Diet vs Exercise – Which is More Important for Weight Loss?

‘You can’t out-exercise a bad diet’ – because when it comes to looking out for your body, diet is key.


Diet vs Exercise – Both are critical to maintain healthy bodies


  • You need both diet and exercise if you want to lose fat and gain some muscle. Nutritional habits have far greater impact on your body and health than just exercising. Both however play their own role in losing the weight and keeping it off. The ideal is to combine healthy nutrition with exercise. Doing both will produce even more success in attaining your body goals and losing weight.


  • If you apply 80% nutrition and 20% exercise rule, it is very apparent which plays a bigger role in weight loss. Exercise is just not complete without healthy eating. There is even a possibility for weight gain if changes in diet are not put into place and you increase the amount of exercise you do–this is because exercising tends to make you hungrier as well! Changing your diet is very important because the equation for weight loss is simple — calories in should be less than calories out. Exercise, on the other hand, is very important to build and maintain muscle which helps the body burn more calories and stay healthy.


Simply, you are what you eat


  • It might be nice to believe that you can make permanent weight loss changes to your body if you concentrate only on exercise, but that is far from the truth. If you want to lose weight, then exercise and diet together will yield the best results.
  • While exercise is vital for helping you to lead a healthy life, just doing exercises exclusively isn’t going to promote weight loss. A study completed in 2015 found that controlling your calories is more successful than exercise. Further research found that when you work out you might burn more calories, but eventually your body adjusts and the effect on weight loss plateaus if you only focus on exercise alone. This is why it is very important to stress that to get healthy weight loss, both diet and exercise go hand in hand! Eating the right food is very important but physical activity and exercise helps not only build muscle, but also helps reduce risk for heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It also helps in boosting your mood and can help you sleep better.


Why is diet more important than exercise?


For many years, physical exercise has been championed as being the most effective vehicle for driving home weight loss giving it an apparent lead on the Diet vs Exercise controversy. While a good exercise regime is certainly very important; it is nonetheless the diet that drives sustained weight loss.

Here are some reasons why diet is more effective than exercise, and how to benefit from it.


  1. Exercise alone does not drive significant weight loss


Studies prove this.  Some people become physically active to compensate for the calories they eat. The quality of food and the amount of food though will play a very big role and exercise alone will never be able to counteract the effects of a bad diet. To help with this, it is a good idea to keep a food diary that lists the food you consume, so it is easy to assess if your diet is in line with your weight loss goals.


  1. Exercise increases your appetite


Yes, regular exercise can trigger subconscious eating habits, based on research, and that physical exertion increases your appetite and metabolism. Studies also show that those who do adhere to rigid exercise regimes increase their calorie intake simultaneously. Snacks and meals need to be regulated to get to desired the weight loss.


  1. All this increased physical activity hasn’t countered rising obesity levels


Between 2001 and 2009 in the US, people involved in physical activities increased, yet obesity continued to rise.

Another confirmation that exercise is not sufficient to prevent weight gain. One needs to review the nutritional values of the meals they consume because exercise alone will not cut it.


  1. Food is the fuel source that drives exercise


Many people misunderstand this statement. Without the right calories from the correct healthy foods, you won’t be able to exercise effectively and achieve the weight loss that you desire. You have to fuel your body with the right foods to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.


  1. Short-term weight loss driven by diet


Today’s new age makes everything around us fast paced. We become impatient if we don’t see fast results, and that includes dieting. Experts estimate that weight loss generally consists of 75% diet and 25% exercise. Short-term weight loss occurs through eating smart and lessening the calories you take. In other words, over the short-term, people look at diet first for losing weight over exercise in the same period.


  1. The effectiveness of just exercise for weight loss as a standalone is not effective


The American Dietetic Association highlights that it is almost impossible to lose weight loss without reducing what they eat.  Exercise is important but diet still has a bigger effect on weight loss.

On the Diet vs Exercise controversy, the decision is always a personal one.

The answer should be both, nonetheless changing your diet is key to reaching your weight loss goals!

food diary Diet vs Exercise












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 Healthy Diet And Exercise. Discover its Importance.



It is a proven fact that exercise is essential for a healthy body. Dieting alone will help anyone lose weight, but without exercise as part of the regime, maintaining the body in good condition is harder.

Incorporating an exercise program will increase your weight loss and health. Most people are sedentary during their working hours, adding exercise to their routines will increase fitness,.

Increasing the amount of activity leads well being. Feeling good increases self esteem which in turn, leads to better eating habits. Therefore, exercise makes people healthier.

Healthy Diet.

Eating a healthy diet rich in proteins, some carbohydrates, and moderate amount of fat are necessary for a balanced diet.

Adding exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, or riding a bicycle whenever possible will lead to total fitness.

A healthy diet and exercise program definitely leads to a healthy life style. Allows long-term weight management as well as a body that is resistant to disease, and illness.

Well balanced meals will provide nutrients that in turn help strengthen muscles and bones.

Care must be taken to take all the necessary vitamins, and minerals that are essential for good health.


Water is critical to maintaining a healthy body. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water to keep the body hydrated and flush out the toxins and fat. Lungs, kidneys, liver, hair, nails and bones all need water to function properly.

Fit people have more energy and have better looking bodies. Hence, fitness leads to happiness.

Warning: As with any lifestyle changing routines, care must be taken to ensure that, before starting any diet and exercise programs you contact your physician.

It is  very important to address any underlying medical conditions before beginning your program.

Finally, a healthy diet and exercise will lead to wellness. Isn’t that what we all are looking for?

Low-Carb Diet Report

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Overweight People must change those bad habits.


What is stopping you from losing weight.

Most of us have set daily routines that go like this:

  • We get up in the morning.
  • Shower & brush our teeth.
  • Get dressed.
  • Have breakfast.
  • Go to work.
  • Lunch break.
  • Back to work.
  • Return home.
  • Dinner.
  • Watch TV.
  • And finally go back to bed.

Then we do it all over again the next day. As if in Auto Pilot mode.

In other words, we are creatures of habit because our society demands it. Regardless whether we are overweight people or not.

Our well being and security requires we are gainfully employed and putting away for that rainy day.

Staying fit somehow has to be squeezed in between.

Depending on how we manage those few minutes juggling between eating and working out will either make you fit or render you obese.

If you are overweight and willing to fight obesity, then you must look at your daily routine.

Think very critically about how you go about getting up, going to work, and especially think what is it you are doing wrong while on your daily activities.

It all boils down to food and exercise.

You might have bad habits that have become embedded in your daily activities. Take notes of every action you perform every day. It might surprise you.

You will probably find out that most of it you do automatically, as you go about your day, you probably do it without even thinking.

Possible bad eating habits:

Is it the flavored latte with whipped cream and a cupcake you order every morning before getting on the train?
Or the fast food meal you have for lunch?. Are you stopping for a beer after work. Perhaps you like snacking before going to bed.
If so, you probably have bad eating habits.

Possible Bad exercise habits:

  • Take note of things you do that may make you less mobile.
  • Do you always use the elevator when you could go up or down the stairs?.
  • You Uber when you could be walking somewhere?,
  • How about ever going for walks?
  • Ever visited a gym to go after work before you go home.

If you don’t do any of these activities, then you probably are not in good physical condition.  Add it to your notes!.

Therefore, detecting which activities are making you overweight are critical to changing your life.

Once you detect which bad habits are hurting you most. Then you have won half the battle already.

Starting the next day begin your battle to lose weight. Tackle your biggest weakness first.

Is it overeating?.  Maybe starving and then binge eating or raiding the fridge?. Then make a big note and change it.

It is not that hard. Keep that note with you at all times. It will remind you that it is a bad habit that must be changed.

Once you are aware of it, replacing snacks with healthier meals will produce results.

Maybe today is a good day to walk a little on the way to work.

You will be amazed how quickly you will be feeling and looking better.

Overweight People can get fit. It is possible, just start doing it now!

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Fight Obesity by jumping your way out of it.


Can Trampoline Jumping lead to losing weight?

Obesity is fast becoming an epidemic for many young children. Countless hours spent in front of electronic devices are turning lots of them into couch potatoes. Then there are the times they cannot play outdoors because  of the fear of having them out on playgrounds on their own. Therefore, parents need to find good in house alternatives.

Trampoline Jumping?.

It makes sense, trampoline jumping offers a simple, fun way for children to exercise. They are easy to use, very rewarding when new skills are learned. And best of all, there are no rules. One person or several can use it and simply have fun. Calorie burning and cardio exercises go unnoticed when you are having fun.

While obesity is life threating to grown ups. It usually starts early in life. For children, even if a moderate amount of physical activity gets their muscles working, they will be on the way to becoming fit.

Health problems such as HBP (High Blood Pressure) and diabetes, many times  manifest themselves in early adulthood when the problem isn’t taken care of early.  What a child  learns early in life will have an effect on him for years to come.

Jumping is a simple and effective way to fight obesity and place children on a path that will lead to a life of activity. Hence, start him jumping early, he will thank you.

The truth is: it’s very easy to let your child sit around the house, playing their video games or watching television. But, with that, it’s also easy to let them become overweight and suffer in the future. Instead, get them outside and get them active. Neither of you will regret–a trampoline will let you both exercise and enjoy it.

Give your children (and yourself) the chance for a healthy future. Buy a trampoline and start them toward a path of regular exercise. You will both see the advantages–you because you’ve managed to get them away from the television; them because they’ve discovered something fun to do. It’s the simple way to do what’s right.

Fight obesity by leading an active life. Using a trampoline is a great way for children to become fit.

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Improving Your Digestive Health is a comprehensive book with valuable information about what our lifestyle is doing to our health.

Improving Your Digestive Health


A highly recommended read for all of those suffering from digestive issues and wondering why the media is bombarding us with the need for Prebiotics and Probiotics.

We have written  multiple posts and articles regarding healthy eating, exercising and the search for wellness, but none of them give you most of the information in one spot.

Here is a small excerpt of what you can learn from this book:

Look around and you will see that the developing world is rapidly moving away from the rural areas and into the cities – in fact, by the time 2050 rolls by, 70% of the human population will be living in cities.

With the move away from farm life, fresh air, healthy organic food, and outdoor activities, the norm for the urban lifestyle of today is to follow, particularly, the Western style of eating. People all over the world, because they are earning more as well, their lives have become stressful and hectic. They are eating more calories and adding more meat to their diets.

Michael Pollan, in his writings which span over 30 years, writes all about the places where culture and nature intersect. On our plates, in our gardens, on our farms, and in our minds. It was he who said we should “eat food, not too much, mostly plants,” – unfortunately not too often followed.

Today, more than half of America’s people eat “ultra-processed foods,” relying on the Western diet.

What’s the Western diet? It consists of plenty of processed foods, added fat, meat, added sugar and refined grains. Invariably, these people suffer from the so-called Western diseases by following this lifestyle – Type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Unfortunately eating processed foods; you get very little nutritional value, just empty calories. Obesity is simply soaring, and in 2014, there were more than 600 million obese adults; with 2 billion being considered overweight – that’s what the World Health Organization claims…….

Improving Your Digestive Health is a Highly Recommended Reference Source for those looking to improve their Health

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DASH Diet Benefits go far beyond hypertension help, it creates an entire new lifestyle for its users.

How to lose belly fat? How to lose weight fast without exercises? Doctors say that this diet is the most effective way to improve your overall condition.
According to the National Institutes of Health, it scored a 3.3 out of 5 in the “Weight Loss Effectiveness” category and 4.5 out of 5 in “Health Usefulness”. Out of 40 diets evaluated, it was chosen number one! So who is this all-star? It’s the DASH diet.

The DASH diet is an easy, safe, and useful plan that can help you feel better and get rid of excess weight. You can lose weight gradually, no starving or yo-yo dieting. It won’t shock or stress your body out.

What does DASH mean?

Dash Diet

skeeze / Pixabay

DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. It’s a diet developed specifically to reduce blood pressure in those with hypertension. But scientists understood later on that this diet resolves tons of other health issues. It reduces cholesterol, prevents stroke and heart failure, and brings the weight down to a healthy level, even for those with obesity. Plus, it is the best diet to prevent diabetes. Besides controlling blood pressure, people following it managed to improve insulin resistance.

The DASH diet wasn’t originally designed for weight loss, but there have been some studies proving that this eating plan helps people get rid of unwanted pounds.

The DASH diet balances all the necessary nutrients and minerals, like calcium, potassium, protein, and fiber, that are responsible for brain and overall organ function. It improves the condition of your hair and skin as well.

What’s convenient about this diet is that you don’t have to calculate and monitor each nutrient: you just need to reduce your salt intake and eat certain recommended foods, for instance, fruits, vegetables, grains, protein-rich foods, and dairy products.
Compared to trendy crash diets, DASH is different. This is a complete lifestyle change. It’s for people who need to take care of their eating habits throughout their lives. There’s no cutting out or starving involved. You can have all sorts of tasty dishes.

Have you ever tried the DASH diet?

If so, how did you like it? Tell us in the comments below.


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