Capoeira is Partially a Dance, Acrobatics and Martial Arts Fitness Routine.

As you begin looking at different fitness workouts to match your lifestyle, you will likely see some you may have never heard of. One of those is capoeira.

Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. Originated in Brazil around the 16th century by slaves as a disguised dance. It actually served as a means of expression where quick and complex maneuvers were executed by “Capoeristas” using power, leverage and speed to perform stylized movements such as kicks and spins.

Modern capoeira has evolved as a form of hybrid martial arts – fitness routine that now is very popular around the world.

Length of  Workouts.

One of the things to consider about this workout is the length of the average workouts. Most last less than an hour. This makes them ideal if you need a solid workout that can be done during lunch break, or after work.

The duration of each session may change slightly depending on the level of the workout. Beginning classes may take longer while you learn the different moves and steps.

Difficulty Levels.

Usually there are three levels of difficulty. Therefore, before signing up, you should be aware of these three options so you start in the proper order.

The first is the Au Normal. This is your beginners level, also good for people who have taken intro courses but have not started a capoeira routine.

The second level is The Martello. This option focuses more on the martial arts roots of the fitness routine that is a bit more intense.

The third level of capoeira is the Roda. This level is included in most capoeira fitness workouts. Usually done in pairs with two people in the class facing off.

and finally the Cooldown routine, usually a 10-minute session designed to give the body a chance to rest and recover.

Capoeira Home Routines.

Something to keep in mind is that you can do workouts at home. This can be useful if you have limited free time. Also, you can find various capoeira workouts in DVD format and choose one or several that work for you. This will give you the same options you will have in class. And it is a lot less expensive.

Finally, these are just some of the basics about capoeira. Once you begin to practice it, you can see what works best for your goals.

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