Interval Training Workouts

Interval Training Workouts

RyanMcGuire / Pixabay

Do you want to burn fat and lose weight as fast as possible?

Interval training workouts can be great way to do it, especially if you can only devote limited amounts of time to exercise.

It’s a great way to boost your metabolism and improve your body’s endurance levels due to the intense production of lactic acid during interval training.

Additionally, the time needed to recover between workouts is greatly reduced.

Interval Training WorkoutsWhat Is Interval Training?

Interval training requires bursts of activity in between periods of rest.

Imagine running, then walking, then running, then walking, that is interval training.

Workouts can vary, using a variety of activities and mixing things up will avoid reaching plateaus common to other repetitive workouts.

Use a personal trainer if you want a program written for you.

You can also find downloadable interval training workouts online that will generate suggested workouts.

A few good examples of interval training workouts are listed below.

Interval Training Workouts – Examples

Note: It’s important to start every workout routine with a warm up period and to end  with cooling down stretches.

Hydration is also imperative!

  • Use a stationary bike for interval training workouts. Consider 1 minute of fast peddling and then 5 minutes of slow to moderate peddling.
  • Alternate between jogging and running fast. (Tip: use a timer two minutes at a time).
  • Try high intensity workouts to build endurance but do this after you’ve spent some time becoming physically fit. High intensity interval training workouts aren’t ideal for beginners.
  • Experiment with various interval training workouts to keep things interesting. Some options to try could include stair climbing, cycling, walking, boot camp style workouts, speed drills, and plyometric training.

Varying your interval training will not only increase your metabolism and help you burn fat while building endurance but it will keep things interesting as well.

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