Exercise Equipment Myths – Not All Machines are Built Alike.


You have probably all seen many fitness equipment commercials. The claims made in some of these commercials tend to stretch credibility to the limit.

You are invited to “Get the perfect abs in 10 minutes a day” or even ” Have a sculpted body in no time.” Each machine claims to use cutting edge technology with the express purpose to get you in shape and lose pounds with a minimal effort. If it only was that simple.

Exploiting the public’s Vanity.

Everybody wants to look and feel great. The truth is it requires quite some work achieve it.  It usually takes a vigorous exercise program and a properly balanced diet.

In order to lose weight and achieve a well toned body you will have to burn calories on a regularly basis. It is that simple.

Most of the fitness equipment on the market are just fads which disappear after a few months of heavy advertising.

There is, however, one that is still a major player, and that is the treadmill. Which has been in the market for more than 20 years now.

Others, like the Torso Track, Total Gym 1000/2000, Ab Sculptor, Ab Rockers, Ab Doers, Slam Man, Thighmasters, Toning System, Door Gym, Orbitrek were the latest great thing one day and then gone the way of the Dodo bird the next.

You may wonder why you never see treadmills sold on infomercials? The reason is simple. It is because it is not a high profit, hyped up, exercise gadget, which is more the product of clever marketing than a serious piece of exercise equipment.

Most infomercial equipment is designed for just one purpose, to make as much money as soon as possible before people discover that they don’t work. Most of the cost of this equipment is used in order to market it. And that is how Exercise Equipment Myths are created.

Believing there is an easy, effortless way.

So who would possibly want to buy this stuff? Usually it is people who mistakenly believe that there are shortcuts to weight loss and getting in shape. Achieving your fitness goals requires that you put in some work and the results will not happen over night. Hence, no machine is going to produce the results you desire without commitment from yourself.

Have you ever seen any infomercial equipment at a health club? No, because they don’t work and they’re not built to last. What you will see, however, are a number of treadmills, often with people waiting their turn to use them.

It really boils down to this. Getting fit is really the product of two things – time and effort. The more time and effort you put into exercising the more calories you are going to burn and the more weight you will lose. Look for fitness equipment that will maximize your efforts,. Additionally use only true and tested machines.

The ugly truth about those Exercise Equipment Myths is that they are nothing more fads designed to make someone rich quick.

Balanced Diet
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Boosting Vitamin K

Vitamin K was discovered by a Danish scientist, Henrik Dam. From his research, he named it vitamin K, which is abbreviated from the word Koagulationsvitamin.

In English, this means the “coagulation vitamin”.  Also, a second biochemist, Edward Doisy continued Dam’s work. He also discovered the role that vitamin K plays in the proper function of the body.

Additionally, both scientists received the Nobel Prize in 1943 for their amazing work.

Years later, we now are beginning to better understand the multiple functions this coagulation vitamin performs in the body – truly amazing.

Above all, Vitamin K is essential for general health and well being.

Vitamin K aids during blood clotting. It is also helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Unless you are a person requiring blood thinner medication, there is no reason why you should not be taking plenty of vitamin K in your diet.

Vitamin K rich foods include cooked or raw green leafy veggies like cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green beans, okra, lettuce, and the like.

Also, the daily requirement of vitamin K in this form is around 120 micrograms (μg).

Benefits of Vitamin K

  • As mentioned above, vitamin K is vital for blood clotting.
  • In Osteoporosis Treatment it helps restore bone density.
  • Also used to treat patients with liver disease.
  • Vitamin K lowers the total cholesterol of people who are on dialysis treatment.
  • In the treatment of  spider veins on the skin, to remove scars, stretch marks, burns, and bruises.
  • Topically it treats rosacea.
  • Speeds up healing of the skin after surgery.

Getting enough vitamin K, is integral to good health and when there is a deficiency, a long list of health problems can develop.

There are 2 main types of vitamin K:

  1. Vitamin K1 – Found on leafy vegetables. Also a good source of fiber.
  2. Vitamin K2 – Found in fermented foods and animal products. Additionally,  the body produces its own vitamin K2 in the gut.

What to look for if you think you are Vitamin K deficient.

  • Bruising easily.
  • Your nose or your gums are oozing.
  • Excessive bleeding from wounds or injections or from surgical areas.
  • Women with heavy menstrual periods.
  • Bleed from the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.
  • Presence of blood in either the urine or stools.
  • An increase in prothrombin time (tests used to detect and diagnose bleeding disorders or clotting).

Top 10 Vitamin K Rich Foods:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: ½-cup: contains 444 micrograms
  2. Natto (fermented soy): 2 ounces: contains 500 micrograms
  3. Spring onions (scallions): ½-cup: contains 103 micrograms
  4. Brussels sprouts: ½-cup: contains 78 micrograms
  5. Cabbage: ½-cup: contains 82 micrograms
  6. Broccoli: ½-cup: contains 46 micrograms
  7. Dairy (fermented): – ½-cup: contains 10 micrograms
  8. Prunes: ½- cup: contains 52 micrograms
  9. Cucumbers: 1 medium cucumber: contains 49 micrograms
  10. Dried basil: 1 tablespoon: contains 36 micrograms

Finally, Why Boosting Vitamin K is Important

Hence, it is important that the body stops bleeding, internally or externally. When a person is Vitamin K deficient, he or she will bleed easily, resulting in bleeding ulcers or great loss of blood during an accident. Therefore, keeping your vitamin K levels is very important. Hence, vitamin K is critical to keeping patients alive after trauma.

Finally, if you believe you are Vitamin K deficient, or your health needs bolstering, consult with your physician if Boosting Vitamin K is helpful to you.

Thyroid Reset Report
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Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program for 2019.

What to look for when looking for a weight loss program that really works is difficult. With so many news  stories and reports about diets and programs that do not work. Therefore finding the right one is almost impossible.

Here are the basic points of what to look in a  good weight loss program.

1. They don’t try to sell you anything else.

Avoid any programs which try to hard sell you any pills or supplements. A weight loss program doesn’t have to be based in supplements or drinks that you need to consume each day. Hence, it must be a diet plan for the week and an exercise plan tailored towards your individual fitness level.

2. Know who has developed it.

Be cautious of programs which have been developed by anyone other than trained medical professionals. While somebody may have had a lot of success with their own diet plan, putting it out there for the general public to try will not work.

3. Look for real positive reviews.

Not all online reviews are real. look for real people who have had success with this plan, listen and consider trying it out for yourself. Additionally, if reviews seem fake, avoid it and seek different one.

4. It must be legitimate.

If it promises fast weight loss without any work, be wary and stay away. Finding a successful weight loss program requires it has a healthy diet, plenty of water and regular exercise.

5. There are no guarantees.

Promising a weight loss of  x  pounds in a certain period of time is never a good sign of a weight loss program. Remember, the more fat you have to shed, the quicker you’ll lose it. Additionally, nobody that is honest will promise how much you will lose in a week or a month. Therefore, avoid programs which tell you that.

Finally, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not.

Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program requires a good dose of common sense.

Gluten Free Report
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Try Pilates – Work Your Way To A Healthier Body.

What is Pilates.

One of the hottest trends in fitness today is Pilates. It is  a combination of different body movements designed to strengthen, stretch and balance the body.

This body conditioning routine is designed and founded by Joseph H. Pilates. He designed his exercise program by including precision, breathing, concentration, and control.

One of its benefits is the improvement of lung capacity because the exercise incorporates deep and heavy breathing. The mind and the muscles are both coordinated in an effective Pilates workout so the strength and flexibility of the abdomen, back, and stabilizer muscles is achieved. Furthermore, the body’s posture, strength and balance are also improved. With these many benefits, overall health and well-being will surely be improved.

Many gyms, spas, and studios who offer Pilates training and equipment have sprouted everywhere. There is no doubt that it already gained a cult following.

The rich and the famous are also drawn to this mind and body exercise. Jamie Lee Curtis, Marissa Tomei, Jennifer Aniston, Julia Roberts and Rod Stewart are few of the many celebrities who are practicing and reaping the benefits. So if celebrities are paying big bucks to certified trainers in the country, then this really must be a great exercise.

Yes indeed! It is one great workout. It would not be this popular if it isn’t.

How do you practice Pilates.

There are two ways to exercise Pilates. One is to focus on floor exercises. Most people are doing floor exercise because it is less expensive and more convenient. The only equipment you will need is a floor mat and a trainer. If you can’t afford to hire a personal trainer, there are many home videos available in the market that features instructions on how to exercise Pilates. Just make sure that you select videos from reputable instructors. Also be careful when doing the exercises and routines yourself, doing Pilates without a trainer could cause you injury if you don’t perform it cautiously.

The other way to practice it is through the use of equipment that will tone and strengthen the body. Most gyms have the equipment and usually you have to pay a yearly fee to avail the use of  it and trainers.

During your workout wear light and comfortable clothes. Tights and a tank top are a good choice.

Stay focused on the routines and exercises. Your instructor will teach you ways on how to breathe properly and combine it with the body movements. You will not be able to achieve your fitness goals if you do not stay focused and disciplined to practice the right way of making the routines.

Start from the simple routines and work your way up to the more advanced and more rewarding routines. This way your body could adjust slowly and possible injuries will be prevented.

Because Pilates focuses on strength and flexibility and new studies show that two 50-minute sessions only burn about 250 calories, combine it with other cardiovascular type workouts like running and step aerobics for even better results.

Final thoughts.

Lastly, don’t join the Pilates bandwagon just because you think it is the “in thing” nowadays. Stick with the program, be disciplined and stay focused. Pilates has many benefits and soon enough you’ll notice that your body is improved. It is indeed one great work out, it not only helps in enhancing your daily tasks through flexibility and improved body strength it also make your mind and spirit feel relaxed and rejuvenated.

Try Pilates




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 Increase Your Confidence – Follow the path to Wellness.

Often it is hard to display enough confidence. Many times, it is very hard to interact socially  with others and speak up or be heard when there is a need to do so. Fortunately, people learn and change. Also, there are methods to be used that teach you how to display confidence and self-assurance.

Here are four useful tips:

Visualize a Better You

See yourself as the person you want to become. Hence, use visualization to achieve your personal goals. It is a very powerful tool. Therefore, to become a self assured and confident person, begin by imagining you are the person that you are planning to become. Start imagining yourself in a positive way. Additionally, positive thinking will help you to feel more capable, and those effects will spill over into other areas of your life.

Push Your Boundaries Daily

Another really great way to increase your confidence is to do something that intimidates you every day. This expose therapy will help you to stop feeling nervous when you have to do new things. Consequently, as you push your boundaries, your confidence will grow and you will become more adaptable over time. One example would be to try meeting a new person and holding a short conversation with them.

Don’t Let Self Doubts  Rule You

Avoid letting your self-doubt rule you. Above all, remember that this voice is what has been preventing you from increasing your confidence and making you feel insecure, and these types of insecurities are normally unfounded. Hence, the doubt you feel in your mind isn’t reality, and when you allow more positive inner thoughts to have a louder presence, your attitude will improve.

Help Other People

One of the best ways to get over your own fears is to help other people. When you help people to do things that you’re already know, it  reaffirms your skill set. This also takes your mind off of yourself.

Finally, helping other people will help you to be less focused on your own thoughts and feelings, and point you towards considering the feelings of others.

These are but a few ways to increase your confidence, follow them to a life of wellness.








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Bulgur Wheat Recipe – Tasty and Simple to Prepare

Firstly, Bulgur is a durum wheat cereal originally found in the Middle East. Additionally, it is easy to prepare and a low fat, high fiber and vitamins. When compared to refined wheat, bulgur is far healthier, a good source of protein, full of minerals such as iron and manganese.

Moreover, it only takes a few minutes to cook. Hence, it is great healthy breakfast alternative to cereals, or as a side dish part of a meat, fish or poultry meal.

Prepare this Bulgur wheat recipe:


  • 1 Cup of Bulgur Wheat
  • 2/3 teaspoon of salt (optional)
  • 1/3 teaspoon of pepper
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 cups of water


Pour all ingredients on to a pan, heat over medium temperature, stirring until water is completely absorbed (a couple of minutes) and serve.


With more than twice the fiber than rice, bulgur wheat has fewer calories and most of the nutrients of whole wheat. (Wikipedia)

Additionally, it provides a great amount of bulk which aids in the breaking of fat. That is to say, bulgur is considered a complete protein providing all nine essential amino acids.

Consequently it is a great alternative. Great for people looking for healthier diet options.

According to the Mayo Clinic: “eating whole grains, such as bulgur, may help lower your cholesterol levels as part of a healthy diet”.

Nutritional information:

A 1-cup serving contains:

  • 151 calories
  • Less than2 grams of fat  (2%)
  • 479 calories
  • 0 Milligrams Cholesterol
  • 24 Milligrams of Sodium (1%)
  • 106 g Carbohydrates (35%)
  • 26 g Dietary Fiber (106%)
  • 0.6 g Sugar
  • 17 g Protein (34%)
  • Vitamin A  (0%)     Vitamin C (0%)
  • Calcium (4%)          Iron (18%)
  • Vitamin D (0%)      Vitamin B-6 (25%)
  • Cobalamin (0%)     Magnesium (57%)

*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Bulgur, like many other cereal products may be counter indicated for people that suffer from cilliac disease or gluten intolerance.

When in doubt, consult your physician.

In conclusion, we hope this Bulgur Wheat Recipe is of your satisfaction.

Finally, for other great suggestions, we recommend you download our Herbs for Digestion Free Report



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Weight Loss Boot Camp – Do I Need One?

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.

Get on the right mindset and educate yourself.

Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What? You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Think of an exercise program.

Weight loss boot camp is not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. Fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit instead. Then you should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day.

Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering a weight loss boot camp as an alternative.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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Breakfast Quinoa Recipe

Breakfast Quinoa Recipe

Breakfast Quinoa Recipe


Breakfast Quinoa Ingredients:

  • 1/2 Cup of Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1/4 tsp of Salt
  • 1/8 tsp of Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp of Italian Herbs
  • 2 tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1-1/2 Cups of Cooked Quinoa
  • 2 Cups of Spinach Leaves, raw
  • 1 Fried Egg


  1. Slice Tomatoes.
  2. Add Salt, Garlic Powder, Italian Herbs and Olive Oil. Hand mx all ingredients well.
  3. Add Quinoa and stir.
  4. On a serving plate place Quinoa Mix.
  5. Next to it place Spinach Leaves.
  6. Place Egg on top.
  7. Serve and Enjoy.

Cooking Quinoa is very simple,

On a covered pot warm 2 cups of water or vegetable stock and 1 Cup of quinoa. Over medium heat cook for 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Once water has been absorbed, fluff quinoa with a fork and it is ready to serve.

Quinoa Facts:

  1. Lower calories than rice.
  2. High Fiber Content.
  3. High Protein Content.
  4. Low Glycemic Index.
  5. Gluten Free.

Enjoy this easy to prepare Quinoa Breakfast Recipe.

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Using Treadmills – Your Way To Health and Fitness

Treadmills offer a great alternative to walking outdoors. Great for places where winters are long. Treadmills also are much more versatile, especially when choosing your terrain and walking attributes.
Additionally, they are easy to setup, and use. There is no need for special training when working on a treadmill. Unlike weight training equipment or other fitness machines.

Price of Treadmills

The price of a treadmill varies quite a bit. From a couple of hundred dollars for a low end model, treadmill users will pay up to several thousand dollars for a good high end machine. It all depends on the bells and whistles it has. Computer programmed displays, recording stats that include heart rate, time, calories, fat burn rate, distance, and terrain variations, all add to the price.

Motor Horsepower vs. Continuous Rating.

Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the motor size. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmill manufacturers may brag about their machine’s peak horsepower which may be extremely high. This however, means that under ideal conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. Therefore it is much more important to know at what horsepower the motor of the treadmill can be operated regularly and continuously.
Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter than their AC counterparts.


  • When you are testing out treadmill options for purchase make sure you wear exercise clothing and running shoes. Only then you can get the real feel of the workout.
  • The machine must have a strong frame and be stable.
  • Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them.
  • Are the running path and belt large enough for you to run on.
  • Is it programmable and can the programs be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable.
  • Is the display easy to read?.
  • Bottle holders and magazine racks are handy conveniences for daily workouts.

Consider the space required to operate the treadmill comfortably. Measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the unit first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, even if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.

Using Treadmills for Fitness is a Great Option!.

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Conquering Loneliness Requires a Good Deal of Introspection.

Every person experiences loneliness at one point or another. This feeling affects one’s self-esteem. If left unchecked will lead to sadness and even depression. During holidays such as Christmas and the New Year when radio and TV are constantly sending messages about friendship and family, those lonely people are especially affected.

In Britain, conquering loneliness has become a priority. Prime Minister Theresa May has created the position of Minister for Loneliness. Additionally, stating that loneliness is the “sad reality of modern life” and acknowledging that it is costing the state huge medical bills. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and suicide apparently are linked to the feeling of loneliness and isolation.

If you are experiencing isolation, there are some things you must do about it. Pulling yourself together and just getting on with life is not as easy as it sounds. However, the decision to do it must come from within you. However, if you really want to, start by taking a good honest look at yourself.  It is called introspection, you will find a few things you can do to be more sociable.

Make a list of what you want to change, it is the path to achieving wellness.

Additionally, here are some useful suggestions:

Be generous, it is one way

Give some of your time to activities that help others. Helping others will lead to meeting people and improve self esteem.

Join Group Activities

Find a class in something that you love, like art, music, a gym or the outdoors. Look for a club where you can expect to find like-minded people, where you will learn to share ideas and make new friends who are doing the same thing you love doing; something to look forward to during the week.

Become a Volunteer

Volunteering for a cause you believe in will do wonders. There are orphanages and old age homes and animal care shelters that need help. Hence, why not join up and bring joy to others. It will add meaning and joy to your life. You will develop a sense of satisfaction. Additionally you will appreciate those good things you have in your own life.

Find Support

Loneliness is on the increase, therefore you will find others online who are searching to connect. Be careful though wish sharing out personal information, there are  scammers out there. Fortunately on the other hand, there are many legitimate sites where you will make new friends online. Churches, Synagogues and other religious organizations offer activities. They always are welcoming. That will make you feel you belong.

Strengthen your existing relationships

There must be people in your life that you would love to get to know better. Call them and go out with them, it will strengthen your existing relationships.

Find a pet

Dogs and cats are great companions, friends for life, no matter what. Rescue a pet from a shelter and bring him home. It will change your life. Just remember it works both ways, your pet also requires relief from loneliness. Don’t leave them alone for long. Give them as much attention as you want to get back.  Take your dog for walks and strenghten the bond.

Seek help from a therapist

Sometimes, conquering loneliness requires more than getting out there and meeting people. If that is not enough, then it is time to contact an expert who will help. Especially if you feel depressed and unhappy. Therapists know how to help, with advice how to help you to think more positively.

Take the first step in conquering loneliness today.

Download this Free Report about Introspection and How to Do it.

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