Whole 30 Diet – An effective way to reset your body and your life.


Tips on how to do the Whole 30 diet successfully


The Whole 30 diet is a nutritional program, designed to work for 30 days. In that time, it changes the way you eat and feel. Hence, you have to get rid of  potential inflammatory foods and drinks in your diet. Additionally, you must eat three “clean” meals a day. That means meat, veggies, fruit, eggs, and seafood.


Here are some great tips on how to do the Whole30 diet successfully


  • Don’t believe you can’t do it


Remember it’s not forever; it’s just for 30 days, and not that hard when you compare it to other things.


  • That means not setting yourself up for failure


There are strict rules and if the diet says 30 days, it means 30 days and not 29. It doesn’t mean being strict for 5 days, then going out and celebrating with a pizza before you “grunge” on to the next five days.


  • It’s easier with a friend


This can be really helpful and makes it easier, and more fun. And besides that, it makes you more accountable to someone so you stick to it.


  • Buy all the produce that is applicable to the diet


It is fun experimenting, especially if you know it is a mere 30 days. Buy all your produce beforehand, checking out your favorite type recipes.


  • Don’t forget to meal prep


Meal prepping is helpful and especially if you work through the week. Maybe prep on a Sunday afternoon for example, preparing all your meals for the following week and storing them in the refrigerator, ready to eat. You will be so glad you did; it helps to keep you focused.


Try it for yourself, it takes just 30 days and you might find that the supposed benefits outweigh any challenges you might face.


Those who have been on this diet report these changes:

  1. Your skin becomes flawless  This diet is reported to make the skin glow, improving its tone, texture and overall appearance
  2. Clear eyes.  Stress takes its toll on the eyes and particularly when you get older, showing up as red and dull-looking. After a couple of days on the Whole30 diet, you will notice the whites of your eyes are aglow – shiny and bright.
  3. Energy abounds If you are a kind of sugar addict, you might find the beginning a bit tough. When you start detoxing from the sugar, you might even experience more of an energy slump in fact. But after that, your energy becomes boundless.
  4. Doesn’t better sleep sound wonderful? Many people even take sleep medication so that they can get a good night’s rest. And for some a real challenge is falling asleep. When you are on the Whole 3 diet, it is reported that one falls asleep naturally.
  5. Gone with feeling bloated Even though you might not jump onto the scale every day to see if the diet is making a difference, you won’t really need to, because just everything in your body will feel better. You will just notice that your stomach looks trimmed.

On the Whole 30 website, you will see for yourself that the diet helps you cut out inflammatory foods, foods that disrupt your gut and which are psychologically unhealthy.

Some diseases that the diet is good for:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • ADD, or attention deficit disorder
  • Celiac Disease
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Depression
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Lupus
  • Inflammatory bowel disease, and others

Not meant for long-term


It is important to take note that the Whole 30 diet is a pretty restrictive kind of diet and not meant to be long-term. When your 30 days are up, you need to transition back to a more balanced way of heating.

You need to realize that it is not a permanent diet and is not a prescription for how to eat. That’s why it’s called the Whole 30 diet.

It’s just 30 days of eating whole foods whilst exploring a more mindful and purposeful approach to what goes into your mouth. And while you are at it, remember to check labels because so many prepackaged goods have sugar and additives. When in doubt, concentrate only the whole foods that Whole 30 comprises; veggies, fruits, meats, nuts, and seafood.

The end goal of the Whole 30 diet is to reset your body.

Therefore, start slowly adding back healthy nutritional foods, and checking out and eliminating the ones that cause adverse reactions. [responsivevoice_button voice=”US English Female” buttontext=”Listen to This”]

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Trigger Foods to Avoid if You Have Digestive Problems.

Trigger foods are foods that cause negative digestive responses.  Problems such as heartburn, indigestion, abdominal pain and cramping, constipation or diarrhea are common.

People with a propensity toward digestive problems should refrain from eating them.

While each individual can come up with their own list of foods to avoid, there are food groups that are on most people’s lists:


While eating milk and dairy products is a great way to get calcium, if you are lactose intolerant it will cause diarrhea, gas, cramps and abdominal pains.

Lactose intolerance  is caused by the lack of the enzyme lactose – the enzyme needed to break down the milk sugar lactose.

Additionally, people with Crohn’s disease, ciliac disease or chemotherapy patients may become lactose intolerant due to intestinal damage.

Yogurt and hard cheeses are great substitutes because they do not contain lactose. And of course there is always lactose-free milk.

Spicy Foods

People with a sensitive stomach, irritable bowel syndrome or susceptible to chronic heartburn, should avoid spicy foods.

A digestive response from the capsaicin in peppers can range from indigestion to nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

High Fat Foods

High fat foods include red meats, butter, creamy sauces, full-fat ice cream and fried foods. Because fat takes the longest to digest of all the macro-nutrients, it tends to stay in the digestive tract longer thus giving it more time to ferment and cause gas and bloating. People with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) especially need to limit their intake of high fat/fatty foods.

High Fiber

While fiber is good for a digestive tract, too much of it too soon can cause digestive problems of its own… in the form of gas and bloating. The right amount of fiber is 25 to 30 grams per day; people eating considerably less than this amount should slowly up the amount they are eating, giving their body time to adjust between each increase.

Sometimes digestive problems can occur if the good bacteria in the digestive tract get overridden by the bad.

To keep the “good guys” in control:

  • Avoid detoxes as they usually get rid of the good bacteria.
  • Don’t use antibiotics unless necessary as they kill off good bacteria.
  • Eat foods with probiotics like yogurts and soy milks as they help promote good bacteria.

If you promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut, digestive issues will dramatically be reduced.

Listen to your digestive tract and learn how it reacts to certain types of foods. That is the clue.

Finally, set up your own list of trigger foods to avoid.

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Healthy Breakfast Cereal Alternatives. Free of empty calories, full of nutrition,

Most cereals, whether they are for kids or adults, are often loaded with heaps of sugar or fructose corn syrup. Eating all that sugar, will raise your blood sugar levels. Hence, you will be be hungry very quickly. Excess sugar eventually converts into fat, and you may over time even develop type 2 diabetes. Additionally, most cereals are high in genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), particularly those targeted at children.

Here is a list of some of the healthy breakfast cereal alternatives you can eat instead:


Yogurt is one of the delicious, healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, but only if it is unsweetened ones. Stay away from the flavored yogurt varieties, and shop for plain yogurt which you can top with bananas, fresh berries or  nuts for sweetness.


Organic oatmeal is a highly comforting, warm dish, packed with nutrients. Add a dollop of natural yogurt over your cooked oats, some crushed nuts, cinnamon and a sliver of honey. It is e a powerful energy meal loaded with good health and wellness.

Nut butter on whole grain toast

You need fuel to have energy during the day and that means eating top nutrients. Try something like nut butter on ancient whole grain toast. What about some sweet slices of apple or banana to pop into your mouth as well? Carry some nuts and raisins as a go-between snack to help close the gap between meals.

Protein Smoothies

Unlike a lot of ready made smoothies that contain spoons of sugar; homemade ones are extremely healthy breakfast cereal alternatives. Take a banana, some frozen fruit and a scoop of whey protein to keep you alert. Add a splash of  almond milk instead of fruit juices as a sugar free alternative. Hence, your smoothie will keep you going for hours.

Scrambled eggs

Nutritious scrambled eggs, a typical breakfast staple, are so good for you, containing plenty of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, iron and folate. This powerful protein meal will provide plenty of energy and keep you going well into the morning, feeling satisfied.

Breakfast sandwich

A breakfast sandwich is a real favorite. All it takes is one scrambled up egg, a beef patty, some slices of avocado and some cheese. Place them inside a toasted whole grain English muffin and that is it. You get folate and iron, plenty of protein, fiber and monounsaturated fat from the avocado. This breakfast sandwich is the ideal recipe to keep you highly satisfied until your next meal.

Finally, start your day with one of these healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, do your body a favor, kick-start your metabolism.

Additionally, you start the day with something delicious that promotes feelings of wellness. Here are plenty of options that you can whip up each morning, and best of all they are good for you. Bet you’ll want to make them for lunch too!.

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Sprint Training Power Foods – Great For  HIIT  Too.

Diet and nutrition play a vital role in determining health and fitness. Food is fuel for the body. Therefore, serve it fresh, nutrient-rich products. Not only will it boost wellness, it will also improve athletic performance. For those actively involved in HIIT-based workouts and/or sprint training, there are certain foods that will improve athletic performance.

Here are just a few power foods to help with sprint training and High Intensity Interval Training.

Salmon – Sprint Training Power Food # 1

Salmon is an oily fish, rich in nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, as well as amino acids and minerals. As with most fish, salmon is rich in protein, it promotes muscle growth and repair. When you perform high intensity exercises such as sprints, you utilize fast-twitch muscle fibers, especially in the legs. The more muscle you build, the more of these fibers you need, and the faster you will run. Salmon also is known as an anti-inflammatory. Hence it will reduce after workout muscle inflammation. Resulting in healthier joints, less muscle soreness and faster recovery. Additionally, salmon is rich in healthy fats. These fats provide quick energy boosts, much needed when sprinting.

Bananas –Power Food #2

All sprinters, regularly consume bananas. These sprint training power foods are high in carbs, providing sustained releases of energy once consumed. That is why they are the perfect pre workout snack. Also packed with healthy minerals, including zinc, magnesium and potassium. Potassium is very beneficial for HIIT workouts because it prevents cramps by buffering lactic acid build ups. The minerals found in bananas also replace electrolytes lost in sweat when you train.

Peanut butter – The last of the Sprint Training Power Foods

Finally, the ultimate energy-boosting power food, perfect for consumption before a HIIT workout is peanut butter. Now, we are talking about 100% all natural peanut butter. Not the typical grocery variety, often full of additional oils, extra salt, sugar, sweeteners and preservatives. Natural peanut butter is rich in protein, therefore it will prevent muscle loss and damage. Much needed to preserve muscles. Also high in healthy fats and calories, so it will supply energy to get through workouts. In the same vein, the vitamins and antioxidants it contains will prevent or reduce inflammation, much as bananas and salmon.


Fast Fitness eBook



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Body Cleanse Diets

Body cleanse diets are the last craze in dieting. The number of people searching for detox diets is growing everyday.

These diets are great for detoxifying the body. Do it regularly by using a diet plan as part of your lifestyle. Therefore, a proper cleanse diet will help you lose weight. Feel lighter and better than ever before.

Additionally, you may have heard about toxins, detoxification, purifying etc. they are all terms related to body cleansing diets.

Toxins are harmful chemicals affecting your body. They are all around you (in your food, water, air) and inside you (as waste products of metabolism).

Hence, these stored toxins combined with stress can affect your health in very unpleasant ways:

– weight gain
– headaches
– feelings of fatigue and weakness
– heartburn
– sore muscles and skin irritation
– joint pains

These symptoms will fade when you start detox. Well, you may feel some discomfort in the very first days, but that is a normal body reaction.

Additionally,you may feel headache or sore muscles, that is because the toxins are released faster then your body can eliminate them. These symptoms will not occur again if you detox regularly.

Detox and Weight Loss

Detoxification is the process of releasing and expelling the stored toxins through the elimination organs of your body – the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and skin.

Detox Diets are dietary nutritious plans that use detoxification, which helps you lose weight by cleansing out your body and improving your metabolism.

Body Cleanse Diets and Disease Prevention

Detox Diets are recommended for improving resistance to disease, mental state, digestion, strengthens the organs involved in detox. Wellness is the end result.

Detox Diets prevent serious diseases such as cancer, ADD, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities, as well as treat heart disease, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease.

Detoxification Foods

Detox Diets recommend consumption of foods that are beneficial for your health and essential to weight loss – organic foods, fruits and vegetables.

Drink purified water and cut back on processed foods, as well as give up alcohol and smoking.

What you should know

Detox Diets are quite restrictive and once you start a detox diet, you should follow it strictly. Detox Diets are safe, but you should consult your doctor before starting.

In the same vein, regardless of which your dietary program you choose, staying fit with exercise should be maintained throughout the process.

Find a workout routine that will not be affected by detox diets.

Types of Body Cleansing Diets

Fasting – drinking only water, juices or broths, or eating one kind of food for a certain period of time. Your body starts burning fat for energy.

Nutritional supplements – intake of nutritious powders, vitamins and packaged protein snacks.

Hydrotherapy – detoxifying through your skin pores by taking special baths.

Specific detox diets – lasting between 7 and 30 days; additionally, there are quicker body cleanse diets lasting between one and three days, and also longer diets lasting up to 8 weeks.

Warning: As with any diet plan, medical supervision is a must.  Never attempt any of the above mentioned weight loss programs without the approval of a doctor.

Finally, try these programs and evaluate the results continuously to maximize results.

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Low Carb Snack Ideas That Are Simple to Prepare.

Low-carb diet meals usually are easy to prepare. Snacks however, are harder to find. Most are full of  sugar, salt, and high in carbohydrates. Therefore narrowing down the number of low carb snack ideas requires ingenuity and creativity.

Here are a few simple snack ideas:

Raw Vegetable Mix

One of the simplest snacks to prepare is a raw vegetable mix. Simply cut the vegetables up ahead of time and have them ready when cravings start. The best vegetables are broccoli, bell peppers, and celery. These are all low-carb and filling and full of vitamins and minerals. They also are good for your digestion. Add a low-carb dressing for dipping. Variety is the spice of life after all.

Low-Carb Fruit Salad

A low-carb fruit salad is another great filling snack. You can add any zero carbohydrate cheese on the side as well. Furthermore, make sure to use only fruits that have low-carb level. Such as berries, cantaloupe, and other forms of melon. Cut them up and mix them together for an on the go snack option. Sweet, and satisfying.

Hard Boiled Eggs

While not really sweet, hard boiled eggs are one of the best zero carbohydrate options. Easy to prepare, high in vitamins and nutritious. While some worry about their high cholesterol content, most scientists agree that the benefits outweigh the risks. Hence it is a great snack idea.

Almond Milk Smoothie

Sometimes you don’t have time to eat raw veggie trays or salad bowls. In fact, you may be on the go and you can only stop somewhere to grab something. One option that many fruit and juice bars, health food bars, and snack stops are now carrying nut based milk smoothies. These are ideal for a low or zero carb diet. However, make sure you stick to an almond milk base and add berries for flavor.  A strawberry almond milk smoothie is ideal for this kind of snack. It also is very filling.

Zero Carb Ice Cream

Most importantly, when on a low carbohydrate diet is to feel satisfied. What a better way than to have ice cream.  Use frozen fruits, chopped ice and cream. Blend them together at the lowest possible speed for about one minute. Additionally, add low carb sweetener to make the best ice cream snack even better. Well worth trying.

Finally, these snacks can be made ahead and used as part of your daily routine meal plan. Have them ready to grab at home or when you are on the go.

These Low Carb Snack Ideas will help you avoid bad food choices and help you stay on track.

Low-Carb Diet Report


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Fat Loss Diet Myths

Unfortunately, there are multiple fat loss diet myths that keep many from approaching their weight loss goals correctly. These myths people follow simply do not work, and keep people form losing weight.

These four dieting myths pointed below will help you understand what you need to do to lose weight. Understanding the truth behind these myths will help you to make lifestyle changes that will  keep your weight off for good.

Myth #1.- Liquid Diets Work

People tout the benefits of liquid diets. They talk about how they cleanse your body, and how they help you to lose weight. These claims are misleading at best. Most likely will lead to dehydration.

Your body may lose a few pounds because of this diet. The weight loss really comes from the fact that you are not eating any actual food. As soon as you add food back to your diet, you will gain the weight back. The liquid diet is only good for short-term, temporary weight loss. This fat loss myth does more harm than good. Follow an established diet plan instead.

Myth #2.- Eat Less to Lose More

Fat loss Diet myth #2  Starvation is good. People attempt to starve themselves as a way to lose weight. If they drastically cut their calories, they believe that they will lose weight quickly and efficiently.

While this method will help you to lose weight in the beginning, then your body will go into starvation mode, converting every bit of food into fat. It is incredibly unhealthy. Your body needs  vitamins, nutrients, carbohydrates, and calories that come from food to operate. While you do need to cut your caloric intake, you should do it according  to a plan, not drastically cut these numbers.

Myth #3.- Diets with a Timeline are Perfect for Keeping the Weight Off

Any diet with a timeline is going to hinder your overall weight loss goals. While the diet may help you to lose weight for a week or two, you will gain the weight back as soon as you get off of the diet. This can easily leave you disheartened with the overall weight loss process, and can hold back your overall progress. Again, having a proper weight loss program and following it will lead to success.

Myth #4.- Healthy Foods are Boring and Tasteless

Unfortunately, society is used to foods with high sugar content and high fat content. While these foods may have interesting and sought-after flavors, they are unhealthy at best.

People tend to think that healthy foods are bland, boring, and tasteless because they lack the flavors offered by these unhealthy foods. This is unfortunate, as most healthy foods can actually be both nutritious and delicious. By adding spices and herbs to healthy foods, you can add flavor to meals.

Most of these fat loss diet myths come from marketing campaigns by companies that are trying to make money.  They want to sell you the latest and greatest diet craze so that they can take your money.

When you understand the truth behind these myths, you understand that they are actually detrimental to your health. Hence, they will keep you from achieving and maintaining your weight loss goals.

Ignore fat loss diet myths and approach your weight loss diet correctly. It will lead to  a healthy lifestyle.

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Use Calorie Counters to shed pounds.

Use Calorie Counters

Omar Rodriguez

Food calorie counters are the secret weapon in your weight loss arsenal. There is no doubt that losing weight is hard. Portions get bigger and bigger, more calories are pushed into our faces. Additionally, our foods are filled with trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

Why use Calorie Counters.

Frankly, it’s a miracle that anyone ever manages to lose weight and, not surprisingly, most people don’t. Food calorie counters however, are a  great tool to get there. All it takes is a little knowledge, a little willpower and some help from one of the food calorie counters. Essentially, all diets work under the same premise. Therefore, eat less, and you will start losing weight. It really is that simple.

Most diets work by omitting one of the three macronutrients, usually either fat or carbohydrates. If the diet restricts carbs, the natural satiating properties of fat and protein will keep you fuller. If they reduce fat and have you focus on complex carbs, the sheer bulk of the food will automatically reduce your calories.

This is effective, but it means that you have to omit foods you really like. This is something that food calorie counters help you avoid. They allow you to have the knowledge of calories and nutrients that will allow you to lose weight permanently, quickly and easily.

How do they work.

Food calorie counters are exactly what they sound like: books or computer programs that allow you to look up the caloric content of any food you eat. Phone Apps make it much easier than before. Now all you need to do is select your foods from a pull down menu and the food calorie counters will calculate the levels for you.

This allows you to lose weight by putting the power in your hands. What you have to do is take in fewer calories than you are burning. The easiest way to do this is by making certain food substitutions. If you know that the mac and cheese you’re eating contains 700 calories, a calorie counter will tell show you alternate foods that can half that amount.

Food calorie counters allow you to tailor your portion size. By properly adjusting your meals, you will have the best of both worlds: eat what you want and  lose weight. Additionally, it doesn’t take a huge amount of calories to lose weight; even dropping 200 calories from your daily menu will have you losing 20 pounds over the course of the year.

Hence, when used properly, food calorie counters are a powerful weapon in the war against fat.

food calorie counters

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Healthy Foods You Should Eat Every Day.

Healthy Foods

kkolosov / Pixabay


While the term healthy foods is a little subjective, based on food preferences and dietary restrictions, there are some foods that are ideal as long as you are able to eat them. As long as none of these foods are a potential food allergy for you, they are recommended to be eaten on a daily basis. They make Healthy Diets that contribute to further your Fitness and Well Being.

Leafy Greens

Eat your leafy greens! Spinach is one of the healthiest greens you can eat, and goes great with many types of meals. It doesn’t have a strong flavor, so most people enjoy this green. It goes great in salads, breakfast scrambles and omelets, pasta, and so many other foods. Try to add more spinach and other leafy greens to your daily diet in order to get more vitamins and minerals including folate and omega-3s. If you aren’t a fan of spinach, try other dark leafy greens like collard greens, romaine, or kale.


Unless you have a nut allergy, these should definitely be on your list! Nuts are a wonderful source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. They increase your fiber when you don’t get a lot of it from fruits and whole grains, plus are a source of plant-based protein if you are a vegetarian or vegan. If you are sensitive to peanuts, which is actually a legume, go for healthy nuts like brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds, and pecans. There are so many to choose from.


When it comes to fruit, it doesn’t get much better than berries. You will get lots of healthy antioxidants by eating more berries like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. These fruits are delicious and sweet, but don’t have as much sugar and carbs as other fruits. You can get a nice boost to your heart health, and have a healthy snack without a lot of added calories.


For more healthy fats in your diet, add some avocado. This will increase your fats and calories, which are needed for a well-balanced diet. Avocado is great in a green smoothie in the morning, on toast, diced up as a side dish or in a salad. You can also use it as a healthy dip for whole grain crackers or raw veggies.


Lastly, if you can handle dairy, yogurt is great to have every day. This will help to provide probiotics, calcium, and many vitamins and minerals your body needs to grow healthy and strong.

Healthy Foods will keep you in good condition for years to come. Try them!

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Palm Oil – Why Should We Stop Using It.

Palm oil has been creating a lot of controversy. Environmentalists contend that farming palm trees is destroying our planet. Furthermore, doctors state that it increases high levels of bad LDL cholesterol on people who ingest it.

If you are serious about your health and wellness, you should learn about the type of oils you consume.

Why should we stop using products that contain palm oil?

1.- Is it bad for your health?

In effect, this oil has a high content of saturated fat, which can be harmful to cardiovascular health. It is this link to the risk of heart disease that has given it its bad reputation. According to Web MD, “A European safety agency has said that substances produced when palm oil is processed at high temperatures may cause cancer, based on animal studies…”
It would seem that there are better ways to find good cholesterol sources.

2.- It is bad for the environment.

Rain forests are being cleared in South America, Malaysia and Indonesia. They are giving way to palm plantations. Additionally to altering the ecosystem, they are reducing the land used by endangered wildlife such as the orangutan, elephant, rhino, tiger, and hundreds more. Hence, carbon pollution from the burning of the forests is released into the atmosphere.
Tropical forests have already been destroyed by as much as 8% between 1990 and 2008 and the trend continues.

Originating in Africa, these trees are easy to grow wherever there is plenty of sun, heat, and rainfall. Unfortunately, there is very little control despite the continuous complaining from people and organizations.
According to the World Wildlife Fund, areas equating to 300 football fields of rain forest are cleared every hour to make way for palm trees.

Furthermore, animals, like the orangutan could become extinct in as little as 5-10 years and for the Sumatran tiger it might be too late.

Industrial Uses of Palm Oil

Annually, 30% of the vegetable oil in the world is palm tree based. This oil is used to manufacture shampoos, washing detergents and is found in many baked goods. It is the industrial use that has countries allowing the development of plantations.

In effect, not only it has ruined valuable ecosystems, it also has lead to the use of child labor under extreme heat conditions.

Using Palm Oil  will remain controversial. There are no simple answers, until a solution is found, people, animals and nature will pay the price.

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