Female Weight Loss – It is All About Being in Control

Understanding why some women are overweight must be done by determining the common denominators all overweight women share. Habits such as sedentary lifestyle, stress and impulse eating are but some of the culprits.

How much you weigh depends on several factors.

First of all, any female weight loss advice must begin with an analysis of how much and what kind of foods you eat. Most women who are not trying to lose weight should get around 1600 calories a day. But not all calories are created equal. 100 calories worth of green beans with almond slivers are a whole different ball game from 100 calories worth of Hershey’s chocolate with almonds. In addition to the calories, you need to look at the nutrients, fiber, and fat content.

Female Weight Loss begins with eating less.

But, most women get more calories than they need to maintain their weight. Poor impulse control is one of the reasons. There are just too many calories available. Underestimating just how many calories is in food. Serving sizes have exploded but people still count the calories as if they were the traditional smaller servings. Count every calorie accurately. Eat less and lose weight.

Look honestly at your lifestyle.

If your lifestyle includes a lot of activity, you are less likely to be worried about losing weight. However, if you live a highly sedentary life, you probably are packing on the pounds. Look for ways to move more. This doesn’t have to mean hitting the gym either. For housewives, playing with the kids, mopping floors and gardening are all excellent kinds of movement. For people with active careers, using stairs instead of elevators, or walking one extra bus stop before going home will do the trick.

What you consume and how many calories you burn off are directly under your control. On the other hand,  factors outside of your control impact your weight as well. For instance, your genetic make up has a lot to do with whether you get fat. Fast or slow metabolism tends to run in families and it is typical to see entire families of fat or skinny people.

Still, achieving wellness must be done by being proactive. Adjust your lifestyle, find a plan that works for you and follow it to reach fitness.

Age also has an impact on your weight. As you tend to burn calories more slowly as you age. Keep your weight under control. And, it is important to do so for the sake of your health. Heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are all linked with weight issues.

Finally, the state of your general health can play a role in losing weight. Some medications cause weight gain. And, some physical conditions limit mobility which means that you  burn less calories.

Finally, the key to female weight loss is setting achievable goals and sticking to the plan.

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Appetite Control and the Benefits of Exercise.

If you are struggling keeping your appetite and hunger under control, it might not just be about what you are eating or when, but your physical activity. Contrary to what many people think, exercise lessens cravings and hunger.  Additionally, the sense of wellness achieved by exercising, leads to better appetite control because there is an incentive to remain fit. Learning to control hunger will require having a plan and sticking to it.

Exercise, The Food Intake Regulator.

Exercise regulates big or small appetites. For people who have little hunger, working out triggers their appetite which results in improved nutrient balance. For over eaters, exercising more will increase their desire to be healthier. This will result in a desire to search for healthy diets and follow them.

Changing The Outlook  on Life.

Another big reason exercise is helpful in curbing food cravings is a change in the way people begin to see themselves. Leading an active life, going for walks, working out triggers the desire to treat their bodies better. The desire to eat healthy food instead of the usual empty calorie snacks changes their outlook. It sets the path for a long term active lifestyle.

Improves Your Overall Well Being

A person’s mental health and well being are improved by exercise. In effect, it continues to help when there is a need to control appetite and cravings. For those who feel hungrier or have cravings when stressed or anxious, exercising will certainly diminish the feelings. The fact it is that stress hormone levels rising make them want instant gratification. If left unchecked, it will increase their appetite because they will associate stress with more food. Being active and exercising regularly will improve the sense of well being and  do away with the need to over eat.

Appetite control and exercise are linked together. Use them to your advantage!

Check this useful e-book for more information on the relationship of exercise and proper eating.


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Use Calorie Counters to shed pounds.

Use Calorie Counters

Omar Rodriguez

Food calorie counters are the secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal. There is no doubt that losing weight is hard. Portions get bigger and bigger, more calories are pushed into our faces. Additionally, our foods are filled with trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

Why use Calorie Counters.

Frankly, it’s a miracle that anyone ever manages to lose weight and, not surprisingly, most people don’t. Food calorie counters however, are a  great tool to get there. All it takes is a little knowledge, a little willpower and some help from one of the food calorie counters. Essentially, all diets work under the same premise. Therefore, eat less, and you will start losing weight. It really is that simple.

Most diets work by omitting one of the three macronutrients, usually either fat or carbohydrates. If the diet restricts carbs, the natural satiating properties of fat and protein will keep you fuller. If they reduce fat and have you focus on complex carbs, the sheer bulk of the food will automatically reduce your calories.

This is effective, but it means that you have to omit foods you really like. This is something that food calorie counters help you avoid. They allow you to have the knowledge of calories and nutrients that will allow you to lose weight permanently, quickly and easily.

How do they work.

Food calorie counters are exactly what they sound like: books or computer programs that allow you to look up the caloric content of any food you eat. Phone Apps make it much easier than before. Now all you need to do is select your foods from a pull down menu and the food calorie counters will calculate the levels for you.

This allows you to lose weight by putting the power in your hands. What you have to do is take in fewer calories than you are burning. The easiest way to do this is by making certain food substitutions. If you know that the mac and cheese you’re eating contains 700 calories, a calorie counter will tell show you alternate foods that can half that amount.

Food calorie counters allow you to tailor your portion size. By properly adjusting your meals, you will have the best of both worlds: eat what you want and  lose weight. Additionally, it doesn’t take a huge amount of calories to lose weight; even dropping 200 calories from your daily menu will have you losing 20 pounds over the course of the year.

Hence, when used properly, food calorie counters are a powerful weapon in the war against fat.

food calorie counters

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Workout Equipment that Works.


Workout equipment is a category of machines that are used to exercise and are also known as exercise machines. These range from simple items such as balls, to sophisticated machines such as treadmills, rowers, and many others.

Today there is a high demand for equipment that is effective in building muscles and strength as well as for losing weight.

Workout Equipment Types

Fitness equipment is sometimes classified according the type of exercise for which they are built. The first class is strength training equipment. These include free weights and  resistance machines.

The most common type of resistance machine uses gravity as a resistance source. It is used mainly in weight machines. Gravity in combination with pulleys, wheels and inclines provide a good workout. These also includes friction, spring-loaded, fan-loaded or fluid-loaded machines.

Another type of strength training equipment uses bands and tubing, mostly for training at home and in the office.

The other class is the aerobic fitness equipment. These include devices such as the stationary bicycles, treadmills, elliptical trainers, aerobic riders, stair climbers, ski and rowing machines. Stationary bicycles exercises legs by pedaling. Treadmills are an all body exercise, you can walk or run at various speeds. Some models even simulate slopes for a more intense workout.

Stair climbers replicate the action of climbing stairways. Some models also exercise arms for a more thorough workout. Skiing and rowing machines work both arms and legs simultaneously, Additionally, rowing machines exercise back muscles. Elliptical trainers are a cross between stair climbers and ski machines. Aerobic riders also exercise the arms and legs at the same time by the use of a simultaneous pull and push motion.

Simple Workout Equipment

Items such as heart rate monitors and exercise balls are among a group of simple machines. Heart rate monitors are used as a motivational tool in exercise as they monitor the heart rate and provide feedback to the individual about his workout. The use of exercise balls has become very important in Aerobic training such as flexibility training and for balance as well.


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Why Follow A Low-Carb Diet – Because it Makes Sense.


You have heard about how fast low-carb diets work. What you may not have heard is how going on a low-carb diet will benefit you overall. You may not know the reasons why and how to start a plan

Here are a few of the benefits that following a low-carb diet brings.

Weight Loss

Weight loss is the number one benefit of following a low-carb diet. It is the key reason that many people even look at this diet as an option. It is easy to stay full and drop the weight especially if most of your weight gain stems from eating too many carbs like breads, rice, and cereal. The low-carb diet is also ideal for keeping off the weight which appeals to many people who have a problem with ongoing weight gain and loss issues.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is one of many illnesses that can be reversed with better diet and exercise. If you are facing Type 2 diabetes then your doctor may have told you to follow a low-carb diet. The reason is that it will help you drop weight and help you keep away from carbs that turn to sugars in your body. And that will lead to weight gain and insulin issues. By removing the carbs, you are reducing the sugars in your system which directly reduces the risk of  type 2 diabetes.  By staying on the low-carb diet, you can actually reverse and completely remove diabetes type 2 from your health issues.

Digestion Problems

There is a belief that having too many carbs in your diet can cause serious digestive issues. These issues can range from regular blockage to having issues like IBS with either constipation or diarrhea. Either way the issues can bring pain and can be difficult to live with on a daily basis. If this sounds like an issue you are having then the low-carb diet may be for you. You reduce the intake of carbs and increase your fruits and vegetables. This means that you are getting more foods that help your digestive system, which gets it moving, and reduces symptoms of IBS and other related digestive issues.

By keeping these benefits in mind, you can make a choice regarding what type of low-carb diet routine will be best for you. You can also look into other aspects of the diet that include, but aren’t limited to, exercise routines as well.

Finally, the answer to why follow a Low-Carb Diet is that it will improve your health.

Low-Carb Diet Report


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Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program for 2019.

What to look for when looking for a weight loss program that really works is difficult. With so many news  stories and reports about diets and programs that do not work. Therefore finding the right one is almost impossible.

Here are the basic points of what to look in a  good weight loss program.

1. They don’t try to sell you anything else.

Avoid any programs which try to hard sell you any pills or supplements. A weight loss program doesn’t have to be based in supplements or drinks that you need to consume each day. Hence, it must be a diet plan for the week and an exercise plan tailored towards your individual fitness level.

2. Know who has developed it.

Be cautious of programs which have been developed by anyone other than trained medical professionals. While somebody may have had a lot of success with their own diet plan, putting it out there for the general public to try will not work.

3. Look for real positive reviews.

Not all online reviews are real. look for real people who have had success with this plan, listen and consider trying it out for yourself. Additionally, if reviews seem fake, avoid it and seek different one.

4. It must be legitimate.

If it promises fast weight loss without any work, be wary and stay away. Finding a successful weight loss program requires it has a healthy diet, plenty of water and regular exercise.

5. There are no guarantees.

Promising a weight loss of  x  pounds in a certain period of time is never a good sign of a weight loss program. Remember, the more fat you have to shed, the quicker you’ll lose it. Additionally, nobody that is honest will promise how much you will lose in a week or a month. Therefore, avoid programs which tell you that.

Finally, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not.

Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program requires a good dose of common sense.

Gluten Free Report
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Weight Loss Boot Camp – Do I Need One?

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.

Get on the right mindset and educate yourself.

Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What? You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Think of an exercise program.

Weight loss boot camp is not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. Fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit instead. Then you should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day.

Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering a weight loss boot camp as an alternative.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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New Year Resolutions for 2019 – Make them Count


Your most important New Year Resolutions come and go every year with little actionable results.

Resolutions are so popular because they are a reminder that we should recommit regularly to personal improvement. However, instead of making a list of 10 things you want change this year, why not commit to real change that has the possibility to last beyond the first few months of the year.

By focusing on the process of change rather than solely the outcome, your resolutions could really make a difference this year in your overall happiness and satisfaction.

With the recent downtrend in the happiness of women in the U.S. this year. Perhaps it is time to return to the basics this year with your resolutions.

Instead of opting for the same goals you make every year, make this year The Year of Living Happier.

Here are the most important resolutions you can make this year to help achieve just that.

1.- Focus on Your Mental Health.

When you change your focus to mental health you can improve not only your mind and soul, but also your body. Mental health is what drives your ability to physical health. So focusing on it rather than on other aspects of getting in shape or dieting could lead to more significant improvements in all areas of your life. Your mental health includes how you deal with and process emotions, how you handle stress, how resilient you are to change and other obstacles and your overall mindset. Focus on this critical aspect of wellness and you will enjoy significant returns in all areas of your life.

2.- Become Better Connected.

Make a commitment this year to spending more time with friends and family in person rather than over social media. Being in the company of trusted others can improve your mental health and lower your stress too. Schedule regular time each week to spend with loved ones. Stay in contact with those that live far away and renew efforts to stay connected to those you have neglected recently.

3.- Be More Mindful.

When you are mindful, you are living in the moment. You are aware of what you are feeling, how the environment and others affect you. And you can embrace the experience and opportunities as you live them. Mindfulness teaches you to let go anxieties about the unknown future as you well as the anger and sadness about the past, both of which can significantly impact both your emotional and physical wellness.

4.- Get Outside More.

Spending more time outside can improve your physical, mental and emotional health. In many ways, spending time outside reduces stress, helps you sleep better, enhances your immune system and can be a wonderful place to get more done. Enjoy your local community park, green spaces and walking paths as much as you can to improve your happiness in many areas.

5.- Commit to Self Care.

If you make no other resolution this year, promise yourself that you will prioritize your self care. Taking time for yourself is crucial. And this simple promise can enhance your well being. Self care can include everything, from meditation to your beauty regimen. It is up to you to determine what you need to feel your best.

Looking and Feeling your Best has been our motto for almost 20 years.

We have kept our new year resolutions to bring the best about Weight Loss, Fitness and Wellness.

Happy 2019, May all Your New Year Resolutions Come True!.

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Handling Holiday Parties to Avoid Gaining Weight.

When you are attempting to lose weight during the holidays, those parties will be your downfall. Yet you still want to enjoy time with friends and family.
Here are some tips for handling parties and still losing weight.

Go For the Veggies First

Try to fill up on healthy fruits and veggies before going for other food. If the holiday party doesn’t have a big meal, but just offers snacks and appetizers, there is probably a veggie plate and some type of fruit dish.
Put these food items on a plate and eat them all with a bottle of water or whatever type of drink they are offering, then wait a few minutes before deciding to eat anything else. In many cases, this is enough to satiate your hunger and stop cravings.

Walk Away from the Food Table

The worst thing you can do when trying to lose weight is to stand next to the food. Grab a small plate if they are being offered and put some healthy food items on the plate. Walk away from the table and socialize while you eat your snacks.
Standing by the food, you will start dipping chips in the dip. Consequently will lose track of how much you are eating. You will be surprised how quickly you can down chips with dip or eat several pieces of cake without even realizing it.

Avoid Cocktails

Cocktails are often another bad idea when Handling Holiday Parties. They are full of sugar and will add empty calories, Also it will increase your cravings and make you more inclined to go for all that bad stuff.
If you are going to drink at the party, don’t start early, since it probably will not be your only drink of the night. Either nurse a drink all night or wait an hour or so before treating yourself to a drink.

Socialize Instead of Eating

A good plan for avoiding the food and not over-indulging is to socialize instead. Take this opportunity to talk to friends and family you haven’t seen in a while, mingle throughout the crowd, and meet new people.

That is the best way of handling holiday parties and avoid gaining weight.

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Stop Procrastinating and Get Results


Regardless of what you need to achieve, be it weight loss, general wellness or getting that career changing job. Procrastination is a stumbling block that needs to be demolished.

Have you ever had plenty of time to complete a task, yet end up rushing through at the last minute? This is a habit that plagues quite a large portion of people, but how do you break the habit?.

Like most bad habits, you can learn to change them, but it will take extra effort and time. Therefore, this article is intended to teach you how to finally stop procrastinating.

Take Small Calculated Steps

If you’re prone to getting overwhelmed, then it can be really easy to get flustered. When you’re looking at a large job that needs to get done. When you’re looking at a large list, it always looks like a mountain. One way to deal with it is to break the job into a list of smaller jobs. That way you can create a visually recognizable record of what you have accomplished so far. Seeing the list shrink will give you more confidence and reduce stress. This is the first step to stop procrastinating.

Find One Thing to Complete Immediately

The first super important baby step would be to pick one thing and just be sure to get it done as soon as you possibly can. If you’ve made a list, it would be good to make sure that task is number one on the list. This does two things. For one, you will be able to cross something off of your list, and second, you will have already completed the first task. Take a moment to reflect that you’ve finished something quickly because the next step you take can be extremely important as well.

If You Need Help You Should Ask

One of the hardest things for people can be asking for help. Asking for help means that you have to put your trust in someone to help you reach a desired outcome, so it takes a lot. Sometimes the person to help can come from the least expected source, but if you have the option, try to find a trusted friend to get you through the task. Sometimes just having someone with you can make all of the difference.

Shut Out Distractions

Once it’s coming down to the wire and you’ve already completed many of your tasks, and asked for a friend to help you, there are probably only a few things left on your list. This is a really crucial time for you development, and sometimes life has a way of throwing obstacles into your way, but the best way to avoid these types of things is to simply lock yourself away from anything or anyone who would be able to keep you from finishing. In other words, Stay Focused!

When you are so close to the end, be sure that you have time to mull things over. This way you don’t blow through the final part of your work, and you can be confident that you are delivering quality work that showcases your strengths and skills.

Finally, having finished the task you can proudly proclaim that you have stop procrastinating. You are now on the road to success!

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