Exercising for Weight Loss

Exercising Correctly to Reach Your Ideal Weight.

Do you have to exercise for weight loss? There seem to be conflicting opinions on this. But most would agree that a combination of eating right and exercise is the best approach to losing weight.

You can compare our bodies to very fine tuned machines that use whatever we put into them to operate. If we put junk into our bodies, we can still go on, but not in the most optimized fashion. In a nutshell, our bodies run on blood sugar (glucose).

Exercise plays an important role because it leads to a depletion of blood sugar in our blood stream which then causes fat cells to release fat to replace it. Our body then uses this fat for energy instead of just storing it. And that’s how exercise for weight loss fits in.

There are a couple of myths that need to be dispelled right away:

1. Exercise means going to the gym every day for at least an hour (or something similar)

2. You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want and then exercise to make it go away.

Let’s start with the first one. In order to be effective, exercise must be performed regularly. If you honestly believe that you can go to the gym every single day to work out for an hour, then that’s fine. Most people find this a stretch. But they feel that it must be done.

Exercising Routines

So, they will dive into their exercise routine for a week or two and then get completely burned out and quit. Wrong. Your exercise routine should consist of doing something that you enjoy in a consistent fashion. Does it have to be every day? No. But it must be something that you can stick to regularly (three to five times a week is something to shoot for).

You should try to get a combination of aerobic (cardiovascular) exercise which gets your heart rate up and muscle building workouts such as weight lifting. Exercise burns calories and speeds up your metabolism.

While exercise will make you hungrier, it shouldn’t be an excuse to eat the wrong kinds of foods all the time. How often do you hear people say “Well, I’ll eat this piece of pie and work it off later”? That’s fine occasionally and you can afford to splurge every once in a while when you maintain a consistent activity routine.

Eat Healthy Foods

But what you put into your body is even more important if you are exercising. The right foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein, fatty fish, etc.) will give you more energy and keep you feeling good. The wrong types of foods (excess fats, processed foods, too much sugar, etc.) will only inhibit the effectiveness of your exercise and weight loss plan.

Exercising for weight loss will get you the results you are looking for: a slimmer you for life.

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Balanced Diet Plans – Make One That Works for You.

When people hear the word diet, they often times respond with an eye roll and an accompanying moan. The general idea of a healthy diet is associated with feelings of deprivation and ultimately no fun. However, despite the pain associated with giving up guilty pleasures and choosing nutritious options, these balanced diet plans are actually quite beneficial for your body.

Develop several healthy diet plans to reach your fitness goals. Despite the necessity, there is still a need to achieve balance while changing your diet. If you are seriously considering making a total health change, it’s imperative that you develop a few personal tips to help you remain balanced.

1. Have a Cheat Day

Many fitness experts allow themselves one cheat day a week to satisfy their cravings and keep them happy. Cheat days are beneficial because they give your body a break without over-indulging. Perhaps schedule one cheat day out of the week where you eat all of the foods you absolutely love. This balanced approach will make you feel less deprived without sacrificing your progress.

2. Do it Gradually

When beginning a healthy routine, many people tend to get excited and immediately switch their diet completely. This involves 100% conversion from what you were originally accustomed to tasting into something different. The problem with this mentality is that often times people feel trapped by their own decisions.

Cutting out bad foods cold turkey can leave you with pesky cravings and can eventually lead to binge eating. As opposed to completely changing your diet, why not replace one meal a day with something healthy. This gives you an opportunity to find what you like and slowly ease into your new routine.

3. Find Healthy Food Alternatives

The internet is full of healthy eating alternatives for classic favorites. Pasta made from squash and baked fruits are delicious. Instead of confining your diet, embrace creativity! Explore various flavors, spices, and textures when cooking. Meals from other countries like India and Greece are flavorful options that give your diet variety. Make the process pleasing by switching it up.

4. Reward Yourself

When completing your healthy living journey, never forget to reward yourself for hard work. This could come in the form of a cheat day or even a tasty treat to praise your endurance. This will keep you balanced and make you want to continue eating healthy. Reward yourself with honest praises, moments of self-care, and self-gratitude.

5. Remember why you Created These Balanced Diet Plans in the First Place

Often times, people pursue lifestyle changes in order to fit into a dress or achieve a specific look. However, there are valuable health benefits associated with developing a healthy lifestyle. The risk of disease is lessened, energy is restored, and overall vitality is increased.

When you consider these factors as the reason why you are changing your diet, you will be more likely to stick with it. Search out the positive aspects of your diet and reflect on how it is enhancing your health. This will help you to envision all of the good things you are doing for your body.

It is possible to enjoy life while pursuing healthy and balanced diet plans. Although perceived as difficult, simply shifting your perception towards healthy eating will make a huge difference. By doing so, you will find more joy in your process and stick with your fitness goals!

healthy diet


Diet Plan





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Tighten Your Skin the Natural Way.

Tighten Your Skin

People have been interested in the benefits of anti-aging for many years. There are natural ways to improve the skin and promote a youthful appearance. If you are interested in natural anti-aging, you have probably come across recommendations for tightening your skin, often with homemade products.

The following sections will provide a good number of ways you can use in your daily life to start tightening your skin naturally and easily, often with ingredients you already have in your home.

1. To tighten your skin, try an Egg White Mask

The first option is to use egg whites, which are found in many DIY face masks, especially those meant to promote healthy and youthful skin.

Why egg whites?

Egg whites are a natural source for essential nutrients and albumin protein. This is what improves the elasticity and tightens the skin. As the skin cells begin to rebuild, the skin on the neck and face looks younger and achieves a natural glow. The hydro lipids contained in egg whites lift and tighten loose skin. Toxins and free radicals are removed by the riboflavin, and this is what causes wrinkles, fine lines and damage to the skin.

Start with two eggs and separate the whites. Whisk the whites until the texture is foamy and use a cotton ball to apply to your troubling skin areas. Leave the mixture on the skin for twenty minutes before washing it away with cool water. Repeat this procedure twice weekly for radiant and firm skin.

Every second application, add a tablespoon of plain yogurt to the eggs white before whisking. Apply to the skin in the same way, but this time, leave the mixture on for thirty minutes. Thoroughly rinse off the mixture with cool water, then dry the skin. This will provide additional nutrients to tighten the skin.

An effective face mask can be made by mixing one egg white and two tablespoons of honey. Honey naturally rejuvenates and moistens skin cells. Apply the mask to the face and leave it on for twenty minutes before rinsing it off with cool water. You can repeat this a few times a month, or as needed.

When you start using this mask, you will notice that the egg white will tighten the pores, yogurt provides moisture and sugar exfoliates. This makes this a sensational method of tightening the skin, cleansing, moisturizing, and reducing the signs of aging. Whisk together one egg white, one tablespoon of yogurt and 1/8 teaspoon sugar. Apply the mixture to your skin, then wait until it is completely dry, and rinse off with cool water.

Fuller’s earth stimulates the circulation of the blood by removing any excess oil. The combination of two tablespoons fuller’s earth, one egg white and one tablespoon of honey not only tightens the skin, it makes skin beautiful. Spread the mixture on the skin, preferably your facial and neck skin, then leave for twenty minutes. Then rinse it off with lukewarm water and repeat twice each week.

Gram flour will tighten the skin. Mix one eggs white and a pinch of gram flour until a fine paste has formed. Apply the mixture to your skin as a mask, allowing it to try. Rinse it off with cool water after completely dry. This will also help eliminate any sagging skin on the neck.

2. Add Lemon to DIY Skin Care

The stringent property of the lemon can slow down the signs of premature aging by tightening the skin. Lemon is also high in vitamin C, and this restores elasticity to the skin by boosting the production of collagen.

Squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon, then gently rub the juice onto your problem skin areas. Wait for 7-10 minutes before rinsing it off with water. This can be done more than once a day, just remember to moisturize afterward to replenish the hydration in your skin. If the skin is sensitive or dry, use a cup of cold water to dilute a half-cup of lemon juice.

Want to Try a Different Fruit?

While lemons are great for these DIY skin care products, they are definitely not your only option. You can also try using bananas.

Bananas are high in vitamins and essential minerals that moisturize and smooth the skin and are effective in decreasing a lemon’s acidic nature. Squeeze a few drops from a lemon onto a mashed banana and mix it well. Spread the mixture onto your skin where you want a more youthful appearance, then wait fifteen minutes before washing it off with water. This should be repeated twice each week.

Add Some Castor Oil

Castor oil enhances the production of elastin and collagen so the skin is kept smooth and firm. Mix two tablespoons of castor oil and one teaspoon lemon juice well. Use circular, upward motions to massage the mixture into the skin for a few minutes. Leave the mixture on overnight, then remove in the morning with lukewarm water. Follow this with cool water.

Honey will naturally tighten the skin with anti-aging and hydrating properties. Mix a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil with three teaspoons of honey. Apply the mixture to your skin for a few minutes. Use warm water to rinse off the mixture, then repeat the process 1-2 times a day or as needed.

3. Soothe Your Skin with Natural Ingredients

There are also some other natural ingredients that can be used for your anti-aging, particularly with tightening your skin to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Here is a rundown of those products:

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is high in vitamin E, phytochemicals and malic acid. This tightens the skin by improving the elasticity. Aloe vera will additionally moisturize, protect and nourish the skin.

Extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf and rub it on your skin. After twenty minutes, use lukewarm water to wash the skin. Repeat the process several times each week until the skin starts to tighten.

Mix one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, one tablespoon of mayonnaise and one teaspoon of honey until it forms a fine paste. Apply to your skin, and leave on for twenty minutes. Use warm water, then cold water to wash the skin, then repeat once each week.


Cucumber is a natural way to tighten saggy and loose skin. The cucumber is a natural toner for the skin and helps to rejuvenate and refresh the skin.

Grind one-half of a cucumber, then use a strainer to squeeze out the juice. Spread the fresh juice on the neck and face, letting your skin dry completely afterward. Use cool water to rinse off the juice, then repeat the procedure once each day until the skin is tight.

Stir one tablespoon of grated cucumber and one tablespoon of plain yogurt until mixed. Spread the mixture on the neck and face, then leave it on for a few minutes to soak into your skin. Use lukewarm water to wash off the mixture, then repeat several times each week.

Use two tablespoons of cucumber juice, three to five drops of vitamin E oil and an egg white to make a face mask. Spread on the neck and face, then remove with cool water after fifteen minutes. Use the mask once each week.

Make a smooth paste using one-half cup of a peeled and chopped cucumber, one-half cup avocado, two tablespoons of powdered milk and one egg white. Place in the refrigerator for an hour, then apply to the neck and face. After thirty minutes, rinse with warm water, then use cool water to splash the neck and face.

4. Treat Your Skin to Florals

You can also try florals on your skin with different forms of rose. This is one of the best florals for skin tightening and rejuvenation in a more natural way.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil has antioxidants that enhance fibroblasts and improve the circulation of the blood. This will improve the elasticity of the skin and help slow the aging process. Peel and grind half of a cucumber until it becomes liquid and smooth. Add a tablespoon of rosemary oil and mix it well. Apply the mixture to the neck and face and leave for fifteen minutes. Use water to rinse off and repeat the process twice each week.

Oil Massage

When skin is massaged on a regular basis with natural oils, it becomes tighter, softer, more moisturized and smoother. The best oils to use to tighten saggy and loose skin are natural jojoba oil, vitamin E oil, olive oil, primrose oil, almond oil, mustard oil, grapeseed oil, fish oil, coconut oil, argan oil and avocado oil.

Begin by warming a little natural oil slightly in a double boiler or microwave. Spread it over the neck and face before going to bed, and massage in a gentle circular motion for fifteen minutes. In the morning rinse the area with lukewarm, then cool water so the pores in the skin will close. Repeat the process nightly before bed.

Rose Water

Rose water contains a natural astringent that will tighten and tone loose skin, and maintain skin with a clear and healthy glow. Use rose water all over the neck and face before going to bed. As the night passes, the rosewater will help in the prevention of aging, and tighten the pores within the skin. Rinse with cool water in the morning to tighten sagging skin.

Mix a cup of rose water with seven drops of almond oil, one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and one teaspoon of witch hazel. Mix it well, then smooth over the neck and face. After twenty minutes, use cool water to rinse off the mixture.

5. Use Foods and Spices to Achieve that Healthy Look

In addition to what you use on your skin, there are some foods you can either eat or put directly onto your skin. These foods are not for eating, but for creating nice skin care masks.


Cinnamon will tighten sagging skin because it accelerates collagen production. Mix one teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of turmeric powder and one-half teaspoon of salt or sugar in a bowl. Mix in olive oil until the mixture forms into a fine paste, the scrub the neck and face for a few minutes. Use lukewarm water to remove the mixture, then repeat the process once each week. This will help to tighten the skin.


Strawberries are incredibly beneficial to the skin because they work as a astringent, have a high content of antioxidants and vitamin C, and increase the collagen fiber production. This helps the skin stay firm and smooth. Strawberries also contain alpha hydroxyl acids, and this will decrease the appearance of aging in the skin.

Mash two to three ripe strawberries thoroughly. Mix in two teaspoons of yogurt and two teaspoons of honey until the mixture forms a fine paste. Apply to the neck and face and leave on for ten minutes. Use lukewarm water to rinse, then cool water, finally patting the skin dry. The process should be repeated each day until the sagging skin has tightened. When strawberries are added to the daily intake, skin will attain a natural glow, and tighten even more.

Papaya and Rice Flour for a tighter skin

Papaya contains papain enzyme and vitamin E which promote the firmness and elasticity of the skin by increasing the production of collagen. This combination is effective in healing any inflammatory issues and regenerating the skin. The pigmentation is lessened, giving the skin a more even tone and a nice glow aside of being a great way to tighten your skin..

Mash a ripe papaya in a bowl until it is soft and fine. Add in two tablespoons raw honey and one-quarter cup rice flour. Continue mixing until it has formed a fine paste, then apply on the neck and face. Leave on for twenty minutes, then use lukewarm water to rinse off the mixture. Pat the skin dry, then repeat the process each week until the sagging skin has tightened and firmed.


Cabbage contains vitamins C, B and A, phosphorus and potassium. This will help in the prevention of loose facial skin. Grind three cabbage leaves, then mix in a few drops of almond oil and two tablespoons rice flour. Stir well, then apply to the neck and face. After the mixture has dried naturally, rinse the skin with tepid water.

Besan and Curd

Besan removes dead skin by exfoliating the skin, and also removes zits. This will brighten the tone and complexion of the skin. Curd has nourishing and moisturizing properties, tightens the skin, improves the circulation of the blood, and removes aging and dullness.

Mix one teaspoon of besan, and one teaspoon of curd until a fine paste forms. Apply a thick layer to the face, and let it dry naturally. Use water to rinse off the mixture, and regular usage of this procedure will make a tremendous difference in the quality of the skin.

Contact Us for more information on this and other natural skin care ideas.


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Essential Oils and Weight Loss Share a Symbiotic Relationship

Essential oils and weight loss contribute to a better quality of life

Essential oils are available to buy in many supermarkets, beauty stores and health food shops. Whether you’ve been using them for a while and want to know what the real benefits are, or you’re considering using them and you want to know why they’re so good – here are some of the benefits you’ll experience when using essential oils.

Essential oils help you  sleep better and lose weight

There are various types of essential oils, and all of them come from different plants. One of the most popular essential oils is lavender oil. While it can be used to bring scent to your home or even used as a massage oil, one of the main benefits of lavender oil is the way it is able to help people sleep more easily.

Losing weight improves the quality of sleep. Why not benefit from both?

Hence it is conductive to a positive frame of mind. Just one way essential oils and weight loss are connected.

Ease joint aches and allow you to be more active

Essential oils are often used for massage, but even if you’re not able to have a full massage from a masseuse, you can use the oils to help ease any pains you may be experiencing. Many people have reported positive effects when rubbing essential oils gently onto the affected area. You should try a little bit of the oil on an area of your skin before applying to the whole area.

Oils are anti-inflammatory reducing downtime between exercise sessions

If you don’t like the idea of taking conventional pills in order to reduce inflammation, you can try essential oils to see if you have some good results. This is one of the main benefits of essential oils,use them to prevent inflammation occurring in the first place.

They help improve your mood which sets your frame of mind in a positive way

Many health professionals will recommend using essential oils while enjoying a bath, reading a book, relaxing after a long day at work or a strenuous workout. This is because they are great at relaxing your mood and helping you to feel better. Use them around the house to give off  scent. It improves your mood.

Essential oils re natural

One of the main reasons why people choose essential oils over other products is because they are natural. Essential oils come from plants such as lavender and peppermint, therefore have less chemicals.

In conclusion, essential oils and weight loss share a symbiotic relationship. One helps the other reach a state of ataraxis. That sense of complete wellness.







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Vegetarian Protein Sources – A Healthy Meat Alternative


If you are seriously thinking about becoming a vegetarian, don’t worry, you don’t have to struggle to get adequate protein. What is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is someone who leaves out fish and meat – sometimes even animal byproducts from their diet for religious, moral, or health reasons. But the thing is, protein is the absolute key for maintaining your muscles and keeping them strong. Protein, too, is the macronutrient you need when you are dieting because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. People also wonder where vegetarians actually get their proteins from. According to Dietary Guidelines, men need to get 56 grams of protein a day and women need 46 grams of protein a day. This depends on your activity levels, age, and a few other factors though. Let’s take a look at some great high protein vegetarian-type foods that vegetarians can add to their diets:


1. Greek yogurt,  is it a vegetarian Protein Source?

While  yogurt and  cottage cheese are of dairy origin. Generally it is considered a vegetarian source.

23 grams of protein per cup.

How delicious is Greek yogurt? Add it to smoothies and layer it with delicious fruit and granola. Or use it like sour cream for your dips and tacos. Not only plenty of protein, but Greek yogurt also contains probiotics to keep your gut healthy.


2. Lentils

9 grams of protein per ½- cup (cooked)

Lentils are truly packed with protein and also offer you essential fiber which is so good for your heart. Hence, lentils give you that full-feeling and keep your weight in check.


3. Chia seeds

3 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Chia seeds are nutrient-dense, delivering protein, plenty of fiber and omega-3. Chia seeds can also be blended into smoothies. Additionally, try a delicious chia seed jam to eat with your toast.


Best Vegetable Protein Sources


4. Quinoa, the Super Vegetarian Protein Source.

8 grams of protein per cup (cooked)

This one you don’t want to do without because as a protein, it actually contains all nine essential amino acids. That makes it a complete protein which other plant-based proteins aren’t. Just a cup of quinoa gives you 5 grams of fiber too.


Apart from all that filling protein, quinoa is very rich in phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, thiamine, and folate. And for those who always look out for gluten-free foods, quinoa comes out with full marks.


5. Cottage cheese

14 grams of protein per ½-cup

Cottage cheese is delicious on healthy whole-wheat biscuits. It also works so well as a dip or you can even add fruit to it. But on top of that, it’s good for you!


OK, it is a bit higher in sodium than Greek yogurt is, so you need to bare that in mind if you need to watch your salt intake.


6. Hemp Seeds

4 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Not only are hemp seed an excellent source of protein, but they provide plenty of omega-3. They are also delicious sprinkled over smoothies.


7. Beans, such as black beans, chickpeas, etc.

8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup (cooked)

Just like lentils, beans also deliver plenty of fiber and are ideal to add to dips, soups, and salads.


8. Edamame

5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup (shelled)

Never heard of edamame? Well, they are actually green soybeans, and you often find them on the sushi restaurant menus.  You buy them either in their shells or shelled – add to salads, stir-fries and grain bowls.


9. Green Peas

8 grams of protein per cup

A lot of us don’t really know that peas are a protein source, but they are. Green pea soup is just too delicious for words and very healthy. They are also ideal for side dishes, or added to salads, etc.


10. Peanut Butter

7 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons

Peanut butter and peanuts are packed with protein, good fat, and fiber. That’s a winning combination if you are talking good health! Peanut butter is so delicious that apart from eating it on toast, it is ideal for smoothies too, let alone dunking a spoon in and eating it just like it is.


11. Almonds

6 grams of protein per ounce

Almonds are also packed with protein, fat, and fiber. Almonds are a wonderful vegetarian option to keep hunger pangs at bay. They are filling as a snack, or they can be added to salads or you can make almond butter with them.


12. Eggs

6 grams of protein per large egg

Eggs are just too delicious, and many people want to eat them much more than just for breakfast. Previously eggs had a bad reputation because they are high in cholesterol but, eating cholesterol doesn’t raise your cholesterol.


Egg yolks are extremely nutrient-rich, delivering protein, antioxidants and vitamins.


Finally, try these great vegetarian protein sources for losing weight and maintaining your health.


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Low Calorie Diets are they Good for You?

Throughout this year, we see low calorie diets advertised as the answer to our weight loss problems. Virtually everybody has been on a diet at any time in their lives. Whether trying to lose weight, allergies, or lifestyle that is changing.

Some diets are not necessarily the best options. We frequently hear information against diets. What’s the problem with those diets and why are we so frequently advised against following them?

What are very low calorie diets?

There is A diet a diet plan that guides you to eat a number of calories. This is different to a diet that computes the number of calories your body needs. Low calorie diets limit the number calories daily for every single user. Hence, it doesn’t account for weight, someone ‘s age or sex.

Which are the problems with these diets?

Many folks don’t need to be after having a low-carb diet. Aside from feeling bloated and tired, you could encounter health issues as a outcome.

Diets may slow down your metabolism, therefore having the reverse of the effect for those who are trying to change a few pounds. As opposed to shedding the extra weight, your body will try hard to maintain it, believing that it might be at the point of becoming starved.

Which side effects are common as a result of  low calorie diets?

Those on a low-calorie diet have often reported experiencing fatigue and fatigue. Following a low-calorie diet for a prolonged time period (6 weeks or more ) can result in chronic fatigue which takes much longer to cure.

Are nausea and constipation. This can be associated with the type of food, and also both the very low level of intake which you’re consuming.

In order to receive as much as possible from their restricted calorie allowance people on diets eat a great deal of the foods.  Too much fruit, by way of example, may cause stomach pains and nausea.

Therefore remember that your body needs nourishment from all food types to stay healthy.

And that should be your ultimate goal.

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Healthy Weight Loss – How Much Weight is Safe to Lose in a Month?

When our mindset is right and we are determined to lose weight–be it for health reasons or to look good, we often get impatient.

We want to see results immediately and get frustrated otherwise.

However slow and steady is the way to keep weight off long-term.

Actually, studies show that when we lose weight slowly, there are fewer health risks. Despite recent studies that show that rapid weight loss is just as good as slow weight loss.

Long term plans work best.

Evidence shows that unless in imminent danger to someone’s life, a consistent long term plan works best.

Look at the famed Dr. Now on My 600 lb. Life. Even though his clients are morbidly obese, in order to get gastrostomy surgery, they need to drastically cut down on their calories and drastically cut down on their weight to start transforming their lives and go under the knife.

The secret is keeping the weight off, permanently

Many experts say that losing 1-2 pounds a week is a healthy and safe rate. Losing more than that is dangerous.

It will put you at risk of developing certain health problems. These can be losing too much muscle, nutritional deficiencies, gallstones, and a drop in metabolism too

If you are starting to diet and exercise, you might lose more than 2 pounds in your first week. That’s OK because that’s the initial dieting period. The body gets a ‘shock’ from less food and more exercise – and you lose a lot of water weight.

When this happens, your body will start to dip into its energy store which is known as glycogen. The glycogen gets burned for fuel and the body releases the water.
You will experience a major drop in weight at first in your first week. Once your body has used up the glycogen stores, your weight might start stabilizing at losing around a pound or 2 a week.

Most people who start “crash diets” usually regain half their weight back in a year

Usually, after 3-5 years, they have regained all their weight. Ouch! It’s the reason that experts suggest losing weight at a slower, steadier pace.
If you are losing weight at a slower, steadier pace, it might be because you are following a kind of lifestyle diet; eating more fruit and veggies and holding back on the sugar-sweet beverages.

Look at some great diets. When you follow these type of diets, you usually keep the weight off long-term.
Again, there are other studies which show that rapid weight loss can be just as effective, even for the long-term as well.

However, these ‘successful’ studies are people on rapid weight loss diets who had ongoing support from dieticians and doctors during the weight-loss study.

Research also shows that when you have support from health professionals, you will experience long-term weight loss success. It is just that this is unlikely to happen with a person at home who does not have a constant dietician and doctor supervision where the rapid weight loss diet would be successful.

Go slow

There are great tips to help you lose weight at a healthy pace. Slow weight loss might not sound as attractive as fast weight loss, but there are some healthy ways you can speed up your safe weight loss program like eating more protein.

Healthy Weight Loss takes time, make it work you!

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Burning Calories – Your Pathway to Wellness

We all know that the best way to burn calories is by eating less and by exercising more. However, when you are trying to diet, every calorie burned counts. Because of this, it is useful to try and find extra ways to burn a few calories here and there. Here is a list of a few everyday activities that can help you burn some extra calories.

You should note that these activities won’t burn a ton of calories, but as was already stated, every little bit helps when you are dieting.

Drink Cold Water

Cold water is one of the most underrated dieting aids out there. Not only does it help suppress appetite, but it can actually allow you to burn more calories. Drinking the water doesn’t burn more calories, but cold water  speeds up your metabolism. The sped-up metabolism leads to more calories burned.

Make Yourself a Bit Colder

Studies have also consistently shown that exposing yourself to colder temperatures does result in more burned calories. Why exactly? Well, it seems that your body is forced to use more energy to keep itself warm, which requires your body to burn more calories as fuel. We aren’t saying to go jump head first into the snow naked, but it may be something to consider next time you to go to jack up the heat during the winter.

Go Shopping

Shopping is a surprisingly good activity for burning calories. If you walk around a very big store or a mall for a long time, you burn a shocking number of calories, even if you are just walking a leisurely pace. So, next time you sit down to binge watch a show or go to do some other hobby, why not take a shopping trip instead? Even if you don’t buy anything, your body will thank you.


Cleaning your house is never fun. In fact, it’s such the opposite of fun, that people actually pay to get their house cleaned. However, cleaning your house can actually be a pretty good way to burn some calories. How many calories exactly? Well, for light cleaning jobs like dusting putting things away, etc., you can burn over 150 calories per hour of cleaning. For tougher cleaning jobs, like scrubbing floors and walls, you can end up burning close to 200 calories per hour.

In conclusion, Burning Calories will keep you healthy and on the way to Wellness. Try It!

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Food Temptation – What to Contend With When Losing Weight

Following a weight loss program faithfully, doing all the required exercises, watching your diet, and feeling great. Then suddenly temptation stares at you right in the face: a delicious pastry, some cake, or ice-cream. Obviously, ignoring such temptations is not easy, it requires willpower and strong resolve. And even then, it may not be enough.

Here are some ways to help you battle and win against cravings during weight loss:

How to minimize food temptation

Cravings are usually strong only because we give them the power in our mind. We all know that when we cannot have something, we want it more.
Whenever we have a craving, minimize the intensity of wanting it by seeing what it has done to you. Think and visualize yourself in front of the mirror. Do you really want to do that to yourself?” This approach works well, it will reduce the intensity of the craving once you see the real damage it will do to your weight loss program.

Focus on your long-term weight loss goals

It is easy to control your temptation by reminding yourself of your long-term goals, and how the temptation will set you back. You really want to shed pounds and be healthier. Fit into that clothing that is currently a couple of sizes small. And feel much better about your body. Once you do that, you will conclude that it is not worth slowing your progress.
Hence it is much easier to reign in the craving and not give in to it when you know what you have to lose.

Never shop for food when hungry

When you shop for food or groceries when hungry, everything usually appears delicious. That is when your body and mind are craving for food. You will make poor decisions. Hunger will blind your common sense.
Always eat something before going food shopping. You will pick healthy foods instead of empty calories.

Stay away from food temptation

You may think that you are strong enough to resist that tub of ice-cream in your fridge or the jar of cookies on your office desk. You will resist for a while. At some point however, you will find yourself giving in. One bite may lead to one scoop, which then ends up in you eating the whole lot.
Get rid of all unhealthy foods,  This way, you won’t be tempted to snack on anything unhealthy in between meals. Carry fruits and any other healthy snacks to the office. It will reduce any temptation of dipping into the cookie jar or going to the vending machine.

Swap sweets with healthier foods

Substitute sweets with healthier food options, You will feel full and satisfied when eating healthy food. If you are craving for salted foods such as chips, opt for celery juice or raw tomatoes. If you have sugar cravings and are tempted to take some candy, eat a mix of dried fruit with a few dark chocolate chips. Iit has a lower sugar content than normal chocolate, and is high in healthy antioxidants.

Finally, remember that if you keep your mouth closed, you will not gain weight!.

Avoiding food temptation when losing weight is not easy, stay focused, it is possible.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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5 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment.



When planning for an at home workout, most people think they need to buy equipment. Surprisingly,there are several workouts that don’t require equipment at all. additionally, the misconception is that without equipment, these workouts will not give you the results you need.

The truth is, these 5 easy workouts give you better results than you may think.

Tabata, number one on the 5 easy workouts list

1. Tabata workouts require no equipment and give you a full body workout easily. The idea behind Tabata is doing intervals of intense workout and then rest. For example, most people start out by doing 20 seconds of high intensity workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. They do this in intervals until the entire body workout is done. You can then repeat this eight or more times. The only weights required are what your own body has to offer. All you need is you and the floor.


2. Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga blocks, straps, resistance bands, and so on. The truth is these may help if you are new to yoga, but they are not required. By knowing a few basic moves, you can make yoga work for you with no equipment at all. You can also span out to options like Tai Chi and other similar workouts.

Stationary Walking

3. Stationary walking is just what it sounds like. You follow an online coach on free sites or DVD options and you simply walk through a mile or more. This home workout may sound boring but you will be changing intensity levels, moving your arms during the workout, and combining aerobic workouts with the walking. This is an ideal option that works for people who may not want a treadmill in their home and may not have an area where walking four miles in a short amount of time is doable or safe.

Cardio Dance

4. Cardio dance uses your imagination and music you enjoy. No equipment is required. You can use the radio on your phone, music on your phone, or some other option for the music. Ideally, you are just dancing. You can do specific dance options for more cardio or full body workouts, but overall this is the same type of cardio you would get a dance club, you are just in your home and dancing to what you want how you want. It will work up your heart rate and help you drop weight easily.

Body Weight Circuit Training

5. Body weight circuit training is similar to Tabata but does not require the HIIT intervals of intense workout and rest. Instead you are doing a series of workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. You do a certain amount of reps and then move on to the next part of the workout. You use your own body weight to give you resistance.

Something to keep in mind with these workouts is the ability to work them into a revolving routine that gives you maximum results. If you want to purchase weights or other equipment you can, but even at high intensity levels the equipment is not necessary, making these workouts the most affordable option for your at home needs.

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