Body Cleanse Diets

Body cleanse diets are the last craze in dieting. The number of people searching for detox diets is growing everyday.

These diets are great for detoxifying the body. Do it regularly by using a diet plan as part of your lifestyle. Therefore, a proper cleanse diet will help you lose weight. Feel lighter and better than ever before.

Additionally, you may have heard about toxins, detoxification, purifying etc. they are all terms related to body cleansing diets.

Toxins are harmful chemicals affecting your body. They are all around you (in your food, water, air) and inside you (as waste products of metabolism).

Hence, these stored toxins combined with stress can affect your health in very unpleasant ways:

– weight gain
– headaches
– feelings of fatigue and weakness
– heartburn
– sore muscles and skin irritation
– joint pains

These symptoms will fade when you start detox. Well, you may feel some discomfort in the very first days, but that is a normal body reaction.

Additionally,you may feel headache or sore muscles, that is because the toxins are released faster then your body can eliminate them. These symptoms will not occur again if you detox regularly.

Detox and Weight Loss

Detoxification is the process of releasing and expelling the stored toxins through the elimination organs of your body – the intestines, liver, lungs, kidneys and skin.

Detox Diets are dietary nutritious plans that use detoxification, which helps you lose weight by cleansing out your body and improving your metabolism.

Body Cleanse Diets and Disease Prevention

Detox Diets are recommended for improving resistance to disease, mental state, digestion, strengthens the organs involved in detox. Wellness is the end result.

Detox Diets prevent serious diseases such as cancer, ADD, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple chemical sensitivities, as well as treat heart disease, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disease.

Detoxification Foods

Detox Diets recommend consumption of foods that are beneficial for your health and essential to weight loss – organic foods, fruits and vegetables.

Drink purified water and cut back on processed foods, as well as give up alcohol and smoking.

What you should know

Detox Diets are quite restrictive and once you start a detox diet, you should follow it strictly. Detox Diets are safe, but you should consult your doctor before starting.

In the same vein, regardless of which your dietary program you choose, staying fit with exercise should be maintained throughout the process.

Find a workout routine that will not be affected by detox diets.

Types of Body Cleansing Diets

Fasting – drinking only water, juices or broths, or eating one kind of food for a certain period of time. Your body starts burning fat for energy.

Nutritional supplements – intake of nutritious powders, vitamins and packaged protein snacks.

Hydrotherapy – detoxifying through your skin pores by taking special baths.

Specific detox diets – lasting between 7 and 30 days; additionally, there are quicker body cleanse diets lasting between one and three days, and also longer diets lasting up to 8 weeks.

Warning: As with any diet plan, medical supervision is a must.  Never attempt any of the above mentioned weight loss programs without the approval of a doctor.

Finally, try these programs and evaluate the results continuously to maximize results.

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Understanding Microgreens – Those Tiny Plants with Big Flavor.

To put it simply, microgreens are really basically just baby plants. These little versions of plants are amazingly flavorful. In addition to providing a very different taste, they are economical to grow. These little plants will add nice textures and colors to anything you put them with. Added to your salads and smoothies they spice up flavors. Cilantro, sprouts, red cabbage, and green daikon radishes are very tasty. Every young vegetable has a different flavor than when it is fully grown, so experimenting with them is a must!

Here are some of the many characteristics of these little vegetables. They will help you in understanding microgreens.

High Nutrient Content

According to studies of microgreens, they contain massive concentrations of nutrients. Hence they popularity that has skyrocketed. The lack of natural nutrition in mass produced food has people looking for new and exciting foods. Scientists support these efforts. Although there are some varieties of young plants that contain the same amount of nutrients as adults plants, others show higher contents. Therefore, these findings vary depending on the species. Still, the nutrient boost most of them offer makes it worthwhile to eat them. If you want to lose weight, consider using them on any of the diet plans you will follow.

How Expensive Are Microgreens?

While microgreens add big benefits to your diet, grocery stores charge more for them. Growing your own microgreens might be a better idea. Therefore, get an indoor planting kit and start to grow them for yourself. They don’t require much water, and they won’t take very long to grow. Growing these little plants indoors is easy. Hence you will have a continuous variety of fresh, low cost source of nutrition for your food needs.

Understanding microgreens is not that hard. Use them to improve your nutrition and increase your sense of wellness.

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Detoxify and give your body a path to wellness.

Feeling so sluggish, tired and ugly that you can’t even think clearly?  You’ve tried every known trick to stay fit. Also searched the shelves for that wonder product that will revive you. Yet you are still without luck. Why not try to detox?.

To detoxify is not merely sweating buckets on the gym or starving yourself with a water diet. It is a holistic approach to health and beauty. It encompasses everything from diet, fitness, and your sense of well-being. Try it for a weekend and start the new week with a renewed and more revived you. Detoxify your way to wellness. It is possible with a few things which you have at home.

With a loofah or brush, scented candles, aromatic oils, herbal tea, and a free, me-time weekend, you’re all set to rejuvenate and renew yourself.

A plan to Detoxify

  • Start on a Friday by eating light (think salads and fruits) and drink lots of water the whole day.
  • At night, slowly dry-massage yourself with a loofah or brush with slow and long strokes. Move in one direction: upward and towards your groin.
  • Refresh yourself with tea or water then soak in a bath of warm water and drops of aromatic bath oil.
  • Light some scented candles while gradually adding cool water within a half hour until your bath becomes slightly cold.

This is the beginning of your new health and beauty routine. This process is done for the stimulation of the blood vessels. Dry yourself and dress warmly for bed.

  • Begin the next day by drinking hot lemon water.
  • Go for a walk while breathing deeply.
  • Give yourself a steam bath or go swimming. You could also ask your partner or therapist for a massage.
  • Again, end your health and beauty detox regimen with a dry-massage brush and bath.

Spend your Sunday, doing the whole process but add another activity. Make a list of people or things, such as your work, that are toxic to you (read: bad vibes). Assess how you should deal with them to lessen their toxic effect. After this, pamper yourself or do meditation exercises.

Be reminded though that you may experience excessive sweating, slight headaches, and skin rashes. These are signs that your body is releasing toxins and that they are temporary.

Detoxifying is effective, safe, and inexpensive enough to be part of your weekly health and beauty routine. Just remember to avoid this during your period, pregnancy, and sickness.

Lastly, talk to your doctor if you encounter any problem when you detoxify.

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Appetite Control and the Benefits of Exercise.

If you are struggling keeping your appetite and hunger under control, it might not just be about what you are eating or when, but your physical activity. Contrary to what many people think, exercise lessens cravings and hunger.  Additionally, the sense of wellness achieved by exercising, leads to better appetite control because there is an incentive to remain fit. Learning to control hunger will require having a plan and sticking to it.

Exercise, The Food Intake Regulator.

Exercise regulates big or small appetites. For people who have little hunger, working out triggers their appetite which results in improved nutrient balance. For over eaters, exercising more will increase their desire to be healthier. This will result in a desire to search for healthy diets and follow them.

Changing The Outlook  on Life.

Another big reason exercise is helpful in curbing food cravings is a change in the way people begin to see themselves. Leading an active life, going for walks, working out triggers the desire to treat their bodies better. The desire to eat healthy food instead of the usual empty calorie snacks changes their outlook. It sets the path for a long term active lifestyle.

Improves Your Overall Well Being

A person’s mental health and well being are improved by exercise. In effect, it continues to help when there is a need to control appetite and cravings. For those who feel hungrier or have cravings when stressed or anxious, exercising will certainly diminish the feelings. The fact it is that stress hormone levels rising make them want instant gratification. If left unchecked, it will increase their appetite because they will associate stress with more food. Being active and exercising regularly will improve the sense of well being and  do away with the need to over eat.

Appetite control and exercise are linked together. Use them to your advantage!

Check this useful e-book for more information on the relationship of exercise and proper eating.


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Strength Training for Women

Strength Training for Women – Why it is Important.

When it comes to exercising, there is usually a dramatic difference in habits that can be seen between men and women. Men like to hit the gym and lift heavy weights to bulk up and build muscle. Women are more focused on burning any excess fat they have by going for a run in the morning or joining a yoga class. However, strength training is very important for both men and women. Here are just some of the reasons why all women should do strength training exercises as well as cardio in their quest for fitness.

1. You can build strength without getting bulky

This is one of the main reasons why strength training for women is seldom used. They believe that it will just make them bulky and unattractive. However, this isn’t the case. You’d have to lift very heavy weights for a long time in order to build as much muscle as men do. Women produce far less testosterone than men do. Hence, making it almost impossible for women to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights for 10-15 minutes a day.

2. You’ll burn fat easier

While cardio certainly helps with weight loss and improving your health, strength training is important too. It helps you to build some muscle, usually by converting existing fat into muscle. It takes up less space and makes you appear thinner and leaner. With the extra muscle, your metabolism is able to work faster and burn calories long after your workout.

3. It will improve your posture

Not many of us have great posture when sitting down or standing up, but strength training can help you to improve this naturally, which in turn decreases the risk of back ache and other aches and pains around your body.

4. Strength training for women will decrease stress levels

By lifting weights and carrying out exercises which build strength in your body, you can reduce the amount of stress you are feeling. The stress hormone, known as cortisol, is one of the main reasons why many women find it so difficult to lose weight. By eliminating high stress levels and getting rid of the overproduction of cortisol, you’ll find that it’s much easier to change the shape of your body both inside and outside the gym.

Finally, Strength Training for Women increases their sense of wellness. Well worth trying!

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Strength Training or Cardio – What are the Differences?


Exercise Types

If you plan to start exercising, then you should know that generally there are 2 broad categories of exercise. The first category is cardio. This refers to things like running, jogging, skipping rope, using exercise bikes, using treadmills, etc. Cardio gets your cardiovascular system pumping and it helps you lose weight by burning off calories. Strength training, on the other hand, helps you burn calories and build muscle by exercising.  Examples are: weight training, anything involving dumbbells, push-ups, pull-ups etc.

But which type is best for you?

Cardio is best for burning fat.

If your goal with exercise is to burn fat and shed some pounds, then without a doubt the best option is cardio. Now, that may be confusing for some. After all, both cardio and strength training are forms of exercise, so why should cardio be a better option for burning fat? Well, the reason is rather simple. 30 minutes of cardio burns more calories than 30 minutes of strength training. This may come as a surprise to some people, especially since you will find many people stating that strength training is the only way to go.

However, recent research has shown that cardio is just a much better way of burning fat and burning calories. For example, a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, looked at whether resistance training, cardio or a mixture of both was the best way to lose weight. The study concluded that if your goal is simply to lose weight and burn fat, then your best option is just to do cardio alone. Cardio proved to be superior both to strength training and strength training mixed with cardio. Now, this is not to say that strength training is useless, just that when it comes to losing weight, cardio is the better option.

Strength Training works best for muscle building.

If you want to build muscle, then the best option is strength training. In order to build muscle efficiently then you need to do strength training. Cardio is simply not intense enough to let you build muscle. In order to really build muscle, you need to do rapid, high-intensity exercise sessions. Strength training takes on more importance for people who are getting older, as strength training is the only way of ensuring that you maintain some muscle mass.

Finally, the best option is what works best for you. This will probably be some combination of both strength training and cardio!

We recommend you download this very useful free report that will further provide information on exercise and fitness.

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Workout Equipment that Works.


Workout equipment is a category of machines that are used to exercise and are also known as exercise machines. These range from simple items such as balls, to sophisticated machines such as treadmills, rowers, and many others.

Today there is a high demand for equipment that is effective in building muscles and strength as well as for losing weight.

Workout Equipment Types

Fitness equipment is sometimes classified according the type of exercise for which they are built. The first class is strength training equipment. These include free weights and  resistance machines.

The most common type of resistance machine uses gravity as a resistance source. It is used mainly in weight machines. Gravity in combination with pulleys, wheels and inclines provide a good workout. These also includes friction, spring-loaded, fan-loaded or fluid-loaded machines.

Another type of strength training equipment uses bands and tubing, mostly for training at home and in the office.

The other class is the aerobic fitness equipment. These include devices such as the stationary bicycles, treadmills, elliptical trainers, aerobic riders, stair climbers, ski and rowing machines. Stationary bicycles exercises legs by pedaling. Treadmills are an all body exercise, you can walk or run at various speeds. Some models even simulate slopes for a more intense workout.

Stair climbers replicate the action of climbing stairways. Some models also exercise arms for a more thorough workout. Skiing and rowing machines work both arms and legs simultaneously, Additionally, rowing machines exercise back muscles. Elliptical trainers are a cross between stair climbers and ski machines. Aerobic riders also exercise the arms and legs at the same time by the use of a simultaneous pull and push motion.

Simple Workout Equipment

Items such as heart rate monitors and exercise balls are among a group of simple machines. Heart rate monitors are used as a motivational tool in exercise as they monitor the heart rate and provide feedback to the individual about his workout. The use of exercise balls has become very important in Aerobic training such as flexibility training and for balance as well.


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 Positive Thinking – How it Will Improve Your Life

While it’s easy to think about positive people as unrealistic and fake, being positive has many benefits for your life.

Thinking positive will improve your life more than you may realize, and it won’t just be your mental health that benefits from it.

Here are some of the ways that positive thinking will improve your life.

Lower feelings of depression and anxiety.

Depression and anxiety afflicted people know just how difficult life can be. Any form of relief from the symptoms of depression and anxiety are always very much appreciated.

Additionally, positive thinking will help with this. While it is difficult to imagine how hard it is to think positive while you are suffering from these symptoms.

Working with doctors, therapists and being kind to yourself will help improve life and get a positive outlook.

Improve your career.

It is obvious that positive people do better at the work place. They often get promotions faster, are offered more opportunities, and build great relationships that last both in the office and long afterwards.

Not only does a positive attitude put you at the top of the list when you go for job interviews, but you are also more likely to succeed and last within a company if you have a positive attitude about life.

Improve your interpersonal relationships.

You don’t have to spend your life helping other people after all, you should put yourself as a priority and practice self-care and positive thinking.

None the less, it’s always nice to be able to help those that you love and care about. Helping others brings with it an incredible sense of self-worth and value. In turn, it adds to feelings of positivity and hopefulness.

When you help other people, either by making them feel happier or by showing them how they can practice positive thoughts, you’ll be creating a win-win situation that will enrich the lives of both you and them.

Finally, positive thinking helps in a variety of other ways. From your own personal development, to your health and even the health and wellbeing of those around you.

Start by keeping a journal, practicing affirmations and making a conscious effort to weed negativity and negative people from your life.

Positive Thinking is a Powerful Tool to be Used on the Road to Wellness. Use It!

Self Reflections




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New Year Resolutions for 2019 – Make them Count


Your most important New Year Resolutions come and go every year with little actionable results.

Resolutions are so popular because they are a reminder that we should recommit regularly to personal improvement. However, instead of making a list of 10 things you want change this year, why not commit to real change that has the possibility to last beyond the first few months of the year.

By focusing on the process of change rather than solely the outcome, your resolutions could really make a difference this year in your overall happiness and satisfaction.

With the recent downtrend in the happiness of women in the U.S. this year. Perhaps it is time to return to the basics this year with your resolutions.

Instead of opting for the same goals you make every year, make this year The Year of Living Happier.

Here are the most important resolutions you can make this year to help achieve just that.

1.- Focus on Your Mental Health.

When you change your focus to mental health you can improve not only your mind and soul, but also your body. Mental health is what drives your ability to physical health. So focusing on it rather than on other aspects of getting in shape or dieting could lead to more significant improvements in all areas of your life. Your mental health includes how you deal with and process emotions, how you handle stress, how resilient you are to change and other obstacles and your overall mindset. Focus on this critical aspect of wellness and you will enjoy significant returns in all areas of your life.

2.- Become Better Connected.

Make a commitment this year to spending more time with friends and family in person rather than over social media. Being in the company of trusted others can improve your mental health and lower your stress too. Schedule regular time each week to spend with loved ones. Stay in contact with those that live far away and renew efforts to stay connected to those you have neglected recently.

3.- Be More Mindful.

When you are mindful, you are living in the moment. You are aware of what you are feeling, how the environment and others affect you. And you can embrace the experience and opportunities as you live them. Mindfulness teaches you to let go anxieties about the unknown future as you well as the anger and sadness about the past, both of which can significantly impact both your emotional and physical wellness.

4.- Get Outside More.

Spending more time outside can improve your physical, mental and emotional health. In many ways, spending time outside reduces stress, helps you sleep better, enhances your immune system and can be a wonderful place to get more done. Enjoy your local community park, green spaces and walking paths as much as you can to improve your happiness in many areas.

5.- Commit to Self Care.

If you make no other resolution this year, promise yourself that you will prioritize your self care. Taking time for yourself is crucial. And this simple promise can enhance your well being. Self care can include everything, from meditation to your beauty regimen. It is up to you to determine what you need to feel your best.

Looking and Feeling your Best has been our motto for almost 20 years.

We have kept our new year resolutions to bring the best about Weight Loss, Fitness and Wellness.

Happy 2019, May all Your New Year Resolutions Come True!.

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Gluten Free Diets – What is the reason for them.

Gluten Free Diets

kamila211 / Pixabay

Have you ever wondered what is the big fuzz about gluten free diets?. Then like most people you have more questions than answers.

To start with, questions as to why anyone would want to give up the foods that they love, and take on the daily task of sanitizing their diet of anything that contains gluten.

This article outlines the benefits of switching to a gluten-free diet. For people with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance the reasons are obvious, but there are other benefits as well.

Eating Healthy Whole Foods

Just to start off, one of the main reasons why eating gluten-free will help you, is because eating more fruits and vegetables plus natural whole foods will lead to a healthier lifestyle.

Most nutritional value in foods is lost during processing. Eating natural and unprocessed foods is a lot more satisfying and filling,  Vitality and wellness will become apparent in a short time.

Improved Digestion

Gluten free diets improve the digestive process. Food is absorbed quickly and without complications.

Better digestion means less bowel irritation, especially for people suffering from IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome) and other issues. Whole foods will help keep your intestines clean and free of plaque, improving nutrient absorption, and smooth bowel movements.

Prevent Heart Disease

Heart disease often develops as a result of improper nutrition. Many foods lack the nutrient content to help your body to carry out all of its cleansing and repairing procedures.

The addition of healthy whole foods and the avoidance of inflammation causing foods can shield you against developing heart disease because you will improve your cholesterol levels over time, preventing arterial blockages that lead to strokes and heart issues. This can also lead to a noticeable reduction in weight, leaving you feeling better all around.

Finally, following gluten free diets will result in improved health and overall wellness

Gluten Free Report


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