KettleWorX Kickstart Kit Review.


Kettlebells are a versatile piece of fitness equipment with a proven record for helping people improve or maintain their fitness levels since the 19th century.  Circus strongmen used them to train and prove strength, and athletes in Russia and Europe used them in competition. Kettlebells are made from cast steel or cast iron. They’re a rounded shape, kind of like a cannonball, but they have a flattened bottom and a handle that makes them perfect to move with and swing. Some kettlebells have a protective coating over them and some have a padded handle for better grip. Use a kettlebell to improve your cardiovascular health, stamina, strength, and balance. Kettlebells are one of the most affordable and versatile pieces of fitness equipment that you can invest in.

Features of KettleWorX Kickstart Kit

• Your choice of Premium KettleWorX Kettlebell (select from 5 lb, 10 lb, 15 lb or 20 lb)
• A protective coating over the metal.
• A padded handle to help you grip the kettlebell and keep you from getting blisters.
• A 30-minute training DVD and guide. It has instructions on how to hold and use the kettlebell. The DVD also features 3 10-minute long workouts for cardio, core, and strength.
• The cardio workout focuses on fat burning, so it’s very high energy.
• The Core workout will help you tone, tighten, and strengthen your core muscles.
• The Resistance workout focuses on adding strength and building muscle.

Is KettleWorX Kickstart Kit Worth Buying?

Kettlebell workouts have been growing in popularity, and for good reason. They’re a great way to get in shape and stay there, all in the comfort of your own home. Even if you do have a gym membership, having a kettlebell at home will give you options for the days you may not be able to go to the gym. Kettlebells can be used with a variety of exercises to increase resistance, helping improve strength, balance, stamina. Also, you won’t get bored with a kettlebell because of their versatility.

The Kit has many features that make it a great buy, especially for beginners. It is affordable, durable, versatile, and compact. Reviews show that the KettleWorX Kickstart Kit is a great choice for anyone because you can choose the weight you need and prefer, and if you’re new to using a kettlebell, the included DVD will help you learn how to hold your kettlebell and give you some exercises to start with.

The KettleWorX  is affordable at under $50, but the specific price depends on which kettlebell weight you choose. Your choice of weights depends on availability, but you can see which weights are available and make your choice. Purchasing a kettlebell rather than choosing a gym membership will help you save money, so it’s a great investment in your health. Even if you do choose to have a gym membership, having a kettlebell on hand is still a worthwhile investment.


Everyone looks for quality and durability when deciding to make a purchase, and the KettleWorX Kickstart Kit will not disappoint. The kettlebell is covered with a protective coating to protect both the kettlebell and your floors in case you accidentally drop it or set it down too hard. There is also a soft handle, making it more comfortable and reducing your chances of getting a blister.

The included DVD includes some instruction on proper technique and it featured 3 10 minute workouts for cardio, core, and strength.

This Kit is a great buy for anyone looking for a high-quality kettlebell for working out at home. Being able to choose the weight you prefer, makes the KettleWorX Kickstart Kit a great choice for all fitness levels.

Overall, this is an excellent buy.

The Kettlebell Fitness Plan
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Strength Training for Women

Strength Training for Women – Why it is Important.

When it comes to exercising, there is usually a dramatic difference in habits that can be seen between men and women. Men like to hit the gym and lift heavy weights to bulk up and build muscle. Women are more focused on burning any excess fat they have by going for a run in the morning or joining a yoga class. However, strength training is very important for both men and women. Here are just some of the reasons why all women should do strength training exercises as well as cardio in their quest for fitness.

1. You can build strength without getting bulky

This is one of the main reasons why strength training for women is seldom used. They believe that it will just make them bulky and unattractive. However, this isn’t the case. You’d have to lift very heavy weights for a long time in order to build as much muscle as men do. Women produce far less testosterone than men do. Hence, making it almost impossible for women to ‘bulk up’ from lifting weights for 10-15 minutes a day.

2. You’ll burn fat easier

While cardio certainly helps with weight loss and improving your health, strength training is important too. It helps you to build some muscle, usually by converting existing fat into muscle. It takes up less space and makes you appear thinner and leaner. With the extra muscle, your metabolism is able to work faster and burn calories long after your workout.

3. It will improve your posture

Not many of us have great posture when sitting down or standing up, but strength training can help you to improve this naturally, which in turn decreases the risk of back ache and other aches and pains around your body.

4. Strength training for women will decrease stress levels

By lifting weights and carrying out exercises which build strength in your body, you can reduce the amount of stress you are feeling. The stress hormone, known as cortisol, is one of the main reasons why many women find it so difficult to lose weight. By eliminating high stress levels and getting rid of the overproduction of cortisol, you’ll find that it’s much easier to change the shape of your body both inside and outside the gym.

Finally, Strength Training for Women increases their sense of wellness. Well worth trying!

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Strength Training or Cardio – What are the Differences?


Exercise Types

If you plan to start exercising, then you should know that generally there are 2 broad categories of exercise. The first category is cardio. This refers to things like running, jogging, skipping rope, using exercise bikes, using treadmills, etc. Cardio gets your cardiovascular system pumping and it helps you lose weight by burning off calories. Strength training, on the other hand, helps you burn calories and build muscle by exercising.  Examples are: weight training, anything involving dumbbells, push-ups, pull-ups etc.

But which type is best for you?

Cardio is best for burning fat.

If your goal with exercise is to burn fat and shed some pounds, then without a doubt the best option is cardio. Now, that may be confusing for some. After all, both cardio and strength training are forms of exercise, so why should cardio be a better option for burning fat? Well, the reason is rather simple. 30 minutes of cardio burns more calories than 30 minutes of strength training. This may come as a surprise to some people, especially since you will find many people stating that strength training is the only way to go.

However, recent research has shown that cardio is just a much better way of burning fat and burning calories. For example, a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, looked at whether resistance training, cardio or a mixture of both was the best way to lose weight. The study concluded that if your goal is simply to lose weight and burn fat, then your best option is just to do cardio alone. Cardio proved to be superior both to strength training and strength training mixed with cardio. Now, this is not to say that strength training is useless, just that when it comes to losing weight, cardio is the better option.

Strength Training works best for muscle building.

If you want to build muscle, then the best option is strength training. In order to build muscle efficiently then you need to do strength training. Cardio is simply not intense enough to let you build muscle. In order to really build muscle, you need to do rapid, high-intensity exercise sessions. Strength training takes on more importance for people who are getting older, as strength training is the only way of ensuring that you maintain some muscle mass.

Finally, the best option is what works best for you. This will probably be some combination of both strength training and cardio!

We recommend you download this very useful free report that will further provide information on exercise and fitness.

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Energy Boosting Foods That Work Better Than Coffee.


When most of us wake up in the morning, its seems that unless we get our cup of java, we are unable to get started. Coffee does make us feel great as the caffeine gets to work, but once it starts wearing off not too long afterward, the fog returns again. That is when cup number two kicks in perhaps with a bit more sugar added to help us keep up with the day’s hectic schedule.

If you truly do want to last all day and stay alert. There are much better alternatives to coffee. These high energy boosting healthy foods will stop you from yawning before night time comes along.

Here are some real energy boosting foods to get you going strong:


Bananas have plenty of vitamin C in them, plus fiber, potassium and antioxidants plus a lot of natural sugar. Additionally fructose, sucrose, and glucose which are converted into energy in your blood. And the high fiber in it helps the sugar to be absorbed slowly, giving you energy to last right through the day.


How does a smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel sound for breakfast? Well, it’s got the all-important omega-3 fatty acids which are perfect for brain health and energy production. Also great for your heart. Fish serves you protein to stave off those hunger pangs, gives you energy and crushes any -carb yearnings.

Lemon Water

There are plenty of us who don’t drink enough water, but some warm water with natural lemon juice is hydrating to the body and skin and has plenty of vitamin C added as well. Studies show that those who don’t have drink plenty of water in the day feel the tiredness and fatigue setting in more than those who do.

Green Tea

If you want to switch off the coffee and add a bit more zest to your life and diet, then green tea is for you. It has also got caffeine in, but far less than your cup of Joe. Green tea helps you concentrate too, filled with antioxidants and nutrients that can give you quick boost during your day.


Eggs are abundant in protein and iron and that means you get real sustainable energy for a busy day. They have a nutrient called choline in them too, excellent for the brain, the muscles, and metabolism.


A smoothie with nuts is the ideal breakfast drink. It is full of minerals, vitamins, and fats. Furthermore, they taste great. Full of fiber and protein. Hence it will keep blood sugar levels balanced and without hunger.  Check out site for some healthy and delicious smoothie recipes.

Greek Yogurt with Berries

To get the most out of your snack, just choose Greek yogurt; stay away from the flavored ones because they come with plenty of sugar added. For extra sweetness, add fresh berries with honey. And if you want to go the extra mile, add fiber rich granola or a few walnuts.

Always Look for Natural Foods that Offer Long Lasting Energy  

Coffee is a pretty amazing drink, that’s for sure. It’s no wonder it is the most popular drink in the world with over 400-billion cups consumed each year!

But it has its drawbacks; excessive consumption will leave you dehydrated, cause headaches, and quick energy drops after drinking it. It is not the solution for boosting your energy.

As we pointed here, there are way more nutritious energy boosting foods. Find the one that will have you jumping out your bed every morning, ready to face whatever comes your way!

Finally, Energy Boosting Foods are economical when compared with fancy coffees.

Low-Carb Diet Report



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 Exercise Equipment Myths – Not All Machines are Built Alike.


You have probably all seen many fitness equipment commercials. The claims made in some of these commercials tend to stretch credibility to the limit.

You are invited to “Get the perfect abs in 10 minutes a day” or even ” Have a sculpted body in no time.” Each machine claims to use cutting edge technology with the express purpose to get you in shape and lose pounds with a minimal effort. If it only was that simple.

Exploiting the public’s Vanity.

Everybody wants to look and feel great. The truth is it requires quite some work achieve it.  It usually takes a vigorous exercise program and a properly balanced diet.

In order to lose weight and achieve a well toned body you will have to burn calories on a regularly basis. It is that simple.

Most of the fitness equipment on the market are just fads which disappear after a few months of heavy advertising.

There is, however, one that is still a major player, and that is the treadmill. Which has been in the market for more than 20 years now.

Others, like the Torso Track, Total Gym 1000/2000, Ab Sculptor, Ab Rockers, Ab Doers, Slam Man, Thighmasters, Toning System, Door Gym, Orbitrek were the latest great thing one day and then gone the way of the Dodo bird the next.

You may wonder why you never see treadmills sold on infomercials? The reason is simple. It is because it is not a high profit, hyped up, exercise gadget, which is more the product of clever marketing than a serious piece of exercise equipment.

Most infomercial equipment is designed for just one purpose, to make as much money as soon as possible before people discover that they don’t work. Most of the cost of this equipment is used in order to market it. And that is how Exercise Equipment Myths are created.

Believing there is an easy, effortless way.

So who would possibly want to buy this stuff? Usually it is people who mistakenly believe that there are shortcuts to weight loss and getting in shape. Achieving your fitness goals requires that you put in some work and the results will not happen over night. Hence, no machine is going to produce the results you desire without commitment from yourself.

Have you ever seen any infomercial equipment at a health club? No, because they don’t work and they’re not built to last. What you will see, however, are a number of treadmills, often with people waiting their turn to use them.

It really boils down to this. Getting fit is really the product of two things – time and effort. The more time and effort you put into exercising the more calories you are going to burn and the more weight you will lose. Look for fitness equipment that will maximize your efforts,. Additionally use only true and tested machines.

The ugly truth about those Exercise Equipment Myths is that they are nothing more fads designed to make someone rich quick.

Balanced Diet
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Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program for 2019.

What to look for when looking for a weight loss program that really works is difficult. With so many news  stories and reports about diets and programs that do not work. Therefore finding the right one is almost impossible.

Here are the basic points of what to look in a  good weight loss program.

1. They don’t try to sell you anything else.

Avoid any programs which try to hard sell you any pills or supplements. A weight loss program doesn’t have to be based in supplements or drinks that you need to consume each day. Hence, it must be a diet plan for the week and an exercise plan tailored towards your individual fitness level.

2. Know who has developed it.

Be cautious of programs which have been developed by anyone other than trained medical professionals. While somebody may have had a lot of success with their own diet plan, putting it out there for the general public to try will not work.

3. Look for real positive reviews.

Not all online reviews are real. look for real people who have had success with this plan, listen and consider trying it out for yourself. Additionally, if reviews seem fake, avoid it and seek different one.

4. It must be legitimate.

If it promises fast weight loss without any work, be wary and stay away. Finding a successful weight loss program requires it has a healthy diet, plenty of water and regular exercise.

5. There are no guarantees.

Promising a weight loss of  x  pounds in a certain period of time is never a good sign of a weight loss program. Remember, the more fat you have to shed, the quicker you’ll lose it. Additionally, nobody that is honest will promise how much you will lose in a week or a month. Therefore, avoid programs which tell you that.

Finally, remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not.

Finding a Successful Weight Loss Program requires a good dose of common sense.

Gluten Free Report
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Weight Loss Boot Camp – Do I Need One?

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.

Get on the right mindset and educate yourself.

Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What? You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Think of an exercise program.

Weight loss boot camp is not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. Fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit instead. Then you should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day.

Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering a weight loss boot camp as an alternative.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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Using Treadmills – Your Way To Health and Fitness

Treadmills offer a great alternative to walking outdoors. Great for places where winters are long. Treadmills also are much more versatile, especially when choosing your terrain and walking attributes.
Additionally, they are easy to setup, and use. There is no need for special training when working on a treadmill. Unlike weight training equipment or other fitness machines.

Price of Treadmills

The price of a treadmill varies quite a bit. From a couple of hundred dollars for a low end model, treadmill users will pay up to several thousand dollars for a good high end machine. It all depends on the bells and whistles it has. Computer programmed displays, recording stats that include heart rate, time, calories, fat burn rate, distance, and terrain variations, all add to the price.

Motor Horsepower vs. Continuous Rating.

Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the motor size. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmill manufacturers may brag about their machine’s peak horsepower which may be extremely high. This however, means that under ideal conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. Therefore it is much more important to know at what horsepower the motor of the treadmill can be operated regularly and continuously.
Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter than their AC counterparts.


  • When you are testing out treadmill options for purchase make sure you wear exercise clothing and running shoes. Only then you can get the real feel of the workout.
  • The machine must have a strong frame and be stable.
  • Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them.
  • Are the running path and belt large enough for you to run on.
  • Is it programmable and can the programs be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable.
  • Is the display easy to read?.
  • Bottle holders and magazine racks are handy conveniences for daily workouts.

Consider the space required to operate the treadmill comfortably. Measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the unit first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, even if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.

Using Treadmills for Fitness is a Great Option!.

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Boosting your Fitness – Change your Eating Habits!

Diet is one of the less discussed factors when developing a fitness plan. It would be incomplete without a proper diet program.

You can not have successful  fitness if you neglect what you eat.

If you are doing muscle building workouts and you need to lose weight, then your diet must be high on protein and low carbs. On the other hand, if all you want is to loose weight, you then must burn more calories than what you eat. Otherwise it will not work.

It is possible to burn more calories by using a High Interval Intensity Training routine and reducing the amount you eat. Of course calories must be carefully counted for this to work well.

Hence, if you reduce your daily calorie intake and equally increase your calorie burn rate. Your weight loss will be impressive.

After the initial high protein diet that replaced fat with muscle, begin to gradually add fresh fruits, vegetables, and nuts. This will provide a much needed vitamin boost to your system.

Most times, successful physical fitness is achieved and maintained only when old bad eating habits dissapear. Therefore it is a lifetime commitment.

Finally, remember that boosting your fitness requires a diet plan as much as an exercise routine.

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Rock Climbing – Hobby or Passion?.

There are some very good reasons why rock climbing has become the passion of many people. Could it be your next big passion?, and why so many people do it.

To begin with, you can do it indoors or outdoors, as a competitive sport or as a hobby. And it fits any budget. You set the limit.

For those with a limited budget, consider doing it indoors. If you can afford it go places and do it anywhere in the world.

Outdoors Rock Climbing:

As an outdoor activity, it can take you places that are unique. As close or as far as you want, from local parks to remote locations. Hence, doing it outdoors puts you in touch with nature, it stimulates your senses and improves mental health. Not to mention the effect on fitness. There is great climbing everywhere.

Rocking also combines well with other physical activities. Spend a night camping after a strenuous climb is probably one of the most rewarding activities.

Climbing Indoors:

While not as common as doing it outdoors, growing numbers of enthusiasts are beginning to flock to gyms and locations offering it. Aside of making it an all season activity, it is great for those who want to learn the sport, especially city dwellers with limited time and possibilities to travel.

Different Degrees of Difficulty:

Established climbing routes are rated. As a beginner climber, you should tackle the lowest rated routes. However, as your skills improve you should be able to tackle harder routes. This system allows you to gauge your progress.

An all Around Fitness Activity:

Rock climbing is a strenuous workout that improves fitness. Because it works most of the muscles in the body –Much like Yoga, it will require mental fortitude as you tackle the challenges! Your entire body and mind will all be put to the test.
As with many other exercise routines, having a plan to train properly to improve your climbing skills. Stamina building workouts will be as useful as much as building muscles. Therefore, as you get stronger, climbing will become more enjoyable.

Finding Climbing Resources:

Local gyms offer basic training courses using step-by-step learning programs to get you to learn proper rock climbing techniques and the necessary safety training to make it a fun experience.

Finally, advanced training programs are available in almost every major city in the world. Consult the internet to find one that suits your needs.

Rock Climbing is fun, challenging, great for the body and Mind. Try it now!

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