Stairlifts – What Are They And Why Would I Need One?

If there is one constant thing in life, it is the fact that we grow old. In fact, you just might have an elderly family member living in your very own household right now. It is then very important to consider installing stairlifts in the household. This is especially true if your house has two or more floors.

But what exactly is a stairlift?

In its most basic form, a stairlift is a device that has been designed for the purpose of assisting elderly or disabled people to reach higher floors of a household. Also known as a chair lift, simply because the device makes use of a motorized chair that lifts people up and down the stairs of a household. With the installation of stairlifts, people can safely move up and down the stairs, significantly reducing the risks of untoward accidents occurring. Most of these lifts have arm and footrests running on tracks. People that have diseases such as arthritis, Parkinson’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease benefit the most from using these devices. Also great for those recovering from accidents and the elderly with difficulty exercising.

AC vs DC Lifts

In general, there are two stairlift types. The AC stair lift, or the DC stair lift. What are the differences?  AC (Alternating Current) units use the regular electric source in the household, and for that reason are a bit more economical. – Drawback is that the Launch and Stop motions are somewhat rougher than the DC (Direct Current) models.

The DC stair lift, on the other hand, because the motor increased gradually its speed, is much smoother. For that reason, more users  prefer the DC stair lift to the AC powered unit.  DC lifts are  battery powered.

If the person using the lift understands the need to recharge those batteries, then this is the best option.

Finally, remember that stairlifts are for the use of those who really need it, not a substitute for those capable of walking up and down stairs !

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3 Great Exercise Types that Sharpen Your Senses

3 Great Exercise Types

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay


Exercises train your body and mind as well. Most people are aware of the benefits of toning your muscles, losing weight and feeling strong. Few people however realize how much exercising does for your mental health. There are exercises that sharpen your senses and increase your feeling of well being .

Practice  these 3 Great Exercise Types to maintain a fit body and a sharp mind.


Yoga is great for your mental sharpness. It also makes you concentrate and gain control over your muscles. Aside of exercising many muscles in your body, it forces you to control how you breathe.  Additionally it forces you to relax. Hence, your mind sharpens and so do your senses. Few exercise forms are as complete as yoga.


Aerobic exercises get your body parts moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will strengthen your muscles, improve your circulation and oxygen intake. In doing so, your brain cells will also benefit. A good aerobic workout will get your entire cardiovascular system running. If it is good for your muscles, it is also good for your brain. Another great exercise to keep you focused and fit as well..


Jogging does wonders to your mental acuity.  Many people run outdoors, and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood. Not only does it get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. Just in general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.

These 3 Great Exercise Types will help you stay mentally fit.

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Losing Extra Pounds.

Losing Extra Pounds

Hireink / Pixabay


Once you’ve decided you want to lose some weight (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you’ve done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. If so, you’ve probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that weight loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that’s what I’ll tell you now.

To really lose weight, you first need to evaluate a few truths:

  • Burn More than what you eat

The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. You can either chose to do no “extra” exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight, or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself.

  • Don’t over do it

It’s also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This will cause you to actually gain weight instead of lose it.

  • Hydration plus Exercise is a must

The next fact is that a combination of water and oxygen leads to fat burning. Make sure that you are getting at least a half gallon of water every day. Your body will use this water when you exercise, and cause you to lose weight in a healthy way. Again, you must combine your water intake with some form of aerobic exercise (increased oxygen) for this to work. Choose something that you like and can do on a regular basis like Walking, biking, swimming, yard work, etc. As long as you get your heart rate up a little bit, it’s a good fat burning exercise.

  • Perseverance

Finally, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their usual life. In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment.

  • Good Eating Habits

Even after you lose the weight. In order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in.

Losing Extra Pounds is not hard if you follow the guidelines.


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Getting in Shape requires Motivation and Planning for It.


Getting in Shape

Lazare / Pixabay

Are you making the commitment to lose weight and get in shape? Then, you are probably trying to decide how much weight should you try to lose. Setting goals are very important. Setting the right goals for you may be one of the hardest things to do. Not making goals for yourself is to invite failure to your weight loss goals. So what kind of weight loss goals should you set for yourself? In order to set the best goals for yourself you need to know where you are,set a long-term reasonable goal for yourself, and give yourself rewards for meeting these goals.

Take A Look At Where You Are

It isn’t just a matter of how much you weigh, it is a matter of taking an accurate assessment of where you are right now. You should go visit the doctor to make sure that you are healthy enough to stress your body. There are many people who can get started in a weight loss program only to find out that they can’t finish it because their body can’t handle the strain. Also, find out your true weight and get your body mass index (BMI) number. Get some measurements like your hip-to-waist ratio and your body fat percentage. It isn’t necessary to have all of these, but it will help you to know where you started.

Decide Where You Want To Go

Make sure that you have reasonable goals set for yourself. Going from a size 40 inch waist to a 30 inch waist probably isn’t very realistic for you. Going from a 40 inch waist to a 34 inch waist is fairly reasonable, but still ambitious. Losing 20 pounds is a realistic long-term goal. Losing 20 pounds in two weeks probably isn’t a realistic one. Try to do aim for a goal that is realistic. Make sure you have a planned date for you to reach that goal that is realistic as well. Don’t try to do the impossible. Try to do what you are capable of doing. When you reach that goal, set a more ambitious one for yourself. Plan on setting for yourself short-term goals along the way to break it up a little.

Reward Yourself Plan on doing something nice for yourself for reaching your long-term goal. Make it something special. Keep reminding yourself of it as often as possible. Don’t just have one reward for yourself, though. For each little milestone you reach along the way, treat yourself to something special. Give yourself little prizes for being such a good hard worker. This will also make the long-term goal easier to reach.

If you are truly serious about Getting in Shape, give yourself the best shot by being realistic about where you are and where you are going. Don’t forget to reward yourself for the hard work you do. Figuring out how much weight should you lose is a good goal, but don’t let that be the only goal you have.

Finally, commit yourself to getting in shape and stick to your plan, You can do it!

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    21 Day Fix, a simple approach to loosing weight.

    21 Day Fix

    skeeze / Pixabay

    Weight loss is a hot topic in today’s world. People everywhere are searching for new and fun ways to combat weight gain, but there are so many options to choose from, and so many questions to ask. Could there be a balanced new approach to weight loss that considers nutrition and exercise? Is there a system that makes it easy to choose healthy meals? What kind of workout routine is right for you? Would you like to have amazing results in 21 days? Then you might want to hear about the 21 Day Fix.

    Simple Fitness

    Fitness and exercise are essential for any successful weight loss program. The 21 Day Fix program breaks workouts into very easy, simple plans that you can follow. The workouts follow a 7-day schedule that target different muscle areas and give you a different workout routine each day to keep things fun and exciting. Additionally each workout is only 30 minutes long, which makes it possible for even the busiest people to fit those vital yoga, Pilates, leg, upper body, and cardio workouts into their busy schedule. Hence, the diverse 7-day schedule keep things from becoming boring. The biggest bonus however is that it keeps your body guessing and optimizes weight loss by preventing weight loss plateauing.

    Simple Eating

    In the realm of weight loss and nutrition there are so many options, ideas and opinions that anyone can get overwhelmed or intimidated easily. It is dangerously possible to workout for hours a day and undo your results in one meal if you’re overeating, but the 21 Day Fix makes choosing what to eat at mealtimes super quick and easy. The 21-Day Fix utilizes portion control in color coded containers to take the stress and guess work out of eating.

    Red – Proteins
    Green – Veggies
    Purple – Fruits
    2 Orange – Seeds & Dressings
    Yellow – Carbs
    Blue – Healthy Fats

    This easy system ensures success, and if the whole thing doesn’t fit in the container, save it for tomorrow.

    Fast Results

    Some people work on diets and plans for months never seeing a result, but the best thing about the 21 Day Fix besides it’s easy workout schedule, and simple meal planning, are it’s fast results.

    Fast Weightloss Ideas

    Lose up to 15 lbs in just 21 days by eating healthy food and doing 30-minute workouts, that is the 21 Day Fix.

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    Exercise Programs to Loose Weight.

    Stay fit for life by creating your own exercise program. Choose the body areas where you need improvement by targeting each one with specific workouts.

    Read below for suggestions that are proven to work. Regardless of whether you prefer working with weights, aerobics or running, if you prepare a a well thought exercise plan, results will soon follow.

    Exercise for a life of wellness. Start Now!

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    Cellulite Exercises Work Well.

    Cellulite Exercises

    taniadimas / Pixabay

    Are you looking to get rid of cellulite? Exercises can help you get rid of unflattering cellulite.

    Reduce Your Body Fat

    A reduction of body fat, in general, will definitely help you diminish the look of cellulite. Cellulite is, in essence, body fat deposits in specific areas. It’s common, especially in the butt and thighs and especially for women.

    Watch your diet, track your calories, and strive to lose body fat /weight. Eating healthier foods will fuel your body rather than build up toxins in fat cells. Reduce bad foods and reduce portion sizes in general.

    Drink More Water

    Water can help facilitate the flushing of toxins and your body’s fat cells can hold toxins. It is a great way to improve the overall look of your skin as well.

    Cellulite ExercisesStrength Training

    Strength training is something that boosts your metabolism and this could be very helpful in reducing cellulite. Exercises can include resistance bands, weight lifting, and even push-ups that use your own body weight for resistance. Building muscle will help you burn fat.


    All cardio exercises can be cellulite exercises. Any exercise can help you burn fat and cardio can help you trim down all over. Consider doing 30-60 minutes of cardio daily. Whether you’re looking to do lighter exercise, such as walking, or more intense cardio such as jogging or running, they will help you reduce fat all over. Walk briskly and wherever possible, walk on rolling terrain.

    Pilates and Yoga

    Both Pilates and Yoga can help you melt your cellulite away. These are both powerful types of cellulite exercises that can help you sculpt your body and help you get the leaner, more toned body that you want.

    More women than men tend to look for cellulite exercises. It’s just another thing women seem to have gotten the short end of the stick on. Women tend to get more cellulite than men.

    A combo of regular exercise and watching your calories can definitely help. Some people look for cellulite creams, as well, but cellulite is internal and creams can’t really help you in this area. Getting rid of cellulite won’t happen overnight and if you lose weight and lose some of your cellulite, you can have it come back as well.

    Are There Other Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

    Some people do seek medical help with laser treatment. But changing your lifestyle through dieting and exercise can be highly effective ways to reduce cellulite.

    As a result Cellulite Exercises Work Well. Follow the routine and stay healthy.

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    How To Tone Your Thighs

    How To Tone Your Thighs

    ernestoeslava / Pixabay

    Want to know how to tone your thighs? Thighs are one of those areas of the body that seem to stubbornly hang onto excess unwanted mass. Here are some tips to help you tone up your thighs..

    Count Your Steps

    Are you walking regularly? Set a daily goal that is progressive so you can increase your walking. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk at your lunch hour, take the dog for a walk, etc. If you can walk daily for 30+ minutes you’ll soon see a difference in your thighs. It’s especially helpful if you can hike with mixed terrain, such as a bit of uphill walking and downhill walking, too.


    Take a spin class, buy a stationary bike, or ride your bike outdoors. This is a great leg toning exercise that will show up in your thighs.

    Join A Gym

    How To Tone Your ThighsJoin a gym and talk to a trainer who can set up an exercise regimen that focuses on areas you want to reduce. Any trainer will tell you it’s almost impossible to spot reduce but if there is an area that’s giving you a particularly hard time, chances are that a fitness trainer will have good ideas to change up your routine enough to jump start results.

    As you get fitter and healthier, you will start to see a difference in stubborn places such as your thighs and belly. There are some great machines in a gym that help you use weights and resistance that will help you in your quest for finding ways to get fitter and for learning how to tone your thighs.


    Stretching exercises, such as Yoga and Pilates are both very helpful for those of you who want to know how to tone your thighs. And Yoga is easy to do just about anywhere. Yoga can help tone the body all over and improve your balance and stability, making you better able to succeed at your thigh toning efforts. Many people who take up Yoga comment that it’s also a great stress reliever.

    Squats And Lunges

    Squats and lunges are ideal for those wanting to know how to tone thighs. Do these exercises regularly.

    Whichever exercises you choose to help you focus on things, don’t forget to track your progress. It’s not just the number on the bathroom scale that will tell you that you are doing a good job of getting in better shape; use a measuring tape, too, and see how many inches you are around the thighs. Measure weekly and you’ll start to see progress. Remember, just like it’s not only about the scale number, it’s also not only about inches lost, too. It’s also about toning and improving the shape of your thighs, too. It will happen if you keep at it and you’ll see great results with your overall shape.

    Learning How To Tone Your Thighs will lead to increased fitness and better looks.

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    Vegetarian diet weight loss tips well worth knowing about.

    A lot of new vegetarians look to dieting and weight loss plans for help. It’s not difficult for a new vegetarian to gain weight and many blame a carb overload on gaining weight. Learning to be a vegetarian that eats the right mix of foods can take time and during the transition, you may well gain some weight. A vegetarian diet weight loss program will probably make some specific recommendations to you, such as:Vegetarian Diet Weight Loss

    • Counting calories
    • Reducing fat
    • Getting more lean protein
    • Adding exercise in to your diet

    Counting Calories

    Counting calories can make you more aware of what you are eating. On a diet, if you strive to reduce your daily caloric intake by about 500 calories, you can expect to lose about 2-3 kgs a month from diet alone. Adding in exercise can help you lose even more weight but we’ll get to exercise later on.

    In terms of dieting, striving to eat under 2,000 calories can help. Anywhere from 1200-1800 calories might be a suggestion for your weight loss depending on your current weight, gender, and activity level. (Note: Most people do need more than 1200 calories a day to function well.)

    Reducing Fat

    Beyond looking at how many calories you eat every day, have a look at which ones come from fat. If you’re like many vegetarians, you get a lot of your protein from dairy. Opt for low fat dairy choices wherever possible. Switch to 1% or skim milk and low fat cheese. Reduce your condiments wherever possible as well. Your sauces and dressings could be adding a large percentage of calories to your meals.

    Getting More Lean Protein

    Other great vegetarian diet weight loss tips include making sure you’re getting enough protein. Opt for lean sources of protein, which isn’t difficult to do as a vegetarian. Your weight loss diet plan may benefit from reducing carbohydrates , especially refined carbs. Experiment with some new vegetarian protein sources so you can find extra sources that make it easier for you to reduce your carbs.

    Adding Exercise to Your Diet

    There’s no doubt about it.. exercise will help you lose weight. It will also help you reduce loose skin after weight loss. As a vegetarian, weight loss diets aren’t as easy as you’re not able to follow many diet recipe suggestions. Consider looking for great sources of vegetarian diet recipes so that you can experiment and eat new low fat things without sacrificing variety and flavor.

    We believe these Vegetarian Diet Weight Loss Tips are well worth trying.

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