Using Rebounders for Fitness.

Rebounder is simply a term used for a mini trampoline. The popularity of using this type of device has grown significantly because of all the health benefits associated with it.

People of all ages and health conditions are using them to improve their health and fitness.

Rebounders are available at sporting good stores and online. Choose a sturdy model with six legs. Models with only four legs may tip over and be dangerous. Choose one that folds under a bed or in a closet.

Who can use a Rebounder?

Rebounding is popular for people of all ages and physical abilities. Because of the low impact it has on the joints. The springs in the system help cushion blows, reducing risks associated with traditional aerobic exercise.  Exercises can be as varied as your imagination. The important thing however, is to bounce for a period of time to get your heart rate up. There are numerous videos available that teach you how to use it.

Benefits of Using Rebounders

Bouncing stimulates the metabolism, circulates oxygen, and strengthens the heart. It increases the capacity of the lungs and improves muscle tone. It also helps enhance the immune system, aiding in the prevention of illness. This is a great tool to help combat obesity by providing valuable, low impact exercise. Exercise has been shown to reduce tension brought on by everyday stress and pressures. Rebounding enhances this element by being particularly fun. From children to seniors, this type of exercise is greatly enjoyable.

Rebounding can help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also improve coordination and balance. If you have incontinence problems, rebounding can actually help by exercising and strengthening muscle cells. You will see improved bladder control in a short period of time. It is also an ideal exercise routine for anyone recovering from ailments such as broken bones or strained muscles. Since bouncing does not work against gravity, there is no undue strain on muscles and joints. You can help strengthen them without causing harm.

Rebounding has become a widely popular form of aerobic exercise.  Additionally it offers psychological benefits by reducing stress.

It is also one of the most fun forms of exercise. Who doesn’t like to bounce?

Finally, using rebounders regularly will keep you trim and fit for years to come!

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High Intensity Interval Training.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT alternates short periods of intense cardiovascular exercise with less intense anaerobic exercises recovery cycles until the point of exhaustion.

Results are impressive, and have converted HIIT into one of the most popular forms of physical training. Very popular with gym-goers and health enthusiasts all over the globe.
HIIT’s popularity comes from the fact that sessions are over much shorter than most workouts. Add the fact that the number of calories burned in minutes would require hours of cardio workouts.
An example would be to alternate walking and sprinting every 30 seconds. Then repeat the process for a number of rounds.
Some people will sprint for 30 seconds and stand still the next 30 seconds to catch their breath.

But does HIIT have to be running-based all of the time?  Absolutely not. Here are some non-running-based examples of HIIT you could try.


Swimming can actually be adapted to give you a very effective HIIT-based workout indeed. People often think of swimming as a low-impact endurance-based form of cardiovascular exercise, and while this is true, it can always be adapted to meet your HIIT needs. Swimming is great for the body because it helps to tone the muscles as it is resistance-based. This is due to the fact that you are fighting the water when you swim, so resistance is coming from the water. To perform a simple HIIT workout while swimming, simply perform some basic low-intensity swimming strokes that you’re comfortable with for around 30 seconds. Next, switch to a higher gear and swim as quickly and as intensely as you possibly can for the next 30 seconds. Repeat this process for around 8 – 10 rounds, making sure to really push yourself during the high intensity part of the exercise.


Cycling is another form of cardiovascular exercise that is hugely beneficial, and highly underrated. When we cycle, we burn calories and helping to increase our endurance. We are also toning the muscles, especially those in our legs as we pedal. Head out on your bike somewhere relatively flat and quiet, where you can pick up speed and maintain it consistent. Then, simply cycle slowly and carefully for 30 seconds, and then accelerate as quickly as you can, for the next 30 seconds. Repeat this for another 8 – 10 rounds

High Intensity Interval Training is a modern solution in the fast paced world of today.

High-intensity interval trainingDOWNLOAD THIS FREE 20 PAGE REPORT

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Fast Weight Loss Ideas

 Fast Weight Loss Ideas

Fast Weight Loss Ideas


Fast Weight loss is a hot topic in today’s world. People the world over are looking for new ways to loose weight quickly, but with so many options to choose, and so many questions to ask.

We know that the best methods usually are a combination of exercise and balanced dieting. Is there out there a weight loss program that considers nutrition and exercise? Making it simple to choose healthy meals and great workout routines, and it is the best one for your body type?  One such method that is popular is the the 21-Day Fix.

This Fix uses simple exercises broken into simple to follow  7 day routines that tackle different muscle groups. Each module lasts only 30 minutes and includes fun to do workouts from Pilates, Yoga and Cardio. Short and never boring. The body reacts  positively to the different workouts without stressing itself.

Simple and stress-free eating is the nutritional component of the 21-day Fix. Using portion control color coded containers for proteins, vegetables, fruits, some dressings, little carbs and healthy fats. Stress is taken away, portion control is created by using the containers, and results are fast to notice.

With the 21-Day Fix, you can achieve fast weight loss in just 21 days,  eating healthy food and doing 30-minute workouts, and that’s something anyone can do!.

Fast Weightloss Ideas

On our next issue we will be referring to other Fast Weight Loss programs that include  diets such as the Dash Diet, Keto Diet, Low Carb Diets in combination with recommended exercise routines that complement  each other for best results.

Be on the look for our free downloadable reports.


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21 Day Fix, a simple approach to loosing weight.

21 Day Fix

skeeze / Pixabay

Weight loss is a hot topic in today’s world. People everywhere are searching for new and fun ways to combat weight gain, but there are so many options to choose from, and so many questions to ask. Could there be a balanced new approach to weight loss that considers nutrition and exercise? Is there a system that makes it easy to choose healthy meals? What kind of workout routine is right for you? Would you like to have amazing results in 21 days? Then you might want to hear about the 21 Day Fix.

Simple Fitness

Fitness and exercise are essential for any successful weight loss program. The 21 Day Fix program breaks workouts into very easy, simple plans that you can follow. The workouts follow a 7-day schedule that target different muscle areas and give you a different workout routine each day to keep things fun and exciting. Additionally each workout is only 30 minutes long, which makes it possible for even the busiest people to fit those vital yoga, Pilates, leg, upper body, and cardio workouts into their busy schedule. Hence, the diverse 7-day schedule keep things from becoming boring. The biggest bonus however is that it keeps your body guessing and optimizes weight loss by preventing weight loss plateauing.

Simple Eating

In the realm of weight loss and nutrition there are so many options, ideas and opinions that anyone can get overwhelmed or intimidated easily. It is dangerously possible to workout for hours a day and undo your results in one meal if you’re overeating, but the 21 Day Fix makes choosing what to eat at mealtimes super quick and easy. The 21-Day Fix utilizes portion control in color coded containers to take the stress and guess work out of eating.

Red – Proteins
Green – Veggies
Purple – Fruits
2 Orange – Seeds & Dressings
Yellow – Carbs
Blue – Healthy Fats

This easy system ensures success, and if the whole thing doesn’t fit in the container, save it for tomorrow.

Fast Results

Some people work on diets and plans for months never seeing a result, but the best thing about the 21 Day Fix besides it’s easy workout schedule, and simple meal planning, are it’s fast results.

Fast Weightloss Ideas

Lose up to 15 lbs in just 21 days by eating healthy food and doing 30-minute workouts, that is the 21 Day Fix.

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Weight Loss and Fitness – How to benefit from both.

Weight Loss and Fitness

skeeze / Pixabay

If you’ve decided you want to lose some weight (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you’ve done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. You’ve probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that weight loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that’s what I’ll tell you now.

Something to think about.

If you want to lose weight, you first need to evaluate a few truths. The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. You can either chose to do no “extra” exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight, or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself. It’s also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This will cause you to actually gain weight instead of lose it.

The next fact is that a combination of water and oxygen leads to fat burning. Make sure that you are getting at least a half gallon of water every day. Your body will use this water when you exercise, and cause you to lose weight in a healthy way. Again, you must combine your water intake with some form of aerobic exercise (increased oxygen) for this to work. Choose something that you like and can do on a regular basis like Walking, biking, swimming, yard work, etc. As long as you get your heart rate up a little bit, it’s a good fat burning exercise.

Be consistent.

Finally, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their usual life.


In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment. Even after you lose the weight, in order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in. So, pick an activity that you enjoy (or that you don’t mind so much). Walking is one favorite. If you live in the city, you can actually walk part of the way to work, save on gym expenses, and not have to worry about finding time in your day to exercise. If not, no matter where you live, you can probably find the time to take a 20-minute brisk walk around your neighborhood. Bring a buddy along to keep you entertained and you’ll see that the time flies.

The connection between weight loss and fitness is too strong to ignore. So, pick your plan and stick with it for life.

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