Fat Loss Diet Myths

Unfortunately, there are multiple fat loss diet myths that keep many from approaching their weight loss goals correctly. These myths people follow simply do not work, and keep people form losing weight.

These four dieting myths pointed below will help you understand what you need to do to lose weight. Understanding the truth behind these myths will help you to make lifestyle changes that will  keep your weight off for good.

Myth #1.- Liquid Diets Work

People tout the benefits of liquid diets. They talk about how they cleanse your body, and how they help you to lose weight. These claims are misleading at best. Most likely will lead to dehydration.

Your body may lose a few pounds because of this diet. The weight loss really comes from the fact that you are not eating any actual food. As soon as you add food back to your diet, you will gain the weight back. The liquid diet is only good for short-term, temporary weight loss. This fat loss myth does more harm than good. Follow an established diet plan instead.

Myth #2.- Eat Less to Lose More

Fat loss Diet myth #2  Starvation is good. People attempt to starve themselves as a way to lose weight. If they drastically cut their calories, they believe that they will lose weight quickly and efficiently.

While this method will help you to lose weight in the beginning, then your body will go into starvation mode, converting every bit of food into fat. It is incredibly unhealthy. Your body needs  vitamins, nutrients, carbohydrates, and calories that come from food to operate. While you do need to cut your caloric intake, you should do it according  to a plan, not drastically cut these numbers.

Myth #3.- Diets with a Timeline are Perfect for Keeping the Weight Off

Any diet with a timeline is going to hinder your overall weight loss goals. While the diet may help you to lose weight for a week or two, you will gain the weight back as soon as you get off of the diet. This can easily leave you disheartened with the overall weight loss process, and can hold back your overall progress. Again, having a proper weight loss program and following it will lead to success.

Myth #4.- Healthy Foods are Boring and Tasteless

Unfortunately, society is used to foods with high sugar content and high fat content. While these foods may have interesting and sought-after flavors, they are unhealthy at best.

People tend to think that healthy foods are bland, boring, and tasteless because they lack the flavors offered by these unhealthy foods. This is unfortunate, as most healthy foods can actually be both nutritious and delicious. By adding spices and herbs to healthy foods, you can add flavor to meals.

Most of these fat loss diet myths come from marketing campaigns by companies that are trying to make money.  They want to sell you the latest and greatest diet craze so that they can take your money.

When you understand the truth behind these myths, you understand that they are actually detrimental to your health. Hence, they will keep you from achieving and maintaining your weight loss goals.

Ignore fat loss diet myths and approach your weight loss diet correctly. It will lead to  a healthy lifestyle.

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Toning Your Body Without Getting Bulky – How Can You Do It?

When many women think about lifting weights, they instantly think about getting big and bulky. While this is the look that some women want to achieve. Many women don’t like the thought of becoming bulky after lifting weights. As a result, the weights section of the gym is often full of men building muscles and few females. However, lifting weights doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically become  big and bulky. No matter what your gender is, you should embrace the weights and add strength training into your workout routine.

What should you do to avoid bulk when toning your body?

Some women have been losing weight for a few months and just want to tone up their bodies rather than build any substantial muscles. Since your skin is elastic, it is able to expand and retract with the changes your body makes, such as gaining or losing weight and changing shape when you are pregnant. Lifting weights is a key part of not only helping your skin to retain its elasticity, but also helping to prevent any loose skin after you have lost weight.

If you’re worried about becoming bulky but you just want to tone up your body, start off by lifting small weights (around 2-3kg). You can even lift smaller than this if you feel it is too heavy for you. The key with toning is to lift smaller weights but do more repetitions. Building big muscles requires fewer reps and heavier weights. That’s why many toning exercises will encourage you to lift 1-2kg weights around 15-20 times, rather than 20kg for 8-10 reps.

What if you don’t want to use weights?

You don’t have to use weights in order to tone your body. They are many exercises which will help you to tone up different body parts. Squats for improving your thighs and bum, and various arm movements to get rid of upper arm fat.

I’m doing toning exercises and not seeing results; what am I doing wrong?

In order to see the results you want from toning your body at the gym, you need to also eat a healthy balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water will help your skin’s elasticity. Hence, try to cut out soda and other sugary drinks and replace them with water.

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Not Losing Weight – This is what is stopping you. 

We’re creatures of habit.  We wake up, hit the alarm and hit auto-pilot.

First we have breakfast, then brush our teeth. Next get dressed, go to work, then at the end of the day come back home and back to bed it is. Then werepeat it all over again the next day.

Eating and exercising – getting fatter or losing weight — it all boils down to the same thing:  Habits.

That is how we are wired. However, we have a choice: use habits to our advantage if we channel them properly or simply let them take us the wrong way.

In other words, when it comes to food, Good Habits make us loose weight, and Bad Habits will make us fat.

Good Habits help us get the things we want quicker. Additionally it makes achieving our goals possible. However for habits to work, we must take an honest look at what we are doing.

Understanding what is our biggest food weakness.

Is it:

  • – Overeating at meal times
  • – Going without food for hours and then binge eating
  • – Snacking between meals
  • – Getting bored late in the evening before raiding the kitchen
  • – Opening the ice-cream and eating it all in one seating
  • – Being a night time feeder
  • -Raiding the fridge over and over again
  • – Start one cookie and finish the pack
  • -Having a bowl of cereal, Then another and another
  • -Eating when being bored in the evenings, watching TV or surfing the Internet.

These are classic BAD Eating Habits.  The problem is these bad habits we do without even thinking about it. We do them on auto-pilot. Only to regret it afterwards.

There are plenty more bad habits out there. But if we can identify our biggest weakness we will be on the winning track to losing weight.

 If you are not losing weight and want to change it, this is what must be done:

Think long and hard (and be honest).

1.- What is your weakness?

2. -What is your Achilles heel?

3.- Isolate it.

4.- Zone in on it.

Then replace it with a better habit or cut it out completely – good things will start to happen to you.

You will begin losing weight, see results over a short period of time, and begin living a longer, healthier and leaner life.  And that’s your task.

Finally, not losing weight is not an option. Do it now!

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Overweight People must change those bad habits.


What is stopping you from losing weight.

Most of us have set daily routines that go like this:

  • We get up in the morning.
  • Shower & brush our teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Go to work.
  • Lunch break.
  • Back to work.
  • Return home.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch TV.
  • And finally go back to bed.

Then we do it all over again the next day. As if in Auto Pilot mode.

In other words, we are creatures of habit because our society demands it. Regardless whether we are overweight people or not.

Our well being and security requires we are gainfully employed and putting away for that rainy day.

Staying fit somehow has to be squeezed in between.

Depending on how we manage those few minutes juggling between eating and working out will either make you fit or render you obese.

If you are overweight and willing to fight obesity, then you must look at your daily routine.

Think very critically about how you go about getting up, going to work, and especially think what is it you are doing wrong while on your daily activities.

It all boils down to food and exercise.

You might have bad habits that have become embedded in your daily activities. Take notes of every action you perform every day. It might surprise you.

You will probably find out that most of it you do automatically, as you go about your day, you probably do it without even thinking.

Possible bad eating habits:

Is it the flavored latte with whipped cream and a cupcake you order every morning before getting on the train?
Or the fast food meal you have for lunch?. Are you stopping for a beer after work. Perhaps you like snacking before going to bed.
If so, you probably have bad eating habits.

Possible Bad exercise habits:

  • Take note of things you do that may make you less mobile.
  • Do you always use the elevator when you could go up or down the stairs?.
  • You Uber when you could be walking somewhere?,
  • How about ever going for walks?
  • Ever visited a gym to go after work before you go home.

If you don’t do any of these activities, then you probably are not in good physical condition.  Add it to your notes!.

Therefore, detecting which activities are making you overweight are critical to changing your life.

Once you detect which bad habits are hurting you most. Then you have won half the battle already.

Starting the next day begin your battle to lose weight. Tackle your biggest weakness first.

Is it overeating?.  Maybe starving and then binge eating or raiding the fridge?. Then make a big note and change it.

It is not that hard. Keep that note with you at all times. It will remind you that it is a bad habit that must be changed.

Once you are aware of it, replacing snacks with healthier meals will produce results.

Maybe today is a good day to walk a little on the way to work.

You will be amazed how quickly you will be feeling and looking better.

Overweight People can get fit. It is possible, just start doing it now!

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Weight Loss Mistakes People Often Do.

When people try to lose weight often trying too hard will do more harm than good. That is the reason why it is so hard to do. Mistakes are done and repeated over and over again. Therefore, combining diet and exercise gives the best results.

Losing weight by exercising:

1. Obsessed with how many pounds are lost daily.

At the beginning people tend to loose pounds fast., most of it in the form of water and grease. A product of strict diets   When this happens,  the numbers on the scale look great. People focus on how many pounds they lost over a few days and think  loss will continue at the same rate.  While this is a great indication that you’re becoming lighter and losing weight, it’s definitely not how all the road will continue. It is common to reach plateaus where the number of pounds lost slows drastically. To be expected when the body begins to make adjustments. And muscles to the get firmer. Muscle actually weigh more than fat which affects your total weight.

Dieting to lose weight:

2. Much Too Small Portions by starving.

People believe that by starving themselves they will lose more weight. By not eating proper meals, they will cause their bodies to go into starvation mode. A  natural mechanism that assumes that food is scarce, triggering a reaction that speeds fat creation, since it believes it won’t be getting enough food for a while. Hence the body tries to protect itself.

External Factors:

3. Stress and Tension.

If people get very stressed when dieting or exercising, and allow stress to grow because of slow progress during weight loss or work related factors in their lives. Stress hormones are produced, which will cause fat build up. Additionally, tension often triggers the need for endorphins to calm the person down. Hence cravings for sweets such as chocolate increase.

Controlling stress is a key factor in successful weight loss.

4. Lack of sleep and proper rest.

Cortisol is a hormone that interferes with weight loss. The solution to slow down its effect is in getting enough rest and sleep. A change in sleeping habits or learning how to induce good sleep will definitely improve chances of success. Poor sleeping habits is another common weight loss mistake.

5. Not knowing your calorie intake vs energy spent.

After exercising very hard, it is natural that people become hungry. In turn they may eat a huge meal afterwards. If they don’t know how many calories they burned, they may overestimate the amount of food they can eat. Therefore it is best if they use a calorie monitor, like the one on the I Watch and other fitness monitors,.  It will keep track of your real progress and prevent costly mistakes.

These are 5 of the most common Weight Loss Mistakes people do. Avoid them to succeed.


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Developing Your Own Weight Loss Plan is a helpful tool.

Are you interested in losing weight?

If you are, you may have been told to create your own weight loss plan. Weight loss plans, which serve as guides and motivation for many individuals, have been known to help many achieve their weight loss goals.Developing your own weight loss plan

Although it is more than possible for you to join a local weight loss program or an online weight loss program and have a weight loss plan given to you, you may take comfort in developing your own weight loss plan.

If this is your first time attempting to create such a plan for yourself, you may be unsure as to how you should proceed. If that is the case, you will want to continue reading on.

developing your own weight loss planBelow, a few of the many components of a weight loss plan are outlined for your convenience. Perhaps, the most important component of a weight loss plan is that of healthy eating.

Healthy eating is a vital component of losing weight. When it comes to healthy eating, you don’t necessarily need to cut all junk foods, like chocolate. Simply limit their intake.

If you find that you have a problem cutting junk food or sweets from your diet, you may want to create an eating schedule for yourself. That eating schedule could include days or meals where you allow yourself to have a treat.

In a way, you can consider that time as a reward for doing so well. In addition to making a generalized schedule for yourself, you may also want to create a more detailed eating schedule.

Research healthy recipes online or buy a healthy eating cookbook. Once you have a collection of healthy foods to make, you can better plan out all of your meals.

To help prevent you from becoming bored with eating the same foods over and over again, you may want to experiment with different healthy foods and healthy recipes. The best way to keep yourself focused and on task is to “spice,” up your weight loss plan as much as possible. Aside from eating healthy, another important component of losing weight is regular exercise.

That is why your weight loss plan should include exercise. Similar to the healthy eating schedule outlined above, you may want to create an exercise schedule for yourself.

HannahWells / Pixabay

When incorporating exercise into your workout plan, you have a number of different options. For instance, you can get a membership at one of your local gyms, buy workout DVDs to use at home, buy other exercise equipment, like a treadmill or a stair climber, or exercise for free with walking.

If you do decide to create your own exercise plan, there is something that you may be missing out on.

Should you join an online weight loss program or a local weight loss program, you would likely be a part of a larger group; a group that offers support to each other. When developing your own weight loss plan, you may not necessarily have that same support.

For that reason, you may want to think about seeing if you have any friends, family members, neighbors, or coworkers who would like to exercise with you. Having a workout partner may help give you the support that you need, as well as serve as a little bit of motivation for you.

Put your weight loss plan in writing. You may even want to use your computer, there are templates that you can use. Use easy to read schedules or charts.

Note the exercises that you wish to do and the foods that you wish to eat and when. It will help to motivate you with losing weight.

What you may want to do is post your schedules in a well-seen spot, like on your refrigerator.

In short, weight loss plans serve as guides, as well as motivation.

The above mentioned points are ones that you should keep in mind, when developing your own weight loss plan.

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Losing Weight While Pregnant

Losing Weight While Pregnant

TC-TORRES / Pixabay

There are many reasons why some women look at ways of losing weight while pregnant. Not everyone is able to simply enjoy the whole ‘eating for two’ thing. If for whatever reason you need to look at losing weight while pregnant, you’ll want to be very careful about weight loss methods. Read on for some suggestions.

Eat Your Calories

Losing Weight While PregnantSome people don’t realize how much of their caloric intake comes from beverages. Drinking thick shakes or soda pop won’t be good for your health and some of these beverages aren’t at all good for your baby, either.

Drink 1% or Skim Milk

Don’t mistake the above advice about eating your calories as a reason not to drink milk. Milk is an excellent source of calcium and calcium is essential during pregnancy. But you don’t need the fat in whole milk. Opt for 1% or even skim milk, which will provide you with calcium without as many grams of fat.

Count The Calories

You don’t need to eat for two adult people when you’re pregnant. Some women have so much weight loss after pregnancy because they take the “eating for two” adage quite literally. An extra 300 or so calories beyond the normal optimum calorie intake for your body is adequate. Counting calories to get into the optimal range is a good idea and it’s also a good idea to opt for good calories versus bad.


The vast majority of diet supplements are not tested for safety for pregnant women. For this reason, it’s probably not wise to use diet aids unless they’re approved by your doctor.

Integrate Light, Doctor Approved Exercise

Some pregnant women can’t exercise for medical reasons. The vast majority of pregnant women however, can get some light exercise during pregnancy. Walking, pregnancy yoga, and other light exercises could not only help you with losing weight while pregnant.They will also help you have an easier time of labor due to your being in better physical condition.

Eat Clean

Losing Weight While PregnantCleaner eating will give you and the baby the right level of nutrition without packing on the pounds. Be choosy about what you eat while pregnant.

It’s usually okay to give in to the odd craving (unless you’re on a highly restrictive diet due to blood sugar issues or some other problem). But eating clean for the vast majority of the time will probably result in most of your gain during pregnancy being all baby.

After you’ve given birth and you’re feeling fit and healthy, you might like to check out our tips on losing weight after pregnancy!

In conclusion, Losing Weight While Pregnant should only be done under medical supervision.

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Losing Weight After Pregnancy

It’s only natural that women will retain a bit of weight after pregnancy. Losing weight after pregnancy might feel like a daunting task for you. But there are many things you can do as soon as six weeks after pregnancy (provided your doctor has given you the go-ahead).

Losing Weight After PregnancyKeep Breastfeeding

While women who breastfeed do tend to keep on a few extra pounds as the body makes sure you have enough stores to be able to produce milk, as soon as your baby starts to transition toward solids, you’ll start to lose weight naturally. Many women who breastfeed lose their baby weight faster than those who don’t. Why? Because producing milk burns approximately 500 calories a day. It’s not easy to burn that many calories with exercise! Not every woman will breastfeed and many can’t breastfeed for a year after giving birth but if you can do it, it can benefit your baby and your own waistline, too.

Smaller Portions

Did you enjoy eating for two? Those habits might have stuck with you even though baby has been born. Try lowering your portions. Be sure not to starve yourself as you need your strength but consider counting your calories.

Drink More Water

Have you got into the habit of drinking calories with pregnancy? Drinking plenty of milk and juice can become habit forming. Water has zero calories and revs up your metabolism as well as aids in the digestion process.

Losing Weight After PregnancyStrollercise and other Mum & Baby Classes

There are great exercise classes that can help Mums with losing weight after pregnancy. Using baby as a weight as well as using the baby’s stroller / pram can help.

Daily Walks

Making an effort to get out daily with baby to get fresh air for you both will quickly add up to calories burned and fat lost. Walking is one of the easiest ways of losing weight after pregnancy.

Join the Gym, Exercise, & Take Supplements

Of course joining the gym, starting a diet, or taking supplements seems to be the obvious. But many new mothers don’t invest the time in themselves because they feel like they need to spend every moment with their baby. If you dedicate all your time to baby, you might not have the easiest time losing weight after pregnancy. Taking an hour 3-4 times a week to do something for yourself will help you get back to your pre-baby weight (or even better!) and will give you some much needed and (likely) much deserved “me” time. Perhaps Dad can watch the baby while you get some time to take classes and workout. Or, if like most new Dads, he has put on a few sympathy kgs, too, perhaps you can join the gym together. Some fitness clubs even offer child care.

In conclusion, follow these Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy to get back in shape.


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