Low Fat Diet Plan – Pros and Cons

Low Fat Diet Plan

RitaE / Pixabay

You’ll find low fat diet plan options out there that help you lower your fat intake through low fat and fat free foods. But is a low fat diet plan your best option for weight loss? Read on for some pros and cons of a low fat diet plan.

Low Fat Diet PlanLow Fat Diet Plan Pros

Low fat diet plan foods tend to have lower calories than fat laden foods. If you’re counting calories to lose weight, you’ll find that low fat foods allow you to have more of a particular food, increasing your satiety level and helping you get to the next meal.

Beyond lower calorie counts, less fat is better for your body. This is better for your heart.

Low Fat Diet Plan Cons

The biggest con of a low fat diet plan is the belief that if you don’t eat fat, you won’t gain weight. If you eat a lot of sugar, for instance, and you don’t burn it off through exercise, it will cause weight gain. Many junk foods are a bit deceiving to dieters who read labels and see a zero fat content.

Some fat is needed by the body. Cutting out fat entirely probably isn’t good for your health overall. So what’s the answer? Here are some tips:

  • Opt for good fats wherever possible. Fish, olive oil, avocados.. these contain good fat.
  • Count calories but make calories count. Look at nutritive value more than numbers.
  • Calculate your percentage of each area. What percentage of your low fat diet plan includes carbohydrates, protein, and fat? Chances are that you’re eating too much fat, too many carbs, and not enough protein. Try tipping the scales in a better direction.


Some people opt for low fat diet plans that are portion controlled. Some food plans provide you with prepared meals, which can make it easier for you to lose weight because you don’t have to think about what to eat. There are pros and cons with this way of dieting. Yes, it can work but it’s important to learn how to identify low fat diet plan and high yield nutritional foods on your own so that when the diet plan is over, you’ll be able to make healthy choices without having to rely on packaged foods.

However you choose to approach your diet, whether choosing a low fat diet plan or choosing a low carb plan, or something else altogether, learning as much about nutrition as possible will serve you well in your diet efforts and in terms of your overall health and wellness.. and longevity, too!

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Does Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Water Help you lose weight

Pezibear / Pixabay

Does water help you lose weight? In many diet advice articles and weight loss books you’ll read repeatedly to drink plenty of water when dieting. Why is that? What’s so great about water for weight loss?

Water’s Caloric Intake

Does Water Help You Lose WeightWater has zero calories, zero carbs, and yep… it also has zero fat. It won’t make you gain weight and it can be a great weight loss aid. But it does quench your thirst. Drinking water to help you lose weight can cut your calorie intake substantially. Many people drink 5-10 calorie laden drinks a day. Imagine cutting most (or all) of those out and just drinking water? You could cut thousands of calories from your diet on a monthly basis.

There have been cases of people losing a few jeans sizes in a short time just from the simple change of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day in lieu of calorie laden beverages.

Water Fills You Up

Why else does water help you lose weight? People who drink water find that it helps you eat less. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you eat a smaller portion.

Drinking a glass of water when you get a hunger craving between meals will also often help you get to your next meal without snacking. People often mistake hunger for thirst. Staying hydrated could help kill the munchies.

Water Revs Up Your Metabolism

Does Water Help You Lose Weight

Bru-nO / Pixabay

Water helps everything move swiftly through your system. Increasing your water intake, especially if you currently rarely drink water, could have a very positive impact on your body.

Water Detoxifies Your Body

Water is great for your body. It helps with your skin, your organs, and your overall health and wellness. Water energises you and quenches your thirst. It can help you during exercise and it helps you change your eating behaviours. Those who drink water tend to crave less junk food than those who often drink carbonated beverages. Carbonated beverages often seem to wake up the junk food cravings whereas it’s much easier to drink water and eat healthy. Mindset is important when trying to lose weight and water is an excellent way to get the right mindset.

Baby steps can add up to substantial weight loss. The simple act of deciding to drink water could help you get well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals. If you want to know.. does water help you lose weight.. why not do an experiment and see how it goes. Eating your daily calorie allotment rather than drinking it will also give you more room for satiety.

Does water help you lose weight?, Without a doubt, the evidence is clear.


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What is Wellness to You?

What is Wellness to You?

Furthermore, wellness for many people isn’t about just not being sick. It’s also about being in a state of good overall health while actively working at improving health and longevity.

What is WellnessWhat is wellness to you might not be the same as what wellness is for others. We’ve all got varied health concerns based on our lifestyles today, on family history and other factors. Beyond being well today, wellness is about what will help you stay that way and ward of degenerative diseases in the future, too.

Therefore if you know your family is at increased risk for Cancer, Heart Disease, and other diseases, there are things you can do to increase your chances of staying healthy. As you explore and embrace the question, what is wellness, you’ll find areas that will appeal to you.

How Do You Embrace Wellness?

Wellness is about what makes you feel well, be well, and preventing illness. It’s most often considered to be a holistic approach to health. Instead of just treating problems as they arise, you work proactively to be healthy throughout your body.

What Is A Wellness Approach You Should Consider?

Consider quitting the things that are harming your health, increasing your physical fitness, reducing stress, and embracing a healthful mindset.

  • Quit smoking, recreational drugs, and limit alcohol use.
  • Eat healthy foods that help with hunger, nutrition, and vibrancy. Eat foods that help you feel well as well as boost your overall health. Consider detoxifying your body and working to remove toxins in your environment.
  • Exercise. A combination of exercises can help you feel wellness. What is a good exercise regimen? One that will burn calories, build strength, and energize you.

Get to an ideal weight range. Don’t focus on the pants size as much as the body mass index. Therefore the body mass index for your height will vary so you have some room and don’t have to be a size 0 but getting within a healthy BMI range will improve your wellness levels significantly.

What wellness is, for many, is maximizing your own potential for feeling good and living a long life. Especially relevant, it involves lifestyle changes, mindset changes, and being as vibrant as you can be. You’ll find many books and countless bits of information about health and wellness that can help you improve and optimize every facet of your life.

is wellness is simply defined as a great outlook on physical and mental health.

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Fitness And Health Go Hand in Hand

Fitness and Health

skeeze / Pixabay

Are you sedentary? Overweight? Or just not all that healthy? Even if you don’t need to lose weight, are you someone who should consider fitness? Health and wellness is good for everyone. It will improve your life drastically and in multiple areas. Read on for some information that could help empower you to take up some fitness and improve your health.

A Little Effort = A Lot of Payoff

  • Fitness and HealthExercise is something that can help you lose weight fast and bring about positive health results. Even a little bit of exercise on a regular basis is healthy for you. Start off with a little bit of exercise and increase it as you start to feel better.. which can happen quickly.
  • Fitness can help with pain. If you have back pain, for instance, the right sort of exercises can be helpful. Fitness builds strength and that will improve your ability to cope with pain as well.
  • Exercise is like a natural feel good drug. Fitness releases endorphins. Those with depression can benefit from exercise for this reason.
  • Exercise can undo some of the damage your previous lifestyle choices have done to your health. People with weight related issues benefit in many ways from exercise. It can help prevent type 2 diabetes.
  • Fitness buffs tend to live, on average, longer than those who are sedentary.
  • Fitness is good for your digestive system. Activities will stimulate the digestive tract and reduce bouts of constipation.

Fitness can be better achieved through a combo of healthy eating and exercise. Therefore, Weight loss shouldn’t be done through diet alone.

Fitness and health experts also tell us that:

  • Exercise can help you reduce your bad cholesterol levels
  • Exercise boosts your immune system, making you more resilient and more resistant to some diseases (including some cancers).
  • Fitness will mean you can eat a bit more. Those who get fit and lead an active lifestyle will burn more calories, even at rest, have faster metabolisms, and be able to enjoy more of their favourite foods (within reason, of course).

Because it is never too late to embrace fitness and health, many doctors will recommend it after discovering health issues. Hence you don’t have to wait until that time. You can proactively work to improve your fitness and health.

Especially relevant is to start  a new fitness regimen slowly.  You might need doctor’s clearance so be careful but don’t be afraid to embrace fitness and health. It’ll dramatically improve your life.

In Conclusion, Fitness And Health are Great Reasons To Change, Try It!

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