Calorie Burning While Having Fun


Decrease the number of calories you take in in during the day and burn more calories by being active, and you surely will loose weight.
Make it fun to be active, and your success rate will increase even more. During the summer months enjoying the water and using it to your advantage not only is fun but it also works very well.

Using water resistance to exercise your muscles will put in motion muscles you did not even know you had!.

Activities such as Swimming, Diving, Rowing, Canoeing or snorkeling are but a few of the many summer options that use water resistance to tone your muscles.

Rowing and Sculling

Regardless of it being practiced outdoors on the water (sculling) or indoors in a gym (rowing machines), either one will produce impressive workout routines. Both develop the cardio vascular system. Muscle tone and definition will be visible in a short period of time.

Sculling is done using narrow and very fast boats. Using 2 oars and working either as a single unit or as part of a team. Additionally, it is a very rewarding outdoor activity that trains your core, arms, legs and anything in between!. Plus the added benefit of being an outdoor activity close to the water where the tranquilizing effect of the ozone in the water is very noticeable.

Rowing Machines use water resistance inside the unit and can produce intense workouts. Having the added benefits of year round workouts, plus the fact that both of these units train your entire body muscles, localized soreness is highly unlikely.


If you are looking for calorie burning activities. There are workouts that will burn the most calories while you are outdoors. How about a canoeing and camping  trip. Using a canoe will give you one of the best workouts. Burn between 450 calories and up to 700 calories per hour plus the fresh air you intake. Work your core, upper body, and build stamina. Much nicer than sitting in the gym. Add to it the camping activities and you will be working towards a great night of rest.

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

Scuba Diving and snorkeling, are very intensive routines. Burning over 1,000 calories per hour.  It has its drawbacks however. First of all you need specialized gear,  plus it is a learning process, best done in groups. A physicians approval prior to training is suggested. High rewards have drawbacks, yet it is a very good calorie burner.


Finally, swimming is a full body workout. A high calorie burning workout. Best of all, you only need a bathing suit and a towel!. Yet, for it to bee a true calorie burner it requires fast swimming. Hence, dunking like a tea bag in a cup wont cut it. If done properly, it will provide e very extensive muscle toning experience.

This is only a small sample of the many calorie burning activities that can be done in the summer months.

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Swimming For Fitness

Swimming is one of those fun workouts it’s gentle and yet develops strong muscles at the same time. There are many fitness benefits that swimming offers.

Do a Great Cardio Workout While Swimming.

Swimming requires a lot of energy and burns a lot of calories. When you swim, you need to move your whole body instead of just your legs or your arms. Swimming works your body and heart the same way any other cardio workout, such as dancing or running, would. So if you take up swimming for fitness, you will work your heart and boost your metabolism at the same time. To get the most out of swimming, it’s best to carry out interval training where you do high intensity sprint swimming alternated with easier workouts. This way you’ll push your body hard but will be able to do so for a longer period.

Swimming Is a Strength Training Workout.

Not only is swimming good for a cardio workout, swimming challenges the muscles all over your body and is great for increasing overall body strength. The water resistance you face while swimming forces your muscles to work harder – just like traditional forms of strength training. You’ll be able to gain some muscle and tone up your body at the same time. Swimming is also widely used as therapy. o strengthen injured muscles in athSletes. since the water resistance provides a good workout without giving stress to the injured body parts.

SwTimming for Fitness Is For Everybody!

The great thing about swimming is that everybody can do it and enjoy it. It’s suitable for every age group and fitness level. Yu can decide how hard to push yourself when you swim. Elderly people can benefit from swimming too. Since water gives good support to the body, they can stay fit without worrying about injuring their back or joints. It’s also a great activity for you to do with your family: you can have fun together and stay healthy at the same time. If you bring little kids along to the pool, though, be sure to always keep an eye on them to prevent any accidents.

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Working Out with Arthritis can be a challenge.

How to Properly Workout When You Have Arthritis

When you have arthritis, you need to exercise, but it can often be difficult to do when you are in pain or your joints feel stiff. Here are some tips for exercising and recommended types of workouts that can be helpful with this condition.

  • Try Conditioning Exercises

When working out with arthritis, you need to keep your body moving to avoid having severe pain, but you also need to be careful with the types of exercises you do. It is best not to do anything that requires over-using the joints that are causing you the most pain. Conditioning exercises get your body moving, blood pumping, and strengthen your muscles. They can also help to improve the health of your joints, but still remain gentle exercises. You may need to adjust some of the movements when doing Pilates or Yoga depending on the joints that hurt, for overall, they are an excellent option.

  • Walk, Don’t Run

Walking is a really good exercise if you have arthritis, but jogging and running usually isn’t. If you are already a runner, you may find that it doesn’t worsen your arthritis, but once it does, you need to stop immediately. Running can be really hard on your joints, particularly in your legs and hips, so if that is where most of your pain is, you should stick to slower walking. Only increase the speed and intensity as it feels most comfortable for you.

  • Go Swimming

You can also go swimming, which is extremely easy on all of your joints. In fact, many doctors will suggest swimming before other exercises if you have the ability to do so. If you don’t have a swimming pool at home, consider signing up for a local fitness center that has a swimming pool. Many of them do and will offer flexible hours for you to go swimming. Take a swimming class that is for seniors, since those are usually gentle enough for people with arthritis.

  • Stretch and Warm Up First

A very common mistake made by people working out with arthritis is going right into the exercise without stretching or warming up first. Your muscles need time to stretch and get working, so take your time warming up. Similar to warming up, you also need to remember to cool them down at the end of the workout.

Finally, make sure you always talk to your doctor before starting any new workout program.

Working Out with Arthritis can be difficult, using the right amount of exercise will improve your quality of life. Try it!

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Weight Loss and Fitness – How to benefit from both.

Weight Loss and Fitness

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If you’ve decided you want to lose some weight (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you’ve done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. You’ve probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that weight loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that’s what I’ll tell you now.

Something to think about.

If you want to lose weight, you first need to evaluate a few truths. The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. You can either chose to do no “extra” exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight, or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself. It’s also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This will cause you to actually gain weight instead of lose it.

The next fact is that a combination of water and oxygen leads to fat burning. Make sure that you are getting at least a half gallon of water every day. Your body will use this water when you exercise, and cause you to lose weight in a healthy way. Again, you must combine your water intake with some form of aerobic exercise (increased oxygen) for this to work. Choose something that you like and can do on a regular basis like Walking, biking, swimming, yard work, etc. As long as you get your heart rate up a little bit, it’s a good fat burning exercise.

Be consistent.

Finally, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their usual life.


In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment. Even after you lose the weight, in order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in. So, pick an activity that you enjoy (or that you don’t mind so much). Walking is one favorite. If you live in the city, you can actually walk part of the way to work, save on gym expenses, and not have to worry about finding time in your day to exercise. If not, no matter where you live, you can probably find the time to take a 20-minute brisk walk around your neighborhood. Bring a buddy along to keep you entertained and you’ll see that the time flies.

The connection between weight loss and fitness is too strong to ignore. So, pick your plan and stick with it for life.

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Swimming For Weight Loss

Swimming for weight loss is a very effective way to keep fit.

Swimming develops muscles that other exercise forms do not.

While swimming for weight loss isn’t as popular as some other weight loss exercises, it can be a really effective way to lose weight and get healthy. But not everyone who swims loses weight. Read on for some info and tips regarding swimming for weight loss:

It’s Good for Your Heart and Lungs

Swimming offers excellent cardiovascular benefits. It’s going to help you with balance, strength, muscle tone, and it even helps people get a better night’s sleep.

It Works Multiple Muscles

There are a variety of swimming exercises to help you work multiple muscle groups. You don’t have to spend all your time doing laps, either.

It’s Easier on Your Muscles

While you are working your whole body you are doing a lower impact exercise that’s going to burn calories but it’s not going to be as hard on your body as a land based workout. It can be especially useful for people who have joint problems.

It’s Fun

Swimming offers a fun way to work out and cool off in the hot weather and indoor pools offer a great way to stay active in cooler weather. There are some great aqua fit classes, too, that help you rev up efforts in swimming for weight loss. Many people have trouble sticking to a rigorous gym based exercise routine but a lot of people don’t need much coaxing to get them to go for a swim.

A Caution About Swimming for Weight Loss

Some studies point to swimming for weight loss being less effective than other exercise regimens. Some articles online point to the potential of people swimming in colder water having a more voracious appetite after a session, leading to weight gain. Keep in mind that while swimming is very healthy for your body over all, it’s not necessarily the absolute best way to lose weight. If you want to do swimming for weight loss, consider using it as part of a diverse exercise regimen. You’ll also want to also watch your caloric intake. You should consider integrating other activities into your routine as well, including walking and resistance training exercises, too.

After a swim, consider taking a sauna and drinking a warm beverage to help your core temperature increase, which can calm down the hunger. If you can swim in a heated pool, this can help as well as wearing a swim cap, which can help keep your head warmer.

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Calories Burned While Swimming

Calories Burned While Swimming

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How many calories burned while swimming? That depends. The amount of calories burned on activities depends on several factors. Treading water at a vigorous speed will double the calories burned when doing it at a moderate speed. And butterfly strokes are among the most rigorous swimming exercises as well. Casual movement in the water is going to have a minimal burn versus laps, of course.

Keep in mind that calculators often denote the caloric burn in a one hour period. To sustain rigorous swimming activities over a one hour period is unlikely. Hence to base your goal on entire calories burned while swimming one hour is unreal.

Why should you track calories burned?

If you’ve got weight loss goals, tracking calories burned swimming and doing other activities can help you reach a specific goal. Tracking calories consumed and calories burned can give you a good idea of whether or not you’re on track for your weight loss and fitness goals. Calculating things helps you be accountable.

Are You getting the right number of calories for weight loss?

Not everyone has the same metabolism. Your age, weight, and gender will have a major impact on how many calories you burn during various exercises. Men have a bigger need for calories than women and men seem to lose weight faster, too. Be sure to find out what your recommended caloric intake is so that you have a better chance of setting realistic and healthy goals.

Suggestions for maximizing the results of swimming for weight loss:

Swimming isn’t necessarily the fastest way to burn calories. Some say that swimming for weight loss is less than ideal if you’re not doing other exercises, too, and not doing careful calculations on calories taken in as well.

Swimming is known for increasing appetite, especially if you swim in cooler water, so it’s wise to carefully monitor what you eat to make sure that you don’t undo all the calories burnt.

In conclusion:

• Taking an aqua fit class, doing laps, and having fun on a regular basis in the water is a great idea as part of your efforts to be fit and to lose weight or maintain weight loss you’ve achieved.
• Increase your chances of success by tracking calories burned.

Swimming can be beneficial for other aspects of your health beyond weight loss too. It can help you with muscle tone, strength, balance, and help you strengthen your heart and lungs.

Finally, knowing how many  Calories Burned While Swimming is not as important as how much benefit you are getting out of it.


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Exercise Bike Workout Tips

Exercise Bike Workout

midoalone / Pixabay


 Do you want an effective exercise bike workout?

Here are some tips for you.

Pick a Good Exercise Bike

To begin with, there are quite a few different exercise bikes on the market. You’ll find inexpensive mini bikes and larger and more expensive bikes as well as recumbent bikes. Look at product reviews of exercise bikes to help you choose a good one. Look at models that show you distance traveled, calories burned, and if possible, one that measures your heart rate, too.

Use it Regularly

Many people buy an exercise bike with the goal of regularly doing exercise bike workout routines but the bike winds up sitting in a corner, collecting dust or being used as a clothes horse. Consider whether you’re really going to use it or not. If you aren’t sure that you are, consider buying an alternate piece of workout equipment or better yet – join a gym so you’ll have access to a wide variety of exercise equipment. If you think you’ll use it 2-3 times a week, it could be a good investment

Track Your Progress

Because setting goals is a good way to make sure you get the most out of y our exercise bike workout routines. Hence consider keeping a running total of the amount of calories burned and / or the amount of distance traveled on your workouts. Most models will provide you with a display that tells you these things. If you make it a goal to increase calories burnt or distance traveled weekly, you could see and feel great results from your exercise bike workouts.

Tips to Stay Interested

It can get boring to sit on a stationary bike and stare at the same wall. Make sure you vary your routine to keep your exercise bike workout interesting:

• Move the bike. Move it in front of a window, in front of a tv, etc. You might even want to move it in front of your computer so you can do other things while you exercise on the bike.

• Take it outside. If you can have an indoor exercise bike for workouts and buy a bicycle to do outdoor workouts, even better.

• Take a spin class. Exercise bike workouts in spin classes mimic outdoor conditions and add a great deal of intensity to exercise bike workouts. This could be a good start before you invest in a stationary bike for your home, too.

• Mix it up. If every single workout involves a stationary bike, you’ll have a greater chance of getting bored. Find alternate cardio exercises to blend in with your exercise bike workouts. Consider walking, running, swimming, and aerobics classes, too. Adding strength training to your regimen is a smart idea, too.

In conclusion, use the Exercise Bike Workout Tips offered above and you will see results.

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Love Handle Exercises

If you are wanting to get rid of your love handles, it can certainly be done by implementing a great exercise regimen.

Here are some simple and effective love handle exercises to add into your exercise repertoire.


Add walking, running, cycling, aerobics exercises, and so on. The best way to burn fat is to do cardio on a regular basis.


Love Handle ExercisesVarious Pilates love handle exercises are great for working the obliques and tone your muscles. Making your sides look better and smaller.

One simple but effective love handles Pilates exercise involves sitting on the floor with your feet wide apart and doing a seated twist.

Hold your arms straight out at your sides with palms down and slowly twist as far as you can one way so that your one arm moves to your front and then twist slowly the other way, too so that the other arm moves to the front. You’ll feel the twisting motion in your sides.


Regular crunches do good things for your abs but some crunches are especially helpful for love handles. Elbow to knee crunches are great love handle exercises and they work the obliques. You can use a stability ball for many love handle exercises, too.

Side Bends

Side bridge bends can be an effective love handles exercise but are difficult on their own. Using a stability ball makes it a bit easier.

Tip: Use hand weights while doing side bends to help with the intensity of the love handles exercises.


Swimming is an invigorating workout that works great for the whole body. Laps can work well, the side stroke as well and many people find that aqua fit classes help them tone up all over.

Leg Flutters

This exercise involves a sort-of dry land swimming and involves lying on your tummy and lifting your arms and legs up off the floor.

This helps strengthen your stomach and your back therefore, it and can help you eliminate excess fat around your midsection.

Weight Lifting

It might sound like weight lifting builds muscles in your arms more than anything, but strength training exercises can do great things for your whole body.

Hence, it is a great way to burn fat anywhere and everywhere you’ve got extra.. such as those stubborn love handles.

Consider counting calories and ensuring that you work out regularly and you’ll lose inches all over. Love handle exercises can help as that midsection might be stubborn. Do your best to eliminate stress, reduce salt, and increase your water intake and you will enhance results.

Finally, with regular work, Love Handle Exercises will reduce your waistline.

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Aerobics Exercises – A Fun Way To Lose Weight

Aerobics Exercises

janeb13 / Pixabay

Aerobics exercises help you oxygenate and this type of exercise is a versatile way to lose weight and get fit. To start with, there are so many different options. Take a class with other women and do aerobics together. Or exercise from the privacy of your home with aerobics exercise videos or home exercise equipment. Join the gym and use their equipment, or simply start getting active in your own neighborhood. You could also do a little bit of all of the above.

Choose from many different aerobics exercises  so you will not get bored. Aerobics exercises offer you a great way to work out doing different routines, keeping you interested and motivated.

Since many workouts can be boring and repetitive after a few times. The variety of aerobics exercise options however, offer many different methods to lose weight.

In addition to get your heart pumping, help you burn calories, and tone muscles.  Other added benefits are, reducing risk of heart disease, lowering your blood pressure, better managing blood sugar issues, helping improve digestive function, and more.

Examples of exercises that might be in your aerobic routines:

Aerobics Exercises – A Fun Way To Lose Weight

sasint / Pixabay

  • Walking, hiking, running
  • Swimming, water aerobics
  • Aerobics classes
  • Boxing and kick boxing
  • Rowing
  • Jumping jacks
  • Jumping with a jump rope
  • Skiing
  • Plyometric Training
  • Dancing

It’s clear that there are many options to choose from and not all of them are for beginners but even if you start off with low impact and a small amount of aerobics exercises several times a week, you’ll be doing great things for your health.

Whether you take a class for aerobics exercises or just strive to get moving every day. You’ll start to see a difference in the number on the scale, how well your clothing fits, and in your endurance levels. Start off with low impact activity and find that within a few weeks of working out a few times a week, you’ve got more stamina and more energy.

Don’t start off planning to run a marathon. If you’ve got health issues, you probably will want to speak with your doctor before embarking on an aggressive workout plan. Start off small with ten minute intervals of exercise.

Finally, keep looking at different options to keep aerobics exercises as diverse as possible and you’ll soon see and feel the difference.


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