Does Cardio Sabotage Weight Loss, How It Could Be Hindering Your Weight Loss Plans.

Jogging is the most traditional exercise for people intending to lose weight. But there are many other choices such as swimming, football, or cycling. A whole host of aerobic cardio exercises to help you shed the pounds. The principle is simple: just get moving, and stay moving, for half an hour to two hours. Do it five to seven days a week, and you will burn enough calories to lose weight.

Cardio workouts are not the best way to loose weight

However, this approach is seriously flawed. For starters, cardio is not the best way of burning calories. Cardio only burns a certain number of calories per step or arm movement. Which means that the only way you can burn more calories per hour is by moving faster. And new exercise will burn more calories than exercise you are used to, because for new exercise you are growing new muscles, stronger tendons, and more nerve endings. Once you are used to it, you will only burn the bare minimum. In this sense, does cardio sabotage weight loss, the answer is yes.

Think about muscle growth

Secondly, burning fat is only part of the journey. To have a well-rounded figure and level of fitness, you need to grow muscle too. Muscle tightens your skin, making your figure better rounded, lifting your butt and arms to prevent sag, and generally making you firmer. And muscle gives shape to the body by plumping out the butt and legs, and shaping the back. This balances your figure and makes you look more youthful by adding shape and athleticism. Many women fear growing too bulky if they grow muscle, but in reality we all need some muscle to look and feel good, and for women it is so hard to grow muscle, you can stop long before you get too strong.

Weight loss must be sustainable

Additionally, if you want to ensure that your weight loss is sustainable and that you can avoid setbacks even if you are stopped from exercising, and eat a balanced diet later on without gaining weight, your metabolism has to increase. Muscle burns twice as many calories per pound as fat, and if you have more muscle, every time you move you will burn more calories because more muscle fibers are moving. This means that the number of calories you burn without even exercising goes up, so you can eat more food whatever you do.

In essence, it is vital that you add something which provides resistance training to help build your muscles up. A good start is always body weight exercises. This is especially the case if you have never done any muscle building exercises before, as you will need practice. Sit ups, squats, lunges, pushups, planks, and other common body weight exercises are all you need, no need to worry about doing anything new or special yet. Just add in half an hour of body weight exercises twice a week at first and build yourself up enough to start using weights or another form of resistance.

Develop a workout program

After body weight exercises you need to progress onto something else. Resistance band training, free weights, or exercise machines, add an extra level of challenge.

This is because, old exercise routines burn fewer calories. Therefore add resistance training often. Weights of all kinds are a great choice. Once you have lost the weight you wanted,  stop increasing weights. Focus on staying active instead.

Some women just lift light weights more often in an effort to avoid getting big, but that is actually what bodybuilders do. If you want lean, strong muscles, without bulk, it is best to lift heavier weights fewer times.

Only if you do all of the above, the answer to does cardio sabotage weight loss will be no it doe not anymore..

Finally, remember that when growing muscle you will need more fuel to grow it with. Hence, you will need more calories and protein, especially if you’re losing weight too fast. Additionally, add  glucosamine and micro nutrients to keep the body strong and healthy.

Does cardio sabotage weight loss efforts? Only if not done properly.

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5 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment.



When planning for an at home workout, most people think they need to buy equipment. Surprisingly,there are several workouts that don’t require equipment at all. additionally, the misconception is that without equipment, these workouts will not give you the results you need.

The truth is, these 5 easy workouts give you better results than you may think.

Tabata, number one on the 5 easy workouts list

1. Tabata workouts require no equipment and give you a full body workout easily. The idea behind Tabata is doing intervals of intense workout and then rest. For example, most people start out by doing 20 seconds of high intensity workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. They do this in intervals until the entire body workout is done. You can then repeat this eight or more times. The only weights required are what your own body has to offer. All you need is you and the floor.


2. Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga blocks, straps, resistance bands, and so on. The truth is these may help if you are new to yoga, but they are not required. By knowing a few basic moves, you can make yoga work for you with no equipment at all. You can also span out to options like Tai Chi and other similar workouts.

Stationary Walking

3. Stationary walking is just what it sounds like. You follow an online coach on free sites or DVD options and you simply walk through a mile or more. This home workout may sound boring but you will be changing intensity levels, moving your arms during the workout, and combining aerobic workouts with the walking. This is an ideal option that works for people who may not want a treadmill in their home and may not have an area where walking four miles in a short amount of time is doable or safe.

Cardio Dance

4. Cardio dance uses your imagination and music you enjoy. No equipment is required. You can use the radio on your phone, music on your phone, or some other option for the music. Ideally, you are just dancing. You can do specific dance options for more cardio or full body workouts, but overall this is the same type of cardio you would get a dance club, you are just in your home and dancing to what you want how you want. It will work up your heart rate and help you drop weight easily.

Body Weight Circuit Training

5. Body weight circuit training is similar to Tabata but does not require the HIIT intervals of intense workout and rest. Instead you are doing a series of workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. You do a certain amount of reps and then move on to the next part of the workout. You use your own body weight to give you resistance.

Something to keep in mind with these workouts is the ability to work them into a revolving routine that gives you maximum results. If you want to purchase weights or other equipment you can, but even at high intensity levels the equipment is not necessary, making these workouts the most affordable option for your at home needs.

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Pumping Iron – 4 Reasons Why You Should Be doing it.

Pumping iron, or strength training refers to exercises like weight lifting, leg presses and dumbbell routines. These exercises get progressively more difficult as you advance your program.

The idea of exercising with weights is to break down the muscles so that they rebuild themselves bigger and stronger. Many people ignore weight training in favor of pure cardio because they assume that strength training is just for those who want to build bigger muscles, however they are wrong.

There are many other benefits to pumping iron.

1) Build and maintain muscles

To begin with, strength training builds and maintaining muscle tone. It is by far the best way to do it. As a matter of fact, in order to build muscle effectively, you need to perform exercises that are intense enough to break down the fibers in your muscles. Only then, your body will rebuild stronger muscles. Over time, it leads to muscle growth. Additionally, only weightlifting exercises are intense enough to lead to actual muscle growth.

Even if you do not want to build muscles, pumping iron will maintain existing muscle mass. Hence, it is great for older people, who lose muscle mass as they age.

2) Boost energy levels and feel great

Lifting weights raises energy levels and improves your mood. Because it is so intense, it releases endorphins in the brain which in turn boost energy levels. People often talk about a “runner’s high” for long-distance runners. Well, the same thing happens when pumping iron.

4) Improve bone health

In the same way it keeps your muscles healthy, it also keeps your skeletal system healthy. With age, bones lose density. Eventually, this will turn into a serious issue. Additionally, bone density losses start as early as age 30. Training with weights will keep your bone’s density at a healthy level.

5) Pumping Iron is good for the heart

Finally, it benefits the cardiovascular system as well. It really gets your blood pumping. Likewise, it keeps cholesterol levels low and blood pressure stabilized. While it may not be a pressing concern when you are younger, taking steps to improve your cardiovascular health at an early age will help you later on in life to achieve wellness.

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Does Weight Training Burn Fat? – If So, How Does it Work.

People looking to lose weight think they need to eat much less and move much more. In order to do this, many people start crash diets and cut out vital nutrients from their diets. They also start doing tons of cardio. They soon discover that they’re not losing pounds as quickly as they had hoped.

Is cardio good for burning fat?

Yes, cardio can burn fat and help you to lose weight, but running endlessly on a treadmill at the same speed isn’t the most efficient way to make the most of your time and energy. With regular cardio, you will start seeing changes, but weight training can help to maximise the efficiency of your workouts.

How does weight training help burn fat?

The great thing about weight training is that you can burn calories long after you’ve finished your workout. With cardio, once you step out of the gym or return from your run, you won’t be burning calories any longer. With weight training, you can burn more calories for up to 48 hours after you’ve finished exercising. This is great news for people who don’t enjoy going to the gym.

Another way weight training helps you to burn fat is by helping to build muscle. When your body builds muscle, it turns the excess fat you have into muscle instead. Even if you don’t see a change on the scale, you’ll definitely see a change in your shape and size. Fat takes up a lot more space than muscle does, so you’ll weigh the same but you will look and feel smaller.

Doesn’t weight training make you really big?

People who want to lose weight, particularly women, shy away from any type of weight training. They believe it will make them bigger. Even though they will build muscle rather than fat, the idea of getting bigger really puts them off. It’s important to note that you would have to lift very heavy weights for long periods of time in order to build any real amount of muscle mass. Hence, the danger of getting ‘too large’ building muscle is very unlikely.

What’s the best way to burn fat?

The best way to burn fat when in the gym is to combined HIIT (high intensity interval training) cardio with weight training. This will ensure that you get the most out of your time in the gym and burn the maximum amount of excess fat possible.

Finally, Does Weight Training Help Burn Fat is best answered by the type of workout you do. All types do, but HIIT doesit  best.

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Strength Training or Cardio – What are the Differences?


Exercise Types

If you plan to start exercising, then you should know that generally there are 2 broad categories of exercise. The first category is cardio. This refers to things like running, jogging, skipping rope, using exercise bikes, using treadmills, etc. Cardio gets your cardiovascular system pumping and it helps you lose weight by burning off calories. Strength training, on the other hand, helps you burn calories and build muscle by exercising.  Examples are: weight training, anything involving dumbbells, push-ups, pull-ups etc.

But which type is best for you?

Cardio is best for burning fat.

If your goal with exercise is to burn fat and shed some pounds, then without a doubt the best option is cardio. Now, that may be confusing for some. After all, both cardio and strength training are forms of exercise, so why should cardio be a better option for burning fat? Well, the reason is rather simple. 30 minutes of cardio burns more calories than 30 minutes of strength training. This may come as a surprise to some people, especially since you will find many people stating that strength training is the only way to go.

However, recent research has shown that cardio is just a much better way of burning fat and burning calories. For example, a study conducted by researchers at Duke University, looked at whether resistance training, cardio or a mixture of both was the best way to lose weight. The study concluded that if your goal is simply to lose weight and burn fat, then your best option is just to do cardio alone. Cardio proved to be superior both to strength training and strength training mixed with cardio. Now, this is not to say that strength training is useless, just that when it comes to losing weight, cardio is the better option.

Strength Training works best for muscle building.

If you want to build muscle, then the best option is strength training. In order to build muscle efficiently then you need to do strength training. Cardio is simply not intense enough to let you build muscle. In order to really build muscle, you need to do rapid, high-intensity exercise sessions. Strength training takes on more importance for people who are getting older, as strength training is the only way of ensuring that you maintain some muscle mass.

Finally, the best option is what works best for you. This will probably be some combination of both strength training and cardio!

We recommend you download this very useful free report that will further provide information on exercise and fitness.

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Cardio and Strength Training – Combine them for Best Results


Combining two of the best forms of exercise gives you amazing results. It increases your efficiency by working out both your muscles and your cardiovascular system.

Regardless of what your goals may be. Losing weight, toning up or increasing muscle mass.

Therefore, the combining of strength training and cardio routines is arguably the best way to do it.

What is cardio?

Cardio is  a form of exercise which raises your heart rate. Examples are running, swimming and cycling.

Cardiovascular exercises do not require weights and relies on increasing muscle motion to get blood flowing at a faster rate through your body.

For this reason, better heart function and lung efficiency are the end results.

What is strength training?

Strength training routines rely on weights and resistance machines in order to encourage muscle movement. With multiple repetitions the body builds muscle mass and strength.

How can cardiovascular and strength training routines be combined?

Combining cardio routines and strength training is simple. For that reason, include both disciplines into your workout routines.

Ideally you can alternate both forms in the same session. Just as effective is to work one form on  day one, and the other on day two.

As long as both systems are exercised, the benefits will become obvious in a short time.

What are the benefits of using both forms of exercise?

Finally, the benefits are multiple, an improved pulmonary and heart system promoted by cardio will help stamina.

It in turn will lead to easier muscle building.

Hence, think of it as a better tuned engine taking advantage of every component to produce the best possible results.

Finally, a body that is has both inner and outer fitness is always going to outperform those that lack fitness in one or the other system.

Cardio and Strength Training – The Winning Combination. Try it now!


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Love Handle Exercises

If you are wanting to get rid of your love handles, it can certainly be done by implementing a great exercise regimen.

Here are some simple and effective love handle exercises to add into your exercise repertoire.


Add walking, running, cycling, aerobics exercises, and so on. The best way to burn fat is to do cardio on a regular basis.


Love Handle ExercisesVarious Pilates love handle exercises are great for working the obliques and tone your muscles. Making your sides look better and smaller.

One simple but effective love handles Pilates exercise involves sitting on the floor with your feet wide apart and doing a seated twist.

Hold your arms straight out at your sides with palms down and slowly twist as far as you can one way so that your one arm moves to your front and then twist slowly the other way, too so that the other arm moves to the front. You’ll feel the twisting motion in your sides.


Regular crunches do good things for your abs but some crunches are especially helpful for love handles. Elbow to knee crunches are great love handle exercises and they work the obliques. You can use a stability ball for many love handle exercises, too.

Side Bends

Side bridge bends can be an effective love handles exercise but are difficult on their own. Using a stability ball makes it a bit easier.

Tip: Use hand weights while doing side bends to help with the intensity of the love handles exercises.


Swimming is an invigorating workout that works great for the whole body. Laps can work well, the side stroke as well and many people find that aqua fit classes help them tone up all over.

Leg Flutters

This exercise involves a sort-of dry land swimming and involves lying on your tummy and lifting your arms and legs up off the floor.

This helps strengthen your stomach and your back therefore, it and can help you eliminate excess fat around your midsection.

Weight Lifting

It might sound like weight lifting builds muscles in your arms more than anything, but strength training exercises can do great things for your whole body.

Hence, it is a great way to burn fat anywhere and everywhere you’ve got extra.. such as those stubborn love handles.

Consider counting calories and ensuring that you work out regularly and you’ll lose inches all over. Love handle exercises can help as that midsection might be stubborn. Do your best to eliminate stress, reduce salt, and increase your water intake and you will enhance results.

Finally, with regular work, Love Handle Exercises will reduce your waistline.

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Gym Workout Routines For Women

Weight loss is often the chosen goal in regards to gym workout routines for women. However, did you know that many women gravitate to cardio options such as the treadmill, elliptical machine or various exercise classes, not realizing that weight training is an excellent addition to losing weight?

Adding resistance to your fitness plan not only helps burn fat just like cardio, it also strengthens your bones as well as tone muscles. There is a reason why gyms offer a number of resistance machines and free weights to its members for use.

Gym Workout Routines for WomenCardio is a Good Warm-up and Exercise Routine

It is never a good idea to jump into your fitness routine without warming up your body. Cardio exercises are an excellent way to wake up the muscles without risking injury. Swimming, biking on the stationary bicycles and walking or jogging on the treadmill are great cardio options as are aerobic classes, a session on the elliptical or even boxing classes.

Cardio exercises should also be incorporated into gym workout routines for women as they offer great fat burning properties. A 30 to 45 minute session at the target heart rate for your body will jump start your body’s metabolism and burn fat optimally.

Take Advantage of the Resistance Machines

While cardio will kickstart fat burning, weight training for women is essential to tone muscles and strengthen bones. There are machines that will work large muscle groups just as there are machines that isolate single muscles. Some machines use a cable pulley system that uses your own body weight for resistance while others require that you adjust weights for resistance.

Building a fitness plan is essential for realizing successful results. While you can create your own plan with some research, a personal trainer can help devise a workout routine too. The best gym exercise plan will require that you have at least two or three cardio days to rev up your metabolism to burn fat as well as alternating days for weight training, working on specific large muscle groups, although not on consecutive days.

For instance, one day you might warm up with cardio and then work out your upper body and abdominals. The next day would be strictly cardio with the following day starting with a cardio warm-up again along with a lower body workout along with abdominals.

Before investing in a gym membership, think hard about your ultimate fitness goals. What you are trying to achieve will help you form the best gym workout routines for women. And one final thought – cardio and weight training alone will not help you achieve your fitness goals. You must also eat a balanced, healthy diet plan too. Exercise is not a free pass to eat what you want.

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