Meditation and Relaxation Exercises – You Can Do them just about Anywhere.

There are countless benefits to learning meditation and relaxation exercises to help deal with stress and alleviate tiredness.  Meditation is a means to find peace and calm, and relax the body and mind. It is a means to look inward, detach, and focus on a few moments for one’s self. Relaxation exercises are also a means to remove tension but have the added benefit of being able to not only affect one’s emotional and mental well-being but also affect the physical body positively because of the simple movements involved.

In this day and age where people are constantly on the go; and the hustle and bustle of life takes up so much of one’s day, it is important to have the know-how to deal with these stresses any time and to make sure that the body and the mind are always in tip top shape.  Additionally, there have long been connections between how stress manifests itself as illnesses of the body. Knowing how to meditate and learning and practicing simple relaxation exercises greatly help one’s well-being.


Meditation Basics

Follow these steps for a few minutes of meditation to center one’s self and de-stress.

  • Find a safe and comfortable place.

A few moments of meditation can be done just about anywhere.  All that is needed is a place where one is safe and secure and comfortable. It may be a few moments in the car, a quiet bench or seat in the house, park or even the mall, or even just sitting quietly at your office desk.

  • Close your eyes and try to block out the world for a moment and focus on just one’s self.


This step takes some time to master.  In the beginning it may take a few moments to consciously quiet one’s self and let go of all the distractions around, but as you practice, it gets easier and easier to do so. Try to maintain this calm for as long as possible. After some practice, it becomes easier and one can stay longer in this state.


  • Focus on your breathing


This is basically the best thing to focus on because it will always be there and present. Being conscious of the regularly and rhythm of one’s breathing helps create a sense of tranquility and peace.  Learn to appreciate each moment of breathing in – feeling the breath filling one’s being.  Also focus on breathing out, imagining stresses and all distractions leaving along with each breath that leaves one’s body.


  • Do this consistently for a few minutes, a few times each day

Practicing meditation daily will help improve one’s well-being and one’s ability to deal with the daily stresses and tensions throughout the day.  It only takes a few moments, but its benefits are well worth it.


Relaxation exercises that complement meditation

  • Stretching


Find a safe place to spend a few moments to relax.  While breathing deeply and purposefully, do the following simple stretches.


  • Head Tilts

From looking forward with one’s head straight, tilt your head from to center to one side, moving slowly for up to 8 counts. Slowly go back to the first position, breathing deeply and tilt to the other side.  Move on to tilting from front to back, again focusing on the slow and purposeful movements and doing up to 8 counts.


  • Head Turns

While focusing on one’s breathing and starting from head facing forward, lead with one’s chin and slowly turn to the right, taking about 8 to 10 counts to complete the movement. Stay there for a breath or two and slowly go back to front facing position and repeat on the other side.


  • Shoulder lifts

With both arms loose and relaxed, slowly lift the shoulder’s up. Pause for a breath or two and slowly lower back to first position. Do this a few times to loosen the shoulders and back.


  • Torso Twists

Beginning from the facing front position, slowly turn to one side, twisting from the waist. Do this slowly and be conscious to only twist up to what is a comfortable stretch. Pause for a moment or two and slowly go back to 1st position. Do this on both sides slowly and purposefully.


  • Leg Flexes

Slowly and purposefully move your legs to gently stretch and relax the muscles. Start with the knees, slowly bending each knee and pulling it up towards the chest. Additionally, maintain deep breaths and feel the stretch.  Slowly bring the knee back down and repeat on the other.


  • Mindful muscle flexing


While practicing meditative breathing, flex and relax the muscles to relieve them of tension. Moving up slowly from the toes do this for all muscle groups – the legs, buttocks, abdomen, fingers, hands, arms, shoulders, neck and then face; focusing on slowly flexing them and feeling them tighten, and then releasing them and feeling the tension leave.

These small movements are beneficial not only for one’s physical well-being but also to be more mindful and aware of one’s mind-body connection.

Meditation and relaxation exercises have a lot of benefits. It is not only good for the body but also for mental and emotional wellness. Those mentioned are a few ways that are simple and easy to do just about anywhere.

Meditation and Relaxation Exercises create a better sense of self and well-being.

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Fighting Arthritis with the help of Yoga.


Exercise is often recommended when you have arthritis, and yoga is one of the top exercises you can do. It is a gentle type of conditioning exercise that is very easy on your joints. Additionally, it can be modified to suit the type of arthritis you have. Especially useful duringthe days when you are in a lot of pain.

Yoga is a known vehicle to achieve fitness and well being. Used properly, it will be very beneficial for persons with arthritis.

Go Slow With Yoga

Before getting into some of the better yoga poses for arthritis. You should not go to any yoga class and try to do all the moves. You will have difficulty with some of them because they are not meant for people with joint pain. For example, there is quite a lot of floor work that requires balancing some of your weight on your hands. This puts a lot of pressure on your hands and wrists, so it can be painful. Don’t rush into yoga, but instead go very slowly and work with a yoga instructor who can modify some of the moves for you.

Sun Salutation

A good yoga move to start with if you have arthritis and are new to this type of exercise is a sun salutation. This is really easy on your body, relaxes you, and is good to do in the morning before starting your day. To do a sun salutation, you just need to stand up with your feet touching and hold your hands to your heart with your palms together. Focus on your breathing as you exhale, raising your arms up as you do so. When you inhale, bend back and stretch your arms into the sky.

Child’s Pose

The next type of yoga move that is good for fighting arthritis is the child’s pose. The child’s pose stretches out your lower back and can help to give you more strength and flexibility in your core. The child’s pose is done on the ground with your knees on the ground and toes together. Reach your arms forward and to the ground, dropping your head as you do so.

Speak to your yoga instructor when taking a class in order to learn other moves that will be good for fighting arthritis.

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Does Weight Training Burn Fat? – If So, How Does it Work.

People looking to lose weight think they need to eat much less and move much more. In order to do this, many people start crash diets and cut out vital nutrients from their diets. They also start doing tons of cardio. They soon discover that they’re not losing pounds as quickly as they had hoped.

Is cardio good for burning fat?

Yes, cardio can burn fat and help you to lose weight, but running endlessly on a treadmill at the same speed isn’t the most efficient way to make the most of your time and energy. With regular cardio, you will start seeing changes, but weight training can help to maximise the efficiency of your workouts.

How does weight training help burn fat?

The great thing about weight training is that you can burn calories long after you’ve finished your workout. With cardio, once you step out of the gym or return from your run, you won’t be burning calories any longer. With weight training, you can burn more calories for up to 48 hours after you’ve finished exercising. This is great news for people who don’t enjoy going to the gym.

Another way weight training helps you to burn fat is by helping to build muscle. When your body builds muscle, it turns the excess fat you have into muscle instead. Even if you don’t see a change on the scale, you’ll definitely see a change in your shape and size. Fat takes up a lot more space than muscle does, so you’ll weigh the same but you will look and feel smaller.

Doesn’t weight training make you really big?

People who want to lose weight, particularly women, shy away from any type of weight training. They believe it will make them bigger. Even though they will build muscle rather than fat, the idea of getting bigger really puts them off. It’s important to note that you would have to lift very heavy weights for long periods of time in order to build any real amount of muscle mass. Hence, the danger of getting ‘too large’ building muscle is very unlikely.

What’s the best way to burn fat?

The best way to burn fat when in the gym is to combined HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio with weight training. This will ensure that you get the most out of your time in the gym and burn the maximum amount of excess fat possible.

Finally, Does Weight Training Help Burn Fat is best answered by the type of workout you do. All types do, but HIIT doesit  best.

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Morning Meditation Routine – Why You Need It.

When you wake up in the morning, do you feel ready to tackle the new day? Does your daily routine include breakfast and time with the family? Do you ever get ready mentally to face the new day?. Sometimes people go through life on autopilot, instead of taking the time to reflect a little. If they did, then they might be able to find wellness, joy and balance in their lives.

This article will be discussing how to add a morning meditation routine.

How to Start the Day – Breathe and Visualize.

There are many people who  wake up and run to get their morning cup of coffee. However, replacing it with a morning meditation routine is a great place to start. When you wake up, take time to drink a glass of water or tea. Then sit in a quiet space and focus on your breathing. Be sure to inhale and exhale at an even slow pace. If you go too fast, you may begin to hyperventilate, so be patient with this practice. See yourself charging through your day feeling alert and ready for the challenges. Visualization is a huge part of your thinking process.

Focus on What Has to be Done – Set the path to do it.

After you have had your breathing moment go over the things that you need to do that day. Write them down, go over the list and make sure you have them in your head. Visualize completing each task in the order that makes the most sense to you. Know the paths that you will take to get there. This will lock your goals in an order that you can easily track through the day. Additionally, make sure you have a positive attitude about finishing your tasks.You don’t need to know Yoga to do this.

Avoid Distractions – Discard what is not Necessary.

Stay focus on the things that are at hand and avoid getting distracted. Again visualize yourself putting other matters aside until a more appropriate time in the near future. If you allow your mind
to torture itself with clutter, it will prevent you from making progress. Focus only on what is important.

Find Appreciation for The Less Exciting

Tackle first those things that aren’t much fun but are necessary.  Make them part of your morning meditation. And never forget why you are doing it. Hence, it will bring you appreciation to the fact that you are making life better for you and your family.

Finally, make this morning meditation routine the daily starting point to success!


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Stop Procrastinating and Get Results


Regardless of what you need to achieve, be it weight loss, general wellness or getting that career changing job. Procrastination is a stumbling block that needs to be demolished.

Have you ever had plenty of time to complete a task, yet end up rushing through at the last minute? This is a habit that plagues quite a large portion of people, but how do you break the habit?.

Like most bad habits, you can learn to change them, but it will take extra effort and time. Therefore, this article is intended to teach you how to finally stop procrastinating.

Take Small Calculated Steps

If you’re prone to getting overwhelmed, then it can be really easy to get flustered. When you’re looking at a large job that needs to get done. When you’re looking at a large list, it always looks like a mountain. One way to deal with it is to break the job into a list of smaller jobs. That way you can create a visually recognizable record of what you have accomplished so far. Seeing the list shrink will give you more confidence and reduce stress. This is the first step to stop procrastinating.

Find One Thing to Complete Immediately

The first super important baby step would be to pick one thing and just be sure to get it done as soon as you possibly can. If you’ve made a list, it would be good to make sure that task is number one on the list. This does two things. For one, you will be able to cross something off of your list, and second, you will have already completed the first task. Take a moment to reflect that you’ve finished something quickly because the next step you take can be extremely important as well.

If You Need Help You Should Ask

One of the hardest things for people can be asking for help. Asking for help means that you have to put your trust in someone to help you reach a desired outcome, so it takes a lot. Sometimes the person to help can come from the least expected source, but if you have the option, try to find a trusted friend to get you through the task. Sometimes just having someone with you can make all of the difference.

Shut Out Distractions

Once it’s coming down to the wire and you’ve already completed many of your tasks, and asked for a friend to help you, there are probably only a few things left on your list. This is a really crucial time for you development, and sometimes life has a way of throwing obstacles into your way, but the best way to avoid these types of things is to simply lock yourself away from anything or anyone who would be able to keep you from finishing. In other words, Stay Focused!

When you are so close to the end, be sure that you have time to mull things over. This way you don’t blow through the final part of your work, and you can be confident that you are delivering quality work that showcases your strengths and skills.

Finally, having finished the task you can proudly proclaim that you have stop procrastinating. You are now on the road to success!

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Functional Strength Training?

Functional Strength Training

skeeze / Pixabay


Many people are aware of the concept of strength training. Using weights and resistance machines, muscles are developed and strength increases with repetitions.

Keeping our body in good condition isn’t always easy, but with a little bit of effort and hard work, you can help yourself to stay fit and healthy. Becoming a healthy person is generally a balance of a few different things. A good diet, regular exercise and workout sessions, 7-8 hours of sleep per night, and low stress levels. On the workout side of things, you should be doing both cardio and strength training. In order to decide which strength training exercises are best for you, it’s important to understand functional strength training.

What is strength training?

Strength training is an important part of any regular workout routine. It is an umbrella term for the types of exercises we do which incorporate weights and resistance. This enables the body to build its strength through the use of added weight and resistance into movements which otherwise would be fairly straightforward.

What is functional strength training?

Functional strength training is a type of strength training that uses regular everyday movements to help your body get into peak physical condition. For example, sitting down is a movement which we all do every single day. Squatting is an exercise movement designed to mimic this movement while training the muscles in the calves, thighs and buttocks. It is therefore part of functional strength training.  You will be building muscles which are used every day for regular movements and tasks.

Is functional strength training important?

While functional strength training might not seem like a great way to build huge muscles. It is more effective than many people realize. It has been proven to slow down the ageing process.  By doing regular functional strength training, the muscles which you move for regular activities will become stronger and more flexible, making it less likely to get an injury when playing sports or carrying out movements which are difficult and awkward for the body.

How can you incorporate functional strength training into your workout?

You can incorporate functional strength training by doing movements such as squats, kettlebell swings and planking as part of your weekly workout routine. If you use weights in your workouts, simply add them to the new functional strength training exercises, such as squatting with a barbell or planking with small weights attached to your ankles.

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3 Great Exercise Types that Sharpen Your Senses

3 Great Exercise Types

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay


Exercises train your body and mind as well. Most people are aware of the benefits of toning your muscles, losing weight and feeling strong. Few people however realize how much exercising does for your mental health. There are exercises that sharpen your senses and increase your feeling of well being .

Practice  these 3 Great Exercise Types to maintain a fit body and a sharp mind.


Yoga is great for your mental sharpness. It also makes you concentrate and gain control over your muscles. Aside of exercising many muscles in your body, it forces you to control how you breathe.  Additionally it forces you to relax. Hence, your mind sharpens and so do your senses. Few exercise forms are as complete as yoga.


Aerobic exercises get your body parts moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will strengthen your muscles, improve your circulation and oxygen intake. In doing so, your brain cells will also benefit. A good aerobic workout will get your entire cardiovascular system running. If it is good for your muscles, it is also good for your brain. Another great exercise to keep you focused and fit as well..


Jogging does wonders to your mental acuity.  Many people run outdoors, and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood. Not only does it get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. Just in general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.

These 3 Great Exercise Types will help you stay mentally fit.

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Exercising Improves Mental Health, a fact known by ancient Romans & Greeks seems to be often ignored in modern times.

Exercises that Boost Your Mental Health

Exercising Improves mental Health

Pexels / Pixabay

Exercise doesn’t just make you physically fit, it also makes you mentally fit. This is a often an unknown benefit of exercise. Everyone knows how exercise can make your waistline smaller; make your heart healthier, etc. But, very few people know just how crucial exercising is for your mental well-being. Likewise, just as there are certain exercises that you can use to target certain parts of your body, there are certain kinds of exercises that you can use target your mental health.

Mens sana in corpore sano is a Latin phrase, usually translated as “a sound mind in a healthy body”. Yet another proof that exercising improves mental health.

In this article, we are going to go over 3 of the best exercises to keep both mind and body sound..


Aerobic exercises are designed to get your body moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will exercise a lot of different muscle groups and it will make you build-up a sweat. That last part, in particular, is also why aerobics is good for your mental health. Because aerobics encourages you to move around a lot and because it is such an intensive workout, it really gets your blood moving. When your blood circulates faster, that means that your cells are getting more oxygen. As anyone who has taken rudimentary biology can tell you, oxygen is what keeps all your cells (including the ones in your brain) healthy and functioning at peak performance. Not to mention the rush of endorphins that are proven to make you feel good!


Yoga is great for your mental health for 2 distinct reasons. Firstly, much like aerobics, yoga gets you moving. It exercises a ton of different muscles in your body and gets your blood pumping (although admittedly, not as fast as aerobics would). The second benefit of yoga is its calming, stress-reducing factor. Controlled breathing and mental relaxation are big parts of yoga and they have a very positive effect on your mental health. Things like controlled breathing reduce stress and anxiety, which is obviously very good for your mental health.


Running is great for your mental health. Many people run outdoors, and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood. Not only does it get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. Just in general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.

Exercising Improves Mental Health and  contributes to overall Wellness.

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Yoga for Men – Why Not?


Yoga For Men

Bernardo Isacovici/Bernie Yoga Chicago/

Why Every Man Should Be Doing Yoga

In weight lifting, running, swimming, and sports, men are seen as the image of physical health. In recent years however, more information has come to light about exercise and its effectiveness, and Yoga has become a more grounded staple in the fitness world, but some men remain confused and tied to the old jerky, testosterone-fueled workout routines. Could Yoga be a way to bridge a fitness gap that is so present in many older workout routines? Let look at a few reasons why men should be doing Yoga.

Reduces Stress

Yoga for men is famous for its focus and concentration. The ties that you form with your body through focus and discipline can be extremely relaxing, all done while increasing physical prowess. Yoga poses give you an intimate experience with different muscle groups, and increase awareness of your body.

It Increases Your Range of Motion

A lot of traditional exercises utilize a very limited range of motion. When your workout routine limits the range of motion, you limit your ability to function to a certain point. That is why some bodybuilders develop lifting habits that cause them to look stiff, and have a visibly limited range of motion. Yoga promotes a complete range of motion, which can give you a more efficient lifting motion. A well designed program will teach you to open up areas that you could be limiting without your knowledge.

Yoga Improves Breathing

Many people are surprised to discover that often breathe incorrectly. This is especially true of their breathing during workout routines. Yoga takes time to focus explicitly on breathing, and as the class intensifies, the breathing intensity decreases. Controlled breathing also plays a strong role in heart health, so deep breathing is a good activity to practice regularly in general.

Strengthens Stabilizer Muscles

Yoga for men uses a thorough combination of twists, and lateral moves that could cause you to find yourself thinking of your body in a very different way. These exercises are great for strengthening areas, but they are mostly important for stabilizing and balancing the body. These muscle groups that often go unnoticed pay a pivotal role in increasing joint health, which will also help to prevent those unexpected twisting injuries.

Increases Balance

When you have gained awareness of and strength in your body and previously unused muscle groups, you will experience a much more balanced and confident body than before. With the benefits of yoga, you can be sure to enjoy an improved physical state of being.

Finally, yoga for men offers a valid venue for improved wellness and fitness.

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Exercise Programs to Loose Weight.

Stay fit for life by creating your own exercise program. Choose the body areas where you need improvement by targeting each one with specific workouts.

Read below for suggestions that are proven to work. Regardless of whether you prefer working with weights, aerobics or running, if you prepare a a well thought exercise plan, results will soon follow.

Exercise for a life of wellness. Start Now!

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