Holistic Wellness – The Pursuit of Balance, Happiness and Health.


What is wellness?.  Wellness is usually defined as a person’s ability to adapt to change and overcome obstacles in their lives.
It depicts how you live and function as a person including your emotional wellness and your intellectual state. Wellness and Health are often used as synonyms. Wellness, however covers a much broader range. That’s why you’ll hear about “emotional health” or “mental health” but not “emotional wellness” or “mental wellness”.

Elements of Holistic Wellness

How many elements there are in wellness tends to vary by source, but here we will discuss five basic ones. Most sources will recognize more than that, but many of those areas are similar.

1. Physical

Your general health is very important to your overall wellness. Other aspects of wellness are partially results of the chemical composition and functioning of your body, which is impacted by things like how much you exercise, what your diet is like, how much sleep you get, and whether you use drugs.
Other aspects of wellness can also impact your physical health. For example, chronic stress can impact your heart health, or depression can make it harder to take care of yourself. Our social or environmental settings may also threaten our physical health in various ways.

2. Intellectual

Your holistic wellness doesn’t rely on degrees, but everyone needs to have a certain level of “smarts” to handle the problems that they will face in their lives. If you have a college education that doesn’t mean that you can stop learning new things, and if you don’t have a college education it doesn’t mean that you can’t learn new things.
Intellectual development can come from formal classes, from conversations with our friends and family, from reading books or from using educational apps on your mobile device or computer.

3. Emotional

What emotions tend to arise in your daily life and how you deal with those emotions are very important to how you get through the day.
Emotional health here includes what other resources call “spiritual” health. Things like having a strong conscience and a concern for others are important to the decisions that we make.
If you are religious, you may be able to nurture your emotional health through your faith.
If you are not religious you can still lead a healthy emotional life, though it you may have to find your own social groups and moral guides.

4. Social

Your social health is important to your holistic wellness for a number of reasons.
Feeling important or appreciated is very important to our emotional health. For example, a famous study once found that people who had low job satisfaction had a higher risk for health complications.
A close group can also be an important support network in times of need. Social networks can also help to provide us with intellectual stimulation.
On the other hand, you may be spending time with people who put you down or get you into dangerous situations.
A social group doesn’t have to be made up of palls that you watch sports with on the weekends or however we see this portrayed on TV. Your social group can be like that, or it can be your family members, or relationships with people from work or school.

5. Environmental

Your environment can be a benefit or a threat to your holistic wellness.
If you work in a dangerous place, or live in a dangerous neighborhood, these may impact your physical health. Not having access to things like clean air can also impact our physical and emotional health. Environment can also be closely related to your social well being.

Holistic Wellness



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Tabata Workouts – A Fast, Effective Fitness Routine.

Among the multitude of new exercise routines available to people, there are a few that stand above the rest as innovative and effective.

CrossFit was one of the first in a crop of brand new workouts. It took the fitness world by surprise and created an entirely new niche.

Additionally, as time has marched on, more people have been asking for workouts that challenge and excite them. This demand grew, and high intensity interval training (HIIT) was developed. Tabata is an HIIT variation.

Tabata History

Scientist Izumi Tabata and a group of his peers studied two groups of athletes. Then he documented their aerobic and anaerobic progress over a fixed period of time. After observing the differences between one group performing at moderate levels of intensity, and another group performing at high intensity intervals.They discovered that second group was already performing quite a bit better after only 6 weeks. Tabata used the findings of this study to develop his workout routines.

How Tabata Works

Today, Tabata is one of the most popular workouts in the high intensity interval training category.

It uses eight rounds of high intensity sets in a timed interval of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, to achieve fast and pleasing results. Tabata also requires you do one exercise routine and go as hard as you can for 4 minutes. This is far more challenging than it sounds and that intensity will take you out of the game for a bit afterwards. In fact, after  a  4 minute Tabata session, you will be completely exhausted. Hence, if you are not, then you didn’t do it hard enough.

Benefits of Practicing Tabata

Also one of the biggest benefits of  Tabata workouts, is that you don’t need to dedicate a lot of time to get your fitness in a day.

Since the workout only take a total of 4 minutes, you have your entire day ahead of you. Hence, keep things interesting, switch things up and have something different to focus on each day.  Also, do a Tabata workout along with a short normal intensity workout to achieve extreme results.

Try one of the many Tabata Workouts today!

Download this Free HIIT Report:

  • Useful Tips
  • Equipment Suggestions
  • Reading Material Sources and much more
Tabata Workout

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5 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment.



When planning for an at home workout, most people think they need to buy equipment. Surprisingly,there are several workouts that don’t require equipment at all. additionally, the misconception is that without equipment, these workouts will not give you the results you need.

The truth is, these 5 easy workouts give you better results than you may think.

Tabata, number one on the 5 easy workouts list

1. Tabata workouts require no equipment and give you a full body workout easily. The idea behind Tabata is doing intervals of intense workout and then rest. For example, most people start out by doing 20 seconds of high intensity workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. They do this in intervals until the entire body workout is done. You can then repeat this eight or more times. The only weights required are what your own body has to offer. All you need is you and the floor.


2. Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga blocks, straps, resistance bands, and so on. The truth is these may help if you are new to yoga, but they are not required. By knowing a few basic moves, you can make yoga work for you with no equipment at all. You can also span out to options like Tai Chi and other similar workouts.

Stationary Walking

3. Stationary walking is just what it sounds like. You follow an online coach on free sites or DVD options and you simply walk through a mile or more. This home workout may sound boring but you will be changing intensity levels, moving your arms during the workout, and combining aerobic workouts with the walking. This is an ideal option that works for people who may not want a treadmill in their home and may not have an area where walking four miles in a short amount of time is doable or safe.

Cardio Dance

4. Cardio dance uses your imagination and music you enjoy. No equipment is required. You can use the radio on your phone, music on your phone, or some other option for the music. Ideally, you are just dancing. You can do specific dance options for more cardio or full body workouts, but overall this is the same type of cardio you would get a dance club, you are just in your home and dancing to what you want how you want. It will work up your heart rate and help you drop weight easily.

Body Weight Circuit Training

5. Body weight circuit training is similar to Tabata but does not require the HIIT intervals of intense workout and rest. Instead you are doing a series of workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. You do a certain amount of reps and then move on to the next part of the workout. You use your own body weight to give you resistance.

Something to keep in mind with these workouts is the ability to work them into a revolving routine that gives you maximum results. If you want to purchase weights or other equipment you can, but even at high intensity levels the equipment is not necessary, making these workouts the most affordable option for your at home needs.

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Healthy Breakfast Cereal Alternatives. Free of empty calories, full of nutrition,

Most cereals, whether they are for kids or adults, are often loaded with heaps of sugar or fructose corn syrup. Eating all that sugar, will raise your blood sugar levels. Hence, you will be be hungry very quickly. Excess sugar eventually converts into fat, and you may over time even develop type 2 diabetes. Additionally, most cereals are high in genetically modified ingredients (GMOs), particularly those targeted at children.

Here is a list of some of the healthy breakfast cereal alternatives you can eat instead:


Yogurt is one of the delicious, healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, but only if it is unsweetened ones. Stay away from the flavored yogurt varieties, and shop for plain yogurt which you can top with bananas, fresh berries or  nuts for sweetness.


Organic oatmeal is a highly comforting, warm dish, packed with nutrients. Add a dollop of natural yogurt over your cooked oats, some crushed nuts, cinnamon and a sliver of honey. It is e a powerful energy meal loaded with good health and wellness.

Nut butter on whole grain toast

You need fuel to have energy during the day and that means eating top nutrients. Try something like nut butter on ancient whole grain toast. What about some sweet slices of apple or banana to pop into your mouth as well? Carry some nuts and raisins as a go-between snack to help close the gap between meals.

Protein Smoothies

Unlike a lot of ready made smoothies that contain spoons of sugar; homemade ones are extremely healthy breakfast cereal alternatives. Take a banana, some frozen fruit and a scoop of whey protein to keep you alert. Add a splash of  almond milk instead of fruit juices as a sugar free alternative. Hence, your smoothie will keep you going for hours.

Scrambled eggs

Nutritious scrambled eggs, a typical breakfast staple, are so good for you, containing plenty of minerals, vitamins, proteins, fats, iron and folate. This powerful protein meal will provide plenty of energy and keep you going well into the morning, feeling satisfied.

Breakfast sandwich

A breakfast sandwich is a real favorite. All it takes is one scrambled up egg, a beef patty, some slices of avocado and some cheese. Place them inside a toasted whole grain English muffin and that is it. You get folate and iron, plenty of protein, fiber and monounsaturated fat from the avocado. This breakfast sandwich is the ideal recipe to keep you highly satisfied until your next meal.

Finally, start your day with one of these healthy breakfast cereal alternatives, do your body a favor, kick-start your metabolism.

Additionally, you start the day with something delicious that promotes feelings of wellness. Here are plenty of options that you can whip up each morning, and best of all they are good for you. Bet you’ll want to make them for lunch too!.

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Using Chinese Acupressure to Ease Headaches and Stomach Pain



Headaches and stomachaches are two of the most common pain people experience in their everyday life. Caused by different factors such as stress, tension, and insomnia.

This traditional Chinese medication that helps relieve these kinds of pain using pressure. If done properly, it relaxes and dissipates pain. Known as an acupressure massage, much like acupuncture but without the use of needles.

Acupressure controls acupoints or pressure points which connect  the brain and different body parts. According to traditional Chinese medicine, there is an invisible flow of energy called “Qi” or “chi” that if blocked can cause imbalance therefore causing pain and various health conditions. Additionally, this natural technique will relieve pain in an all natural way.

Basic Pressure Points for Headache and Stomach Pain

These are some of the pressure points to ease headache and stomachache. These are easy to locate and to apply pressure on. Headaches are caused by stress, tension, fatigue and even an extreme weather condition. Along with this modern era, headaches are also caused by staring on the screen of our gadgets for too long either for work or for leisure time. Acupressure can help relieve pain through these acupoints. Massaging or applying pressure on these points can ease headaches and it only takes 3 easy steps.

  • Union valley points

These are located on the web between the index finger and thumb. This is an acupoint for easing both headache and stomachache as it is related to tension.

  1. Using a thumb, start pinching or applying pressure with your opposite hand on the said location for 10 seconds.
  2. After that, make small circles on the area in one direction for 10 seconds.
  3. Repeat these steps with the opposite hand.
  • Nose bridge point

This is located on the either side of the nose bridge near the eyebrows. Applying pressure on this part can relieve headache caused by eyestrain and sinus pain.

  1. Start by using the index finger to massage the points.
  2. Hold for 10 seconds, then release.
  • Nape point

This is located on the base of the skull on the either side of the hollow portion at the back of the neck. Massaging this part can help relieve headaches caused by tension on the neck.

  1. Apply pressure using the index fingers on these pressure points.
  2. Do an upward stroking manner on these portions for 10 seconds, then release.

Pains Caused by Overeating and Drinking

In addition, stomachaches and cramps caused by excessive eating and drinking are treated by applying pressure.

Here are some of the acupoints that relieve stomach discomfort:

  • Elbow crease point

This is located on the top of the elbow crease at the edge of the joint. This can relieve diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain.

  1. Apply pressure on the said location for 10 seconds.
  2. Do a circular motion while applying pressure.
  • Wrist point

This is located three fingers above the wrist crease aligned with the palm. Massaging this part can ease indigestion, vomiting, anxiety and tension.

  1. Apply pressure on the area using a thumb.
  2. Hold firmly for 10 seconds, then release.
  • Foot point

This is located on the web portion between the big toe and second toe. This can help with nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain.

  1. Apply pressure on the location using a thumb.
  2. Hold for 10 seconds then release.

The pressure points can help relieving pain but not to cure any kind of sickness. This is to control the pain but not to be a cure for an illness. It is a good thing to know these kinds of techniques to manipulate pain and to improve circulation, especially headaches and stomachaches to have a better and productive day!

Benefits of using Chinese Acupressure

This kind of traditional Chinese medication do not only offer relieving pain but also a relaxing experience as it treats various kinds of pain and ailments. Acupressure includes advantages such as:

  • Improving sleep
  • Relaxing muscles and joints
  • Reducing digestive issues
  • Alleviating chronic pain
  • Restore balance in the body
  • Improve circulation and restore hormone balance.

Using Chinese Acupressure will ease pain, however it is lifestyle and diet that will provide pain free living. Hence, acupressure is a preventive measure rather than a cure.

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7 Yoga Tips for Success – Follow them for a great experience.

Yoga has been proven to relieve stress by using exercises that unify the mind, body, and spirit.

If you are new to yoga, these 7 yoga tips will start you on the road to a more centered life.

Before practicing Yoga:

1. Talk to your doctor and explain what type of yoga poses you intend to practice. Show your doctor pictures of the poses for illustration. Your doctor may rule out specific poses if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma, a history of retinal detachment, or heart disease. Hence make sure you follow your doctor’s recommendations.

2. Find a yoga class that best fits your abilities. Talk to prospective teachers, and decide whether of not you can handle a program before you sign up. It’s very important to take it one step at a time. Try a few beginner classes before you attempt more vigorous classes. Consequently, don’t move ahead too quickly. Allow your body to adjust to your exercises.

When exercising:

3. Listen to your body and be aware of your physical abilities. You don’t want to hurt yourself. Also make sure the instructor understands your level of experience and any limitations you may have. Don’t allow anyone to push you ahead too quickly. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing.

4. Practice yoga at home if you can’t find a class that meets your needs. There are many books, programs, and tapes available to help you get started. Therefore, search for the best products on the Internet and read reviews. Talk to others for recommendations.

5. Why not try private lessons? You can book some one-on-one sessions with a teacher in your area. Most yoga instructors on the other hand, offer private classes or can help you design your own program. This is a good way to get started. Also, you can always take group lessons or practice at home after you’ve had private lessons and learned the basics.

6. Find a yoga buddy. It’s nice to practice with someone and it will help reduce injuries. Additionally it’s a great way to keep up your enthusiasm and interest.

7. Eat lightly before practice. Wait at least two hours after meals before yoga class or practice. An empty stomach is best, but don’t let yourself get too hungry to think. You won’t be able to focus on the poses or enjoy yourself during the relaxation or meditation exercises.

Finally, it’s time to grab your mat, a towel and get the most out of  these 7 yoga tips for success.

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Fighting Insomnia With Foods that Help You Relax.

Having trouble sleeping is one of the most frustrating things to deal with, whether you can’t fall asleep or you have difficulty staying asleep. Lack of sleep is not only frustrating because it causes a lot of fatigue and restlessness during the day, but it can affect your physical and mental health.

While there are pills and medications that help in fighting insomnia, you might want to look at the natural remedies first. One great place to start is your diet. Use foods that are relaxants and make you sleep better.

Here are a few examples:

1.- Dark Chocolate

This amazing brown candy is good for more than just a treat, high in antioxidants. It also plays a hefty role in helping you sleep. Studies have shown that people who consume 40 grams of dark chocolate a day for 2 weeks saw a decrease in cortisol, a hormone produced when a person experiences stress. This could be possible due to its magnesium content which aids in regulating stress, muscle spasms, and anxiety.

TIP: Try eating it as a dessert with your favorite berries for a healthy snack option, eat it alone, or make some dark hot chocolate on cold nights.

2.- Chamomile Tea

This tea calms and has mild sedative effects because of the flavonoid apigenin it contains. It binds to benzodiazepine receptors located in the brain. Additionally there are a variety of caffeine free teas and sleeping aid teas such as Valerian available on the market. Another great tool for fighting insomnia.

TIP: You can use honey, lemon or mint to give your tea a different flavor.

3.- Cheese

Milk makes you sleep, science has revealed that all dairy products contain tryptophan. Cheese is also an excellent source of calcium which regulates muscle movement.

TIP: Eat cheese with low-calorie crackers for a light snack about an hour before bedtime.

4.- Walnuts

Walnuts contain an amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is responsible for the production for serotonin and melatonin, which are key components of controlling sleep cycles. Interestingly, walnuts contain melatonin on their own. Most diets, low calorie, low carb, Keto, and Paleo use walnuts. If you are looking into fighting insomnia in a simple way, eat walnuts.

TIP: Add a handful of walnuts to a half cup of Greek yogurt for a great snack or enjoy them with some of your cheese to help you sleep even better.

5.- Lettuce

Lettuce is great with almost every food and it turns out that it can fill a number of dietary needs for trace minerals, the real secret of lettuce however, is lactucin. Lactucin  aka “Lettuce Opium,”  has mild sedative effects.

TIP: Top some chips with thinly sliced lettuce and grated cheese for some easy bedtime nachos!

6.- Almonds

Almonds are a great low calorie snack that are high in fiber. They are also extremely high in magnesium, which is needed for a variety of body functions. They are also associated with headache relief, which can be a great aid to relaxation and sleep.

TIP: You can get whole or sliced almonds to add to some yogurt. You can even add walnuts to add more texture.

7.- Turkey

This is probably the most famous example of food containing tryptophan. Turkey is famous for its sleep inducing effect, commonly and somewhat endearingly referred to as a food coma.

Eat it fried, baked, broiled and barbequed. It is also a cost-effective meat substitute.

TIP: You can use leftover turkey in a variety of ways. Keep some sliced in sealed bags for easy use in sandwiches and other delicious dishes.

8.- Banana

It’s a little known fact that bananas also contain tryptophan. This elongated, fleshy fruit can be prepared in a variety of ways and contains enough tryptophan to help give you a noticeable and natural feeling of calmness.

TIP: Use a blender to whip a banana, milk and two teaspoons of honey for a delicious shake. Add a tablespoon of organic peanut butter for more protein.

9.- Kale

This coarse green vegetable is a favorite among many health enthusiasts. It is another green vegetable that is a great source of magnesium and its positive effects. Kale is also high in fiber which aids in proper elimination and digestion, thus helping you to relax and be more comfortable for a good night’s rest.

TIP: Try adding kale to your smoothie of choice. Fruit such as apple are very good at masking the bitter flavor of kale.


This staple food is a major component of recipes all over the world, yet few see it as an evening food on its own. Eating a bowl of oats in the evening will give you a generous helping of melatonin, which helps the body to relax in preparation for sleep. Oats are also great for heart health, a key component in fighting physical anxiety symptoms.

TIP: Try adding banana to your oatmeal. That will add some flavor along with the combo punch of sleep inducing tryptophan.


This easily palatable fish contains an essential vitamin called B6 that is needed for the formation of melatonin. Omega 3 fatty acids fight depression, regulate anxiety, and weight. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for human health and cannot be made by the body. They also regulate the heart rhythm. Additionally, it facilitates the conversion of tryptophan to niacin which prevents anemias and other deficiency diseases. Hence, fighting insomnia by eating tuna is a great idea.

TIP: A tuna salad for dinner will give you both the benefits of the omega 3, B6 and Lactucin.

12.- Cherries

These sweet little fruits are a flavorful and delicious way to get your dose of melatonin. Many people simply eat them, both as snacks or in a fruit salad. Others are more prone to drink it in a juice form, as studies have shown that drinking 2 cups of very tart cherry juice a day can extend sleep time by as much as 90 minutes per night.

TIP: No need to juice it yourself, there are several organic cherry juice brands are available for purchase!

13.- Rice

Foods like rice with a high glycemic index are excellent when you’re looking for a quick road to deeper sleep. According to some studies, jasmine rice is the best rice for getting to sleep quickly.

TIP: Try eating rice about 4 hours prior to bedtime. This allows for the insulin spike to peak and fall in time for you to hit the pillow!

14.- Honey

For all recorded history, honey has been celebrated as the world’s most amazing and useful sweetener for its uses in medicine and the world’s oldest treats, but this delightful golden substance earned its place on this list because it contains orexin. Orexin regulates alertness and arousal. The natural relationship with orexin changes in amount helps us to become tired and limit brain functions allowing humans in fighting insomnia .

TIP: Add some honey to your oatmeal, and you have a naturally sweetened sleep aid!

15.- Hummus

The main ingredient in this delectable 13th century snack is the garbanzo bean. These versatile beans are high in B6, which is a key to melatonin production. They also regulate appetite which aids in calming the body and preparing it for sleep.

TIP: Lettuce wraps made with hummus and a sprinkle of cheese will get you in the mood for bedtime, or go traditional and just cozy up to hummus with your favorite crackers.

16.- Elk

Though not always available, this tasty meat contains nearly twice the amount of tryptophan as a turkey. Elk meat is extremely lean when compared to beef, but has a similar taste. This makes it easy to use as a low fat, low cholesterol substitution for beef.

TIP: Because of the low-fat quality of this meat, it can dry out or over cook very easily. Cook it hot and fast to retain the texture, moisture and flavor of the meat. Pair it with a complex carbohydrate.

17.- Pretzels

These little salty snacks are famous for being used in snack mixes or on their own for a quick pick me up. Due to their high glycemic index, a small snack of pretzels will give you a quick burst of energy, followed by a crash. That crash will make you sleepy and your body will be more prepared for sleep.

TIP: Eat a small portion about 1 hour before bed.

18.-Passion Fruit Tea

This refreshing tea is full of powerful antioxidants and trace minerals. Research has also shown that people who consume passion fruit tea are likely to sleep better.  The alkaloids in the tea act as Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Alkaloids play a large part in managing depression as well as fighting insomnia, since they aid in relaxation and lead to better sleep.

TIP: Try adding lemon, honey or ginger to your tea to create a new adventurous flavor!

19.- Fighting Insomnia with Lobster

Crustaceans like lobster aren’t immediately associated with restful sleep, but crustaceans are high in tryptophan.

TIP: Try adding garlic bread with fresh garlic to get the vitamin B6 tryptophan needs to become serotonin and carry you off to sleepy land.

There are many other foods that help fighting insomnia, do a little research and find even more!

Sleep Habits
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Losing Weight Tips That Really Work and are Simple to Do.

The tips presented here are used by some of the leanest athletes on the planet. From professional bodybuilders to Olympic athletes and pro fighters.
If you want to be in the leanest shape of your life (single digits in body fat) without a whole lot of effort, this is it.

Eating four to five smaller meals per day will turn you into a fit and healthier person in no time. That’s it! It is not rocket science, nor is it a secret. It simply works, that’s it.

Lets understand why it works:

    1. When you’re eating 4-5 small meals per day you don’t get over hungry which means you don’t overeat at meal times.
    2. The need for snacking between meals goes away.
    3. Junk food stops being an issue.

By eating 4-5 meals your metabolism increases, which means you actually burn more calories during the day.

But don’t take it from me.

This is what bodybuilders, fitness models and professional fighters do. They watch their weight in the build-up to a competition or a fight. Hence, controlling their weight by eating more works.
Additionally, eating 4-5 meals per day helps you manage your appetite better and lose weight.

Follow these simple losing weight tips and see how quickly it works.

For those who claim they just don’t have the time.  These weight loss tips obviously are not important enough for them. It is a case of setting priorities.
If something is important to you – you’ll make time. Get up earlier, you’ll just make the time.  Therefore, if you’re serious, doing this will stack the odds in your favor. It is well worth the effort!

A few practical weight loss suggestions:

Prepare lunch the night before or in the morning.  Sometimes  lunch may be a portion of the previous night’s dinner. Then divide lunch into two portions.
In this way you have breakfast, two lunches and come home to an evening meal (that’s four small meals in one day).  Finally, add a healthy snack later in the evening.

Some people cook all of their meals on Sunday and freeze them. Having  meals ready takes away the chance of going back to the old system.
In this way you will keep your metabolism higher and your hunger pangs at bay. It’s not that hard and well worth the results.

It is however, a matter of having discipline and a little preparation. Small price to pay for feeling and looking better.

Follow these very simple weight losing tips and be healthy and trim.


Download Fast Fitness, the ultimate guide to help you succeed in your weight loss program, full of additional tips and ideas.

Fast Fitness


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Sprint Training Power Foods – Great For  HIIT  Too.

Diet and nutrition play a vital role in determining health and fitness. Food is fuel for the body. Therefore, serve it fresh, nutrient-rich products. Not only will it boost wellness, it will also improve athletic performance. For those actively involved in HIIT-based workouts and/or sprint training, there are certain foods that will improve athletic performance.

Here are just a few power foods to help with sprint training and High Intensity Interval Training.

Salmon – Sprint Training Power Food # 1

Salmon is an oily fish, rich in nutrients including omega 3 fatty acids, as well as amino acids and minerals. As with most fish, salmon is rich in protein, it promotes muscle growth and repair. When you perform high intensity exercises such as sprints, you utilize fast-twitch muscle fibers, especially in the legs. The more muscle you build, the more of these fibers you need, and the faster you will run. Salmon also is known as an anti-inflammatory. Hence it will reduce after workout muscle inflammation. Resulting in healthier joints, less muscle soreness and faster recovery. Additionally, salmon is rich in healthy fats. These fats provide quick energy boosts, much needed when sprinting.

Bananas –Power Food #2

All sprinters, regularly consume bananas. These sprint training power foods are high in carbs, providing sustained releases of energy once consumed. That is why they are the perfect pre workout snack. Also packed with healthy minerals, including zinc, magnesium and potassium. Potassium is very beneficial for HIIT workouts because it prevents cramps by buffering lactic acid build ups. The minerals found in bananas also replace electrolytes lost in sweat when you train.

Peanut butter – The last of the Sprint Training Power Foods

Finally, the ultimate energy-boosting power food, perfect for consumption before a HIIT workout is peanut butter. Now, we are talking about 100% all natural peanut butter. Not the typical grocery variety, often full of additional oils, extra salt, sugar, sweeteners and preservatives. Natural peanut butter is rich in protein, therefore it will prevent muscle loss and damage. Much needed to preserve muscles. Also high in healthy fats and calories, so it will supply energy to get through workouts. In the same vein, the vitamins and antioxidants it contains will prevent or reduce inflammation, much as bananas and salmon.


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Detoxifiying Benefits Your Body and Mind.

Months have past since the end of the holidays, yet the effects linger on. You might need a good detox program. It may br the only way to return to wellness.

When your body shows signs of toxins buildup, it is time to detox.  Toxins affect both your fitness level and mental attitude.

First indications are feeling sluggish and stressed. Additionally, having aches and pains signal the need to act. Extreme symptoms will include, diarrhea, constipation or feeling clumsy.

Toxins also manifest themselves in rapid weight gains and the incapacity to lose that excess weight.

Moreover, toxins in the body get stored on your fat cells. Detoxifiying benefits include cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells.

Several organs in your body handle cell waste management:


The liver recycles the unwanted chemicals in the body. Additionally, it sorts out the toxins and using blood circulation moves them  for elimination.

Lymphatic System

Lymph glands also play an important role in eliminating toxins. A network of glands channels the excess waste from the cells onto the final eliminating organs. The appendix, thymus, tonsils, and spleen are the lymphatic glands that assist major organs in the body to clean and detoxify.


The water management in the body is handled by the kidneys. They keep blood alkaline by eliminating the dissolved acid waste. Hence drinking plenty of water and alkaline drinks aids the process. Small amounts of alkaline liquids everyday will produce positive results.


The lungs are the organs that oxygenate the blood. They allow the oxygen to enter the bloodstream. Additionally, they are responsible for removing waste gases found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing fresh air keep the lungs healthy and toxin free. If you live in a city, find oxygen rich areas such as parks where you can perform deep breathing.


The solid waste management organ in your body is the colon. Solid waste that accumulates on the walls of the colon. Detoxing and cleaning the colon takes time. Eating plenty of fiber over time will lead to a healthy colon.

Detoxifiying Benefits and Solutions

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, begin a regular walking routine. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body.

In addition doctors suggest drinking plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and will increase the rate of detoxification in the body.

For those extreme cases, consult a physician that will design a detox program.

Finally, detoxifying benefits will be seen in a short time after beggining the program.

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