Drinking Water

Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight.


The human body contains about 60% water. In fact it could not survive without it. Pure water is calorie-free.
Drinking it is the safest and healthiest way to hydrate and keep the body functioning properly.
Because it mixes easily with other chemicals, pure water nowadays is found mostly in bottled form, and at a price.
Today, we have become accustomed to drinking water mixed with other products. Sodas, juices, cocktails, coffee and energy drinks.

What do all these mixed drinks have in common? – They all add calories and chemicals to water.

Drinking pure water, will save countless calories which contribute to gain weight.

Water is the healthy way to stay hydrated. Hence, the body works best if gets enough water every day

How does water contributes to weigh loss.

After exercising, water restores the balance to the body replacing lost fluids. There are studies that show that dehydration caused after exercising or excessive heat will affect physical and mental performance. Therefore, drinking water will help the body recover quickly.

Consequently, drinking plenty water with every meal fills the stomach and makes it harder to over eat. Drinking water in between meals keeps hunger away.  Some studies  suggest that people that drink water before meals show significant weight losses as compared to those who did not.
Drinking water will temporarily increase the body’s metabolism contributing to weight loss, for instance.

How much Water should we drink?.

According to the The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the ideal daily fluid intake is:

About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. It must be remembered however, that approximately 20% of the fluids come from food, while the rest comes from water and other beverages.

In conclusion, drinking water not only helps to stay fit, it will contribute to  weight loss too!.

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 How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

First of all wrinkles tend to sneak up on you. One day you look in the mirror and suddenly, they’re there, glaring at you. Therefore you must learn how to get rid of wrinkles.

Beyond going for cosmetic surgery, there are some ways that can help to get rid of wrinkles, or, at the very least, make them look less noticeable. It’s also not too late to slow down the aging process.

How to Get Rid Of Wrinkles

  • How to Get Rid of WrinklesLemon Juice. Lemon is an astringent, it tightens your skin, and contains a lot of vitamin C, which can be a great wrinkle reducer. Therefore, cleanse your skin with lemon juice (be careful around the eyes!) and add lemons to homemade facial masks.
  • Vitamin C. Get plenty of vitamin C and use skin products that contain it.
  • Milk and Honey. Mix milk and honey and cleanse with it.This is a great way to condition your skin and help it stay moist and elastic.
  • Drink lots of water. Keep that youthful glow and increase your chances of skin being elastic.
  • Shitake mushrooms and Chaga mushrooms are both considered remedies for wrinkles.
  • Egg white masks, made by letting egg white dry on your face (or buying egg white mask products) are a long-used home remedy for wrinkles.
  • Get your beauty sleep. Sleep does help your skin heal and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Get plenty of antioxidants. Blueberries, acai berries, green tea, and other known antioxidants can help reverse oxidative damage.

Because your skin is exposed to the elements, it is important to pay special attention to it.

Slow Down The Aging Process Before More Wrinkles Arrive

  • Lemon JuiceSunscreen – Stay away from tanning salons and stay out of the sun unless you’re using protection. Many cosmetics contain SPF protection but if you’re sitting in the sun you should use a sunscreen.
  • Hydration – Make sure you’re getting enough hydration.
  • Vitamins – Take a multivitamin that’s targeted for your age group. And, you can now find special vitamins that are specifically designed for healthier skin promotion.
  • Moisturize – Keep your skin moist and elastic by investing in good creams
  • Follow a strict cleansing and moisturizing routine.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your exposure to chemicals and pollution as much as possible. Smokers tend to have more wrinkles.

People, especially women, have long been on a quest to learn how to get rid of wrinkles and prevent them from settling in the first place. Other  options are: cosmetic peels, face lifts, or Botox injections, too.

In conclusion, whatever method you use to help you get rid of wrinkles, whether naturally or cosmetically, keep in mind that the healthier your lifestyle, the better the chances you’ll have of looking and feeling youthful.

Finally remember that working on your skin condition will keep you looking younger.


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Tips For Glowing Skin

Tips for Glowing Skin

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If you are looking for some tips for glowing skin, here are some simple and easy methods you can implement into your daily routine:

Exfoliate – Exfoliation removes dead skin that can sit and make your face look dull. Exfoliation is probably one of the top tips for glowing skin.

Sun protection – You might think a tanned face looks great but tan too often and your skin will develop a leathery and worn look to it. Wear cosmetics with built-in SPF protection. When sitting in the sun for long periods of time, shade your face with a wide brimmed hat, use sunscreen.

Water – Drink your eight (or so) glasses of pure water each and every day. Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy and glowing skin. And you’ll find drinking water on (or near to) the top of every list of tips for glowing skin.

Cut down on caffeineGreen tea and white tea are lower caffeine alternatives to coffee and both can have anti aging properties so consider trimming your coffee intake and upping your green tea intake.

Make-up and moisturizer – Buy skincare products that promise to give you glowing skin. Moisturizers, foundations, and face powders, such as some mineral make-up, offer a healthy glow to them.

Tips for Glowing Skin

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Homemade facial masks – There are a number of homemade facial mask recipes that can help you achieve glowing skin.

Wash at bedtime – Make sure you get all your makeup off at nighttime so that you can prevent clogged pores and build-up of products on your skin.

Wash in the mornings – While you sleep, your skin produces excretions in the regeneration process. Make sure to wash and moisturize in the mornings, too.

Reduce stress – Stress shows in your skin. Take up some stress relief methods so that this doesn’t happen.

Get enough sleep – Sleep deprivation can leave you really run down looking. Make sure you’re getting about 8 hours each night to make sure you can get well rested and give your body time to rejuvenate.. part of that rejuvenation includes skin rejuvenation. You can’t sleep 5-6 hours all week and catch up on weekends, either. Your skin doesn’t work that way (neither do your other body parts!).

Try some new products – If you want tips for glowing skin, some of the products you’re using, out of habit, might not do your face any favours. Consider shopping around for some new products trying out a few skincare products that are getting good reviews.


In conclusion, follow these tips for glowing skin to look your best.

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Does Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Water Help you lose weight

Pezibear / Pixabay

Does water help you lose weight? In many diet advice articles and weight loss books you’ll read repeatedly to drink plenty of water when dieting. Why is that? What’s so great about water for weight loss?

Water’s Caloric Intake

Does Water Help You Lose WeightWater has zero calories, zero carbs, and yep… it also has zero fat. It won’t make you gain weight and it can be a great weight loss aid. But it does quench your thirst. Drinking water to help you lose weight can cut your calorie intake substantially. Many people drink 5-10 calorie laden drinks a day. Imagine cutting most (or all) of those out and just drinking water? You could cut thousands of calories from your diet on a monthly basis.

There have been cases of people losing a few jeans sizes in a short time just from the simple change of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day in lieu of calorie laden beverages.

Water Fills You Up

Why else does water help you lose weight? People who drink water find that it helps you eat less. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you eat a smaller portion.

Drinking a glass of water when you get a hunger craving between meals will also often help you get to your next meal without snacking. People often mistake hunger for thirst. Staying hydrated could help kill the munchies.

Water Revs Up Your Metabolism

Does Water Help You Lose Weight

Bru-nO / Pixabay

Water helps everything move swiftly through your system. Increasing your water intake, especially if you currently rarely drink water, could have a very positive impact on your body.

Water Detoxifies Your Body

Water is great for your body. It helps with your skin, your organs, and your overall health and wellness. Water energises you and quenches your thirst. It can help you during exercise and it helps you change your eating behaviours. Those who drink water tend to crave less junk food than those who often drink carbonated beverages. Carbonated beverages often seem to wake up the junk food cravings whereas it’s much easier to drink water and eat healthy. Mindset is important when trying to lose weight and water is an excellent way to get the right mindset.

Baby steps can add up to substantial weight loss. The simple act of deciding to drink water could help you get well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals. If you want to know.. does water help you lose weight.. why not do an experiment and see how it goes. Eating your daily calorie allotment rather than drinking it will also give you more room for satiety.

Does water help you lose weight?, Without a doubt, the evidence is clear.


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Healthy Diet Plan Components that will produce great results
Healthy Diet Plan

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Healthy Diet PlanBreakfast eaters weigh less than non breakfast eaters. Hence, It is vital that you eat breakfast if you want to lose weight. Not only will this help you boost your metabolism but you’ll eat less overall throughout the day. Opt for wholesome and filling breakfast foods.

It may take time for you to get accustomed to eating in the morning. Start small and add to your meal. You might start off with a piece of fruit or a yogurt. In addition, try to add some protein and complex carbs as well.

High Satiety Foods

Foods that fill you up are a good part of a healthy diet plan. High fibre foods are a great aspect of your healthy diet plan as they will fill you up, aid in elimination and reduce in-between meal cravings. Some healthy high satiety foods include: popcorn, beans, oatmeal, hearty vegetable soup, and many fruits.

Fruits and Vegetables

The more fruits and vegetables you eat, the healthier you’ll be. And in terms of fruit, it will help with cravings as it’s nature’s dessert.


Also healthy snacks are an important part of a healthy diet plan. Therefore, the right snacks are important. They’ll keep your hunger at bay, help you control your portions, and they will help you boost your metabolism.


A healthy diet plan should involve plenty of hydration. It’ll facilitate weight loss, toxin release and regulate your appetite.

Since a healthy diet plan needs to feed your nutrient needs, it should also quench your thirst for flavour, too. Because if it doesn’t, you won’t feel well and you won’t be able to stick to that healthy diet plan. It’s not easy to eat everything your body needs, day in and day out, but if you can come close.  As a result, you’ll be healthier and have a healthy body mass index.

Strive for:

  • As few junk foods and sugary foods as possible. Think nutrient value!
  • 2-3 servings of lean protein per day.
  • 2+ servings of dairy. Opt for low fat and healthy dairy foods.
  • About 5 portions of bread and cereals a day. This might sound like a lot but one slice of bread is one serving. Hence, one small portion (about the size of your fist) of pasta is a serving, and complex carbs are best.
  • 5-10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. Opt for a colourful variety.

In conclusion, it is not always easy to switch over to a healthy diet plan. As a result, real effort is needed.

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