Fasting, Weight Loss and Intermittent Fasting

Fasting for Weight Loss

Gellinger / Pixabay

Fasting, Weight Loss and Intermittent Fasting are popular and sometimes controversial. Many believe that intermittent fasting is a better way to use fasting for weight loss. Read on for some information about this method of fasting as well as general fasting info.

Fasting Benefits

Fasting, Weight Loss and Intermittent FastingFasting can help you detoxify your body and give your digestive system a break. It can also help you rid your body of illnesses in the digestive system and in several vital organs. It can help you begin to use fat as energy and can help you lose weight. Toxins stored in that fat will also go.

Many people find the process of fasting difficult at first because we are accustomed to using food as fuel and more often because we use food as comfort. And many experience flu like symptoms as their body releases toxins. You might also experience withdrawal symptoms at first but fasting has been known to help people overcome addiction as well. Your body could benefit as soon as 12 hours after you start fasting and many also report clearer eyes, cleaner-looking complexions, and increased energy.

Fasting Could Have Dangers

Fasting however, can turn to starving if you’re not careful. Some people do juice fasting and some people do water fasting. Hydration is vitally important. Fasting could also cause your metabolism to slow down so that when you do resume regular eating it seems like you are hoarding calories. Many people find that intermittent fasting for weight loss is better.

Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

Doing an eat, stop, eat type fast could help keep your metabolism running fast as well as help you benefit from fasting without as much deprivation as many other dieting methods result in. Various methods of intermittent fasting exist, depending on your goals. Some do this type of fasting for weight loss and others do it for muscle gain.

Some people fast for 1-2 days a week and stick to water only and others do juice fasting or fruit and vegetable on the fasting days. Others do their fasting days a bit more infrequently. The food you eat on the eating days is important so it’s wise to eat well on those days. Always ensure you get adequate hydration and be careful about overdoing exercise when you don’t have enough calories and you can feel unwell and you could even pass out.

Before embarking on fasting, weight loss and intermittent fasting, learn more about it. Then you can make the decision about trying it at a time that’s convenient. Some people integrate a colon cleanse with products such as Colonax or Omega Soul into a fasting period, which results in a lot of elimination. This may or may not be right for you but one thing is for certain.. fasting has been used as far back as time for many health and spiritual reasons and doing it carefully could have great benefits.

Fasting, Weight Loss and Intermittent Fasting are worth trying when done properly.

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