Alli weight loss pills are the only FDA approved drug that block caloric intake from the food a person eats.

Alli Weight Loss Pills - Orlistate, Xenical

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Alli weight loss pills are the new way to lose weight,

The active ingredient is orlistate, the only over-the-counter weight loss aid approved by the FDA since 1999.

Alli and the stronger version Xenical come with a customized and detailed weight loss program. Taking a couple of pills by themselves will not get you the full benefit.

That will only happen if you follow the weight loss program. These pills will prevent the body from absorbing about a quarter of the fat intake. That will make a significant impact in your weight.

Alli marketers claim that these capsules can help you to lose up to 50% more weight than just if you were just dieting. This translates to you losing 15 pounds instead of just ten if you are taking the pills. Keep in mind that you should never try to lose a great deal of weight all at once. You should aim for 3 pounds at the very most per week.

Another important advantage of Alli products is that they don’t affect your brain or heart–they only have an impact on your digestive system. one of the most common negative side effects of using Alli is that you may have to run to the bathroom right away after eating a meal with too much fat. So, does Alli work? Maybe too well. Other side effects include gas and oily spotting when you go to the bathroom or loose stools. Unlike some other weight loss supplements, Alli won’t make you feel jittery or restless or cause you difficulty sleeping.

Alli products flush vitamins out. Make sure you replace them with a supplement.  Also, as mentioned earlier, you do need to stick to a plan of some sort. The pills alone will probably not get your desired results. The daily recommendation is three pills every day (one before each meal).

Remember that results vary from one person to the next and that Alli weight loss pills are only meant to be an aid in your weight loss plan. If you maintain a healthy diet, keep up with regular exercise and get enough sleep, you should be able to get positive results within the first six months of following the plan and taking the pills. Avoid the temptation to lose your weight too fast. This will only backfire in the long- (or even the not so long-) run.

Alli weight loss pills work with the proper weight loss plan.

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