Sprint Training Power Foods – Great For  HIIT  Too.

Diet and nutrition play a vital role in determining health and fitness. Food is fuel for the body. Therefore, serve it fresh, nutrient-rich products. Not only will it boost wellness, it will also improve athletic performance. For those actively involved in HIIT-based workouts and/or sprint training, there are certain foods that will improve athletic performance.

Here are just a few power foods to help with sprint training and High Intensity Interval Training.

Salmon – Sprint Training Power Food # 1

Salmon is an oily fish, rich in nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, as well as amino acids and minerals. As with most fish, salmon is rich in protein, it promotes muscle growth and repair. When you perform high intensity exercises such as sprints, you utilize fast-twitch muscle fibers, especially in the legs. The more muscle you build, the more of these fibers you need, and the faster you will run. Salmon also is known as an anti-inflammatory. Hence it will reduce after workout muscle inflammation. Resulting in healthier joints, less muscle soreness and faster recovery. Additionally, salmon is rich in healthy fats. These fats provide quick energy boosts, much needed when sprinting.

Bananas –Power Food #2

All sprinters, regularly consume bananas. These sprint training power foods are high in carbs, providing sustained releases of energy once consumed. That is why they are the perfect pre workout snack. Also packed with healthy minerals, including zinc, magnesium and potassium. Potassium is very beneficial for HIIT workouts because it prevents cramps by buffering lactic acid build ups. The minerals found in bananas also replace electrolytes lost in sweat when you train.

Peanut butter – The last of the Sprint Training Power Foods

Finally, the ultimate energy-boosting power food, perfect for consumption before a HIIT workout is peanut butter. Now, we are talking about 100% all natural peanut butter. Not the typical grocery variety, often full of additional oils, extra salt, sugar, sweeteners and preservatives. Natural peanut butter is rich in protein, therefore it will prevent muscle loss and damage. Much needed to preserve muscles. Also high in healthy fats and calories, so it will supply energy to get through workouts. In the same vein, the vitamins and antioxidants it contains will prevent or reduce inflammation, much as bananas and salmon.


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