Healthy Breakfast Cereal Alternatives. Free of empty calories, full of nutrition,

Most cereals, whether they are for kids or adults, are often loaded with heaps of sugar or fructose corn syrup. Eating all that sugar, will raise your blood sugar levels. Hence, you will be be hungry very quickly. Excess sugar eventually converts into fat, and you may over time even develop type 2 diabetes. Additionally, most cereals are high in genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), particularly those targeted at children.

Here is a list of some of the healthy breakfast cereal alternatives you can eat instead:


Yogurt is one of the delicious, healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, but only if it is unsweetened ones. Stay away from the flavored yogurt varieties, and shop for plain yogurt which you can top with bananas, fresh berries or  nuts for sweetness.


Organic oatmeal is a highly comforting, warm dish, packed with nutrients. Add a dollop of natural yogurt over your cooked oats, some crushed nuts, cinnamon and a sliver of honey. It is e a powerful energy meal loaded with good health and wellness.

Nut butter on whole grain toast

You need fuel to have energy during the day and that means eating top nutrients. Try something like nut butter on ancient whole grain toast. What about some sweet slices of apple or banana to pop into your mouth as well? Carry some nuts and raisins as a go-between snack to help close the gap between meals.

Protein Smoothies

Unlike a lot of ready made smoothies that contain spoons of sugar; homemade ones are extremely healthy breakfast cereal alternatives. Take a banana, some frozen fruit and a scoop of whey protein to keep you alert. Add a splash of  almond milk instead of fruit juices as a sugar free alternative. Hence, your smoothie will keep you going for hours.

Scrambled eggs

Nutritious scrambled eggs, a typical breakfast staple, are so good for you, containing plenty of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, iron and folate. This powerful protein meal will provide plenty of energy and keep you going well into the morning, feeling satisfied.

Breakfast sandwich

A breakfast sandwich is a real favorite. All it takes is one scrambled up egg, a beef patty, some slices of avocado and some cheese. Place them inside a toasted whole grain English muffin and that is it. You get folate and iron, plenty of protein, fiber and monounsaturated fat from the avocado. This breakfast sandwich is the ideal recipe to keep you highly satisfied until your next meal.

Finally, start your day with one of these healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, do your body a favor, kick-start your metabolism.

Additionally, you start the day with something delicious that promotes feelings of wellness. Here are plenty of options that you can whip up each morning, and best of all they are good for you. Bet you’ll want to make them for lunch too!.

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