Overweight People must change those bad habits.


What is stopping you from losing weight.

Most of us have set daily routines that go like this:

  • We get up in the morning.
  • Shower & brush our teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Go to work.
  • Lunch break.
  • Back to work.
  • Return home.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch TV.
  • And finally go back to bed.

Then we do it all over again the next day. As if in Auto Pilot mode.

In other words, we are creatures of habit because our society demands it. Regardless whether we are overweight people or not.

Our well being and security requires we are gainfully employed and putting away for that rainy day.

Staying fit somehow has to be squeezed in between.

Depending on how we manage those few minutes juggling between eating and working out will either make you fit or render you obese.

If you are overweight and willing to fight obesity, then you must look at your daily routine.

Think very critically about how you go about getting up, going to work, and especially think what is it you are doing wrong while on your daily activities.

It all boils down to food and exercise.

You might have bad habits that have become embedded in your daily activities. Take notes of every action you perform every day. It might surprise you.

You will probably find out that most of it you do automatically, as you go about your day, you probably do it without even thinking.

Possible bad eating habits:

Is it the flavored latte with whipped cream and a cupcake you order every morning before getting on the train?
Or the fast food meal you have for lunch?. Are you stopping for a beer after work. Perhaps you like snacking before going to bed.
If so, you probably have bad eating habits.

Possible Bad exercise habits:

  • Take note of things you do that may make you less mobile.
  • Do you always use the elevator when you could go up or down the stairs?.
  • You Uber when you could be walking somewhere?,
  • How about ever going for walks?
  • Ever visited a gym to go after work before you go home.

If you don’t do any of these activities, then you probably are not in good physical condition.  Add it to your notes!.

Therefore, detecting which activities are making you overweight are critical to changing your life.

Once you detect which bad habits are hurting you most. Then you have won half the battle already.

Starting the next day begin your battle to lose weight. Tackle your biggest weakness first.

Is it overeating?.  Maybe starving and then binge eating or raiding the fridge?. Then make a big note and change it.

It is not that hard. Keep that note with you at all times. It will remind you that it is a bad habit that must be changed.

Once you are aware of it, replacing snacks with healthier meals will produce results.

Maybe today is a good day to walk a little on the way to work.

You will be amazed how quickly you will be feeling and looking better.

Overweight People can get fit. It is possible, just start doing it now!

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Weight Loss Mistakes People Often Do.

When people try to lose weight often trying too hard will do more harm than good. That is the reason why it is so hard to do. Mistakes are done and repeated over and over again. Therefore, combining diet and exercise gives the best results.

Losing weight by exercising:

1. Obsessed with how many pounds are lost daily.

At the beginning people tend to loose pounds fast., most of it in the form of water and grease. A product of strict diets   When this happens,  the numbers on the scale look great. People focus on how many pounds they lost over a few days and think  loss will continue at the same rate.  While this is a great indication that you’re becoming lighter and losing weight, it’s definitely not how all the road will continue. It is common to reach plateaus where the number of pounds lost slows drastically. To be expected when the body begins to make adjustments. And muscles to the get firmer. Muscle actually weigh more than fat which affects your total weight.

Dieting to lose weight:

2. Much Too Small Portions by starving.

People believe that by starving themselves they will lose more weight. By not eating proper meals, they will cause their bodies to go into starvation mode. A  natural mechanism that assumes that food is scarce, triggering a reaction that speeds fat creation, since it believes it won’t be getting enough food for a while. Hence the body tries to protect itself.

External Factors:

3. Stress and Tension.

If people get very stressed when dieting or exercising, and allow stress to grow because of slow progress during weight loss or work related factors in their lives. Stress hormones are produced, which will cause fat build up. Additionally, tension often triggers the need for endorphins to calm the person down. Hence cravings for sweets such as chocolate increase.

Controlling stress is a key factor in successful weight loss.

4. Lack of sleep and proper rest.

Cortisol is a hormone that interferes with weight loss. The solution to slow down its effect is in getting enough rest and sleep. A change in sleeping habits or learning how to induce good sleep will definitely improve chances of success. Poor sleeping habits is another common weight loss mistake.

5. Not knowing your calorie intake vs energy spent.

After exercising very hard, it is natural that people become hungry. In turn they may eat a huge meal afterwards. If they don’t know how many calories they burned, they may overestimate the amount of food they can eat. Therefore it is best if they use a calorie monitor, like the one on the I Watch and other fitness monitors,.  It will keep track of your real progress and prevent costly mistakes.

These are 5 of the most common Weight Loss Mistakes people do. Avoid them to succeed.


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5 Healthy Breakfast Tips That Will Help You Lose Weight.


If you want to lose weight, or you just want to get healthy, then breakfast should be number one on your list. Even if you’re exercising every day, you could be sabotaging your plans by skipping breakfast! And, if you do eat breakfast every day, you may be choosing the wrong foods. Here are 5 healthy breakfast tips to make that first meal of the day a healthy one.

1) Never Skip Breakfast:

This is number one on the list of healthy breakfast tips for a very good reason! You may think you’re shaving calories off your day by missing breakfast, but it just leaves you more likely to snack on unhealthy foods throughout the morning. Above this, breakfast kickstarts your metabolism, making your body work harder to burn off calories from the meals you eat through the rest of the day.

2) Avoid Sugar:

Many of us wrongly assume that all breakfast cereals are healthy. This is far from the truth: many of them are overloaded with sugar. This can lead to weight gain and energy spikes that will leave you feeling sleepy by lunch time.

3) Don’t Drink Too Much Juice:

Although fruit juice is good for you, this doesn’t mean that it’s free from calories. The sugar in fruit juice can cause an energy spike, so stick to a small glass and drink water to hydrate you for the day. Drinking more water has the added benefit of helping you to feel fuller and avoid snacking.

4) Start As You Mean To Go On:

Think of breakfast as a kick-start for your day, and start with healthy foods that’ll give your body the energy you need. This means avoiding fast food and fried breakfasts that’ll leave you feeling sluggish at work.

5) Include A Few Superfoods:

Superfoods are ingredients known to greatly decrease your risk of developing a range of diseases. Thankfully, many of these are perfect for breakfast. Here are a few top ingredients to get you going: oats, tea, yoghurt (low fat), berries, nuts and seeds. Even if you only have a handful of these ingredients, it’s a good way to make sure you get something healthy into every day.

If all of these 5 healthy breakfast tips seem a little complicated for you when you frequently find yourself rushing around in the mornings, remember to plan ahead. If necessary, prepare your breakfast the night before to make it as easy as possible for you to stick to a healthy diet.

Finally, these 5 Healthy Breakfast Tips will Help You Lose Weight if you follow them.

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Goodbye Fat Thighs is one of the hardest problem many women face.

Goodbye Fat Thighs

cuncon / Pixabay

One of the biggest problem areas that women have is how to lose weight from their thighs. This one area seems to take the longest amount of time. Many will give up the fight to get rid of that fat in their thighs. There are ways however that help to effectively say: Goodbye Fat Thighs.

Burn Fat.

The first thing that you have to focus on is burning fat. There isn’t anything that you can do to focus the fat burning on your thighs. You have to work on burning fat all over. This is done using aerobic activity. If you can get your heart pumping and air moving through your lungs, you can have fat start melting away. Eventually you will see the results in your thighs. Don’t use just one aerobic activity. Use several and mix them up frequently.


The second thing you need to do is monitor your diet. What you eat is going to affect the amount of fat that you burn. If you eat a lot of protein, you are going to be providing your body with something that will give you more muscle. Don’t cut back drastically on the amount of food you eat. Don’t cut back on the number of times you eat per day. If you eat more often during the day, you will find that your body decides it doesn’t need to store as much fat because it knows that you aren’t going to starve it.

Drink Water.

The third thing that you need to do is drink plenty of water. When you work hard doing aerobic activity, fat is going to start dissipating. It needs to work its way out of your system, though. What is going to make this happen is drinking a lot of water. Not only will it push fat and toxins out of your body, it will also let your body know that there isn’t a drought going on. When your body is deprived of water, it feels it needs to retain it and it also conserves it, using a minimal amount to perform your bodies basic functions. If you drink more, you will lose more water. This means that you will also be losing some of the water weight around your thighs.

Build thigh and buttock muscles muscles.

The fourth thing that you will do is to work on building muscles in your thighs and buttocks. The best exercise for this is squats. As you build muscle here, you will have more than toning going on. If you increase your muscle mass, you increase your metabolism. If you increase your metabolism, you increase your bodies ability to burn fat.

The main things that you need to know when asking that question, “How to say goodbye fat thighs” is to begin moving more, eat right and eat often, drink a lot of water, and build your muscles.

It may take a long time to see the results, but if you can stick to this, you will most definitely have the shape you want for yourself.

Finally follow the rules above and you will say Goodbye Fat Thighs forever!

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Eating Once a Day to Lose Weight.

Eating Once a Day

Life-Of-Pix / Pixabay

If you are asking,”How much weight can I lose eating one meal every day?”, you aren’t going to like the response.

The fact is, you might end up losing no fat and you might even end up gaining somewhat.

“But don’t I have to eat less if I want to lose weight?”

The solution is yes. . .and no. Eating once a day may end up slowing down your metabolism. Your body feels as though it should store food since it appears that you will starve it. It decides that it must save a small reserve of energy to use it later. The more frequently you eat, the less food it feels it needs to store for itself.

To increase your metabolism, you then want to be getting more intake. When your body is stressing that it might go into starvation mode, it will need to store food to build reserves (fat).

When you finish your weight loss attempts this way, you very well could end up with less weight, unfortunately it will be caused by you losing more muscle mass than actual fat loss.

If you want to increase your metabolism and burn off more fat, then you need to be eating more frequently than normal. The notion of just eating once a day isn’t going to cut it. You will need several meals. They don’t have to be major meals. It merely needs to be enough to let your body know you’re not going to starve it.

It isn’t that you are very likely to be eating more food than normal, it’s that you are likely to be spreading out it through out the day. If you will be stressing your body through exercise, then you have to  supply it continuously with the fuel it requires. The trick is to find the ideal equilibrium.

The answer to the question,”How much weight will I lose eating once a day?”  Is none.

Your body should be ensured that it is going to have the food it must have to make it through the daily routines.

Finally, eating once a day will bring more harm than good, avoid it.


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Eat More Often Loose More Weight – Sounds a Bit Hard to Believe.

Eat More Often Loose More Weight

stevepb / Pixabay

It’s amazing how much weight can be dropped by ingesting more. Many people will have you believe that to get rid of weight you must eat less. By significantly less, they generally mean less frequently. This is not necessarily the situation, though.

Eat more often loose more weight starts with breakfast.

Growing up you probably heard your Grandmother saying “Finish your breakfast, you need to grow strong” It is true in fact that the most important meal is the one most people miss most often. It is a shame that most of the time we run out of time for it. Instead, we get our morning fix by drinking a large coffee and bread. It might curb our hunger for some time, but our bodies will still be craving for the good stuff in a little while.

Why we need to have breakfast?

1) It’s like filling up your gas tank first thing in the morning. Obtaining a good healthy breakfast can help you to get more done till the afternoon without interruption. It will keep your blood sugar levels and give you energy throughout the work day.

2) It improves your mind and nervous system perform properly. Your mind will work better, and your memory remain sharp.

3) Without breakfast your attention after a few hours will wander and food craving will set in. This means that you will try to find anything to eat. Not only will you eat a lot, you will eat it quickly. Eating quickly probably means you’re eating more than you need. Gulping food down so fast your body does not have the time to figure out that it’s full till it’s too late.

Why eat more often to loose weight?

If you eat breakfast and several smaller meals through the day, you will really be amazed with how much weight can be lost if you choose to eat more.

When trying to loose weight, eating breakfast can lead to better weight management. It is not just breakfast alone, however. It’s eating several times a day. Eat early and frequently to help you eliminate the most weight.

Should you skip meals, your body starts to believe that it’s starving and will go into storage mode believing it must conserve as much as possible. Additionally, it may slow down your metabolism and your ability to burn off fat.

If you eat that wholesome breakfast, then follow it by several small meals every few hours,  you’re letting your body understand you aren’t going to be starving it now so that it does not have to worry about storing it. Additionally, it gets your metabolism going and prepared to burn fat daily.

Eat More Often Loose More Weight makes sense when you understand how your metabolism works.

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