Conquering Loneliness Requires a Good Deal of Introspection.

Every person experiences loneliness at one point or another. This feeling affects one’s self-esteem. If left unchecked will lead to sadness and even depression. During holidays such as Christmas and the New Year when radio and TV are constantly sending messages about friendship and family, those lonely people are especially affected.

In Britain, conquering loneliness has become a priority. Prime Minister Theresa May has created the position of Minister for Loneliness. Additionally, stating that loneliness is the “sad reality of modern life” and acknowledging that it is costing the state huge medical bills. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and suicide apparently are linked to the feeling of loneliness and isolation.

If you are experiencing isolation, there are some things you must do about it. Pulling yourself together and just getting on with life is not as easy as it sounds. However, the decision to do it must come from within you. However, if you really want to, start by taking a good honest look at yourself.  It is called introspection, you will find a few things you can do to be more sociable.

Make a list of what you want to change, it is the path to achieving wellness.

Additionally, here are some useful suggestions:

Be generous, it is one way

Give some of your time to activities that help others. Helping others will lead to meeting people and improve self esteem.

Join Group Activities

Find a class in something that you love, like art, music, a gym or the outdoors. Look for a club where you can expect to find like-minded people, where you will learn to share ideas and make new friends who are doing the same thing you love doing; something to look forward to during the week.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteering for a cause you believe in will do wonders. There are orphanages and old age homes and animal care shelters that need help. Hence, why not join up and bring joy to others. It will add meaning and joy to your life. You will develop a sense of satisfaction. Additionally you will appreciate those good things you have in your own life.

Find Support

Loneliness is on the increase, therefore you will find others online who are searching to connect. Be careful though wish sharing out personal information, there are  scammers out there. Fortunately on the other hand, there are many legitimate sites where you will make new friends online. Churches, Synagogues and other religious organizations offer activities. They always are welcoming. That will make you feel you belong.

Strengthen your existing relationships

There must be people in your life that you would love to get to know better. Call them and go out with them, it will strengthen your existing relationships.

Find a pet

Dogs and cats are great companions, friends for life, no matter what. Rescue a pet from a shelter and bring him home. It will change your life. Just remember it works both ways, your pet also requires relief from loneliness. Don’t leave them alone for long. Give them as much attention as you want to get back.  Take your dog for walks and strenghten the bond.

Seek help from a therapist

Sometimes, conquering loneliness requires more than getting out there and meeting people. If that is not enough, then it is time to contact an expert who will help. Especially if you feel depressed and unhappy. Therapists know how to help, with advice how to help you to think more positively.

Take the first step in conquering loneliness today.

Download this Free Report about Introspection and How to Do it.

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Overeating at Christmas – Tips and Tricks to Avoid Doing It.

When Christmas is approaching, you might be concerned about overeating and gaining weight. If you are trying to maintain your weight at this time of year, these tips are very helpful.

Eat Something Beforehand

A common trick that many people use when they don’t’ want to overeat is to eat beforehand. This may seem silly since you are heading to Christmas dinner. The point however, isn’t to eat an entire meal, then eat a second meal when you arrive. What you are trying to do is eat a small healthy meal or snack instead. Not only you will be full, but you know you had something good. When you arrive for Christmas dinner, you will only eat a small amount because you are slightly full. Therefore your cravings won’t be as bad, and you won’t overindulge. With a plan, overeating at Christmas can be avoided.

Count Plates, Not Calories

Instead of trying to count the calories, grams of fat, or carbohydrates of each food item you choose, just count the number of plates. Give yourself just one plate to enjoy Christmas dinner on, including the dessert. That means only a certain amount of the plate should be filled up with food, leaving an empty portion for the dessert that will come later. Fill the rest of the plate with anything you want, and don’t go for seconds. Be prepared so overeating at Christmas doesn’t happen.

Go For the Healthy Stuff First

Whether you are enjoying appetizers at a buffet table or choosing food at Christmas dinner, try to fill up your plate with the healthier food options first. Get a portion size of ham or turkey, then make up the rest of the plate with the healthier veggies. If there is any more room on your plate, you can then add the less healthy options like mashed potatoes or stuffing, but these should only be a very small portion of what you will be eating.

When you are trying not to overeat, denying yourself something rarely works. A better method is to use these tips, and have a bite of everything. If you want to try everything, don’t pile up your plate, but add a bite of two of each food item, enjoy them, and then don’t let yourself have seconds.

Avoid overeating at Christmas, prepare ahead!.

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New Year Resolutions for 2019 – Make them Count


Your most important New Year Resolutions come and go every year with little actionable results.

Resolutions are so popular because they are a reminder that we should recommit regularly to personal improvement. However, instead of making a list of 10 things you want change this year, why not commit to real change that has the possibility to last beyond the first few months of the year.

By focusing on the process of change rather than solely the outcome, your resolutions could really make a difference this year in your overall happiness and satisfaction.

With the recent downtrend in the happiness of women in the U.S. this year. Perhaps it is time to return to the basics this year with your resolutions.

Instead of opting for the same goals you make every year, make this year The Year of Living Happier.

Here are the most important resolutions you can make this year to help achieve just that.

1.- Focus on Your Mental Health.

When you change your focus to mental health you can improve not only your mind and soul, but also your body. Mental health is what drives your ability to physical health. So focusing on it rather than on other aspects of getting in shape or dieting could lead to more significant improvements in all areas of your life. Your mental health includes how you deal with and process emotions, how you handle stress, how resilient you are to change and other obstacles and your overall mindset. Focus on this critical aspect of wellness and you will enjoy significant returns in all areas of your life.

2.- Become Better Connected.

Make a commitment this year to spending more time with friends and family in person rather than over social media. Being in the company of trusted others can improve your mental health and lower your stress too. Schedule regular time each week to spend with loved ones. Stay in contact with those that live far away and renew efforts to stay connected to those you have neglected recently.

3.- Be More Mindful.

When you are mindful, you are living in the moment. You are aware of what you are feeling, how the environment and others affect you. And you can embrace the experience and opportunities as you live them. Mindfulness teaches you to let go anxieties about the unknown future as you well as the anger and sadness about the past, both of which can significantly impact both your emotional and physical wellness.

4.- Get Outside More.

Spending more time outside can improve your physical, mental and emotional health. In many ways, spending time outside reduces stress, helps you sleep better, enhances your immune system and can be a wonderful place to get more done. Enjoy your local community park, green spaces and walking paths as much as you can to improve your happiness in many areas.

5.- Commit to Self Care.

If you make no other resolution this year, promise yourself that you will prioritize your self care. Taking time for yourself is crucial. And this simple promise can enhance your well being. Self care can include everything, from meditation to your beauty regimen. It is up to you to determine what you need to feel your best.

Looking and Feeling your Best has been our motto for almost 20 years.

We have kept our new year resolutions to bring the best about Weight Loss, Fitness and Wellness.

Happy 2019, May all Your New Year Resolutions Come True!.

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Handling Holiday Parties to Avoid Gaining Weight.

When you are attempting to lose weight during the holidays, those parties will be your downfall. Yet you still want to enjoy time with friends and family.
Here are some tips for handling parties and still losing weight.

Go For the Veggies First

Try to fill up on healthy fruits and veggies before going for other food. If the holiday party doesn’t have a big meal, but just offers snacks and appetizers, there is probably a veggie plate and some type of fruit dish.
Put these food items on a plate and eat them all with a bottle of water or whatever type of drink they are offering, then wait a few minutes before deciding to eat anything else. In many cases, this is enough to satiate your hunger and stop cravings.

Walk Away from the Food Table

The worst thing you can do when trying to lose weight is to stand next to the food. Grab a small plate if they are being offered and put some healthy food items on the plate. Walk away from the table and socialize while you eat your snacks.
Standing by the food, you will start dipping chips in the dip. Consequently will lose track of how much you are eating. You will be surprised how quickly you can down chips with dip or eat several pieces of cake without even realizing it.

Avoid Cocktails

Cocktails are often another bad idea when Handling Holiday Parties. They are full of sugar and will add empty calories, Also it will increase your cravings and make you more inclined to go for all that bad stuff.
If you are going to drink at the party, don’t start early, since it probably will not be your only drink of the night. Either nurse a drink all night or wait an hour or so before treating yourself to a drink.

Socialize Instead of Eating

A good plan for avoiding the food and not over-indulging is to socialize instead. Take this opportunity to talk to friends and family you haven’t seen in a while, mingle throughout the crowd, and meet new people.

That is the best way of handling holiday parties and avoid gaining weight.

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Stop Procrastinating and Get Results


Regardless of what you need to achieve, be it weight loss, general wellness or getting that career changing job. Procrastination is a stumbling block that needs to be demolished.

Have you ever had plenty of time to complete a task, yet end up rushing through at the last minute? This is a habit that plagues quite a large portion of people, but how do you break the habit?.

Like most bad habits, you can learn to change them, but it will take extra effort and time. Therefore, this article is intended to teach you how to finally stop procrastinating.

Take Small Calculated Steps

If you’re prone to getting overwhelmed, then it can be really easy to get flustered. When you’re looking at a large job that needs to get done. When you’re looking at a large list, it always looks like a mountain. One way to deal with it is to break the job into a list of smaller jobs. That way you can create a visually recognizable record of what you have accomplished so far. Seeing the list shrink will give you more confidence and reduce stress. This is the first step to stop procrastinating.

Find One Thing to Complete Immediately

The first super important baby step would be to pick one thing and just be sure to get it done as soon as you possibly can. If you’ve made a list, it would be good to make sure that task is number one on the list. This does two things. For one, you will be able to cross something off of your list, and second, you will have already completed the first task. Take a moment to reflect that you’ve finished something quickly because the next step you take can be extremely important as well.

If You Need Help You Should Ask

One of the hardest things for people can be asking for help. Asking for help means that you have to put your trust in someone to help you reach a desired outcome, so it takes a lot. Sometimes the person to help can come from the least expected source, but if you have the option, try to find a trusted friend to get you through the task. Sometimes just having someone with you can make all of the difference.

Shut Out Distractions

Once it’s coming down to the wire and you’ve already completed many of your tasks, and asked for a friend to help you, there are probably only a few things left on your list. This is a really crucial time for you development, and sometimes life has a way of throwing obstacles into your way, but the best way to avoid these types of things is to simply lock yourself away from anything or anyone who would be able to keep you from finishing. In other words, Stay Focused!

When you are so close to the end, be sure that you have time to mull things over. This way you don’t blow through the final part of your work, and you can be confident that you are delivering quality work that showcases your strengths and skills.

Finally, having finished the task you can proudly proclaim that you have stop procrastinating. You are now on the road to success!

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Start Losing Weight Before the Holidays, Why You Should Try It.

Start Losing Weight Before the Holidays

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Losing weight when the holiday season has begun is a good idea, but why not start a little early?  Your chances for success will increase the earlier you start.

Reduce Food Cravings

Whenever a new diet is started, cravings are increased for a while as your body adapts to the new reality. If you wait until the holiday season to start your diet, those cravings will be strongest when all that good food is in front of you.

Pretty hard to succeed if you try it then.  Therefore, start as early as you can. Make it easier to have the willpower to say no.

Showing Progress will Motivate You to Continue.

If you start losing weight before the holidays, you will have something to show for it. You will know that your plan is working. When you get compliments on your looks, you will be motivated to continue. That is the best type of motivation there is for losing weight. By Christmas time, it will be easy to say no to second portions because you know what you are looking great. It most definitely will keep you going.

You Will Be Used to Your New Diet.

By the time the holidays arrive, you will be well adjusted to your new dietary rules and restrictions. It doesn’t matter what weight loss plan you decide to go with, it is going to be different from how you typically eat in order to be successful. It is hard to deal with a holiday party just days after you start, especially when you don’t even have the “diet” quite down yet. If you give yourself at least a few weeks to adjust to it, you will feel more confident when choosing what you can and can’t eat during social gatherings.

Finally, start losing weight now, before it gets harder to do!



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Stairlifts – What Are They And Why Would I Need One?

If there is one constant thing in life, it is the fact that we grow old. In fact, you just might have an elderly family member living in your very own household right now. It is then very important to consider installing stairlifts in the household. This is especially true if your house has two or more floors.

But what exactly is a stairlift?

In its most basic form, a stairlift is a device that has been designed for the purpose of assisting elderly or disabled people to reach higher floors of a household. Also known as a chair lift, simply because the device makes use of a motorized chair that lifts people up and down the stairs of a household. With the installation of stairlifts, people can safely move up and down the stairs, significantly reducing the risks of untoward accidents occurring. Most of these lifts have arm and footrests running on tracks. People that have diseases such as arthritis, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease benefit the most from using these devices. Also great for those recovering from accidents and the elderly with difficulty exercising.

AC vs DC Lifts

In general, there are two stairlift types. The AC stair lift, or the DC stair lift. What are the differences?  AC (Alternating Current) units use the regular electric source in the household, and for that reason are a bit more economical. – Drawback is that the Launch and Stop motions are somewhat rougher than the DC (Direct Current) models.

The DC stair lift, on the other hand, because the motor increased gradually its speed, is much smoother. For that reason, more users  prefer the DC stair lift to the AC powered unit.  DC lifts are  battery powered.

If the person using the lift understands the need to recharge those batteries, then this is the best option.

Finally, remember that stairlifts are for the use of those who really need it, not a substitute for those capable of walking up and down stairs !

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Jealousy – Key Tips for Getting Over It.

Jealousy can be a good thing at times, but it also can cause serious damage to relationships with  people around you. It is very difficult to overcome, being focused however, allows to modify it. It will lead to better relationships and interactions with others.

Here are a few tips for getting over your jealous feelings.

Confront Your Jealousy Head On

In order to begin to deal with jealousy feelings they must be acknowledged that they exist. Jealousy is a normal human emotion. Even though cultural factors do play a hand in the way these feelings are displayed, they are intrinsically universal. Jealousy can also be the result of a negative self-image.

Jealousy lives inside a persons mind, often other people around are not aware of it unless hostility displays give it up.

Relearn Who Your Are

Realizing what makes someone happy and what does not is a good way to understand jealousy. Recounting the things that make them feel good about themselves. On the personal level, it’s very important to remember that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the person that you imagine you should be, because this person is also a false representation of who you are. Examine yourself from outside the rigid dichotomy of your most negative version of yourself and the most idealistic, because neither truly exist and as a result have no actual consequence.

Learn A New Skill

One way to get away from the feeling of jealousy would be to do some work on yourself. You can do this by either learning a new self-enrichment activity, or by channeling yourpower into other pursuits like learning how to have more control over your emotions. The more you do this, the easier it will become, but it takes practice and won’t happen overnight. After a while you will learn to pay more attention to what triggers these feelings and rise above them.

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Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders Do Affect Your Sleep

Eating Disorders

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You are probably aware of the side effects of eating disorders and how they affect your body and mental health. But did you know it could also be affecting your sleep?

There have been studies that show a correlation between certain types of eating disorders, unhealthy eating behaviors, and having issues sleeping.


Unhealthy Eating and Sleeping Habits may come together.

The first way your lack of sleep could be affecting your eating disorder, and vice versa, is that one unhealthy habit often leads to another. People who suffer from eating disorders often find many different areas of their life and health is at jeopardy. Not just the immediate health concerns, but things like your mental health and problems sleeping. Your body might not get the nutrients it needs to find good rest at night, so you find yourself with insomnia.
It also can work the other way around. Where you are having issues sleeping, and suddenly you have a larger appetite, or unhealthy eating habits you used to suffer with suddenly come back. It is all related to how you feel and your emotional health, which sleep deprivation unfortunately can really have a negative effect on.

Sleeping Disorders

C_Scott / Pixabay

Sleep-Related Eating Disorder

There is also an eating disorder called sleep-related eating disorder, with unusual eating patterns at night. This is often related to a type of sleepwalking. People get up at night, eat whatever they  find in the kitchen. In the morning, they don’t remember doing it.
This isn’t just a sleepwalking issue, but also emotional health one. Patients wake up and realize how much they have eaten. It is an unconscious form of overeating that can develop into other types of eating disorders and unhealthy eating patterns. This is why sleepwalking should be treated properly to avoid this disorder.

Lack of Sleep May Cause Binge Eating.

You might also notice that on the days when you have a larger appetite, you didn’t get good sleep the night before. One of the side effects of sleep deprivation is having appetite changes, usually where your body craves more food. You might notice binge eating when you have continued lack of sleep, particularly cravings for unhealthy food like sugar and refined carbohydrates.

It is important that you really focus getting on proper sleep for your mind and body. Your health and wellness rely on you to get proper rest in order for the other functions of your body and mind to work properly. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to overeating, not eating enough, or developing otherwise unhealthy eating habits.

If you have a history of mental illness, which is often linked to eating disorders or any unhealthy eating behavior.

Finally, talk to a doctor about your sleep and eating disorders, as they might very well be linked.

Eating Disorders
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Flu Prevention Tips That Will Keep You Healthy.

Colds and Flu surface every season with new mutations that sometimes are deadly.

Being exposed to germs and viruses on a daily basis is very common. People under normal conditions are naturally equipped to stay healthy.

Certain types of work however, present higher risks. It usually involves coming in contact with large number of people, especially in confined places, such as airplanes, trains, cruise ships college dorms and hospitals.

There are a number of simple flu prevention tips on how to avoid contagion.

The number one tip: Get a yearly flu shot. Vaccines not only are engineered to fight the latest flu variant, but it also will help boost the immune system.

More Tips:

Hygiene –

Wash your hands thoroughly and often. No matter what line of work you are in, touching door handles, hand rails and elevator buttons expose you to contagion.

Disinfect –

Hand sanitizers that contain alcohol are an alternative when soap and water are not available. Even though there are controversies about the effect sanitizers have, especially when absorbed by the skin. It is undeniable that sanitizers disinfect and neutralize cold causing germs.

Isolation –

Remain Isolated if you have a cold. Isolation prevents the spread of germs and the possibility of becoming infected again. Hence it will speed recovery times. Rest – Sleeping and eating well will help the body go back to its normal condition faster.

Nutrition –

Use Probiotics in your diet to keep infection fighting bacteria in good levels. It will boost your immune system and lead to a faster recovery. Old grandma remedies such as hot chicken soup are effective in reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by congestion and throat soreness.

Stress –

By diminishing stress the body will boost the immune system and fight infection more efficiently. Therefore recovery times will be reduced.

Antioxidants –

Use supplements such as glutathione and turmeric. The antioxidant characteristics of these supplements boost the immune system. Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the body and is responsible for enhancing the immune system as well as assisting the liver with detoxification. Turmeric improves cardiovascular function and joint health.

Vitamins –

Vitamins D and K when used in conjunction will accelerate absorption into the body. Hence speeding recovery times.

Zero Alcohol –

Alcohol consumption, even in small amounts affects the central nervous system which in turn will adversely affect the immune system. For that reason drinking must be avoided.

Boost Defenses –

Immune boosters which contain proteins and immunoglobulins will boost the body’s lines of defense.

Aside of the loss of activity, catching the flu repetitively may lead to chronic illnesses and other health concerns down the line.

Finally, keep up these useful flu prevention tips in mind during the flu and cold season.

They will keep you healthy and reduce the chances of getting sick.

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