Understanding Microgreens – Those Tiny Plants with Big Flavor.

To put it simply, microgreens are really basically just baby plants. These little versions of plants are amazingly flavorful. In addition to providing a very different taste, they are economical to grow. These little plants will add nice textures and colors to anything you put them with. Added to your salads and smoothies they spice up flavors. Cilantro, sprouts, red cabbage, and green daikon radishes are very tasty. Every young vegetable has a different flavor than when it is fully grown, so experimenting with them is a must!

Here are some of the many characteristics of these little vegetables. They will help you in understanding microgreens.

High Nutrient Content

According to studies of microgreens, they contain massive concentrations of nutrients. Hence they popularity that has skyrocketed. The lack of natural nutrition in mass produced food has people looking for new and exciting foods. Scientists support these efforts. Although there are some varieties of young plants that contain the same amount of nutrients as adults plants, others show higher contents. Therefore, these findings vary depending on the species. Still, the nutrient boost most of them offer makes it worthwhile to eat them. If you want to lose weight, consider using them on any of the diet plans you will follow.

How Expensive Are Microgreens?

While microgreens add big benefits to your diet, grocery stores charge more for them. Growing your own microgreens might be a better idea. Therefore, get an indoor planting kit and start to grow them for yourself. They don’t require much water, and they won’t take very long to grow. Growing these little plants indoors is easy. Hence you will have a continuous variety of fresh, low cost source of nutrition for your food needs.

Understanding microgreens is not that hard. Use them to improve your nutrition and increase your sense of wellness.

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Detoxify and give your body a path to wellness.

Feeling so sluggish, tired and ugly that you can’t even think clearly?  You’ve tried every known trick to stay fit. Also searched the shelves for that wonder product that will revive you. Yet you are still without luck. Why not try to detox?.

To detoxify is not merely sweating buckets on the gym or starving yourself with a water diet. It is a holistic approach to health and beauty. It encompasses everything from diet, fitness, and your sense of well-being. Try it for a weekend and start the new week with a renewed and more revived you. Detoxify your way to wellness. It is possible with a few things which you have at home.

With a loofah or brush, scented candles, aromatic oils, herbal tea, and a free, me-time weekend, you’re all set to rejuvenate and renew yourself.

A plan to Detoxify

  • Start on a Friday by eating light (think salads and fruits) and drink lots of water the whole day.
  • At night, slowly dry-massage yourself with a loofah or brush with slow and long strokes. Move in one direction: upward and towards your groin.
  • Refresh yourself with tea or water then soak in a bath of warm water and drops of aromatic bath oil.
  • Light some scented candles while gradually adding cool water within a half hour until your bath becomes slightly cold.

This is the beginning of your new health and beauty routine. This process is done for the stimulation of the blood vessels. Dry yourself and dress warmly for bed.

  • Begin the next day by drinking hot lemon water.
  • Go for a walk while breathing deeply.
  • Give yourself a steam bath or go swimming. You could also ask your partner or therapist for a massage.
  • Again, end your health and beauty detox regimen with a dry-massage brush and bath.

Spend your Sunday, doing the whole process but add another activity. Make a list of people or things, such as your work, that are toxic to you (read: bad vibes). Assess how you should deal with them to lessen their toxic effect. After this, pamper yourself or do meditation exercises.

Be reminded though that you may experience excessive sweating, slight headaches, and skin rashes. These are signs that your body is releasing toxins and that they are temporary.

Detoxifying is effective, safe, and inexpensive enough to be part of your weekly health and beauty routine. Just remember to avoid this during your period, pregnancy, and sickness.

Lastly, talk to your doctor if you encounter any problem when you detoxify.

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Mindfulness Tips for Beginners.


Mindfulness is a practice that allows you to stay present, be non-judgmental, accept what is happening now in your life, and focus more on each action you take throughout the day.

It provides many health benefits. Reduce stress and anxiety, giving you a more positive outlook, and helping you focus and succeed. In other words, lead you to health and wellness

Here are some mindfulness tips for people just starting out.

Work on Your Concentration

Mindfulness is called a practice because it is not a natural skill everyone possesses. You need to practice it every day, and over time, it becomes just as natural as breathing. However, you need to start somewhere, which is typically with concentrating.

If you are like most people, you go through your day completing tasks in a mindless way. Your mind probably wanders off and focuses on other things, like what you need to do later, making a mental to-do list, and thinking about a fond memory.

What you need to do with mindfulness is concentrate on what you are doing or experiencing right now, not in the future or the past. This takes a good amount of focus and concentration in order to stay mindful.

Understand the Misconceptions About Mindfulness

People often confuse mindfulness and meditation because they can be done together, but they are not the same thing. Make sure you understand what mindful is and what it isn’t, as there are some common misconceptions about it.

Mindfulness is not meditation, where you clear your mind and achieve a zen level of peace and tranquility. Mindfulness is more about focusing on what you are currently doing or thinking about, and staying mindful of it.

You are trying to focus your attention on what is happening in this very moment, instead of trying to think about nothing.

Be Mindful with Mundane Activities

An easy way to start practicing mindfulness is to focus on any mundane or simple activity you do during the day. This can be eating a meal, brushing your teeth, writing in a journal, driving to work, or petting your dog. As you participate in this activity, try to be mindful of it, the sensations, and focus on the task at hand.

This will also help you to understand when you tend to zone out, such as while you are driving to the store or when you are using your phone. You want these activities to be as mindful as possible.

Above are some great Mindfulness Tips. There many more to learn. Read about it.

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Fighting Arthritis with the help of Yoga.


Exercise is often recommended when you have arthritis, and yoga is one of the top exercises you can do. It is a gentle type of conditioning exercise that is very easy on your joints. Additionally, it can be modified to suit the type of arthritis you have. Especially useful duringthe days when you are in a lot of pain.

Yoga is a known vehicle to achieve fitness and well being. Used properly, it will be very beneficial for persons with arthritis.

Go Slow With Yoga

Before getting into some of the better yoga poses for arthritis. You should not go to any yoga class and try to do all the moves. You will have difficulty with some of them because they are not meant for people with joint pain. For example, there is quite a lot of floor work that requires balancing some of your weight on your hands. This puts a lot of pressure on your hands and wrists, so it can be painful. Don’t rush into yoga, but instead go very slowly and work with a yoga instructor who can modify some of the moves for you.

Sun Salutation

A good yoga move to start with if you have arthritis and are new to this type of exercise is a sun salutation. This is really easy on your body, relaxes you, and is good to do in the morning before starting your day. To do a sun salutation, you just need to stand up with your feet touching and hold your hands to your heart with your palms together. Focus on your breathing as you exhale, raising your arms up as you do so. When you inhale, bend back and stretch your arms into the sky.

Child’s Pose

The next type of yoga move that is good for fighting arthritis is the child’s pose. The child’s pose stretches out your lower back and can help to give you more strength and flexibility in your core. The child’s pose is done on the ground with your knees on the ground and toes together. Reach your arms forward and to the ground, dropping your head as you do so.

Speak to your yoga instructor when taking a class in order to learn other moves that will be good for fighting arthritis.

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Morning Meditation Routine – Why You Need It.

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel ready to tackle the new day? Does your daily routine include breakfast and time with the family? Do you ever get ready mentally to face the new day?. Sometimes people go through life on autopilot, instead of taking the time to reflect a little. If they did, then they might be able to find wellness, joy and balance in their lives.

This article will be discussing how to add a morning meditation routine.

How to Start the Day – Breathe and Visualize.

There are many people who  wake up and run to get their morning cup of coffee. However, replacing it with a morning meditation routine is a great place to start. When you wake up, take time to drink a glass of water or tea. Then sit in a quiet space and focus on your breathing. Be sure to inhale and exhale at an even slow pace. If you go too fast, you may begin to hyperventilate, so be patient with this practice. See yourself charging through your day feeling alert and ready for the challenges. Visualization is a huge part of your thinking process.

Focus on What Has to be Done – Set the path to do it.

After you have had your breathing moment go over the things that you need to do that day. Write them down, go over the list and make sure you have them in your head. Visualize completing each task in the order that makes the most sense to you. Know the paths that you will take to get there. This will lock your goals in an order that you can easily track through the day. Additionally, make sure you have a positive attitude about finishing your tasks.You don’t need to know Yoga to do this.

Avoid Distractions – Discard what is not Necessary.

Stay focus on the things that are at hand and avoid getting distracted. Again visualize yourself putting other matters aside until a more appropriate time in the near future. If you allow your mind
to torture itself with clutter, it will prevent you from making progress. Focus only on what is important.

Find Appreciation for The Less Exciting

Tackle first those things that aren’t much fun but are necessary.  Make them part of your morning meditation. And never forget why you are doing it. Hence, it will bring you appreciation to the fact that you are making life better for you and your family.

Finally, make this morning meditation routine the daily starting point to success!


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Alcohol And Exercise – Debunking Some Facts

As the weekend nears, you probably will think about going out and having a few drinks with friends or co-workers. The thought of relaxing and wind down has its social merits.

There are some things, however that you must keep in mind.

Do small amounts of Alcohol affect your muscular output?

Research has proven that small amounts of alcohol will increase muscular endurance and strength output. However, the benefits are very short lived. After 20 minutes or so, problems will surface. Alcohol will, over the  next few minutes reduce your strength, endurance and aerobic capacity. Even with short term use, nerve muscle interaction will be reduced resulting in a loss of strength. Remember, alcohol is a poison that will really harm your body if you aren’t careful.

Long term effects on the body.

Over longer periods of time it will make your body loose the ability to metabolize fat, and diminish muscle growth.  Additionally, alcohol will affect your nervous system and brain. Long term usage will cause severe deterioration of your central nervous system.

Once alcohol reaches the blood cells, it will damage them. Alcohol users, often suffer inflammation of the muscle cells. Over time, some of these damaged cells will die affecting muscle contractions. Drinking alcohol also causes muscle soreness after exercise. Hence, it will take you a lot longer to recuperate.

Alcohol will also interferes with your heart and circulatory system ability to function properly. Anytime you drink, your heat loss will increase, due to the alcohol simulating your blood vessels to dilate. The loss in heat will cause your muscles to become quite cold, therefore becoming slower and weaker during your muscle contractions.

It also leads to digestive and nutrition problems as well. Alcohol causes a release of insulin that will increase the metabolism of glycogen, which spares fat and makes the loss of fat very hard. Additionally, due to alcohol interfering with the absorption key nutrients, you will eventually become anemic and vitamin B  deficient.

Excessive Drinking Effects.

Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more you drink, the harder your liver has to work. The extra stress alcohol places on your liver will cause serious damage and even destroy some of your liver cells.

Since alcohol is a diuretic, drinking large amounts will put a lot of stress on your kidneys. During diuretic action, hormones are secreted. This will lead to heightened water retention, loss of Potassium and frequent cramps. No one who exercises wants this to happen.

If you must drink alcohol, you should do it in moderation and never drink before you exercise, as this will impair your balance, coordination, and judgement.

Finally, think about your health and you may begin to look at Alcohol and Exercise from a whole new prospective.


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Strength Training for Women

Strength Training for Women – Why it is Important.

When it comes to exercising, there is usually a dramatic difference in habits that can be seen between men and women. Men like to hit the gym and lift heavy weights to bulk up and build muscle. Women are more focused on burning any excess fat they have by going for a run in the morning or joining a yoga class. However, strength training is very important for both men and women. Here are just some of the reasons why all women should do strength training exercises as well as cardio in their quest for fitness.

1. You can build strength without getting bulky

This is one of the main reasons why strength training for women is seldom used. They believe that it will just make them bulky and unattractive. However, this isn’t the case. You’d have to lift very heavy weights for a long time in order to build as much muscle as men do. Women produce far less testosterone than men do. Hence, making it almost impossible for women to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights for 10-15 minutes a day.

2. You’ll burn fat easier

While cardio certainly helps with weight loss and improving your health, strength training is important too. It helps you to build some muscle, usually by converting existing fat into muscle. It takes up less space and makes you appear thinner and leaner. With the extra muscle, your metabolism is able to work faster and burn calories long after your workout.

3. It will improve your posture

Not many of us have great posture when sitting down or standing up, but strength training can help you to improve this naturally, which in turn decreases the risk of back ache and other aches and pains around your body.

4. Strength training for women will decrease stress levels

By lifting weights and carrying out exercises which build strength in your body, you can reduce the amount of stress you are feeling. The stress hormone, known as cortisol, is one of the main reasons why many women find it so difficult to lose weight. By eliminating high stress levels and getting rid of the overproduction of cortisol, you’ll find that it’s much easier to change the shape of your body both inside and outside the gym.

Finally, Strength Training for Women increases their sense of wellness. Well worth trying!

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 Positive Thinking – How it Will Improve Your Life

While it’s easy to think about positive people as unrealistic and fake, being positive has many benefits for your life.

Thinking positive will improve your life more than you may realize, and it won’t just be your mental health that benefits from it.

Here are some of the ways that positive thinking will improve your life.

Lower feelings of depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety afflicted people know just how difficult life can be. Any form of relief from the symptoms of depression and anxiety are always very much appreciated.

Additionally, positive thinking will help with this. While it is difficult to imagine how hard it is to think positive while you are suffering from these symptoms.

Working with doctors, therapists and being kind to yourself will help improve life and get a positive outlook.

Improve your career.

It is obvious that positive people do better at the work place. They often get promotions faster, are offered more opportunities, and build great relationships that last both in the office and long afterwards.

Not only does a positive attitude put you at the top of the list when you go for job interviews, but you are also more likely to succeed and last within a company if you have a positive attitude about life.

Improve your interpersonal relationships.

You don’t have to spend your life helping other people after all, you should put yourself as a priority and practice self-care and positive thinking.

None the less, it’s always nice to be able to help those that you love and care about. Helping others brings with it an incredible sense of self-worth and value. In turn, it adds to feelings of positivity and hopefulness.

When you help other people, either by making them feel happier or by showing them how they can practice positive thoughts, you’ll be creating a win-win situation that will enrich the lives of both you and them.

Finally, positive thinking helps in a variety of other ways. From your own personal development, to your health and even the health and wellbeing of those around you.

Start by keeping a journal, practicing affirmations and making a conscious effort to weed negativity and negative people from your life.

Positive Thinking is a Powerful Tool to be Used on the Road to Wellness. Use It!

Self Reflections




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Boosting Vitamin K

Vitamin K was discovered by a Danish scientist, Henrik Dam. From his research, he named it vitamin K, which is abbreviated from the word Koagulationsvitamin.

In English, this means the “coagulation vitamin”.  Also, a second biochemist, Edward Doisy continued Dam’s work. He also discovered the role that vitamin K plays in the proper function of the body.

Additionally, both scientists received the Nobel Prize in 1943 for their amazing work.

Years later, we now are beginning to better understand the multiple functions this coagulation vitamin performs in the body – truly amazing.

Above all, Vitamin K is essential for general health and well being.

Vitamin K aids during blood clotting. It is also helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Unless you are a person requiring blood thinner medication, there is no reason why you should not be taking plenty of vitamin K in your diet.

Vitamin K rich foods include cooked or raw green leafy veggies like cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green beans, okra, lettuce, and the like.

Also, the daily requirement of vitamin K in this form is around 120 micrograms (μg).

Benefits of Vitamin K

  • As mentioned above, vitamin K is vital for blood clotting.
  • In Osteoporosis Treatment it helps restore bone density.
  • Also used to treat patients with liver disease.
  • Vitamin K lowers the total cholesterol of people who are on dialysis treatment.
  • In the treatment of  spider veins on the skin, to remove scars, stretch marks, burns, and bruises.
  • Topically it treats rosacea.
  • Speeds up healing of the skin after surgery.

Getting enough vitamin K, is integral to good health and when there is a deficiency, a long list of health problems can develop.

There are 2 main types of vitamin K:

  1. Vitamin K1 – Found on leafy vegetables. Also a good source of fiber.
  2. Vitamin K2 – Found in fermented foods and animal products. Additionally,  the body produces its own vitamin K2 in the gut.

What to look for if you think you are Vitamin K deficient.

  • Bruising easily.
  • Your nose or your gums are oozing.
  • Excessive bleeding from wounds or injections or from surgical areas.
  • Women with heavy menstrual periods.
  • Bleed from the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.
  • Presence of blood in either the urine or stools.
  • An increase in prothrombin time (tests used to detect and diagnose bleeding disorders or clotting).

Top 10 Vitamin K Rich Foods:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: ½-cup: contains 444 micrograms
  2. Natto (fermented soy): 2 ounces: contains 500 micrograms
  3. Spring onions (scallions): ½-cup: contains 103 micrograms
  4. Brussels sprouts: ½-cup: contains 78 micrograms
  5. Cabbage: ½-cup: contains 82 micrograms
  6. Broccoli: ½-cup: contains 46 micrograms
  7. Dairy (fermented): – ½-cup: contains 10 micrograms
  8. Prunes: ½- cup: contains 52 micrograms
  9. Cucumbers: 1 medium cucumber: contains 49 micrograms
  10. Dried basil: 1 tablespoon: contains 36 micrograms

Finally, Why Boosting Vitamin K is Important

Hence, it is important that the body stops bleeding, internally or externally. When a person is Vitamin K deficient, he or she will bleed easily, resulting in bleeding ulcers or great loss of blood during an accident. Therefore, keeping your vitamin K levels is very important. Hence, vitamin K is critical to keeping patients alive after trauma.

Finally, if you believe you are Vitamin K deficient, or your health needs bolstering, consult with your physician if Boosting Vitamin K is helpful to you.

Thyroid Reset Report
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 Increase Your Confidence – Follow the path to Wellness.

Often it is hard to display enough confidence. Many times, it is very hard to interact socially  with others and speak up or be heard when there is a need to do so. Fortunately, people learn and change. Also, there are methods to be used that teach you how to display confidence and self-assurance.

Here are four useful tips:

Visualize a Better You

See yourself as the person you want to become. Hence, use visualization to achieve your personal goals. It is a very powerful tool. Therefore, to become a self assured and confident person, begin by imagining you are the person that you are planning to become. Start imagining yourself in a positive way. Additionally, positive thinking will help you to feel more capable, and those effects will spill over into other areas of your life.

Push Your Boundaries Daily

Another really great way to increase your confidence is to do something that intimidates you every day. This expose therapy will help you to stop feeling nervous when you have to do new things. Consequently, as you push your boundaries, your confidence will grow and you will become more adaptable over time. One example would be to try meeting a new person and holding a short conversation with them.

Don’t Let Self Doubts  Rule You

Avoid letting your self-doubt rule you. Above all, remember that this voice is what has been preventing you from increasing your confidence and making you feel insecure, and these types of insecurities are normally unfounded. Hence, the doubt you feel in your mind isn’t reality, and when you allow more positive inner thoughts to have a louder presence, your attitude will improve.

Help Other People

One of the best ways to get over your own fears is to help other people. When you help people to do things that you’re already know, it  reaffirms your skill set. This also takes your mind off of yourself.

Finally, helping other people will help you to be less focused on your own thoughts and feelings, and point you towards considering the feelings of others.

These are but a few ways to increase your confidence, follow them to a life of wellness.








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