Use Calorie Counters to shed pounds.

Use Calorie Counters

Omar Rodriguez

Food calorie counters are the secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal. There is no doubt that losing weight is hard. Portions get bigger and bigger, more calories are pushed into our faces. Additionally, our foods are filled with trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

Why use Calorie Counters.

Frankly, it’s a miracle that anyone ever manages to lose weight and, not surprisingly, most people don’t. Food calorie counters however, are a  great tool to get there. All it takes is a little knowledge, a little willpower and some help from one of the food calorie counters. Essentially, all diets work under the same premise. Therefore, eat less, and you will start losing weight. It really is that simple.

Most diets work by omitting one of the three macronutrients, usually either fat or carbohydrates. If the diet restricts carbs, the natural satiating properties of fat and protein will keep you fuller. If they reduce fat and have you focus on complex carbs, the sheer bulk of the food will automatically reduce your calories.

This is effective, but it means that you have to omit foods you really like. This is something that food calorie counters help you avoid. They allow you to have the knowledge of calories and nutrients that will allow you to lose weight permanently, quickly and easily.

How do they work.

Food calorie counters are exactly what they sound like: books or computer programs that allow you to look up the caloric content of any food you eat. Phone Apps make it much easier than before. Now all you need to do is select your foods from a pull down menu and the food calorie counters will calculate the levels for you.

This allows you to lose weight by putting the power in your hands. What you have to do is take in fewer calories than you are burning. The easiest way to do this is by making certain food substitutions. If you know that the mac and cheese you’re eating contains 700 calories, a calorie counter will tell show you alternate foods that can half that amount.

Food calorie counters allow you to tailor your portion size. By properly adjusting your meals, you will have the best of both worlds: eat what you want and  lose weight. Additionally, it doesn’t take a huge amount of calories to lose weight; even dropping 200 calories from your daily menu will have you losing 20 pounds over the course of the year.

Hence, when used properly, food calorie counters are a powerful weapon in the war against fat.

food calorie counters

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