Drinking Water

Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight.


The human body contains about 60% water. In fact it could not survive without it. Pure water is calorie-free.
Drinking it is the safest and healthiest way to hydrate and keep the body functioning properly.
Because it mixes easily with other chemicals, pure water nowadays is found mostly in bottled form, and at a price.
Today, we have become accustomed to drinking water mixed with other products. Sodas, juices, cocktails, coffee and energy drinks.

What do all these mixed drinks have in common? – They all add calories and chemicals to water.

Drinking pure water, will save countless calories which contribute to gain weight.

Water is the healthy way to stay hydrated. Hence, the body works best if gets enough water every day

How does water contributes to weigh loss.

After exercising, water restores the balance to the body replacing lost fluids. There are studies that show that dehydration caused after exercising or excessive heat will affect physical and mental performance. Therefore, drinking water will help the body recover quickly.

Consequently, drinking plenty water with every meal fills the stomach and makes it harder to over eat. Drinking water in between meals keeps hunger away.  Some studies  suggest that people that drink water before meals show significant weight losses as compared to those who did not.
Drinking water will temporarily increase the body’s metabolism contributing to weight loss, for instance.

How much Water should we drink?.

According to the The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the ideal daily fluid intake is:

About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. It must be remembered however, that approximately 20% of the fluids come from food, while the rest comes from water and other beverages.

In conclusion, drinking water not only helps to stay fit, it will contribute to  weight loss too!.

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