Gut Health depends largely on the kind of foods a person consumes.

Gut Health and the Importance of Wholefoods

stevepb / Pixabay

In Ayurvedic medicine it is believed that numerous health issues in the body can be traced back to the digestive system. Therefore, many of today’s natural health practitioners often agree with this.

Sensitivities we have to certain foods – such as gluten, dairy and sugar – can cause an inflammatory response in the gut. Over time this can increase gut permeability.

Therefore, the build-up of intestinal parasites produces toxins which, together with proteins from these inflammatory causing foods, can then enter the nervous system through the gut. This is the connection between our diets and many of the health issues we may experience.

Added to this the high level of chemicals found in today’s factory produced foods, and chemically sprayed fruit and vegetables. Consequently, it is easy to understand the clinical research linking food choices to auto-immune conditions and neurological disorders.

Our friends at AboutLife in Australia are big fans of wholefoods and natural alternatives to these foods. Hence, when you shop with us it’s easier for you to maintain a balanced diet whilst keeping your body, and mind, healthy and vital.

By regularly choosing foods which do not cause an inflammatory response, and preferably alkalinise the body you are protecting your gut health. You are also creating the best environment for your body to fight carcinogens and illnesses.

In our modern day lives we are continually exposed to a variety of chemicals and toxins, plus foods which are detrimental to our health. Therefore, by limiting exposure to these in our food and lifestyle choices we can improve our health for life.

At Weight Loss and Wellness, we offer information and guidance on How to achieve your best results.

Whole foods will definitely improve your gut health, Try it!

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