Jealousy – Key Tips for Getting Over It.

Jealousy can be a good thing at times, but it also can cause serious damage to relationships with  people around you. It is very difficult to overcome, being focused however, allows to modify it. It will lead to better relationships and interactions with others.

Here are a few tips for getting over your jealous feelings.

Confront Your Jealousy Head On

In order to begin to deal with jealousy feelings they must be acknowledged that they exist. Jealousy is a normal human emotion. Even though cultural factors do play a hand in the way these feelings are displayed, they are intrinsically universal. Jealousy can also be the result of a negative self-image.

Jealousy lives inside a persons mind, often other people around are not aware of it unless hostility displays give it up.

Relearn Who Your Are

Realizing what makes someone happy and what does not is a good way to understand jealousy. Recounting the things that make them feel good about themselves. On the personal level, it’s very important to remember that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the person that you imagine you should be, because this person is also a false representation of who you are. Examine yourself from outside the rigid dichotomy of your most negative version of yourself and the most idealistic, because neither truly exist and as a result have no actual consequence.

Learn A New Skill

One way to get away from the feeling of jealousy would be to do some work on yourself. You can do this by either learning a new self-enrichment activity, or by channeling yourpower into other pursuits like learning how to have more control over your emotions. The more you do this, the easier it will become, but it takes practice and won’t happen overnight. After a while you will learn to pay more attention to what triggers these feelings and rise above them.

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