Flu Prevention Tips That Will Keep You Healthy.

Colds and Flu surface every season with new mutations that sometimes are deadly.

Being exposed to germs and viruses on a daily basis is very common. People under normal conditions are naturally equipped to stay healthy.

Certain types of work however, present higher risks. It usually involves coming in contact with large number of people, especially in confined places, such as airplanes, trains, cruise ships college dorms and hospitals.

There are a number of simple flu prevention tips on how to avoid contagion.

The number one tip: Get a yearly flu shot. Vaccines not only are engineered to fight the latest flu variant, but it also will help boost the immune system.

More Tips:

Hygiene –

Wash your hands thoroughly and often. No matter what line of work you are in, touching door handles, hand rails and elevator buttons expose you to contagion.

Disinfect –

Hand sanitizers that contain alcohol are an alternative when soap and water are not available. Even though there are controversies about the effect sanitizers have, especially when absorbed by the skin. It is undeniable that sanitizers disinfect and neutralize cold causing germs.

Isolation –

Remain Isolated if you have a cold. Isolation prevents the spread of germs and the possibility of becoming infected again. Hence it will speed recovery times. Rest – Sleeping and eating well will help the body go back to its normal condition faster.

Nutrition –

Use Probiotics in your diet to keep infection fighting bacteria in good levels. It will boost your immune system and lead to a faster recovery. Old grandma remedies such as hot chicken soup are effective in reducing inflammation and discomfort caused by congestion and throat soreness.

Stress –

By diminishing stress the body will boost the immune system and fight infection more efficiently. Therefore recovery times will be reduced.

Antioxidants –

Use supplements such as glutathione and turmeric. The antioxidant characteristics of these supplements boost the immune system. Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the body and is responsible for enhancing the immune system as well as assisting the liver with detoxification. Turmeric improves cardiovascular function and joint health.

Vitamins –

Vitamins D and K when used in conjunction will accelerate absorption into the body. Hence speeding recovery times.

Zero Alcohol –

Alcohol consumption, even in small amounts affects the central nervous system which in turn will adversely affect the immune system. For that reason drinking must be avoided.

Boost Defenses –

Immune boosters which contain proteins and immunoglobulins will boost the body’s lines of defense.

Aside of the loss of activity, catching the flu repetitively may lead to chronic illnesses and other health concerns down the line.

Finally, keep up these useful flu prevention tips in mind during the flu and cold season.

They will keep you healthy and reduce the chances of getting sick.

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Drinking Water

Drinking Water Helps You Lose Weight.


The human body contains about 60% water. In fact it could not survive without it. Pure water is calorie-free.
Drinking it is the safest and healthiest way to hydrate and keep the body functioning properly.
Because it mixes easily with other chemicals, pure water nowadays is found mostly in bottled form, and at a price.
Today, we have become accustomed to drinking water mixed with other products. Sodas, juices, cocktails, coffee and energy drinks.

What do all these mixed drinks have in common? – They all add calories and chemicals to water.

Drinking pure water, will save countless calories which contribute to gain weight.

Water is the healthy way to stay hydrated. Hence, the body works best if gets enough water every day

How does water contributes to weigh loss.

After exercising, water restores the balance to the body replacing lost fluids. There are studies that show that dehydration caused after exercising or excessive heat will affect physical and mental performance. Therefore, drinking water will help the body recover quickly.

Consequently, drinking plenty water with every meal fills the stomach and makes it harder to over eat. Drinking water in between meals keeps hunger away.  Some studies  suggest that people that drink water before meals show significant weight losses as compared to those who did not.
Drinking water will temporarily increase the body’s metabolism contributing to weight loss, for instance.

How much Water should we drink?.

According to the The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the ideal daily fluid intake is:

About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids for men and about 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. It must be remembered however, that approximately 20% of the fluids come from food, while the rest comes from water and other beverages.

In conclusion, drinking water not only helps to stay fit, it will contribute to  weight loss too!.

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Overweight People must change those bad habits.


What is stopping you from losing weight.

Most of us have set daily routines that go like this:

  • We get up in the morning.
  • Shower & brush our teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Go to work.
  • Lunch break.
  • Back to work.
  • Return home.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch TV.
  • And finally go back to bed.

Then we do it all over again the next day. As if in Auto Pilot mode.

In other words, we are creatures of habit because our society demands it. Regardless whether we are overweight people or not.

Our well being and security requires we are gainfully employed and putting away for that rainy day.

Staying fit somehow has to be squeezed in between.

Depending on how we manage those few minutes juggling between eating and working out will either make you fit or render you obese.

If you are overweight and willing to fight obesity, then you must look at your daily routine.

Think very critically about how you go about getting up, going to work, and especially think what is it you are doing wrong while on your daily activities.

It all boils down to food and exercise.

You might have bad habits that have become embedded in your daily activities. Take notes of every action you perform every day. It might surprise you.

You will probably find out that most of it you do automatically, as you go about your day, you probably do it without even thinking.

Possible bad eating habits:

Is it the flavored latte with whipped cream and a cupcake you order every morning before getting on the train?
Or the fast food meal you have for lunch?. Are you stopping for a beer after work. Perhaps you like snacking before going to bed.
If so, you probably have bad eating habits.

Possible Bad exercise habits:

  • Take note of things you do that may make you less mobile.
  • Do you always use the elevator when you could go up or down the stairs?.
  • You Uber when you could be walking somewhere?,
  • How about ever going for walks?
  • Ever visited a gym to go after work before you go home.

If you don’t do any of these activities, then you probably are not in good physical condition.  Add it to your notes!.

Therefore, detecting which activities are making you overweight are critical to changing your life.

Once you detect which bad habits are hurting you most. Then you have won half the battle already.

Starting the next day begin your battle to lose weight. Tackle your biggest weakness first.

Is it overeating?.  Maybe starving and then binge eating or raiding the fridge?. Then make a big note and change it.

It is not that hard. Keep that note with you at all times. It will remind you that it is a bad habit that must be changed.

Once you are aware of it, replacing snacks with healthier meals will produce results.

Maybe today is a good day to walk a little on the way to work.

You will be amazed how quickly you will be feeling and looking better.

Overweight People can get fit. It is possible, just start doing it now!

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Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy – Book Review

Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy

Sometimes people want to get in shape, but they don’t have access to weights, machines, or any gadgets. Maybe you have a gym membership or have fitness equipment at home, but you’re tired of doing the same thing all the time and you’re looking to try something different. Sometimes injuries occur, and you may need to take a break from working out with heavy weights to rehabilitate. If any of these situations arise, you will need to know what exercises you can do to stay or get in shape. You will need to know how to properly target each muscle group so that you get the results you want. Therefore, if you’re dealing with any of the situations, Dr. Bret Contreras PhD, MS, CSCS has the answers you need in his book, Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy.


Features of Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy


• Full-color anatomical illustrations
• Training advice and step by step instructions
• Teaches you to train without fitness machines, weights, or fitness equipment.
• Teaches you how to target each muscle group.
• 156 body weight exercises

Is Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy Worth Buying?

Dr. Bret Contreras PhD, MS, CSCS has trained both everyday people and athletes. He consults with many athletic teams and athletes to help them learn how to effectively build their bodies. Using only their bodyweight as resistance he produces great results. He writes about strength and conditioning, and he’s an expert in the field. Dr. Contreras also designed a hip thrusting station so that his clients and others could properly perform the hip thrust, one of the most effective glute exercises.

Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy is an in-depth look at body weight strength training using step by step instructions and full color anatomical illustrations to help you target specific muscles and perform exercises properly. The training advice in this book can be trusted because it is given by an expert in bodyweight strength training, muscle building, and conditioning. This book will teach you how to train without weights or other equipment by providing you with 156 body weight exercises, step by step instructions on how to properly perform them, and full color pictures showing positions and muscles that need to be targeted during the exercise. After reading this book, you will have a much better understanding of your body and what it’s capable of doing without having to rely on weights or other fitness equipment.

The one complaint from those purchasing this book, was that they would like there to be even more illustrations. However, even with this complaint, customers are overwhelmingly happy with the book and the information found within.

Bodyweight Strength Training Anatomy is a great book for everyone. Read it!

It’s perfect for those wanting to learn how to push their bodies to get stronger and stay that way. If you are rehabilitating, this book can help you find exercises that you can safely perform.

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Fight Obesity by jumping your way out of it.


Can Trampoline Jumping lead to losing weight?

Obesity is fast becoming an epidemic for many young children. Countless hours spent in front of electronic devices are turning lots of them into couch potatoes. Then there are the times they cannot play outdoors because  of the fear of having them out on playgrounds on their own. Therefore, parents need to find good in house alternatives.

Trampoline Jumping?.

It makes sense, trampoline jumping offers a simple, fun way for children to exercise. They are easy to use, very rewarding when new skills are learned. And best of all, there are no rules. One person or several can use it and simply have fun. Calorie burning and cardio exercises go unnoticed when you are having fun.

While obesity is life threating to grown ups. It usually starts early in life. For children, even if a moderate amount of physical activity gets their muscles working, they will be on the way to becoming fit.

Health problems such as HBP (High Blood Pressure) and diabetes, many times  manifest themselves in early adulthood when the problem isn’t taken care of early.  What a child  learns early in life will have an effect on him for years to come.

Jumping is a simple and effective way to fight obesity and place children on a path that will lead to a life of activity. Hence, start him jumping early, he will thank you.

The truth is: it’s very easy to let your child sit around the house, playing their video games or watching television. But, with that, it’s also easy to let them become overweight and suffer in the future. Instead, get them outside and get them active. Neither of you will regret–a trampoline will let you both exercise and enjoy it.

Give your children (and yourself) the chance for a healthy future. Buy a trampoline and start them toward a path of regular exercise. You will both see the advantages–you because you’ve managed to get them away from the television; them because they’ve discovered something fun to do. It’s the simple way to do what’s right.

Fight obesity by leading an active life. Using a trampoline is a great way for children to become fit.

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Boosting your Fitness – Change your Eating Habits!

Diet is one of the less discussed factors when developing a fitness plan. It would be incomplete without a proper diet program.

You can not have successful  fitness if you neglect what you eat.

If you are doing muscle building workouts and you need to lose weight, then your diet must be high on protein and low carbs. On the other hand, if all you want is to loose weight, you then must burn more calories than what you eat. Otherwise it will not work.

It is possible to burn more calories by using a High Interval Intensity Training routine and reducing the amount you eat. Of course calories must be carefully counted for this to work well.

Hence, if you reduce your daily calorie intake and equally increase your calorie burn rate. Your weight loss will be impressive.

After the initial high protein diet that replaced fat with muscle, begin to gradually add fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This will provide a much needed vitamin boost to your system.

Most times, successful physical fitness is achieved and maintained only when old bad eating habits dissapear. Therefore it is a lifetime commitment.

Finally, remember that boosting your fitness requires a diet plan as much as an exercise routine.

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Cardio and Strength Training – Combine them for Best Results


Combining two of the best forms of exercise gives you amazing results. It increases your efficiency by working out both your muscles and your cardiovascular system.

Regardless of what your goals may be. Losing weight, toning up or increasing muscle mass.

Therefore, the combining of strength training and cardio routines is arguably the best way to do it.

What is cardio?

Cardio is  a form of exercise which raises your heart rate. Examples are running, swimming and cycling.

Cardiovascular exercises do not require weights and relies on increasing muscle motion to get blood flowing at a faster rate through your body.

For this reason, better heart function and lung efficiency are the end results.

What is strength training?

Strength training routines rely on weights and resistance machines in order to encourage muscle movement. With multiple repetitions the body builds muscle mass and strength.

How can cardiovascular and strength training routines be combined?

Combining cardio routines and strength training is simple. For that reason, include both disciplines into your workout routines.

Ideally you can alternate both forms in the same session. Just as effective is to work one form on  day one, and the other on day two.

As long as both systems are exercised, the benefits will become obvious in a short time.

What are the benefits of using both forms of exercise?

Finally, the benefits are multiple, an improved pulmonary and heart system promoted by cardio will help stamina.

It in turn will lead to easier muscle building.

Hence, think of it as a better tuned engine taking advantage of every component to produce the best possible results.

Finally, a body that is has both inner and outer fitness is always going to outperform those that lack fitness in one or the other system.

Cardio and Strength Training – The Winning Combination. Try it now!


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Calorie Burning While Having Fun


Decrease the number of calories you take in in during the day and burn more calories by being active, and you surely will loose weight.
Make it fun to be active, and your success rate will increase even more. During the summer months enjoying the water and using it to your advantage not only is fun but it also works very well.

Using water resistance to exercise your muscles will put in motion muscles you did not even know you had!.

Activities such as Swimming, Diving, Rowing, Canoeing or snorkeling are but a few of the many summer options that use water resistance to tone your muscles.

Rowing and Sculling

Regardless of it being practiced outdoors on the water (sculling) or indoors in a gym (rowing machines), either one will produce impressive workout routines. Both develop the cardio vascular system. Muscle tone and definition will be visible in a short period of time.

Sculling is done using narrow and very fast boats. Using 2 oars and working either as a single unit or as part of a team. Additionally, it is a very rewarding outdoor activity that trains your core, arms, legs and anything in between!. Plus the added benefit of being an outdoor activity close to the water where the tranquilizing effect of the ozone in the water is very noticeable.

Rowing Machines use water resistance inside the unit and can produce intense workouts. Having the added benefits of year round workouts, plus the fact that both of these units train your entire body muscles, localized soreness is highly unlikely.


If you are looking for calorie burning activities. There are workouts that will burn the most calories while you are outdoors. How about a canoeing and camping  trip. Using a canoe will give you one of the best workouts. Burn between 450 calories and up to 700 calories per hour plus the fresh air you intake. Work your core, upper body, and build stamina. Much nicer than sitting in the gym. Add to it the camping activities and you will be working towards a great night of rest.

Scuba Diving and Snorkeling

Scuba Diving and snorkeling, are very intensive routines. Burning over 1,000 calories per hour.  It has its drawbacks however. First of all you need specialized gear,  plus it is a learning process, best done in groups. A physicians approval prior to training is suggested. High rewards have drawbacks, yet it is a very good calorie burner.


Finally, swimming is a full body workout. A high calorie burning workout. Best of all, you only need a bathing suit and a towel!. Yet, for it to bee a true calorie burner it requires fast swimming. Hence, dunking like a tea bag in a cup wont cut it. If done properly, it will provide e very extensive muscle toning experience.

This is only a small sample of the many calorie burning activities that can be done in the summer months.

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Weight Loss Mistakes People Often Do.

When people try to lose weight often trying too hard will do more harm than good. That is the reason why it is so hard to do. Mistakes are done and repeated over and over again. Therefore, combining diet and exercise gives the best results.

Losing weight by exercising:

1. Obsessed with how many pounds are lost daily.

At the beginning people tend to loose pounds fast., most of it in the form of water and grease. A product of strict diets   When this happens,  the numbers on the scale look great. People focus on how many pounds they lost over a few days and think  loss will continue at the same rate.  While this is a great indication that you’re becoming lighter and losing weight, it’s definitely not how all the road will continue. It is common to reach plateaus where the number of pounds lost slows drastically. To be expected when the body begins to make adjustments. And muscles to the get firmer. Muscle actually weigh more than fat which affects your total weight.

Dieting to lose weight:

2. Much Too Small Portions by starving.

People believe that by starving themselves they will lose more weight. By not eating proper meals, they will cause their bodies to go into starvation mode. A  natural mechanism that assumes that food is scarce, triggering a reaction that speeds fat creation, since it believes it won’t be getting enough food for a while. Hence the body tries to protect itself.

External Factors:

3. Stress and Tension.

If people get very stressed when dieting or exercising, and allow stress to grow because of slow progress during weight loss or work related factors in their lives. Stress hormones are produced, which will cause fat build up. Additionally, tension often triggers the need for endorphins to calm the person down. Hence cravings for sweets such as chocolate increase.

Controlling stress is a key factor in successful weight loss.

4. Lack of sleep and proper rest.

Cortisol is a hormone that interferes with weight loss. The solution to slow down its effect is in getting enough rest and sleep. A change in sleeping habits or learning how to induce good sleep will definitely improve chances of success. Poor sleeping habits is another common weight loss mistake.

5. Not knowing your calorie intake vs energy spent.

After exercising very hard, it is natural that people become hungry. In turn they may eat a huge meal afterwards. If they don’t know how many calories they burned, they may overestimate the amount of food they can eat. Therefore it is best if they use a calorie monitor, like the one on the I Watch and other fitness monitors,.  It will keep track of your real progress and prevent costly mistakes.

These are 5 of the most common Weight Loss Mistakes people do. Avoid them to succeed.


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Functional Strength Training?

Functional Strength Training

skeeze / Pixabay


Many people are aware of the concept of strength training. Using weights and resistance machines, muscles are developed and strength increases with repetitions.

Keeping our body in good condition isn’t always easy, but with a little bit of effort and hard work, you can help yourself to stay fit and healthy. Becoming a healthy person is generally a balance of a few different things. A good diet, regular exercise and workout sessions, 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and low stress levels. On the workout side of things, you should be doing both cardio and strength training. In order to decide which strength training exercises are best for you, it’s important to understand functional strength training.

What is strength training?

Strength training is an important part of any regular workout routine. It is an umbrella term for the types of exercises we do which incorporate weights and resistance. This enables the body to build its strength through the use of added weight and resistance into movements which otherwise would be fairly straightforward.

What is functional strength training?

Functional strength training is a type of strength training that uses regular everyday movements to help your body get into peak physical condition. For example, sitting down is a movement which we all do every single day. Squatting is an exercise movement designed to mimic this movement while training the muscles in the calves, thighs and buttocks. It is therefore part of functional strength training.  You will be building muscles which are used every day for regular movements and tasks.

Is functional strength training important?

While functional strength training might not seem like a great way to build huge muscles. It is more effective than many people realize. It has been proven to slow down the ageing process.  By doing regular functional strength training, the muscles which you move for regular activities will become stronger and more flexible, making it less likely to get an injury when playing sports or carrying out movements which are difficult and awkward for the body.

How can you incorporate functional strength training into your workout?

You can incorporate functional strength training by doing movements such as squats, kettlebell swings and planking as part of your weekly workout routine. If you use weights in your workouts, simply add them to the new functional strength training exercises, such as squatting with a barbell or planking with small weights attached to your ankles.

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