Does Weight Training Burn Fat? – If So, How Does it Work.

People looking to lose weight think they need to eat much less and move much more. In order to do this, many people start crash diets and cut out vital nutrients from their diets. They also start doing tons of cardio. They soon discover that they’re not losing pounds as quickly as they had hoped.

Is cardio good for burning fat?

Yes, cardio can burn fat and help you to lose weight, but running endlessly on a treadmill at the same speed isn’t the most efficient way to make the most of your time and energy. With regular cardio, you will start seeing changes, but weight training can help to maximise the efficiency of your workouts.

How does weight training help burn fat?

The great thing about weight training is that you can burn calories long after you’ve finished your workout. With cardio, once you step out of the gym or return from your run, you won’t be burning calories any longer. With weight training, you can burn more calories for up to 48 hours after you’ve finished exercising. This is great news for people who don’t enjoy going to the gym.

Another way weight training helps you to burn fat is by helping to build muscle. When your body builds muscle, it turns the excess fat you have into muscle instead. Even if you don’t see a change on the scale, you’ll definitely see a change in your shape and size. Fat takes up a lot more space than muscle does, so you’ll weigh the same but you will look and feel smaller.

Doesn’t weight training make you really big?

People who want to lose weight, particularly women, shy away from any type of weight training. They believe it will make them bigger. Even though they will build muscle rather than fat, the idea of getting bigger really puts them off. It’s important to note that you would have to lift very heavy weights for long periods of time in order to build any real amount of muscle mass. Hence, the danger of getting ‘too large’ building muscle is very unlikely.

What’s the best way to burn fat?

The best way to burn fat when in the gym is to combined HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio with weight training. This will ensure that you get the most out of your time in the gym and burn the maximum amount of excess fat possible.

Finally, Does Weight Training Help Burn Fat is best answered by the type of workout you do. All types do, but HIIT doesit  best.

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