Weight Loss Mistakes People Often Do.

When people try to lose weight often trying too hard will do more harm than good. That is the reason why it is so hard to do. Mistakes are done and repeated over and over again. Therefore, combining diet and exercise gives the best results.

Losing weight by exercising:

1. Obsessed with how many pounds are lost daily.

At the beginning people tend to loose pounds fast., most of it in the form of water and grease. A product of strict diets   When this happens,  the numbers on the scale look great. People focus on how many pounds they lost over a few days and think  loss will continue at the same rate.  While this is a great indication that you’re becoming lighter and losing weight, it’s definitely not how all the road will continue. It is common to reach plateaus where the number of pounds lost slows drastically. To be expected when the body begins to make adjustments. And muscles to the get firmer. Muscle actually weigh more than fat which affects your total weight.

Dieting to lose weight:

2. Much Too Small Portions by starving.

People believe that by starving themselves they will lose more weight. By not eating proper meals, they will cause their bodies to go into starvation mode. A  natural mechanism that assumes that food is scarce, triggering a reaction that speeds fat creation, since it believes it won’t be getting enough food for a while. Hence the body tries to protect itself.

External Factors:

3. Stress and Tension.

If people get very stressed when dieting or exercising, and allow stress to grow because of slow progress during weight loss or work related factors in their lives. Stress hormones are produced, which will cause fat build up. Additionally, tension often triggers the need for endorphins to calm the person down. Hence cravings for sweets such as chocolate increase.

Controlling stress is a key factor in successful weight loss.

4. Lack of sleep and proper rest.

Cortisol is a hormone that interferes with weight loss. The solution to slow down its effect is in getting enough rest and sleep. A change in sleeping habits or learning how to induce good sleep will definitely improve chances of success. Poor sleeping habits is another common weight loss mistake.

5. Not knowing your calorie intake vs energy spent.

After exercising very hard, it is natural that people become hungry. In turn they may eat a huge meal afterwards. If they don’t know how many calories they burned, they may overestimate the amount of food they can eat. Therefore it is best if they use a calorie monitor, like the one on the I Watch and other fitness monitors,.  It will keep track of your real progress and prevent costly mistakes.

These are 5 of the most common Weight Loss Mistakes people do. Avoid them to succeed.


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