Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Why Are They Important

Omega 3 Fatty Acids offer health benefits that are critical to maintain good health.

Omega 3 is an important part of your diet. Our bodies do not manufacture them, so we need to get them as part of our food.

Most people do not know know what they are and that they play such a vital role in the development of our bodies.

What are Omega 3 Fatty Acids?

Our bodies contain alpha-linolenic acids (ALA), docosahexaenoic acids (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acids. Alpha-linolenic acids are found mostly in plants while the other two, EPA and DHA are found mostly in animals.
One of the best EPA and BPA sources is fish oil,  commonly found in Salmon, Cod and other fish.

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for our body to function efficiently, which makes them critical to maintain good physical condition.

There are also Omega-3 supplements to take such as fish oil in liquid form or capsules.

The importance of Omega-3?

Critical for healthy babies, toddlers and children.

When it comes to brain development, Omega-3 fatty acids are a must, especially babies, even before birth. Studies have shown that high numbers of toddlers with higher IQs have been born to mothers who took Omega-3 fatty acids when pregnant. Children who had low doses of Omega-3 fatty acids were not able to read as well as children who had high doses.

Prevents cardiovascular problems-

Scientists believe that the beneficial evidence of omega is very compelling when doctors suggest it for primary as well as secondary cardiovascular diseases.  The American Heart Association recommends that oily fish be eaten at least twice a week to lower risks of cardiac arrest, heart failure, and even stroke.

Helps maintain mental health in older people-

There is evidence proving that taking Omega-3 fatty acids is almost imperative when it comes to preventing dementia. Evidence shows that it helps with both the heart and the brain. Good brain function relies on these essential fatty acids that are found in Omega-3, slowing cognitive decline. It is a truly powerful weapon against this disease that is increasing in numbers.

Can help prevent breast cancer-

If you eat Omega-3 rich fish, you are helping to prevent breast cancer. Research done in Asia where a lot of seafood is eaten shows a reduction in breast cancer. Scientists, particularly those involved in the field of breast cancer, say that adding Omega-3 into the diet shows positive results for breast cancer patients.

Helpful for people with bipolar disorders –

In a review about supplements for bipolar depression, Omega-3 fatty acids came out bright with promise for making a big difference in this unhappy condition.

Keeps teens & pregnant wowen anxiety-free –

Research done on teens that had low amounts of Omega-3 in their diets showed higher anxiety levels. Expectant mothers who eat fish oil are less anxious than pregnant women who eat vegetarian diets, lacking in animal proteins.

What foods are Omega 3 rich?

  • Fish and seafood, particularly cold-water fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines, and herring.
  • Seeds and nuts like chia seeds, flax seed, and walnuts.
  • Plant oils like flax seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil.
  • Fortified foods like yogurt, eggs, juices, soy beverages and milk, as well as baby formulas.


A deficiency in Omega-3 fatty acids claims the lives of thousands of people every year, it actually ranks 6 in the USA as a killer. Use Omega-3 on your diet. Additionally, it aids weight loss and increases energy levels.

Add Omega-3 Fatty Acids to your routine, it will make you happier!

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