally, use these Weight Loss For Men Tips and you will see results quickly!

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Exercising for Weight Loss

Exercising Correctly to Reach Your Ideal Weight.

Do you have to exercise for weight loss? There seem to be conflicting opinions on this. But most would agree that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best approach to losing weight.

You can compare our bodies to very fine tuned machines that use whatever we put into them to operate. If we put junk into our bodies, we can still go on, but not in the most optimized fashion. In a nutshell, our bodies run on blood sugar (glucose).

Exercise plays an important role because it leads to a depletion of blood sugar in our blood stream which then causes fat cells to release fat to replace it. Our body then uses this fat for energy instead of just storing it. And that’s how exercise for weight loss fits in.

There are a couple of myths that need to be dispelled right away:

1. Exercise means going to the gym every day for at least an hour (or something similar)

2. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want and then exercise to make it go away.

Let’s start with the first one. In order to be effective, exercise must be performed regularly. If you honestly believe that you can go to the gym every single day to work out for an hour, then that’s fine. Most people find this a stretch. But they feel that it must be done.

Exercising Routines

So, they will dive into their exercise routine for a week or two and then get completely burned out and quit. Wrong. Your exercise routine should consist of doing something that you enjoy in a consistent fashion. Does it have to be every day? No. But it must be something that you can stick to regularly (three to five times a week is something to shoot for).

You should try to get a combination of aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise which gets your heart rate up and muscle building workouts such as weight lifting. Exercise burns calories and speeds up your metabolism.

While exercise will make you hungrier, it shouldn’t be an excuse to eat the wrong kinds of foods all the time. How often do you hear people say “Well, I’ll eat this piece of pie and work it off later”? That’s fine occasionally and you can afford to splurge every once in a while when you maintain a consistent activity routine.

Eat Healthy Foods

But what you put into your body is even more important if you are exercising. The right foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, fatty fish, etc.) will give you more energy and keep you feeling good. The wrong types of foods (excess fats, processed foods, too much sugar, etc.) will only inhibit the effectiveness of your exercise and weight loss plan.

Exercising for weight loss will get you the results you are looking for: a slimmer you for life.

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Essential Oils and Weight Loss Share a Symbiotic Relationship

Essential oils and weight loss contribute to a better quality of life

Essential oils are available to buy in many supermarkets, beauty stores and health food shops. Whether you’ve been using them for a while and want to know what the real benefits are, or you’re considering using them and you want to know why they’re so good – here are some of the benefits you’ll experience when using essential oils.

Essential oils help you  sleep better and lose weight

There are various types of essential oils, and all of them come from different plants. One of the most popular essential oils is lavender oil. While it can be used to bring scent to your home or even used as a massage oil, one of the main benefits of lavender oil is the way it is able to help people sleep more easily.

Losing weight improves the quality of sleep. Why not benefit from both?

Hence it is conductive to a positive frame of mind. Just one way essential oils and weight loss are connected.

Ease joint aches and allow you to be more active

Essential oils are often used for massage, but even if you’re not able to have a full massage from a masseuse, you can use the oils to help ease any pains you may be experiencing. Many people have reported positive effects when rubbing essential oils gently onto the affected area. You should try a little bit of the oil on an area of your skin before applying to the whole area.

Oils are anti-inflammatory reducing downtime between exercise sessions

If you don’t like the idea of taking conventional pills in order to reduce inflammation, you can try essential oils to see if you have some good results. This is one of the main benefits of essential oils,use them to prevent inflammation occurring in the first place.

They help improve your mood which sets your frame of mind in a positive way

Many health professionals will recommend using essential oils while enjoying a bath, reading a book, relaxing after a long day at work or a strenuous workout. This is because they are great at relaxing your mood and helping you to feel better. Use them around the house to give off  scent. It improves your mood.

Essential oils re natural

One of the main reasons why people choose essential oils over other products is because they are natural. Essential oils come from plants such as lavender and peppermint, therefore have less chemicals.

In conclusion, essential oils and weight loss share a symbiotic relationship. One helps the other reach a state of ataraxis. That sense of complete wellness.







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Vegetarian Protein Sources – A Healthy Meat Alternative


If you are seriously thinking about becoming a vegetarian, don’t worry, you don’t have to struggle to get adequate protein. What is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is someone who leaves out fish and meat – sometimes even animal byproducts from their diet for religious, moral, or health reasons. But the thing is, protein is the absolute key for maintaining your muscles and keeping them strong. Protein, too, is the macronutrient you need when you are dieting because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. People also wonder where vegetarians actually get their proteins from. According to Dietary Guidelines, men need to get 56 grams of protein a day and women need 46 grams of protein a day. This depends on your activity levels, age, and a few other factors though. Let’s take a look at some great high protein vegetarian-type foods that vegetarians can add to their diets:


1. Greek yogurt,  is it a vegetarian Protein Source?

While  yogurt and  cottage cheese are of dairy origin. Generally it is considered a vegetarian source.

23 grams of protein per cup.

How delicious is Greek yogurt? Add it to smoothies and layer it with delicious fruit and granola. Or use it like sour cream for your dips and tacos. Not only plenty of protein, but Greek yogurt also contains probiotics to keep your gut healthy.


2. Lentils

9 grams of protein per ½- cup (cooked)

Lentils are truly packed with protein and also offer you essential fiber which is so good for your heart. Hence, lentils give you that full-feeling and keep your weight in check.


3. Chia seeds

3 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Chia seeds are nutrient-dense, delivering protein, plenty of fiber and omega-3. Chia seeds can also be blended into smoothies. Additionally, try a delicious chia seed jam to eat with your toast.


Best Vegetable Protein Sources


4. Quinoa, the Super Vegetarian Protein Source.

8 grams of protein per cup (cooked)

This one you don’t want to do without because as a protein, it actually contains all nine essential amino acids. That makes it a complete protein which other plant-based proteins aren’t. Just a cup of quinoa gives you 5 grams of fiber too.


Apart from all that filling protein, quinoa is very rich in phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, thiamine, and folate. And for those who always look out for gluten-free foods, quinoa comes out with full marks.


5. Cottage cheese

14 grams of protein per ½-cup

Cottage cheese is delicious on healthy whole-wheat biscuits. It also works so well as a dip or you can even add fruit to it. But on top of that, it’s good for you!


OK, it is a bit higher in sodium than Greek yogurt is, so you need to bare that in mind if you need to watch your salt intake.


6. Hemp Seeds

4 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Not only are hemp seed an excellent source of protein, but they provide plenty of omega-3. They are also delicious sprinkled over smoothies.


7. Beans, such as black beans, chickpeas, etc.

8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup (cooked)

Just like lentils, beans also deliver plenty of fiber and are ideal to add to dips, soups, and salads.


8. Edamame

5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup (shelled)

Never heard of edamame? Well, they are actually green soybeans, and you often find them on the sushi restaurant menus.  You buy them either in their shells or shelled – add to salads, stir-fries and grain bowls.


9. Green Peas

8 grams of protein per cup

A lot of us don’t really know that peas are a protein source, but they are. Green pea soup is just too delicious for words and very healthy. They are also ideal for side dishes, or added to salads, etc.


10. Peanut Butter

7 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons

Peanut butter and peanuts are packed with protein, good fat, and fiber. That’s a winning combination if you are talking good health! Peanut butter is so delicious that apart from eating it on toast, it is ideal for smoothies too, let alone dunking a spoon in and eating it just like it is.


11. Almonds

6 grams of protein per ounce

Almonds are also packed with protein, fat, and fiber. Almonds are a wonderful vegetarian option to keep hunger pangs at bay. They are filling as a snack, or they can be added to salads or you can make almond butter with them.


12. Eggs

6 grams of protein per large egg

Eggs are just too delicious, and many people want to eat them much more than just for breakfast. Previously eggs had a bad reputation because they are high in cholesterol but, eating cholesterol doesn’t raise your cholesterol.


Egg yolks are extremely nutrient-rich, delivering protein, antioxidants and vitamins.


Finally, try these great vegetarian protein sources for losing weight and maintaining your health.


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Diet vs Exercise – Which is More Important for Weight Loss?

‘You can’t out-exercise a bad diet’ – because when it comes to looking out for your body, diet is key.


Diet vs Exercise – Both are critical to maintain healthy bodies


  • You need both diet and exercise if you want to lose fat and gain some muscle. Nutritional habits have far greater impact on your body and health than just exercising. Both however play their own role in losing the weight and keeping it off. The ideal is to combine healthy nutrition with exercise. Doing both will produce even more success in attaining your body goals and losing weight.


  • If you apply 80% nutrition and 20% exercise rule, it is very apparent which plays a bigger role in weight loss. Exercise is just not complete without healthy eating. There is even a possibility for weight gain if changes in diet are not put into place and you increase the amount of exercise you do–this is because exercising tends to make you hungrier as well! Changing your diet is very important because the equation for weight loss is simple — calories in should be less than calories out. Exercise, on the other hand, is very important to build and maintain muscle which helps the body burn more calories and stay healthy.


Simply, you are what you eat


  • It might be nice to believe that you can make permanent weight loss changes to your body if you concentrate only on exercise, but that is far from the truth. If you want to lose weight, then exercise and diet together will yield the best results.
  • While exercise is vital for helping you to lead a healthy life, just doing exercises exclusively isn’t going to promote weight loss. A study completed in 2015 found that controlling your calories is more successful than exercise. Further research found that when you work out you might burn more calories, but eventually your body adjusts and the effect on weight loss plateaus if you only focus on exercise alone. This is why it is very important to stress that to get healthy weight loss, both diet and exercise go hand in hand! Eating the right food is very important but physical activity and exercise helps not only build muscle, but also helps reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It also helps in boosting your mood and can help you sleep better.


Why is diet more important than exercise?


For many years, physical exercise has been championed as being the most effective vehicle for driving home weight loss giving it an apparent lead on the Diet vs Exercise controversy. While a good exercise regime is certainly very important; it is nonetheless the diet that drives sustained weight loss.

Here are some reasons why diet is more effective than exercise, and how to benefit from it.


  1. Exercise alone does not drive significant weight loss


Studies prove this.  Some people become physically active to compensate for the calories they eat. The quality of food and the amount of food though will play a very big role and exercise alone will never be able to counteract the effects of a bad diet. To help with this, it is a good idea to keep a food diary that lists the food you consume, so it is easy to assess if your diet is in line with your weight loss goals.


  1. Exercise increases your appetite


Yes, regular exercise can trigger subconscious eating habits, based on research, and that physical exertion increases your appetite and metabolism. Studies also show that those who do adhere to rigid exercise regimes increase their calorie intake simultaneously. Snacks and meals need to be regulated to get to desired the weight loss.


  1. All this increased physical activity hasn’t countered rising obesity levels


Between 2001 and 2009 in the US, people involved in physical activities increased, yet obesity continued to rise.

Another confirmation that exercise is not sufficient to prevent weight gain. One needs to review the nutritional values of the meals they consume because exercise alone will not cut it.


  1. Food is the fuel source that drives exercise


Many people misunderstand this statement. Without the right calories from the correct healthy foods, you won’t be able to exercise effectively and achieve the weight loss that you desire. You have to fuel your body with the right foods to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.


  1. Short-term weight loss driven by diet


Today’s new age makes everything around us fast paced. We become impatient if we don’t see fast results, and that includes dieting. Experts estimate that weight loss generally consists of 75% diet and 25% exercise. Short-term weight loss occurs through eating smart and lessening the calories you take. In other words, over the short-term, people look at diet first for losing weight over exercise in the same period.


  1. The effectiveness of just exercise for weight loss as a standalone is not effective


The American Dietetic Association highlights that it is almost impossible to lose weight loss without reducing what they eat.  Exercise is important but diet still has a bigger effect on weight loss.

On the Diet vs Exercise controversy, the decision is always a personal one.

The answer should be both, nonetheless changing your diet is key to reaching your weight loss goals!

food diary Diet vs Exercise












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Healthy Weight Loss – How Much Weight is Safe to Lose in a Month?

When our mindset is right and we are determined to lose weight–be it for health reasons or to look good, we often get impatient.

We want to see results immediately and get frustrated otherwise.

However slow and steady is the way to keep weight off long-term.

Actually, studies show that when we lose weight slowly, there are fewer health risks. Despite recent studies that show that rapid weight loss is just as good as slow weight loss.

Long term plans work best.

Evidence shows that unless in imminent danger to someone’s life, a consistent long term plan works best.

Look at the famed Dr. Now on My 600 lb. Life. Even though his clients are morbidly obese, in order to get gastrostomy surgery, they need to drastically cut down on their calories and drastically cut down on their weight to start transforming their lives and go under the knife.

The secret is keeping the weight off, permanently

Many experts say that losing 1-2 pounds a week is a healthy and safe rate. Losing more than that is dangerous.

It will put you at risk of developing certain health problems. These can be losing too much muscle, nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and a drop in metabolism too

If you are starting to diet and exercise, you might lose more than 2 pounds in your first week. That’s OK because that’s the initial dieting period. The body gets a ‘shock’ from less food and more exercise – and you lose a lot of water weight.

When this happens, your body will start to dip into its energy store which is known as glycogen. The glycogen gets burned for fuel and the body releases the water.
You will experience a major drop in weight at first in your first week. Once your body has used up the glycogen stores, your weight might start stabilizing at losing around a pound or 2 a week.

Most people who start “crash diets” usually regain half their weight back in a year

Usually, after 3-5 years, they have regained all their weight. Ouch! It’s the reason that experts suggest losing weight at a slower, steadier pace.
If you are losing weight at a slower, steadier pace, it might be because you are following a kind of lifestyle diet; eating more fruit and veggies and holding back on the sugar-sweet beverages.

Look at some great diets. When you follow these type of diets, you usually keep the weight off long-term.
Again, there are other studies which show that rapid weight loss can be just as effective, even for the long-term as well.

However, these ‘successful’ studies are people on rapid weight loss diets who had ongoing support from dieticians and doctors during the weight-loss study.

Research also shows that when you have support from health professionals, you will experience long-term weight loss success. It is just that this is unlikely to happen with a person at home who does not have a constant dietician and doctor supervision where the rapid weight loss diet would be successful.

Go slow

There are great tips to help you lose weight at a healthy pace. Slow weight loss might not sound as attractive as fast weight loss, but there are some healthy ways you can speed up your safe weight loss program like eating more protein.

Healthy Weight Loss takes time, make it work you!

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Ginger and Lemon Tea – Why You Should Drink It Daily.

Drinking a hot cup of tea has many health benefits, aside from just making you feel great! A cup of tea a day soothes and relaxes.  It also energizes you and kick-starts your day.

Are you ready to start your tea-adventure? Then start with ginger and lemon tea which is not only a great choice of drink every day, it is also a great alternative to coffee!

If you are a non-coffee drinker then you are on the right track, and if coffee is something you can’t live without, maybe switching to tea every so often would be a great idea too!

Health Benefits
Lemon ginger tea is an aromatic tea which gives you a ton of health benefits inside and out–meaning it does not only provide benefits to your health but also radiates a healthy glow on your skin, hair and body.

Some of the benefits you get when you start drinking Natural Lemon and Ginger Tea:

A. Soothes Gastrointestinal problems

If you are feeling a bit nauseous lemon ginger tea will bring relief due to gingers curative effect.

B. It is a Great Immunity Booster

Vitamin C and antioxidant rich lemon boosts the immune system. Additionally it prevents colds and coughing.

C. Improves Heart Health

Lemon and ginger help the heart function properly, hence it improves blood circulation.

D. Great for the Skin

This vitamin and antioxidant-packed tea also has vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which improves skin health. Additionally it has antibacterial benefits which can prevent skin infections and make it glow.

E. Improved Hair Growth

Lemon ginger tea also helps in hair growth as the vitamins and minerals in it makes your hair stronger and shinier.

Lemon and Ginger Tea is easy to make.

Making lemon ginger tea does not require rocket science measurements. All you need is water and some other ingredients you can easily find in your local market. There are some of the variations of making this tea. Read on and opt for the one you prefer the most.

1. Add Honey for Sweetness.

And enjoy a soothing tea with a dash of sweetness, a tinge of sourness and a touch of spiciness!

All you will need are 3 ingredients: honey, lemon, ginger and of course, hot water.

First, cut the lemon in half to squeeze one half of its juice into a cup or mug. Second, peel the ginger and grate it. Add it into the mug with the lemon juice, then add hot water and honey to taste.

2. For an Anti-inflammatory Tea

Use the same recipe as above tea and add a pinch or two or turmeric powder. This blend will enhance the drink’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

3. Have a Nostalgic Cup of Tea

Similar to the first two blends, to make this you have to mix in a stick of cinnamon in your mug or tea pot. This brings a different aroma and taste to the tea just like Christmas where you just want to relax, read a book and sip a warm cup of tea!

If you are focusing on weight loss you can use any of the blends, but you should drink at least two cups a day –one in the morning and the other at night. It is also advisable to take this 30 minutes before a meal.

Drinking lemon ginger tea on an empty stomach in the morning will help digestion and food absorption.

Lemon ginger tea is a wonderful concoction that has so many health benefits. Always remember though, all these benefits can be gained through the help of disciplining yourself and following a healthy diet.

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Staying Motivated to Meet Your Goals

Keeping yourself motivated when you have a list of goals can certainly be a challenge.

Imagine having a to-do list of pressures that you’ve put on yourself – that’s basically what a list of goals is.

If you’re not motivated to get them done, you will give up and never make it there.

Here are some quick ways to make sure you stay on track and motivated to meet your goals.

1. Give yourself incentives for staying motivated.

You should be thinking about this when you’re making the goals. How will you benefit once the goal is completed?.  Will you get more than just a sense of achievement?.

Goals focused on qualifications and exams, for example, are beneficial to you since you will have a qualification for the rest of your life if you pass.

Work-related goals could lead to a promotion or increased pay.

For goals which are less incentivized and require an extra push, promise yourself a new wardrobe or a new pair of shoes if you complete it within your desired time frame.

2. Talk to other people about your goals, another great way for staying motivated.

Discuss your goals with other people if you feel comfortable doing so. Thousands of people make goals every year, so you’re bound to know somebody you could talk to about them.

It could give you inspiration, and you could get some useful tips off them on how they manage to complete their goals or how they maintain motivation.

3. Don’t see your goals in isolation

Those who view their goals in isolation are often less likely to meet them.

Rather than viewing your weight loss goal as just a number or another goal, think about other goals you have and ways it ties into them.

For example, you may have a goal to increase your overall health, or you might want to fit back into a certain piece of clothing.

Losing weight will help you to meet those goals, as well as potentially increasing your confidence to complete different goals.

4. Give yourself a break

Life shouldn’t be all about targets and meeting your goals, whether they are personal or work-related. Take some time to give yourself a break every now and then.

When you go on vacation, for example, try not to think about your goals as much and use the time to reflect.

Many people take one day a week to relax from fitness goals, or an entire weekend to stop thinking about work.

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Artificial Sweeteners and The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Over the past 30 years scientists developed a large variety of artificial sweeteners. Their purpose was to to reduce excessive sugar consumption and diminish the numbers of obese people.

Since their introduction, obesity has skyrocketed. Alarming numbers of people now are diabetic even at an early age. Not to mention links to cancer found on some of those early sweeteners.

At the time it was believed to be a way for people to easily manage excess weight. The idea was that less sugar means less calories, and of course less weight gain. This, however was not the case. After 30 years of research, the results are completely different.

Here is what you need to know about artificial sweeteners and their effects.

Artificial Sweeteners and Their Effects on Gut Flora

Your gut has a large colony of microorganisms inside. And when they eat the things that you eat, there are good and bad effects as a result. One easy example: acidic foods. Many times these cause over populations of unhealthy destructive bacteria. Studies have shown that these sweeteners cause major changes to your gut flora. This, under some circumstances, can be really bad. Hence, there is a lot of information now that demonstrates that sweeteners don’t have much of an effect on weight loss.

How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Children’s Lives

Research has found that most overweight children simply eat the wrong kind of foods and large portions. Additionally, diet soda, originally meant to replace some of their sugar intake. Now is their main drink since most of them think they can drink as much diet soda as they want. They do not lose weight at all. For that to happen, changes in their eating habits must take place. Unfortunately, children are enabled by their parents. Mostly out of lack of knowledge.

Unintended Consequences of Using Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have unintended consequence for its users. When the brain senses something sweet, receptors tell it that it is about to receive food. The brain signals the pancreas to make insulin. That breaks down sugars. The body then absorbs them. Sweeteners however, are not sugars, and insulin is not needed.

Tests of overweight people, showed their bodies were producing insulin continuously. This is the beginning of diabetes. Your body no longer properly responds to sugars entering your blood.

Finally, what seemed to be a great idea has left a sequel of millions of people struggling to regain their Health and Wellness.

Sugar substitutes

Self Improvement Starts with Self Reflection 


Report Topics

1. Identifying Your Need for Self-Improvement
2. Why Self Reflection?
3. Benefits of Self Reflection for Self Improvement
4. How to Get Started
5. Make Time to Self Reflect Every Day

Self Improvement free Report






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5 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment.



When planning for an at home workout, most people think they need to buy equipment. Surprisingly,there are several workouts that don’t require equipment at all. additionally, the misconception is that without equipment, these workouts will not give you the results you need.

The truth is, these 5 easy workouts give you better results than you may think.

Tabata, number one on the 5 easy workouts list

1. Tabata workouts require no equipment and give you a full body workout easily. The idea behind Tabata is doing intervals of intense workout and then rest. For example, most people start out by doing 20 seconds of high intensity workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. They do this in intervals until the entire body workout is done. You can then repeat this eight or more times. The only weights required are what your own body has to offer. All you need is you and the floor.


2. Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga blocks, straps, resistance bands, and so on. The truth is these may help if you are new to yoga, but they are not required. By knowing a few basic moves, you can make yoga work for you with no equipment at all. You can also span out to options like Tai Chi and other similar workouts.

Stationary Walking

3. Stationary walking is just what it sounds like. You follow an online coach on free sites or DVD options and you simply walk through a mile or more. This home workout may sound boring but you will be changing intensity levels, moving your arms during the workout, and combining aerobic workouts with the walking. This is an ideal option that works for people who may not want a treadmill in their home and may not have an area where walking four miles in a short amount of time is doable or safe.

Cardio Dance

4. Cardio dance uses your imagination and music you enjoy. No equipment is required. You can use the radio on your phone, music on your phone, or some other option for the music. Ideally, you are just dancing. You can do specific dance options for more cardio or full body workouts, but overall this is the same type of cardio you would get a dance club, you are just in your home and dancing to what you want how you want. It will work up your heart rate and help you drop weight easily.

Body Weight Circuit Training

5. Body weight circuit training is similar to Tabata but does not require the HIIT intervals of intense workout and rest. Instead you are doing a series of workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. You do a certain amount of reps and then move on to the next part of the workout. You use your own body weight to give you resistance.

Something to keep in mind with these workouts is the ability to work them into a revolving routine that gives you maximum results. If you want to purchase weights or other equipment you can, but even at high intensity levels the equipment is not necessary, making these workouts the most affordable option for your at home needs.

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