Artificial Sweeteners and The Law of Unintended Consequences.

Over the past 30 years scientists developed a large variety of artificial sweeteners. Their purpose was to to reduce excessive sugar consumption and diminish the numbers of obese people.

Since their introduction, obesity has skyrocketed. Alarming numbers of people now are diabetic even at an early age. Not to mention links to cancer found on some of those early sweeteners.

At the time it was believed to be a way for people to easily manage excess weight. The idea was that less sugar means less calories, and of course less weight gain. This, however was not the case. After 30 years of research, the results are completely different.

Here is what you need to know about artificial sweeteners and their effects.

Artificial Sweeteners and Their Effects on Gut Flora

Your gut has a large colony of microorganisms inside. And when they eat the things that you eat, there are good and bad effects as a result. One easy example: acidic foods. Many times these cause over populations of unhealthy destructive bacteria. Studies have shown that these sweeteners cause major changes to your gut flora. This, under some circumstances, can be really bad. Hence, there is a lot of information now that demonstrates that sweeteners don’t have much of an effect on weight loss.

How Artificial Sweeteners Affect Children’s Lives

Research has found that most overweight children simply eat the wrong kind of foods and large portions. Additionally, diet soda, originally meant to replace some of their sugar intake. Now is their main drink since most of them think they can drink as much diet soda as they want. They do not lose weight at all. For that to happen, changes in their eating habits must take place. Unfortunately, children are enabled by their parents. Mostly out of lack of knowledge.

Unintended Consequences of Using Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners have unintended consequence for its users. When the brain senses something sweet, receptors tell it that it is about to receive food. The brain signals the pancreas to make insulin. That breaks down sugars. The body then absorbs them. Sweeteners however, are not sugars, and insulin is not needed.

Tests of overweight people, showed their bodies were producing insulin continuously. This is the beginning of diabetes. Your body no longer properly responds to sugars entering your blood.

Finally, what seemed to be a great idea has left a sequel of millions of people struggling to regain their Health and Wellness.

Sugar substitutes

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