Reiki Healing – Balance Your Body and Mind.

What to Expect from a Reiki Healing Session

Reiki is an ancient healing technique that helps the body heal naturally. Universal life energy is channeled through the Reiki practitioner and into the
person being worked on. This energy gets rid of physical blockages as well as
emotional blockages to promote physical and emotional well-being.

This is what you will expect from a Reiki session:

How Reiki Sessions Work

When you have a Reiki session, expect to find yourself lying down in a room with a
relaxing atmosphere. Before placing his or her hands on or above your head, your
practitioner may draw a Reiki symbol in the air to increase the power of the session.
After that, your practitioner’s hands will work their way down your body, stopping at
certain points for a few minutes. This is done while you are lying face up, and then
face down.

What You Experience During a Session

While you are receiving Reiki energy, you may feel heat radiating from your
practitioner’s hands. When a blockage releases, you may feel cold. The release of an
emotional blockage may cause you to cry. All of these sensations are associated with
Reiki healing. Let these emotions and sensations come instead of trying to block them
out. It can be a little intimidating at first, but by embracing them fully, you will be on the
way to complete healing. Don’t worry about the healer seeing you cry or experience
other emotions – that means they are doing their job right.

More About Reiki Healing

If you are having a Reiki session for an acute condition, you should see an improvement
after one or two sessions. A chronic condition may require more sessions, and although
you could feel worse before you feel better, you should not discontinue your Reiki
sessions until your condition improves.

If you have diabetes, you should be extremely cautious about having a reiki session
since you may need to decrease the amount of medication you take as the energy
improves your condition. If insulin is taken, it will be necessary to monitor your insulin
level carefully.

Exercise caution if you have a pacemaker since the
effects Reiki can have on a pacemaker may vary.

Be patient with reiki as it might not miraculously heal you the first session.

Speak to your healer about any concerns you might have before or after the healing session.


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Holistic Diet  for a Better Lifestyle.

We all know that we need to eat healthy foods in order to stay healthy and maintain a balanced weight.

But what exactly is “healthy”? Well, it’s not just about cutting out the bad stuff like junk food and sweets. It’s also about adding more good things into your diet such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals!

This blog post will outline some of the best holistic foods for healing. So if you’re looking for some suggestions on how to start incorporating these into your diet then keep reading!

Holistic health and living a more natural life starts with what you put into your body.

Your gut is your second brain, and for good reason. It controls a lot of our bodily functions and emotions, so we need to be very careful about what we eat or don’t eat; this includes everything from the quality of food products that go on grocery store shelves all the way down to how adequately prepared they are at home before being eaten.

For healing both mind and body there’s nothing better than following these helpful dieting tips!

Switch to Healthy Fats

For a holistic and more natural diet that is good for your body, you need fats, but only the good ones. Many people think fat is a dirty word and should always be avoided, but this isn’t the case. You need fats in your body to provide energy and important nutrients, plus they help make you feel full.

However, you want to pay attention to the types of fats you consume. Get rid of the bad fats, including vegetable oil, soybean oil, trans fats, and fried foods. Switch to healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, and seeds.

Add More Plant Foods Into Your Diet

Do you want to eat a healthier and more organic diet? Start with fresh fruits and vegetables. Look for plant foods you enjoy to eat, otherwise you are not going to stick with it.

You want lots of greens in your diet, including broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, and collard or mustard greens. Get these organic when you can, or at least rinse them very well before preparing your meals. Try to stick more veggies in the foods you prepare, and don’t forget your fresh fruits for added vitamins.

You don’t need to follow a vegan diet just to be healthy, but try one meat-free day a week and see how you feel.

Increase Your Protein

As you begin eating a healthier diet, you should also make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein. Protein benefits you in so many ways, including giving you energy and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. It is also essential when you are working on building your strength through weight training.

Choose natural sources of protein, including lean meat, poultry and fish, nuts like almonds, chia seeds, hemp, protein powder, lentils, peas, and beans.

Consider Giving Up Dairy and Complex Carbs

These are not for weight loss, but rather to help heal your body from the inside out. It is likely that your gut issues are from grains, complex carbohydrates, and added sugar in your dairy products. Try to reduce how often you have milk, cheese, ice cream, rice, pasta, and white bread. At the very least, stick to whole grains instead of the white, starchy grains and breads.

In conclusion, following a Holistic Diet means eating foods that help our body heal. Your health and emotions are controlled by your gut. Changing your diet will show remarkable results in your mind and body, so it’s worth the effort! If you’re not sure where to start with adopting this way of life, just follow the guidelines above.

And remember: The most important part is changing what goes into your mouth – not just quitting bad habits but replacing them with good ones too!.

It may seem like an overwhelming task at first, but once you get started following these principles, it becomes second nature pretty quickly…and trust us when we say that the payoff is well worth it.


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Essential Oils and Weight Loss Share a Symbiotic Relationship

Essential oils and weight loss contribute to a better quality of life

Essential oils are available to buy in many supermarkets, beauty stores and health food shops. Whether you’ve been using them for a while and want to know what the real benefits are, or you’re considering using them and you want to know why they’re so good – here are some of the benefits you’ll experience when using essential oils.

Essential oils help you  sleep better and lose weight

There are various types of essential oils, and all of them come from different plants. One of the most popular essential oils is lavender oil. While it can be used to bring scent to your home or even used as a massage oil, one of the main benefits of lavender oil is the way it is able to help people sleep more easily.

Losing weight improves the quality of sleep. Why not benefit from both?

Hence it is conductive to a positive frame of mind. Just one way essential oils and weight loss are connected.

Ease joint aches and allow you to be more active

Essential oils are often used for massage, but even if you’re not able to have a full massage from a masseuse, you can use the oils to help ease any pains you may be experiencing. Many people have reported positive effects when rubbing essential oils gently onto the affected area. You should try a little bit of the oil on an area of your skin before applying to the whole area.

Oils are anti-inflammatory reducing downtime between exercise sessions

If you don’t like the idea of taking conventional pills in order to reduce inflammation, you can try essential oils to see if you have some good results. This is one of the main benefits of essential oils,use them to prevent inflammation occurring in the first place.

They help improve your mood which sets your frame of mind in a positive way

Many health professionals will recommend using essential oils while enjoying a bath, reading a book, relaxing after a long day at work or a strenuous workout. This is because they are great at relaxing your mood and helping you to feel better. Use them around the house to give off  scent. It improves your mood.

Essential oils re natural

One of the main reasons why people choose essential oils over other products is because they are natural. Essential oils come from plants such as lavender and peppermint, therefore have less chemicals.

In conclusion, essential oils and weight loss share a symbiotic relationship. One helps the other reach a state of ataraxis. That sense of complete wellness.







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Self Care

Self care isn’t selfish – it is a must to achieve wellness


If you were to scroll through your Instagram feed, you will no doubt come across many snapshots of gorgeous women. All immersed in steaming baths adorned with flowers and bubbles.  You are sighing, saying to yourself that will only happen to you when you win the jackpot, right? Possibly, but hang on there! Self-care for yourself as a woman is vital.  It is a necessity, in fact, no matter what kind of a lifestyle you lead, and no matter own much money you have or don’t have.


Self-care is a term which when simply defined means taking care of one’s own health and needs.


  • It’s a true story, the one of Poppy Marler. She had a realization when she decided to look at herself at 40; to change her life and begin a new journey head-on.
  • She says that when she was a young mother, she just put everything on hold, being hyper-focused on her child’s care. putting her own life on hold. Additionally neglecting friendships, and boring anyone who’d listen with baby stories and pictures.
  • When she got into real social situations, she found she could not add anything to the conversation because all of her current experiences were about her parenting experiences. She had no life or interests outside of motherhood.
  • She didn’t notice that she had put on a whole lot of weight either because she no longer dressed in her professional or party clothes. In fact, there were very few times when she wore anything nursing and spit-up friendly. She gradually realized that she had no life outside of her child.
  • Finally, a dear older and wiser friend of hers told her that it was an essential thing, apart from taking care of her family, to take care of her own needs because her own health and happiness directly impacts her ability to care for her family. She then realized the consequences of her self de-prioritization :
  • Weight gain
  • Depression
  • lack of socialization.

Poppy eventually realized that just like how in an airplane, you are instructed to put on your own oxygen mask first, then help others;  in order to help others, you need to take care of yourself first. It was then that she discovered how taking steps to care for yourself each day should be top priority.

She went on further to start involving these important aspects into her life:

Taking care of her body

  • Exercise, because moving your body keeps your blood circulating, keeps you strong, and keeps your mood happy.
  • Eating well: She says she learned to eat 5-7 servings of fresh fruit and veggies, removing all the junk foods.
  • Maintaining relationships outside your family. It was important that her family remained her top priority, but she also learned not to under-estimate the power of good friends. She found that just having someone to talk to was a great help in advancing feelings of well-being.
  • Getting enough sleep: Without good and enough sleep, the quality of your life deteriorates rapidly. Sleep is what is needed to help your body recover and repair itself, and also to avoid television as well as snacks which are high in sugar and fat before bedtime.
  • Getting dressed every day: Working and walking around all day in sweats and slippers is not good for anyone’s self-esteem. We know that when we look good, we feel so good.

Caring for her mental health

  • Having a positive attitude: A positive, mindful attitude used on yourself and others will change the way you view life. It gives you a reason to get up in the morning and face whatever challenges come your way!
  • Have a hobby: You need interests of your very own outside of the home and family because it maintains your individuality.
  • Spend some time alone: Just taking a relaxing bath for 30 minutes or a few hours out to do your hair and nails or reading a book you have been meaning to read, these are what boost your morale, your spirits, and make you feel good about yourself and life.
  • Ask for help: If you are struggling, don’t be afraid to ask for help, because it’s true, we can’t do everything alone – no man is an island.


It figures; learning to take care of your own needs isn’t selfish, it’s downright essential. It makes you a better caretaker because after all, happiness and health are top assets to have, aren’t they? It’s a lifetime investment – how are you really doing?


physical health




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Walking to Lose Weight

Walking to Lose Weight – A Simple Formula for Success.

If you are facing in the right direction, then all you have to do is keep on walking to lose weight!

Everyone knows how important exercise is for our overall health, not to mention how we feel about ourselves — which is also very important. Popular exercise plans often promise six pack abs, sculpted glutes and a lean silhouette if you work harder than you ever have and consume less than has ever satisfied you; neither of which are sustainable. However, it is possible to get the results without the strain of intense training. Are you looking to bulk up or slim down? If you have athletic ambitions or you want to increase your strength, then weight training and strenuous aerobics will be the sport for you. But for those who want to be slim and healthy, then walking is ideal.

All Around Benefits of Walking to Lose Weight

  • Not only is walking enjoyable, it is cheap and also encourages socialization.
  • It is great for body sculpting too. Walking melts fat off the whole body–be it the abdomen, upper arms and hips. The reason walking is fat burning is because it is aerobic. This means it increases circulation, it increases the oxygenation of cells, it detoxifies, and it increases metabolism. The areas of highest fat concentration melt away first. Taking regular walks is really the answer to a firm and slim body. But we don’t mean the casual afternoon stroll–you can’t expect to get the benefits without achieving moderate pace. If you are going to use walking as a way to trim your body, you going to need to up your pace, lengthen your stride, swing your arms and increase the walking pace.  To melt fat away, you have to raise your heartbeat and keep it raised for at least half an hour. If you do this, you will notice a slimmer and more toned physique in a matter of weeks!
  • Walking is low impact; it doesn’t damage the joints.
  • Walking is more effective against cancer and other diseases too, than extreme intense exercises. High-intensity workouts can put stress on the body, and that can be detrimental to your health. You may have heard of strong young people dropping dead from heart attacks after a marathon or a lot of jogging. It is better to take it at an easier pace, but for longer periods. You will see your weight improve and you will reap health benefits too, for sure!


Sedentary lives out, get the walking shoes on!

Have you got comfortable walking shoes with cushioned soles?  Buy yourself good ones and do your feet a favor – you will feel like you are walking on air. You won’t regret spending a bit extra on good walking shoes.

Modern home and work environments mean that we spend large parts of our day’s sitting, particularly when we have office jobs.

Sedentary lifestyles definitely  contribute to weight gain and also increase your risk of health problems. One study estimated that in order for you to maintain a stable weight, you need to walk at least 150 minutes a week – remember to keep it brisk. And if you want to increase the intensity of your walk and burn even more calories, then you can try walking on routes that have hills and slight inclines.

When people cut their calories to lose weight, they can lose muscle in addition to body fat. Since muscle burns fat losing muscle is a bit counterproductive. Muscle is metabolically more active than fat; it helps you burn more calories each day.

Avoid Muscle Loss

Toning and resistance exercises, which includes walking, help to counter the effects of muscle loss by preserving lean muscle as you lose weight.  It helps to reduce the drop in your metabolic rate that occurs so often with weight loss, making your weight loss efforts easier to maintain. Walking also reduces age-related muscle loss, helping you retain your muscle strength and function as well.

An effective way of reducing belly fat is to regularly participate in aerobic exercises. One study showed how obese women who walked 3 times a week for 50-70 minutes reduced their waist circumferences by 1.1 inch. They also lost 1.5% of their body fat too.

Other Benefits of Walking

Apart from helping you to lose weight, walking has other benefits too. It boosts your mood, decreasing feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. It makes your brain more sensitive to the hormones norepinephrine and serotonin.  These hormones relieve the feelings of depression and stimulate the release of endorphins, making you feel happy.  Get out and walk!


Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise. (Carrie Latet)


That’s true.

walking Diet vs Exercise









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Vegetarian Protein Sources – A Healthy Meat Alternative


If you are seriously thinking about becoming a vegetarian, don’t worry, you don’t have to struggle to get adequate protein. What is a vegetarian? A vegetarian is someone who leaves out fish and meat – sometimes even animal byproducts from their diet for religious, moral, or health reasons. But the thing is, protein is the absolute key for maintaining your muscles and keeping them strong. Protein, too, is the macronutrient you need when you are dieting because it keeps you feeling full and satisfied. People also wonder where vegetarians actually get their proteins from. According to Dietary Guidelines, men need to get 56 grams of protein a day and women need 46 grams of protein a day. This depends on your activity levels, age, and a few other factors though. Let’s take a look at some great high protein vegetarian-type foods that vegetarians can add to their diets:


1. Greek yogurt,  is it a vegetarian Protein Source?

While  yogurt and  cottage cheese are of dairy origin. Generally it is considered a vegetarian source.

23 grams of protein per cup.

How delicious is Greek yogurt? Add it to smoothies and layer it with delicious fruit and granola. Or use it like sour cream for your dips and tacos. Not only plenty of protein, but Greek yogurt also contains probiotics to keep your gut healthy.


2. Lentils

9 grams of protein per ½- cup (cooked)

Lentils are truly packed with protein and also offer you essential fiber which is so good for your heart. Hence, lentils give you that full-feeling and keep your weight in check.


3. Chia seeds

3 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Chia seeds are nutrient-dense, delivering protein, plenty of fiber and omega-3. Chia seeds can also be blended into smoothies. Additionally, try a delicious chia seed jam to eat with your toast.


Best Vegetable Protein Sources


4. Quinoa, the Super Vegetarian Protein Source.

8 grams of protein per cup (cooked)

This one you don’t want to do without because as a protein, it actually contains all nine essential amino acids. That makes it a complete protein which other plant-based proteins aren’t. Just a cup of quinoa gives you 5 grams of fiber too.


Apart from all that filling protein, quinoa is very rich in phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, thiamine, and folate. And for those who always look out for gluten-free foods, quinoa comes out with full marks.


5. Cottage cheese

14 grams of protein per ½-cup

Cottage cheese is delicious on healthy whole-wheat biscuits. It also works so well as a dip or you can even add fruit to it. But on top of that, it’s good for you!


OK, it is a bit higher in sodium than Greek yogurt is, so you need to bare that in mind if you need to watch your salt intake.


6. Hemp Seeds

4 grams of protein per 1 tablespoon

Not only are hemp seed an excellent source of protein, but they provide plenty of omega-3. They are also delicious sprinkled over smoothies.


7. Beans, such as black beans, chickpeas, etc.

8 grams of protein per 1/2 cup (cooked)

Just like lentils, beans also deliver plenty of fiber and are ideal to add to dips, soups, and salads.


8. Edamame

5 grams of protein per 1/4 cup (shelled)

Never heard of edamame? Well, they are actually green soybeans, and you often find them on the sushi restaurant menus.  You buy them either in their shells or shelled – add to salads, stir-fries and grain bowls.


9. Green Peas

8 grams of protein per cup

A lot of us don’t really know that peas are a protein source, but they are. Green pea soup is just too delicious for words and very healthy. They are also ideal for side dishes, or added to salads, etc.


10. Peanut Butter

7 grams of protein per 2 tablespoons

Peanut butter and peanuts are packed with protein, good fat, and fiber. That’s a winning combination if you are talking good health! Peanut butter is so delicious that apart from eating it on toast, it is ideal for smoothies too, let alone dunking a spoon in and eating it just like it is.


11. Almonds

6 grams of protein per ounce

Almonds are also packed with protein, fat, and fiber. Almonds are a wonderful vegetarian option to keep hunger pangs at bay. They are filling as a snack, or they can be added to salads or you can make almond butter with them.


12. Eggs

6 grams of protein per large egg

Eggs are just too delicious, and many people want to eat them much more than just for breakfast. Previously eggs had a bad reputation because they are high in cholesterol but, eating cholesterol doesn’t raise your cholesterol.


Egg yolks are extremely nutrient-rich, delivering protein, antioxidants and vitamins.


Finally, try these great vegetarian protein sources for losing weight and maintaining your health.


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Eat Eggs  – They will Keep You Healthy


Why should we eat eggs, what makes them such an important part of our daily food intake and how do they benefit our health?


Chicken eggs are the most commonly consumed type of eggs. Eggs have been a diet staple for a very long time; they are affordable, easy to cook and readily within reach most of the time all while being filled with nutrients.


How does eating eggs benefit us?


Eggs are known to provide us with a lot of nutrients; but let’s check out the most notable ones and how they help your body.


●       Eggs are High in Good Cholesterol

Sometimes seeing the word “cholesterol” can be scary- but unbeknownst to most people, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol has many benefits to the body, and it is good to know that eggs are a food that contain high amounts of good cholesterol.


●       Eggs contain Choline, a relatively unknown but very important nutrient

The nutrient Choline might not be familiar to many people but it is very beneficial to your body. Choline helps build cell membranes and also helps in producing molecules that signal various functions of your brain.


●       Helps keep your muscles strong

Eggs contain protein that helps your muscles work every day. Protein is the main building block of the body. Eggs also slow down muscle loss from age and lack of exercise. Additionally they contain an essential amino acid that helps your body make use of and metabolize the protein you consume.


●       Eat eggs, they help reduce the risk of heart disease

Many low-carb diets include eggs in their meals. Studies have shown that those who eat eggs while in a low carb diet have lower risk for heart disease.


●       Helps your immune system

Eggs contain vitamins A and B-12 and the nutrient selenium that helps in keeping the immune system healthy.


●       You will eat less

Looking for food that can be filling but won’t break the bank? Eating eggs can help you feel fuller. The protein in eggs fills you up and can make you feel full longer. Make sure to also include sides like a slice of bread complete with a few vegetables and seasonings for a more enjoyable eating experience.


●       Energizes you for the day

Ever wondered why eggs are a staple to breakfast meals? It’s because they contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to produce energy in your body to function efficiently and optimally throughout the day.


●       Eggs help improve eyesight

Eggs have the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin that can help prevent age-related blindness. Those antioxidants also protect your eyes from harmful sunlight.


●       Sharpens brain performance

Vitamin D is hard to get from food but luckily, eggs can provide this very targeted nutrient that can help brain development by allowing the neurons inside it communicate.


●       Eat eggs, they are inexpensive

Eggs are readily available everywhere. Besides being filling and healthy, eggs are one’s go-to food whenever a sudden attack of hunger strikes.


How would you like to eat your eggs?


Here are a few ways to cook an egg that could be to your liking. Do you want it to be as healthy as possible or do you want it partnered with something else?


●       Sunny side up – This is a classic way to cook an egg. Just fry it until you reach your preferred consistency. Keep the yolk slightly runny and dip your toast in the yolk for a tastier experience.

●       Scrambled – So far, the easiest one to cook your eggs. Break the egg and move it around until it’s cooked the way you want it to.

●       Omelette – This one’s a bit harder to master but you can definitely play around with it. You can put your favorite toppings or fillings to add more flavor to your dish.

●       Boiled/Poached – If you want a much healthier way of eating eggs, this is the way to go because it doesn’t need to be cooked in oil.


Get to know eggs better!

●       Most large eggs contain 212 mg of cholesterol and while that sounds intimidating because it’s more than what most food have, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Eggs give you good cholesterol while helping your body with the bad cholesterol as well.

●       Pastured eggs are more nutritious than your average egg. Remember to also eat the yolks since it stores most of the nutrition your body needs.

●       Studies have found that 3 whole eggs per day is an acceptable amount for people that don’t have health issues.

Finally, eat eggs because they are good for you!

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5 Great Natural Remedies Every Home Should Have


Trying to eat clean and ensure you only put safe foods into your body may mean swapping out some harmful products for safer and more natural alternatives. This could apply to remedies and medicines, as well as your daily meals and snacks. There are many ingredients which you may have in your kitchen cupboard which will make great natural remedies.

Here are 5 Great Natural Remedies that you must have:

1. Turmeric

It’s difficult to start reading about natural remedies without coming across turmeric. This food has many health benefits, which is why it has been used to decades in Indian cooking. In addition to giving food color, it acts as a strong anti-inflammatory and works for relieving joint pain and aches.

2. Ginger

It’s not expensive and it’s easy to get your hands on. Many people have fresh ginger or ground ginger in the kitchen cupboard, hence, adding a bit of it to your meals can help to keep you in top shape. Also it has been known to help relieve the pain associated with arthritis. You can add crushed ginger to salads and stir fries, or mix some into a glass of warm water.

3. Olive oil

A kitchen isn’t complete without a bottle of olive oil, and there are many things you can use it for besides cooking. You can use olive oil on your hair to help it retain healthy oils and stay smooth and shiny, also you can use it on your skin as a moisturizer. Olive oil also acts as an anti-inflammatory, hence it’s a good idea to drizzle some over salads and other meals.

4. Cayenne pepper

Consuming cayenne pepper means you’ll benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties, but it can be used externally too. You can make your own cayenne cream for joint aches using two popular kitchen ingredients – cayenne pepper and coconut oil. For every half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper, mix in 2-3 teaspoons of warm coconut oil. You can use warm water if you don’t have coconut oil available at home.

5. Cinnamon

Cinnamon has many uses, including helping to fend off a common cold. In addition, consuming cinnamon can also help to keep down your sugar levels if you suffer from Type 2 Diabetes. If you have any problems with your liver, you should be careful how much cinnamon you eat. In conclusion, as with many other things, eating cinnamon in moderation will ensure you stay safe and enjoy maximum benefits from this natural remedy.

Finally, these 5 Great Natural Remedies will become part of your wellness routine. Try them!

Natural Remedies




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Diet vs Exercise – Which is More Important for Weight Loss?

‘You can’t out-exercise a bad diet’ – because when it comes to looking out for your body, diet is key.


Diet vs Exercise – Both are critical to maintain healthy bodies


  • You need both diet and exercise if you want to lose fat and gain some muscle. Nutritional habits have far greater impact on your body and health than just exercising. Both however play their own role in losing the weight and keeping it off. The ideal is to combine healthy nutrition with exercise. Doing both will produce even more success in attaining your body goals and losing weight.


  • If you apply 80% nutrition and 20% exercise rule, it is very apparent which plays a bigger role in weight loss. Exercise is just not complete without healthy eating. There is even a possibility for weight gain if changes in diet are not put into place and you increase the amount of exercise you do–this is because exercising tends to make you hungrier as well! Changing your diet is very important because the equation for weight loss is simple — calories in should be less than calories out. Exercise, on the other hand, is very important to build and maintain muscle which helps the body burn more calories and stay healthy.


Simply, you are what you eat


  • It might be nice to believe that you can make permanent weight loss changes to your body if you concentrate only on exercise, but that is far from the truth. If you want to lose weight, then exercise and diet together will yield the best results.
  • While exercise is vital for helping you to lead a healthy life, just doing exercises exclusively isn’t going to promote weight loss. A study completed in 2015 found that controlling your calories is more successful than exercise. Further research found that when you work out you might burn more calories, but eventually your body adjusts and the effect on weight loss plateaus if you only focus on exercise alone. This is why it is very important to stress that to get healthy weight loss, both diet and exercise go hand in hand! Eating the right food is very important but physical activity and exercise helps not only build muscle, but also helps reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It also helps in boosting your mood and can help you sleep better.


Why is diet more important than exercise?


For many years, physical exercise has been championed as being the most effective vehicle for driving home weight loss giving it an apparent lead on the Diet vs Exercise controversy. While a good exercise regime is certainly very important; it is nonetheless the diet that drives sustained weight loss.

Here are some reasons why diet is more effective than exercise, and how to benefit from it.


  1. Exercise alone does not drive significant weight loss


Studies prove this.  Some people become physically active to compensate for the calories they eat. The quality of food and the amount of food though will play a very big role and exercise alone will never be able to counteract the effects of a bad diet. To help with this, it is a good idea to keep a food diary that lists the food you consume, so it is easy to assess if your diet is in line with your weight loss goals.


  1. Exercise increases your appetite


Yes, regular exercise can trigger subconscious eating habits, based on research, and that physical exertion increases your appetite and metabolism. Studies also show that those who do adhere to rigid exercise regimes increase their calorie intake simultaneously. Snacks and meals need to be regulated to get to desired the weight loss.


  1. All this increased physical activity hasn’t countered rising obesity levels


Between 2001 and 2009 in the US, people involved in physical activities increased, yet obesity continued to rise.

Another confirmation that exercise is not sufficient to prevent weight gain. One needs to review the nutritional values of the meals they consume because exercise alone will not cut it.


  1. Food is the fuel source that drives exercise


Many people misunderstand this statement. Without the right calories from the correct healthy foods, you won’t be able to exercise effectively and achieve the weight loss that you desire. You have to fuel your body with the right foods to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.


  1. Short-term weight loss driven by diet


Today’s new age makes everything around us fast paced. We become impatient if we don’t see fast results, and that includes dieting. Experts estimate that weight loss generally consists of 75% diet and 25% exercise. Short-term weight loss occurs through eating smart and lessening the calories you take. In other words, over the short-term, people look at diet first for losing weight over exercise in the same period.


  1. The effectiveness of just exercise for weight loss as a standalone is not effective


The American Dietetic Association highlights that it is almost impossible to lose weight loss without reducing what they eat.  Exercise is important but diet still has a bigger effect on weight loss.

On the Diet vs Exercise controversy, the decision is always a personal one.

The answer should be both, nonetheless changing your diet is key to reaching your weight loss goals!

food diary Diet vs Exercise












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Low Calorie Diets are they Good for You?

Throughout this year, we see low calorie diets advertised as the answer to our weight loss problems. Virtually everybody has been on a diet at any time in their lives. Whether trying to lose weight, allergies, or lifestyle that is changing.

Some diets are not necessarily the best options. We frequently hear information against diets. What’s the problem with those diets and why are we so frequently advised against following them?

What are very low calorie diets?

There is A diet a diet plan that guides you to eat a number of calories. This is different to a diet that computes the number of calories your body needs. Low calorie diets limit the number calories daily for every single user. Hence, it doesn’t account for weight, someone ‘s age or sex.

Which are the problems with these diets?

Many folks don’t need to be after having a low-carb diet. Aside from feeling bloated and tired, you could encounter health issues as a outcome.

Diets may slow down your metabolism, therefore having the reverse of the effect for those who are trying to change a few pounds. As opposed to shedding the extra weight, your body will try hard to maintain it, believing that it might be at the point of becoming starved.

Which side effects are common as a result of  low calorie diets?

Those on a low-calorie diet have often reported experiencing fatigue and fatigue. Following a low-calorie diet for a prolonged time period (6 weeks or more ) can result in chronic fatigue which takes much longer to cure.

Are nausea and constipation. This can be associated with the type of food, and also both the very low level of intake which you’re consuming.

In order to receive as much as possible from their restricted calorie allowance people on diets eat a great deal of the foods.  Too much fruit, by way of example, may cause stomach pains and nausea.

Therefore remember that your body needs nourishment from all food types to stay healthy.

And that should be your ultimate goal.

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