Weight Loss Boot Camp – Do I Need One?

With the success of various weight loss entertainment programs, a lot of people are starting to believe that they need to attend a weight loss boot camp. This is simply not true. Unless there is a medical reason why you cannot lose weight, a calorie controlled diet and an exercise program will make you lose weight.

Get on the right mindset and educate yourself.

Don’t think about being on a diet. Instead say to yourself that you are following a healthy eating program. Your mindset is probably the most important factor when determining your chances of losing weight. If you believe you will do it, the weight will come off. If you have doubts, you might as well give up now.

Start by educating yourself as to what foods you should be eating more of and the foods that should be consumed on special occasions only. We all know that eating crisps, chips, cakes and biscuits are not going to help us lose weight. But did you know that you actually should be eating more fat in your diet. What? You want to lose weight and I tell you to eat more fat. Well it is true, you should be increasing the amount of Omega 3 and 6 in your diet. Good sources are oily fish, nuts and pumpkin seeds. You need these fats to provide vital vitamins and minerals in your system but also to stop you becoming depressed.

Think of an exercise program.

Weight loss boot camp is not the answer to your long term weight loss. Education and exercise are the way forward. Knowing what you can eat and when will help resolve your weight problems. A good habit to get into is not to eat any starchy carbohydrates after 5pm.

I am not suggesting you never eat foods from the carbohydrate group – any diet that prohibits a complete food group is not a healthy eating plan and should be avoided. But it is a good idea not to eat bread, pasta or potatoes in the evening until you reach your weight loss goal and then only occasionally. Excess calories produced by carbohydrates are stored as fat and as you generally sleep at night; you don’t get the chance to burn off the excess. Fill up on lean meat, vegetables and fruit instead. Then you should notice less bloating and increased levels of energy.

Drink more water. Most people do not drink sufficient water and often interpret thirst for hunger. If you have recently eaten and still feel “hungry”, try drinking some water. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It will help your energy levels as well as your diet.

Losing weight isn’t rocket science. Follow the above tips, buy a decent diet book and learn to cook your own food from fresh every day.

Soon your weight issues will be a thing of the past and you will not be considering a weight loss boot camp as an alternative.

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book


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Using Treadmills – Your Way To Health and Fitness

Treadmills offer a great alternative to walking outdoors. Great for places where winters are long. Treadmills also are much more versatile, especially when choosing your terrain and walking attributes.
Additionally, they are easy to setup, and use. There is no need for special training when working on a treadmill. Unlike weight training equipment or other fitness machines.

Price of Treadmills

The price of a treadmill varies quite a bit. From a couple of hundred dollars for a low end model, treadmill users will pay up to several thousand dollars for a good high end machine. It all depends on the bells and whistles it has. Computer programmed displays, recording stats that include heart rate, time, calories, fat burn rate, distance, and terrain variations, all add to the price.

Motor Horsepower vs. Continuous Rating.

Another feature which should be taken into consideration is the motor size. For the average consumer a treadmill should offer a continuous duty rating. While some treadmill manufacturers may brag about their machine’s peak horsepower which may be extremely high. This however, means that under ideal conditions the treadmill might be able to achieve that. Therefore it is much more important to know at what horsepower the motor of the treadmill can be operated regularly and continuously.
Treadmills can also be very noisy. If noise is a concern for you then seek out treadmills which have DC motors which are significantly quieter than their AC counterparts.


  • When you are testing out treadmill options for purchase make sure you wear exercise clothing and running shoes. Only then you can get the real feel of the workout.
  • The machine must have a strong frame and be stable.
  • Check the rails to make sure they are properly secured and you can easily wrap your hand around them.
  • Are the running path and belt large enough for you to run on.
  • Is it programmable and can the programs be preset. This is a great way to make your exercise experience more enjoyable.
  • Is the display easy to read?.
  • Bottle holders and magazine racks are handy conveniences for daily workouts.

Consider the space required to operate the treadmill comfortably. Measure your space and bring home the dimensions of the unit first. Most exercise equipment looks small on the sales floor but can be too big for a normal sized room. Many treadmills fold up, even if you are seeking a fold up model measure the space you have to house it and buy accordingly.

Using Treadmills for Fitness is a Great Option!.

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Health and Wellness can be achieved if you follow a few basic rules.
Health and Wellness
Have you been disregarding your health as of late? Do you wish you felt better and feel like your current look reflects the fact that you’re feeling, well…sluggish? Some of these tips will help you in areas of health and wellness overall.

1. Eat Better

Because eating has a big impact on health and wellness. If you’ve been feeling unwell, look at your diet. Are you missing something? Getting too much of something else? Yes, food is good for comfort at times but it should be first and foremost used as fuel. Too much of the wrong foods will reveal itself in how you feel and how you look as well.

Dull hair, bad skin, even body odour and bad breath can be attributed to your diet. If you’re skipping meals, go days without hardly any vegetables, or know you’re just not doing the best for your body with your diet, take a close look at ways to fix it so you aren’t looking and feeling so sluggish. You’ll see a vast improvement in your health and your wellness levels almost immediately.

2. Sleep More

Burning the candle at both ends lately? If you’re not getting 7-8 hours of sleep it can impact many areas of your health and wellness. Hence, your body needs sleep and it will start to turn against you if you ignore this basic need for too long.

3. Reduce Stress

Stress is a major inhibitor of health and wellness. It can impact your diet, your sleep, your work, your relationships. Find ways to reduce whatever stresses are in your life and you’ll feel better. Stress can result in weight gain, lack of appetite (or an insatiable appetite for the wrong foods), insomnia, and other health issues. In addition, if stress is a big issue for you, it’s time to look at some changes to improve your stress levels.

4. Have Fun

Life can’t be all about hard work. Have fun once in a while. It’s a great stress buster. Fun and health go well together and people often feel better when they’ve got a good mix of work and play in their life.

5. See Your GPHealth and Wellness

Regularly see your physician if you’re dealing with health problems and don’t hesitate to see him or her for overall feelings of sluggishness. You could have a vitamin deficiency or another health issue that’s robbing you of general wellness. Therefore, taking the time to improve various aspects of your life to improve your health and wellness is worthwhile. Your physician can help you rule out any serious issues as well as provide you with specific advice to improve your energy levels based on your individual circumstances, too.

Follow these five easy steps to achieve Health and Wellness.

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