Low Calorie Diet – A Good Way to reach your goal

Low Calorie Diet

naturalpastels / Pixabay

Lowering your calories can help you lose weight, that is absolutely certain. But be careful with a low calorie diet. Some people don’t do it carefully and put themselves at risk for health issues as well as failure..

  • Too low of a caloric intake and you’ll put your health at risk. You will feel faint and listless and not only is this unhealthy but this can lead to falling off the diet wagon as well as making it difficult to function. You want to lose weight but you don’t want to lose muscle mass.
  • Be sure you’re eating the right amount of food along with the right types of food.
  • Too low and you’ll slow down your metabolism. If your body thinks it’s starving it’ll start hoarding calories.
  • You need to be sure you’re getting a good mix of nutrients and a good ratio of carbohydrates and protein while you’re lowering your fat content. Don’t just pay attention to calorie counts. Look at nutritional value as well.

Tips for Low Calorie Diet Success

  • carbohydratesCount nutrients as well as calories. Eat healthful foods, make sure you’re getting enough protein, and track your calories to make sure you’re getting enough.
  • Find out what your basic calorie requirement is and compare it to what you eat on an average day. (Using a nutrition calculator can help) This can help you figure out how many calories to cut down.
  • Look at low calorie weight loss foods and swap some out for some of your usual staples.
  • Add exercise into your day. Low calorie diet foods can help you lose weight.
  • Eat breakfast. This will start your metabolism up and help your body burn calories as well as help regulate your appetite.
  • Drink plenty of water. In addition to your low calorie diet foods, drink water as it will help fill you up and doesn’t contain any calories.
  • Eat small and frequent meals that contain low calorie foods throughout the day.

Some people try crash dieting and go too low with their low calorie diet. This is like setting yourself up for failure. Most people should be eating at least 1200-1500 calories per day and your size and lifestyle might suggest a higher caloric intake than most.

There are plenty of low calorie diet foods out there that can help you succeed.

Be vigilant about making informed dieting choices so that you can increase your chances of success without jeopardizing your health.

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Herbs For Weight Loss

Herbs for Weight Loss

congerdesign / Pixabay

Before considering herbs for weight loss  be extremely careful and read all about them..

Bad reactions and even fatalities have occurred when people used herbs for weight loss. This information however, has not been evaluated by a medical professional.

Ephedra, for example, was touted as a weight loss drug. Also known as Ma Huang, it is natural and sourced from nature.

It has been used for generations for multiple health purposes.

In 2004, the FDA banned selling it in supplements due to numerous Ephedra deaths.  Especially by those trying to use it for weight loss.

Caution is vital, do research on all herbs for weight loss you are considering.

Herbs That Could Help To Boost Your Metabolism

Herbs for WeightlossCayenne – This burns fat and boosts your metabolism.

Ginseng – Ginseng is often touted for its many anti aging and anti cancer benefits. Great for increasing  energy (excellent for endurance) and metabolism.

White, Wulong / Oolong, and Green Teas – Teas are great for digestion, fat burning, and metabolism and have a number of other health benefits as well.

Herbs for Weight LossAloe Vera – Aloe Vera is recognized as a weight loss herb. Aloe is great for the skin and building up weight loss vitamins in your body. It helps proteins and amino acids, with digestion, boosting your immune system, and regulates appetite.

Seaweed – Seaweed blocks fat. Research into this area is increasing all the time.

The great thing about many of the herbs mentioned here is that they’re not just good herbs for weight loss but many have other health and nutrition benefits as well. There isn’t a magic weight loss pill (not one that’s safe, anyway) but adding herbs to your efforts when trying to lose weight will definitely help.

Again, do your due diligence in researching herbs for weight loss before taking them.

Remember: Use caution when embarking on any new diet or health regimen.

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Benefits of Fasting – Does it outweigh the feelings of deprivation?

Benefits of Fasting

Gellinger / Pixabay

Have you wondered if the benefits of fasting outweigh the feelings of deprivation? Read on for helpful information about the benefits of fasting and various fasting tips.

Benefits of Fasting

Fasting isn’t new. In effect countless generations in various cultures use it as a way to heal, as a spiritual connection, and  prayer.

Fasting must be done only after careful consideration and research. Read on for some helpful info.

About Fasting

Fasting involves a period of not eating. There are several types of fasts. You might do a juice fast, which allows you to consume fruit and vegetable juices. You might refrain from food altogether and simply drink water during your fasting period.

There are also short fasting periods with no food and no water. Of course, dehydration fears prevent most people from embarking on a no food / no water fast for good reason. Hydration is very important and fasting without water is dangerous, depending on multiple factors.

Benefits of Fasting

The benefits of fasting are numerous, and include..

  • Giving your digestive system a break – This improves digestion substantially.
  • Detoxification – Your body holds toxins in fat cells. Fasting can help you use these stores as energy.
  • Enhanced healing / boosted immune system.
  • Jump starting your metabolism – A fast is a good way to avoid a plateau.
  • Possible increased lifespan – In many cultures where occasional fasting is done, the overall lifespan is, on average, longer than in areas where fasting is not typically practiced.

Our bodies work hard and the occasional fast will give your system a break allowing it to detoxify. When your body’s systems get a break from digesting, that energy will aid healing instead.

Fasting is done for a number of reasons, including spiritual as well as weight loss and healing. Occasional fasting has substantial health benefits.

If you’re considering fasting, it’s important that you weigh the benefits of fasting carefully against any health issues you have. People with medical conditions or a serious disease, must consult a physician before fasting.

How much fasting is safe and how often it can be done is a subject of debate.  Do research before fasting

There is a fine line between fasting and starvation so it’s important to be careful.

Many people find fasting extremely difficult but even an occasional one day fast could do good things for your health.

Whether you’re looking at doing fasting to lose weight, body cleansing, or for spiritual reasons, make sure you do further investigation before starting a fast. It will provide you with great benefits.


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Green Tea for Weight Loss

Green Tea for Weight Loss

Free-Photos / Pixabay

There are several ways that people use green tea for weight loss. Green tea consumption can help people boost their metabolism and has a plethora of other benefits as well. It continually gains recognition in the health and wellness community as well as the weight loss products community.

Green Tea for Weight Loss

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The Chinese have used green tea for thousands of years as a health elixir. And as a staple in their daily diets. It lowers the chance of several types of Cancers, lowers cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart disease. It has polyphenols and catechins and it can help with medical problems such as arthritic pain.

Many people who take green tea also find that they don’t get sick as often. Seems like it substantially boosts the immune system and lowers the effect of allergies.

Swap Green Tea for Coffee

Drinking green tea instead of coffee is a great start. Many who make this swap start to see noticeable weight loss quickly. Green tea also has a lot less caffeine than coffee so is a great evening drink alternative for those who enjoy hot and caffeinated beverages. For those who prefer cold drinks you can find green tea in iced tea products as well as in ginger ale and juices.

Take Green Tea Extract

Many weight loss products now contain green tea extract. You can take green tea supplements or find weight loss supplements that contain green tea among other items that are showing great success for fat burning and thermogenesis. It’s not always easy to drink several cups of green tea a day and for some, it’s an acquired taste so a supplement could be the best way to see the value of green tea for weight loss as you can get the right amount without effort.

There is a wide variety of different green tea available. You can buy tea bags and you can buy loose green tea. And of course, there are many supplements and powders on the market for ingestion. Green tea is even being included in beauty products for its anti-aging / antioxidant properties .

Using green tea for weight loss alone probably won’t show you major results if you have a lot of weight to lose. But it could contribute to overall weight loss and it has so many other health benefits that it makes sense to add it to your diet.

Another great tea for weight loss is white tea. All teas are botanical and green and white tea have the fewest processing, preserving the great ingredients that are so good for overall health and also for weight loss.

Green Tea for Weight Loss, make it part of your routine!.

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Colon Cleanse for Weight Loss – Does it Really Work?

Colon Cleanse Weight Loss

silviarita / Pixabay

If you do a colon cleanse, weight loss may be a wanted side effect. But it isn’t necessarily going to help you lose a whole lot of weight as the sole solution.

Once your colon is clean, you may notice up to five or ten pounds lost. And there are other benefits, such as reduced cravings, better digestion, and increased energy.Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is a great way to trim your mid-section quickly, especially if you’re feeling particularly bloated. It can help you with feelings of sluggishness.

This isn’t something that should generally be done for large amounts of weight loss because frankly, it isn’t enough to do on its own.

But those who do colon cleansing often notice a quick drop in weight and some other positive health benefits as well that could include a drastic reduction in junk food cravings, which can help with overall weight loss efforts.

The colon can hold a lot of compacted waste. This could equate to a few pounds or kilograms of weight loss. It stands to reason, then, that colon cleansing could equate to what looks like quick weight loss because cleansing can involve a lot of elimination in a short period of time.

Boost Your Metabolism

Removing toxins from the colon could be a great thing to do in preparation for losing weight. Not only might you see a slight drop in the number on the scale but it could also help you jump start efforts in the right direction because colon cleansing can help your metabolism receive a reset and / or restart.

When doing a colon cleanse, this is a great time to eat a clean diet. Not only will this help facilitate the removal of the bad stuff from your system and restart your metabolism. But it’ll improve your appetite and help with reducing unhealthy food cravings, as well.

Drink Up!

It’s vital that you adequately hydrate during a cleanse. A lot of elimination can lead to dehydration, particularly if you use the wrong sort of colon cleanser. Using a straight laxative is not a good idea. It’s better to use something specifically designed for cleansing, such as an oxygen based cleanser, rather than something that causes the colon to contract, increasing the potential of discomfort and of bowel tone loss. Research your options carefully before getting started.

Many dieters will try a colon cleanse to help with weight loss and while it can be a great way to rev up your digestive system so that it can process food easier, it’s not a cure-all. A safe occasional cleanse can be helpful and can promote optimum digestion as well as improve your immune system but this strategy should be a part of an overall weight loss strategy rather than the only thing you do differently. You’ll find some great options for colon cleansing as well as info on good foods to eat during a cleanse.

A Colon Cleanse if done right, is one way to lose weight. Try It!

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