Low Fat Diet Plan – Pros and Cons

Low Fat Diet Plan

RitaE / Pixabay

You’ll find low fat diet plan options out there that help you lower your fat intake through low fat and fat free foods. But is a low fat diet plan your best option for weight loss? Read on for some pros and cons of a low fat diet plan.

Low Fat Diet PlanLow Fat Diet Plan Pros

Low fat diet plan foods tend to have lower calories than fat laden foods. If you’re counting calories to lose weight, you’ll find that low fat foods allow you to have more of a particular food, increasing your satiety level and helping you get to the next meal.

Beyond lower calorie counts, less fat is better for your body. This is better for your heart.

Low Fat Diet Plan Cons

The biggest con of a low fat diet plan is the belief that if you don’t eat fat, you won’t gain weight. If you eat a lot of sugar, for instance, and you don’t burn it off through exercise, it will cause weight gain. Many junk foods are a bit deceiving to dieters who read labels and see a zero fat content.

Some fat is needed by the body. Cutting out fat entirely probably isn’t good for your health overall. So what’s the answer? Here are some tips:

  • Opt for good fats wherever possible. Fish, olive oil, avocados.. these contain good fat.
  • Count calories but make calories count. Look at nutritive value more than numbers.
  • Calculate your percentage of each area. What percentage of your low fat diet plan includes carbohydrates, protein, and fat? Chances are that you’re eating too much fat, too many carbs, and not enough protein. Try tipping the scales in a better direction.


Some people opt for low fat diet plans that are portion controlled. Some food plans provide you with prepared meals, which can make it easier for you to lose weight because you don’t have to think about what to eat. There are pros and cons with this way of dieting. Yes, it can work but it’s important to learn how to identify low fat diet plan and high yield nutritional foods on your own so that when the diet plan is over, you’ll be able to make healthy choices without having to rely on packaged foods.

However you choose to approach your diet, whether choosing a low fat diet plan or choosing a low carb plan, or something else altogether, learning as much about nutrition as possible will serve you well in your diet efforts and in terms of your overall health and wellness.. and longevity, too!

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Does Water Help You Lose Weight?

Does Water Help you lose weight

Pezibear / Pixabay

Does water help you lose weight? In many diet advice articles and weight loss books you’ll read repeatedly to drink plenty of water when dieting. Why is that? What’s so great about water for weight loss?

Water’s Caloric Intake

Does Water Help You Lose WeightWater has zero calories, zero carbs, and yep… it also has zero fat. It won’t make you gain weight and it can be a great weight loss aid. But it does quench your thirst. Drinking water to help you lose weight can cut your calorie intake substantially. Many people drink 5-10 calorie laden drinks a day. Imagine cutting most (or all) of those out and just drinking water? You could cut thousands of calories from your diet on a monthly basis.

There have been cases of people losing a few jeans sizes in a short time just from the simple change of drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day in lieu of calorie laden beverages.

Water Fills You Up

Why else does water help you lose weight? People who drink water find that it helps you eat less. Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help you eat a smaller portion.

Drinking a glass of water when you get a hunger craving between meals will also often help you get to your next meal without snacking. People often mistake hunger for thirst. Staying hydrated could help kill the munchies.

Water Revs Up Your Metabolism

Does Water Help You Lose Weight

Bru-nO / Pixabay

Water helps everything move swiftly through your system. Increasing your water intake, especially if you currently rarely drink water, could have a very positive impact on your body.

Water Detoxifies Your Body

Water is great for your body. It helps with your skin, your organs, and your overall health and wellness. Water energises you and quenches your thirst. It can help you during exercise and it helps you change your eating behaviours. Those who drink water tend to crave less junk food than those who often drink carbonated beverages. Carbonated beverages often seem to wake up the junk food cravings whereas it’s much easier to drink water and eat healthy. Mindset is important when trying to lose weight and water is an excellent way to get the right mindset.

Baby steps can add up to substantial weight loss. The simple act of deciding to drink water could help you get well on your way to reaching your weight loss goals. If you want to know.. does water help you lose weight.. why not do an experiment and see how it goes. Eating your daily calorie allotment rather than drinking it will also give you more room for satiety.

Does water help you lose weight?, Without a doubt, the evidence is clear.


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Losing Weight While Pregnant

Losing Weight While Pregnant

TC-TORRES / Pixabay

There are many reasons why some women look at ways of losing weight while pregnant. Not everyone is able to simply enjoy the whole ‘eating for two’ thing. If for whatever reason you need to look at losing weight while pregnant, you’ll want to be very careful about weight loss methods. Read on for some suggestions.

Eat Your Calories

Losing Weight While PregnantSome people don’t realize how much of their caloric intake comes from beverages. Drinking thick shakes or soda pop won’t be good for your health and some of these beverages aren’t at all good for your baby, either.

Drink 1% or Skim Milk

Don’t mistake the above advice about eating your calories as a reason not to drink milk. Milk is an excellent source of calcium and calcium is essential during pregnancy. But you don’t need the fat in whole milk. Opt for 1% or even skim milk, which will provide you with calcium without as many grams of fat.

Count The Calories

You don’t need to eat for two adult people when you’re pregnant. Some women have so much weight loss after pregnancy because they take the “eating for two” adage quite literally. An extra 300 or so calories beyond the normal optimum calorie intake for your body is adequate. Counting calories to get into the optimal range is a good idea and it’s also a good idea to opt for good calories versus bad.


The vast majority of diet supplements are not tested for safety for pregnant women. For this reason, it’s probably not wise to use diet aids unless they’re approved by your doctor.

Integrate Light, Doctor Approved Exercise

Some pregnant women can’t exercise for medical reasons. The vast majority of pregnant women however, can get some light exercise during pregnancy. Walking, pregnancy yoga, and other light exercises could not only help you with losing weight while pregnant.They will also help you have an easier time of labor due to your being in better physical condition.

Eat Clean

Losing Weight While PregnantCleaner eating will give you and the baby the right level of nutrition without packing on the pounds. Be choosy about what you eat while pregnant.

It’s usually okay to give in to the odd craving (unless you’re on a highly restrictive diet due to blood sugar issues or some other problem). But eating clean for the vast majority of the time will probably result in most of your gain during pregnancy being all baby.

After you’ve given birth and you’re feeling fit and healthy, you might like to check out our tips on losing weight after pregnancy!

In conclusion, Losing Weight While Pregnant should only be done under medical supervision.

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Losing Weight After Pregnancy

It’s only natural that women will retain a bit of weight after pregnancy. Losing weight after pregnancy might feel like a daunting task for you. But there are many things you can do as soon as six weeks after pregnancy (provided your doctor has given you the go-ahead).

Losing Weight After PregnancyKeep Breastfeeding

While women who breastfeed do tend to keep on a few extra pounds as the body makes sure you have enough stores to be able to produce milk, as soon as your baby starts to transition toward solids, you’ll start to lose weight naturally. Many women who breastfeed lose their baby weight faster than those who don’t. Why? Because producing milk burns approximately 500 calories a day. It’s not easy to burn that many calories with exercise! Not every woman will breastfeed and many can’t breastfeed for a year after giving birth but if you can do it, it can benefit your baby and your own waistline, too.

Smaller Portions

Did you enjoy eating for two? Those habits might have stuck with you even though baby has been born. Try lowering your portions. Be sure not to starve yourself as you need your strength but consider counting your calories.

Drink More Water

Have you got into the habit of drinking calories with pregnancy? Drinking plenty of milk and juice can become habit forming. Water has zero calories and revs up your metabolism as well as aids in the digestion process.

Losing Weight After PregnancyStrollercise and other Mum & Baby Classes

There are great exercise classes that can help Mums with losing weight after pregnancy. Using baby as a weight as well as using the baby’s stroller / pram can help.

Daily Walks

Making an effort to get out daily with baby to get fresh air for you both will quickly add up to calories burned and fat lost. Walking is one of the easiest ways of losing weight after pregnancy.

Join the Gym, Exercise, & Take Supplements

Of course joining the gym, starting a diet, or taking supplements seems to be the obvious. But many new mothers don’t invest the time in themselves because they feel like they need to spend every moment with their baby. If you dedicate all your time to baby, you might not have the easiest time losing weight after pregnancy. Taking an hour 3-4 times a week to do something for yourself will help you get back to your pre-baby weight (or even better!) and will give you some much needed and (likely) much deserved “me” time. Perhaps Dad can watch the baby while you get some time to take classes and workout. Or, if like most new Dads, he has put on a few sympathy kgs, too, perhaps you can join the gym together. Some fitness clubs even offer child care.

In conclusion, follow these Tips For Losing Weight After Pregnancy to get back in shape.


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Walking For Weight Loss – A good alternative to gym workouts?

Walking for Weight Loss

DanielReche / Pixabay

Walking for weight loss is a highly effective alternative.

Hence those who don’t want to or cannot do intense exercise can walk to stay fit. Read on for some weight loss tips to help you get the most out of your dailiy routine.

Walking for Weight Loss Tips:

  • Walking for Weight LossMaking Time for Walking

Weight loss goals might seem a long way away from achieving but it all starts with taking the first step. Make time for weight loss and walking. A good way to start is to make a habit of walking at around the same time each day. Your lunch break at work is a great time. You and a buddy could brown bag lunch and then take a half an hour walk. An evening walk could be a great after supper habit to take up as well.

  • Wear a pedometer

This is a great way to set goals and track your progress. Pedometers are inexpensive devices that you can wear on your hip to count your steps. Also by counting your steps, your pedometer will give you an idea of calories burned through walking.

  • Get comfortable shoes

Good footwear will minimize blisters and pain and some are designed specifically to help you with walking for weight loss and muscle tone development in your calves.

  • Stay hydrated

Therefore always take a bottle of water with you on your walks.

  • Vary your route

Don’t always take the same walk. Try to vary the walk and the distance so your body stays challenged. Some uphill, some downhill, and various terrains are a great idea.Walking for Weight Loss

  • Add weights

You can add weights to your ankles, to your wrists, to a belt, or even just carry your weights with you to intensify your workout.

  • Music

Takes your mind off the task at hand and can help you vary your pace. You might even build a walking playlist that you find gets you motivated and helps you enjoy your walking more. However, it might be a good idea to wear earphones or ear buds in just one ear, though, so you can still hear oncoming traffic.

Finally Walking for weight loss also will help you with cardiovascular health, tuning, and fat burning.

Even starting with 20 minutes a few times a week, along with a healthier diet can add up to weight loss.


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How to Lose Weight Without Exercise
How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

Meditations / Pixabay

First of all, if you’re wondering how to lose weight without exercise, you’re not alone.

If you want to lose weight without exercise, it is certainly possible. A lot of people dislike exercise. Some people really and truly loathe it.

A lot of experts say that the best way to lose weight is to exercise and you to change your diet. The combination however, can provide the fastest results. But you can lose weight with dietary changes alone. Read on for tips on how to do it..

Count Calories and Lower Your Caloric Intake

How-To-Lose-Weight-Without-ExerciseFind out how many calories you need a day to maintain your existing weight and to actually lose weight. 3500 calories burns a pound or about half a kg. If you lower your caloric by that much you’ll lose weight. If you burn that many calories during exercise, you’ll lose weight. And if you lower your caloric intake by that amount a week, it stands to reason that you’ll lose a pound.

Seems like a good rule of thumb for most is to reduce their caloric intake by about 500 calories a day. For most people on a 2000 calorie per day diet, they can safely lower their caloric intake to 1500 calories.

Caution: Do make sure you get enough calories. Your body will require a minimum amount for basic body functions and energy levels. And if you go too low, your body will go into starvation mode and begin hoarding calories. What’s the minimum calorie intake needed to survive? This varies based on many factors but most experts suggest that your diet have at least 1500 calories a day.

Drink More Water

A good way to lose weight without exercise is to drink more water. Hence if you currently drink soda pop, juice, and other calorie laden beverages with each meal, in some cases you can almost cut your calorie intake by hundreds of calories per day. Water also helps your digestive system along and can make you feel full.

WalkHow to lose weight without exercise

Okay, we know you were looking for ways of how to lose weight without exercise but walking can help and doesn’t have to be strenuous, like weight lifting or intense cardio. Start with a 20 minute walk each day and you will not only burn calories but you’ll increase energy levels.

Losing weight with diet alone is possible but if you do at least a little bit of exercise, you’ll benefit from toning and toning will help you look better as your waistline shrinks.


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Fast Ways to Lose Weight

Fast Ways to Lose Weight

Deedee86 / Pixabay

Need to lose weight fast? Whether it’s a few pounds you need to lose or you want to jump start your weight loss efforts because you’ve got a long road ahead, here are 6 fast ways to lose weight.

Stop Drinking Calories

Fast Ways to Lose WeightInstead of calorie laden beverages, only drink water and unsweetened green tea without milk. This can help you cut hundreds of calories a day. Many people who cut carbonated beverages or their favorite iced cappuccino found that they lost weight without trying.

Lose the Condiments

When you count your calories, are you counting the condiments? Mayo, ketchup, barbeque sauce, butter, ranch dressing, or other dipping sauces.. they add up fast. Even a little can add hundreds of calories to a meal. Switch to a salad spritzer, start measuring how much butter you use, and switch from mayo to mustard and you could see a difference.

Temporarily Drop the Carbs

We need carbs. But one of the fast ways to lose weight is to temporarily cut out as many carbs as possible. You can slowly introduce them back to your diet after you’ve started seeing results.

Many diets have an induction period that jump starts your weight loss efforts. If you ban bread, pasta and potatoes for 2 weeks you will see how much weight you lose.

Exercise Daily

Even adding a 30 minute walk to your routine will add up. Therefore join a team sport or take an aerobics or kickboxing class and you could see dramatic weight loss quickly.

Get More Sleep

You burn calories in your sleep. And, going to bed earlier at night drastically reduces the time you’re up eating food you won’t have time to burn. If you are bad for afternoon snacking and can swing a siesta instead, this could help you, too.

Take Meal Replacement Supplements

Additionally there are many meal replacement supplements on the market. Many shakes will fill you up fast, give you needed energy, and will only have a small amount of calories. Some plans suggest a breakfast shake, a lunch shake, and a healthful evening meal. Hence, many who follow this type of plan have double digit weight loss in just a month.

Small Diet and Habit Changes Can Add Up

Finally once you start investigating various options you’ll see that a few habit changes could add up for you and help you get closer to your weight loss goals.

There are many fast ways to lose weight try several of them, you will be pleased.

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