Overweight People must change those bad habits.


What is stopping you from losing weight.

Most of us have set daily routines that go like this:

  • We get up in the morning.
  • Shower & brush our teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Go to work.
  • Lunch break.
  • Back to work.
  • Return home.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch TV.
  • And finally go back to bed.

Then we do it all over again the next day. As if in Auto Pilot mode.

In other words, we are creatures of habit because our society demands it. Regardless whether we are overweight people or not.

Our well being and security requires we are gainfully employed and putting away for that rainy day.

Staying fit somehow has to be squeezed in between.

Depending on how we manage those few minutes juggling between eating and working out will either make you fit or render you obese.

If you are overweight and willing to fight obesity, then you must look at your daily routine.

Think very critically about how you go about getting up, going to work, and especially think what is it you are doing wrong while on your daily activities.

It all boils down to food and exercise.

You might have bad habits that have become embedded in your daily activities. Take notes of every action you perform every day. It might surprise you.

You will probably find out that most of it you do automatically, as you go about your day, you probably do it without even thinking.

Possible bad eating habits:

Is it the flavored latte with whipped cream and a cupcake you order every morning before getting on the train?
Or the fast food meal you have for lunch?. Are you stopping for a beer after work. Perhaps you like snacking before going to bed.
If so, you probably have bad eating habits.

Possible Bad exercise habits:

  • Take note of things you do that may make you less mobile.
  • Do you always use the elevator when you could go up or down the stairs?.
  • You Uber when you could be walking somewhere?,
  • How about ever going for walks?
  • Ever visited a gym to go after work before you go home.

If you don’t do any of these activities, then you probably are not in good physical condition.  Add it to your notes!.

Therefore, detecting which activities are making you overweight are critical to changing your life.

Once you detect which bad habits are hurting you most. Then you have won half the battle already.

Starting the next day begin your battle to lose weight. Tackle your biggest weakness first.

Is it overeating?.  Maybe starving and then binge eating or raiding the fridge?. Then make a big note and change it.

It is not that hard. Keep that note with you at all times. It will remind you that it is a bad habit that must be changed.

Once you are aware of it, replacing snacks with healthier meals will produce results.

Maybe today is a good day to walk a little on the way to work.

You will be amazed how quickly you will be feeling and looking better.

Overweight People can get fit. It is possible, just start doing it now!

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