New Year Resolutions for 2019 – Make them Count


Your most important New Year Resolutions come and go every year with little actionable results.

Resolutions are so popular because they are a reminder that we should recommit regularly to personal improvement. However, instead of making a list of 10 things you want change this year, why not commit to real change that has the possibility to last beyond the first few months of the year.

By focusing on the process of change rather than solely the outcome, your resolutions could really make a difference this year in your overall happiness and satisfaction.

With the recent downtrend in the happiness of women in the U.S. this year. Perhaps it is time to return to the basics this year with your resolutions.

Instead of opting for the same goals you make every year, make this year The Year of Living Happier.

Here are the most important resolutions you can make this year to help achieve just that.

1.- Focus on Your Mental Health.

When you change your focus to mental health you can improve not only your mind and soul, but also your body. Mental health is what drives your ability to physical health. So focusing on it rather than on other aspects of getting in shape or dieting could lead to more significant improvements in all areas of your life. Your mental health includes how you deal with and process emotions, how you handle stress, how resilient you are to change and other obstacles and your overall mindset. Focus on this critical aspect of wellness and you will enjoy significant returns in all areas of your life.

2.- Become Better Connected.

Make a commitment this year to spending more time with friends and family in person rather than over social media. Being in the company of trusted others can improve your mental health and lower your stress too. Schedule regular time each week to spend with loved ones. Stay in contact with those that live far away and renew efforts to stay connected to those you have neglected recently.

3.- Be More Mindful.

When you are mindful, you are living in the moment. You are aware of what you are feeling, how the environment and others affect you. And you can embrace the experience and opportunities as you live them. Mindfulness teaches you to let go anxieties about the unknown future as you well as the anger and sadness about the past, both of which can significantly impact both your emotional and physical wellness.

4.- Get Outside More.

Spending more time outside can improve your physical, mental and emotional health. In many ways, spending time outside reduces stress, helps you sleep better, enhances your immune system and can be a wonderful place to get more done. Enjoy your local community park, green spaces and walking paths as much as you can to improve your happiness in many areas.

5.- Commit to Self Care.

If you make no other resolution this year, promise yourself that you will prioritize your self care. Taking time for yourself is crucial. And this simple promise can enhance your well being. Self care can include everything, from meditation to your beauty regimen. It is up to you to determine what you need to feel your best.

Looking and Feeling your Best has been our motto for almost 20 years.

We have kept our new year resolutions to bring the best about Weight Loss, Fitness and Wellness.

Happy 2019, May all Your New Year Resolutions Come True!.

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Stop Procrastinating and Get Results


Regardless of what you need to achieve, be it weight loss, general wellness or getting that career changing job. Procrastination is a stumbling block that needs to be demolished.

Have you ever had plenty of time to complete a task, yet end up rushing through at the last minute? This is a habit that plagues quite a large portion of people, but how do you break the habit?.

Like most bad habits, you can learn to change them, but it will take extra effort and time. Therefore, this article is intended to teach you how to finally stop procrastinating.

Take Small Calculated Steps

If you’re prone to getting overwhelmed, then it can be really easy to get flustered. When you’re looking at a large job that needs to get done. When you’re looking at a large list, it always looks like a mountain. One way to deal with it is to break the job into a list of smaller jobs. That way you can create a visually recognizable record of what you have accomplished so far. Seeing the list shrink will give you more confidence and reduce stress. This is the first step to stop procrastinating.

Find One Thing to Complete Immediately

The first super important baby step would be to pick one thing and just be sure to get it done as soon as you possibly can. If you’ve made a list, it would be good to make sure that task is number one on the list. This does two things. For one, you will be able to cross something off of your list, and second, you will have already completed the first task. Take a moment to reflect that you’ve finished something quickly because the next step you take can be extremely important as well.

If You Need Help You Should Ask

One of the hardest things for people can be asking for help. Asking for help means that you have to put your trust in someone to help you reach a desired outcome, so it takes a lot. Sometimes the person to help can come from the least expected source, but if you have the option, try to find a trusted friend to get you through the task. Sometimes just having someone with you can make all of the difference.

Shut Out Distractions

Once it’s coming down to the wire and you’ve already completed many of your tasks, and asked for a friend to help you, there are probably only a few things left on your list. This is a really crucial time for you development, and sometimes life has a way of throwing obstacles into your way, but the best way to avoid these types of things is to simply lock yourself away from anything or anyone who would be able to keep you from finishing. In other words, Stay Focused!

When you are so close to the end, be sure that you have time to mull things over. This way you don’t blow through the final part of your work, and you can be confident that you are delivering quality work that showcases your strengths and skills.

Finally, having finished the task you can proudly proclaim that you have stop procrastinating. You are now on the road to success!

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Start Losing Weight Before the Holidays, Why You Should Try It.

Start Losing Weight Before the Holidays

rawpixel / Pixabay


Losing weight when the holiday season has begun is a good idea, but why not start a little early?  Your chances for success will increase the earlier you start.

Reduce Food Cravings

Whenever a new diet is started, cravings are increased for a while as your body adapts to the new reality. If you wait until the holiday season to start your diet, those cravings will be strongest when all that good food is in front of you.

Pretty hard to succeed if you try it then.  Therefore, start as early as you can. Make it easier to have the willpower to say no.

Showing Progress will Motivate You to Continue.

If you start losing weight before the holidays, you will have something to show for it. You will know that your plan is working. When you get compliments on your looks, you will be motivated to continue. That is the best type of motivation there is for losing weight. By Christmas time, it will be easy to say no to second portions because you know what you are looking great. It most definitely will keep you going.

You Will Be Used to Your New Diet.

By the time the holidays arrive, you will be well adjusted to your new dietary rules and restrictions. It doesn’t matter what weight loss plan you decide to go with, it is going to be different from how you typically eat in order to be successful. It is hard to deal with a holiday party just days after you start, especially when you don’t even have the “diet” quite down yet. If you give yourself at least a few weeks to adjust to it, you will feel more confident when choosing what you can and can’t eat during social gatherings.

Finally, start losing weight now, before it gets harder to do!



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Getting in Shape requires Motivation and Planning for It.


Getting in Shape

Lazare / Pixabay

Are you making the commitment to lose weight and get in shape? Then, you are probably trying to decide how much weight should you try to lose. Setting goals are very important. Setting the right goals for you may be one of the hardest things to do. Not making goals for yourself is to invite failure to your weight loss goals. So what kind of weight loss goals should you set for yourself? In order to set the best goals for yourself you need to know where you are,set a long-term reasonable goal for yourself, and give yourself rewards for meeting these goals.

Take A Look At Where You Are

It isn’t just a matter of how much you weigh, it is a matter of taking an accurate assessment of where you are right now. You should go visit the doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to stress your body. There are many people who can get started in a weight loss program only to find out that they can’t finish it because their body can’t handle the strain. Also, find out your true weight and get your body mass index (BMI) number. Get some measurements like your hip-to-waist ratio and your body fat percentage. It isn’t necessary to have all of these, but it will help you to know where you started.

Decide Where You Want To Go

Make sure that you have reasonable goals set for yourself. Going from a size 40 inch waist to a 30 inch waist probably isn’t very realistic for you. Going from a 40 inch waist to a 34 inch waist is fairly reasonable, but still ambitious. Losing 20 pounds is a realistic long-term goal. Losing 20 pounds in two weeks probably isn’t a realistic one. Try to do aim for a goal that is realistic. Make sure you have a planned date for you to reach that goal that is realistic as well. Don’t try to do the impossible. Try to do what you are capable of doing. When you reach that goal, set a more ambitious one for yourself. Plan on setting for yourself short-term goals along the way to break it up a little.

Reward Yourself Plan on doing something nice for yourself for reaching your long-term goal. Make it something special. Keep reminding yourself of it as often as possible. Don’t just have one reward for yourself, though. For each little milestone you reach along the way, treat yourself to something special. Give yourself little prizes for being such a good hard worker. This will also make the long-term goal easier to reach.

If you are truly serious about Getting in Shape, give yourself the best shot by being realistic about where you are and where you are going. Don’t forget to reward yourself for the hard work you do. Figuring out how much weight should you lose is a good goal, but don’t let that be the only goal you have.

Finally, commit yourself to getting in shape and stick to your plan, You can do it!

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Weight Loss Motivation – How to keep it till you reach your goal.
Weight Loss Motivation

stevepb / Pixabay

Are you having trouble keeping motivated to lose weight? Weight loss motivation is important. It’s very easy to fall off the wagon.

Here are some tips to help you get and stay motivated in order to reach your weight loss goals..

Weight Loss Motivation TipsDon’t Let The Scale Get You Down

Instead of weighing daily, weigh yourself just once a week. The scale can fluctuate every day based on numerous things so can go up a kg based on water retention, etc. Don’t jeopardize your motivation by getting depressed if you’re up a kg today. Wait and look forward to a weekly weigh in instead.

Measure Yourself

Don’t go by the number on the scale alone. Every two weeks, measure your waist at the navel, your hips, your chest, etc. Then you can have more weight loss motivation by seeing centimeters lost, as well as pounds. This will help you keep motivated on the weeks where the scale isn’t being kind because the measuring tape can show progress.

Remove Temptations

If you are making lifestyle changes for the whole family, inclusion will make it easiest. If not everyone in the house is willing, ask them for support by not keeping junk food around the house, not chastising you to have a piece of cake or a slice of pizza, and so on. Your support group will help you succeed.

Keep A Weight Loss Journal

Willpower is important and so is accountability. Keeping a diet journal help you with weight loss motivation and can help you purge negative emotions as well as be accountable to yourself by tracking measurements, food eaten, exercise, and by acknowledging times that you’ve faltered.

Weight Loss Motivation

Find A Weight Loss Buddy At Work

The workday can be tricky. If you find a lunch buddy that will brown bag it with you and take a walk after you both eat, this can help with both of your weight loss motivation levels. Sharing goals can be very empowering.

Why not start a weight loss support group at work or a competition where co-workers can sponsor one another for weight loss success and donate winnings to charity or to fund a company event?

Join Online Weight Loss Support Groups

Seeing before and after photos, reading about others’ success, and getting support from cyberspace can be excellent for your weight loss motivation and you can pay it forward by motivating and encouraging others, too.

Finding weight loss motivation may need to be a daily chore for you. Weight loss isn’t always easy when there are so many factors and emotions tied to success. Striving to find and share daily motivation to get healthy and look and feel better will help you reach your goals sooner.

Finally, weight loss motivation requires work, keep it up and you will succeed.

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