Flu Prevention Tips That Will Keep You Healthy.

Colds and Flu surface every season with new mutations that sometimes are deadly.

Being exposed to germs and viruses on a daily basis is very common. People under normal conditions are naturally equipped to stay healthy.

Certain types of work however, present higher risks. It usually involves coming in contact with large number of people, especially in confined places, such as airplanes, trains, cruise ships college dorms and hospitals.

There are a number of simple flu prevention tips on how to avoid contagion.

The number one tip: Get a yearly flu shot. Vaccines not only are engineered to fight the latest flu variant, but it also will help boost the immune system.

More Tips:

Hygiene –

Wash your hands thoroughly and often. No matter what line of work you are in, touching door handles, hand rails and elevator buttons expose you to contagion.

Disinfect –

Hand sanitizers that contain alcohol are an alternative when soap and water are not available. Even though there are controversies about the effect sanitizers have, especially when absorbed by the skin. It is undeniable that sanitizers disinfect and neutralize cold causing germs.

Isolation –

Remain Isolated if you have a cold. Isolation prevents the spread of germs and the possibility of becoming infected again. Hence it will speed recovery times. Rest – Sleeping and eating well will help the body go back to its normal condition faster.

Nutrition –

Use Probiotics in your diet to keep infection fighting bacteria in good levels. It will boost your immune system and lead to a faster recovery. Old grandma remedies such as hot chicken soup are effective in reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by congestion and throat soreness.

Stress –

By diminishing stress the body will boost the immune system and fight infection more efficiently. Therefore recovery times will be reduced.

Antioxidants –

Use supplements such as glutathione and turmeric. The antioxidant characteristics of these supplements boost the immune system. Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the body and is responsible for enhancing the immune system as well as assisting the liver with detoxification. Turmeric improves cardiovascular function and joint health.

Vitamins –

Vitamins D and K when used in conjunction will accelerate absorption into the body. Hence speeding recovery times.

Zero Alcohol –

Alcohol consumption, even in small amounts affects the central nervous system which in turn will adversely affect the immune system. For that reason drinking must be avoided.

Boost Defenses –

Immune boosters which contain proteins and immunoglobulins will boost the body’s lines of defense.

Aside of the loss of activity, catching the flu repetitively may lead to chronic illnesses and other health concerns down the line.

Finally, keep up these useful flu prevention tips in mind during the flu and cold season.

They will keep you healthy and reduce the chances of getting sick.

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