Bloating Discomfort and PMS go Han in Hand

Where does this weight gain come from?

There are many misconceptions about where this weight before menstruation originates. Many believe that it comes from overeating. After all, appetite increases during PMS.
The truth behind that is that while there’s more eating going on, there is also an increase in metabolism that is only sufficient to offset the additional body activity. Definitely not enough to be noticeable.

The fact is women do crave more sweets during PMS. It isn’t clear why that is, but it is obvious that it happes and cravings for sweets increase as premenstrual syndrome symptoms worsen.

On most cases however they are not ingesting enough to trigger an increase in weight. Yet bloating discomfort is very real at this time.

The weight gain occurs mostly from retaining water. For women struggling to control their weight, this can be very frustrating. It appears that regardless of how much they work out, or how strict their diets are, they still feel bloated.

All of it is temporary however and water that is retained typically comes off during menstruation.

There are a few things that you can do to help limit the amount of retained water.

1) Reduce your sodium intake.

2) Drink more water.

When you consume more salt (sodium), it lodges itself in the intestines and your kidneys must work overtime to flush out it. When your body is not getting the water it needs to function correctly, it starts to go into conservation mode. It uses less and begins to store more. Hence bloating discomfort begins.

Once you reduce the amount of salt and sodium you eat or drink, your body needs less water to function efficiently. Since you know that your body is going to be retaining fluids anyway because you’re coming to your menstrual period, cut your salt intake. Also, increase the amount of water that you drink. In this way, your body will retain less and you will not have to worry every month how much weight gain will take place.

Finally, Bloating Discomfort can be dealt with if its reasons are understood.

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 How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

First of all wrinkles tend to sneak up on you. One day you look in the mirror and suddenly, they’re there, glaring at you. Therefore you must learn how to get rid of wrinkles.

Beyond going for cosmetic surgery, there are some ways that can help to get rid of wrinkles, or, at the very least, make them look less noticeable. It’s also not too late to slow down the aging process.

How to Get Rid Of Wrinkles

  • How to Get Rid of WrinklesLemon Juice. Lemon is an astringent, it tightens your skin, and contains a lot of vitamin C, which can be a great wrinkle reducer. Therefore, cleanse your skin with lemon juice (be careful around the eyes!) and add lemons to homemade facial masks.
  • Vitamin C. Get plenty of vitamin C and use skin products that contain it.
  • Milk and Honey. Mix milk and honey and cleanse with it.This is a great way to condition your skin and help it stay moist and elastic.
  • Drink lots of water. Keep that youthful glow and increase your chances of skin being elastic.
  • Shitake mushrooms and Chaga mushrooms are both considered remedies for wrinkles.
  • Egg white masks, made by letting egg white dry on your face (or buying egg white mask products) are a long-used home remedy for wrinkles.
  • Get your beauty sleep. Sleep does help your skin heal and promotes cell regeneration.
  • Get plenty of antioxidants. Blueberries, acai berries, green tea, and other known antioxidants can help reverse oxidative damage.

Because your skin is exposed to the elements, it is important to pay special attention to it.

Slow Down The Aging Process Before More Wrinkles Arrive

  • Lemon JuiceSunscreen – Stay away from tanning salons and stay out of the sun unless you’re using protection. Many cosmetics contain SPF protection but if you’re sitting in the sun you should use a sunscreen.
  • Hydration – Make sure you’re getting enough hydration.
  • Vitamins – Take a multivitamin that’s targeted for your age group. And, you can now find special vitamins that are specifically designed for healthier skin promotion.
  • Moisturize – Keep your skin moist and elastic by investing in good creams
  • Follow a strict cleansing and moisturizing routine.
  • Stop smoking and reduce your exposure to chemicals and pollution as much as possible. Smokers tend to have more wrinkles.

People, especially women, have long been on a quest to learn how to get rid of wrinkles and prevent them from settling in the first place. Other  options are: cosmetic peels, face lifts, or Botox injections, too.

In conclusion, whatever method you use to help you get rid of wrinkles, whether naturally or cosmetically, keep in mind that the healthier your lifestyle, the better the chances you’ll have of looking and feeling youthful.

Finally remember that working on your skin condition will keep you looking younger.


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Detox Recipes

Looking for detox recipes to help you detoxify and cleanse your body? A detox period isn’t necessarily easy to endure but it is said, by many, to offer great potential for improved health and wellness as well as weight loss.

Here are some signs you might want to do a detox:

  • You know you don’t eat enough fruits and vegetables.
  • You’ve been constipated lately.
  • You’re feeling run down and sluggish and / or you frequently catch cold and flu.
  • Your hair and skin are looking dull and lifeless.
  • You’ve recently recovered from an illness.
  • You’re just back from a holiday with plenty of indulgence in food and drink.
  • You’re interested in losing weight and want to overcome cravings.

Some detox programs suggest that you refrain from eating specific foods during a detox period. Others encourage specific foods and drinks to aid the body in cleansing.

Here are a few suggestions for detoxification help:

Master Cleanse

Detox RecipesThe Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet or the Beyonce Knowles diet involves fasting, laxatives, and a recipe for a master cleanse detox drink recipe. This detox diet is said to have the benefit of not only detoxification but weight loss as well.

Here’s the detox drink recipe:

  • Half an organic lemon
  • 1/8 cup of organic maple syrup
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Glass of purified water (hot or cold. Your choice)

Sacred Heart Soup Detox Recipes

The Sacred heart detox diet involves a specific menu over a 7 day period. A summary is:

First day: soup and fruit. Second day: vegetables and soup, plus one baked potato. Third day: fruit, veggies, and sacred heart detox soup. Fourth day: milk, bananas, detox soup. Day 5: Meat, tomatoes, and soup. Sixth day: Meat, vegetables, and soup. Seventh Day: Veggies, soup, and brown rice.

*Specific fruits and vegetables are allowed on these days.

Detox Recipes for the soup vary but here’s the standard one:

Two cans of diced tomatoes, some scallions, beef or chicken broth (noodle broth is okay) a bunch of carrots, some celery, and some coloured peppers. Some detox recipes call for cabbage and call this the Cabbage Soup Diet. Gently boil (or use a crock pot) until vegetables are tender.

Other Great Detox Recipes Include..

  • Fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies. If you’re doing a fruit and veggie only detox, there are great recipes that can help you feel full while detoxing.
  • Here’s an example of a detox recipe for a veggie juice: 1 Cucumber, 4 stalks celery, handful of spinach, a few lettuce leaves, some alfalfa and some parsley. Add 3 carrots if you wish.
  • Consider a raw only detox diet. The enzymes in raw foods can do wonders for your body. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, certain legumes…
  • There are also detox recipes that help you detoxify specific systems. Drinking dandelion tea, for instance, could help you do a liver cleanse.

There are a variety of detox recipes available to help you reach your goals. If doing a detoxification, it’s important to realize that some types of detoxification result in flu-like symptoms as your body rids itself of toxins. If doing a detox, research the methods you’re considering, be sure to stay well-hydrated, and make sure you rest.

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Wellness Tips are helpful when looking for a way to improve a person’s self esteem and quality of life.

Wellnes Tips

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Places To Find Great Wellness Tips

Increasing your health and wellness will help you look and feel better. Wellness tips can be invaluable to you. Where do you get wellness tips that can contribute to getting to your optimal level of health and wellness? Tips are available all around (including right here on our website!), check out our wellness category.

Do be careful as not all information about health and wellness is equal. Some people receive contradictory info and there are some theories that aren’t all that proven.

Wellness Tips - Where to Find ThemAnd, there are “snake oil salesmen” out there who promise cure-alls that aren’t always proven and aren’t always adequately researched. Do due diligence when finding information about wellness on your own. Make sure you’re getting it from a reputable source. And always be cautious about taking any supplements. Many herbal remedies work well but they could interact with medication you’re taking, for instance.

What Is Wellness Related To?

Wellness tips can relate to many areas, such as: food, drink, exercise, sleep, your environment, and your mindset. The right tips could dramatically improve your health and wellness. Whether you need help in a single area or in several, information is power. Here are a few of the sources you might opt to go to for wellness information.

Holistic Health Practitioner

There are an increasing number of holistic health practitioners providing wellness tips to people. Your holistic practitioner could suggest complementary medicine for remedies and could help you proactively manage your health with general wellness tips related to food, treatment, and mental health as well as provide consultations on specific issues.

The Internet

The internet is a great source of wellness tips and products. There are websites devoted to sharing wellness tips and to providing products and product reviews. You can subscribe to blogs, become a member of a wellness community that shares information, and find products and supplements as well as literature that you can purchase. You’ll find a number of wellness newsletters that will send you information regarding topics that make a difference to you.

Wellness Books

Many well-known and emerging wellness authors and experts happily share information about dieting, mindset, supplements, fighting disease, exercise and overall wellness. There are some great authors who can help you learn about your own body, about preventative medicine, and about feeling better overall. Many will participate on the internet as well as provide books.

The right info could help you lose weight, get fit, improve your mindset, deal with a chronic condition, and improve your longevity. The right info can help you provide health and wellness tips to family and friends as well. Again, information should be carefully gathered and researched but once you start benefiting from the many wellness tips that are out there, you’ll undoubtedly improve your own health and increase your longevity.

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Tips For Glowing Skin

Tips for Glowing Skin

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If you are looking for some tips for glowing skin, here are some simple and easy methods you can implement into your daily routine:

Exfoliate – Exfoliation removes dead skin that can sit and make your face look dull. Exfoliation is probably one of the top tips for glowing skin.

Sun protection – You might think a tanned face looks great but tan too often and your skin will develop a leathery and worn look to it. Wear cosmetics with built-in SPF protection. When sitting in the sun for long periods of time, shade your face with a wide brimmed hat, use sunscreen.

Water – Drink your eight (or so) glasses of pure water each and every day. Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy and glowing skin. And you’ll find drinking water on (or near to) the top of every list of tips for glowing skin.

Cut down on caffeineGreen tea and white tea are lower caffeine alternatives to coffee and both can have anti aging properties so consider trimming your coffee intake and upping your green tea intake.

Make-up and moisturizer – Buy skincare products that promise to give you glowing skin. Moisturizers, foundations, and face powders, such as some mineral make-up, offer a healthy glow to them.

Tips for Glowing Skin

gerryimages / Pixabay

Homemade facial masks – There are a number of homemade facial mask recipes that can help you achieve glowing skin.

Wash at bedtime – Make sure you get all your makeup off at nighttime so that you can prevent clogged pores and build-up of products on your skin.

Wash in the mornings – While you sleep, your skin produces excretions in the regeneration process. Make sure to wash and moisturize in the mornings, too.

Reduce stress – Stress shows in your skin. Take up some stress relief methods so that this doesn’t happen.

Get enough sleep – Sleep deprivation can leave you really run down looking. Make sure you’re getting about 8 hours each night to make sure you can get well rested and give your body time to rejuvenate.. part of that rejuvenation includes skin rejuvenation. You can’t sleep 5-6 hours all week and catch up on weekends, either. Your skin doesn’t work that way (neither do your other body parts!).

Try some new products – If you want tips for glowing skin, some of the products you’re using, out of habit, might not do your face any favours. Consider shopping around for some new products trying out a few skincare products that are getting good reviews.


In conclusion, follow these tips for glowing skin to look your best.

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Managing Stress – A Few Ideas to Consider

Managing Stress

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Are you wanting to learn methods of how to manage stress better? Stress can take a toll on you and make life very hard.

Especially relevant, managing stress requires that you be aware that you are suffering from it. Therefore it is crucial that you become aware.

If you want to know how to cope, here are 7 useful tips to help you combat stress:

  1. Make a to-do list every day. Use check marks to mark things off. Part of feeling overwhelmed with stress often comes from feeling like you’ve got too much to do in a day. Having a list
    Managing Srewss

    blockchain / Pixabay

    helps you quantify what’s done and what needs to be done can help in a big way.

  2.  Do the most difficult tasks first. Stress often comes from a feeling of dread. If you’re dreading something that you have no choice but to face, it might feel too ominous to tackle. But if you don’t tackle it, you’ll spend the day dreading it. Hence, by getting rid of the most difficult tasks first, you free up your mindset to focus on other things and you will be managing stress levels in the process.
  3. Meditation and relaxation exercises. Many methods exist to help you learn how to manage stress better. Breathing exercises, yoga, taking a walk, getting a massage.. some of these areas probably will make a big difference in how you’re feeling. Many people find that meditation helps them achieve clarity and energy that helps them overcome stress.
  4.  Ask for help. Many people also don’t realize that they’re inadvertently acting like martyrs. Therefore, if you don’t ask your spouse, your children, or your boss or co-workers for help, they might not be aware how big of a toll stress is taking on you. Tip: Try asking for help in a non-confrontational way. You might do so after taking some of the steps in #3 above.
  5.  De-clutter your environment. Stress and mess seem to go hand in hand, don’t they? Therefore, if you’re stressed, you might not have time to deal with the mess. The mess might increase your stress. Stop and take just 30 minutes to clear your area, it will give you a clear head and the ability to better cope.
  6.  Take a stress break. Take a “time out” and do something that gives you a release. Some people get a stress release from exercising. Others get it from playing a video game. Some immerse themselves in a book. Others take a hot bubble bath. Consequently try to find something that helps you.
  7. Try not to sweat the small stuff , do not take on other peoples’ stress. While some things are out of your control and you can’t manage them.  Realizing that you can only learn how to manage stress for things within your control will help you better cope with the reality that some things that are just out of your control.

Finally, managing stress requires change in your behavior. Therefore look for the way, you will find it!

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Anti Aging Tips for a Better Life

Whether you’re in your teens or twenties or are in your 30’s, 40’s or a higher number (that need not be mentioned), it’s wise to be well-educated about anti aging tips. You want to look as young as possible for as long as possible and even more important than that, you want to feel as young as possible.. for as long as possible.

When people age well, they’re often not afraid to reveal their true age. In fact, they typically get to a point where they’re proud to reveal their real age. Here are five areas you’ll want to constantly consider in your search for knowledge with anti aging tips.

Anti Aging Tips – Food

Anti Aging TipsThere are foods that contain great anti aging properties. Some foods, especially those with high antioxidant levels, are great for keeping you young and some can even reverse some damage to your body. Clean eating and maintaining your ideal weight and body mass index are all important. Here are five foods known for great anti aging properties:

• Berries
• Avocados
• Nuts
• Green tea
• Red wine

Do your best to choose foods that are known for anti aging properties and you’ll probably look and feel healthier.

Anti Aging Tips – Skincare

Anti Aging Tips - Skin CareCaring for your skin will help you slow the effects of aging. Some women go on a constant hunt for skincare products that promise the fountain of youth. Yes, there are some great products out there but the fact is that your skin is often a reflection of your inner health. Take good care of your body and your skin will often reflect this.

A good cleaning, exfoliation, and moisturizing routine will help you substantially. Reading tips about anti aging skincare will help.. particularly if you’re prone to certain problem skin areas like acne, stretch marks, eczema, and so on.

Anti Aging Tips – Vices and Lifestyle

Getting enough sleep, stopping smoking, making sure you’re drinking enough water, cutting back on drinking alcohol, and exercising regularly are all areas you’ll want to consider for helping you to age gracefully. If you’re not living a lifestyle that’s conducive to longevity now, start making changes today. Baby steps in areas of vices and lifestyle can add up quickly in helping you feel younger and you can find a lot of tips to help you with a specific area of concern.

Anti Aging Tips – Medical Care

Proactive medical care can keep you younger looking and younger feeling. Make sure that you are proactive with all areas of your health, particularly if you have a genetic predisposition to a disease or degenerative disorder. You can find many tips for reducing chances of illness and for advances in medicine that could help you stay healthier for longer. Sign up for newsletters and magazines related to living a healthy life so you can keep abreast of medical news that could affect you.

Anti Aging Tips – Attitude

There’s a saying about being as old as you feel. People in life who have a great attitude tend to be happiest. Happiness plays a big part in health and wellness. Having a strong support system around you, finding ways to minimise stress, and enjoying life all contribute to feeling healthy and youthful.

Continually seeking out health and anti aging tips will help you in every facet of your life. You may also like to read up on one of our recommended anti aging supplements: Protandim.

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How To Remove Stretch Marks – Helpful Remedies

There are a lot of potential causes of stretch marks and the top two are weight gain and pregnancy. There are quite a few options that can help you get rid of or, at the very least, dramatically diminish the look of stretch marks. Read on for some of the top recommendationshow to remove stretch marks. You’ll find home remedies, commercial cream info, and a bit of info about cosmetic options..

Home Remedies

There are several remedies that people say bring about success in removing stretch marks. Some of those remedies include:

  • Exfoliation. Exfoliate with a good body scrub (or make your own with sugar and fruit, baking soda and water, or with Epsom salts and water). This will help you to slough away dead cells and reveal healthier, smoother skin.
  • Add vitamin C powder to a good quality skin lotion.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Vitamin E oil and / or cream.

Tip: If you’re pregnant, consider doing some of the above home remedies proactively. Many women swear by these methods as prevention of stretch marks.

Commercial Creams

There are a number of products like shea butter, cocoa butter, and vitamin E that are known for helping with stretch mark removal but you’ll also find specific commercial stretch mark creams on the market that are sold for the direct purposes of stretch marks. Many recommend daily use over a specified amount of time to help you get rid of and / or diminish the look of stretch marks. You’ll find a number of stretch mark creams available to choose from. Consider using well-reviewed options and /or options that list a guarantee.

Other Ways About How to Remove Stretch Marks

Some surgical and cosmetic methods exist as well.

Those include:

Laser Therapy – This repairs the skin. It can be quite expensive but is said, by many who have looked at multiple ways for how to remove stretch marks, to be effective.

Micro dermabrasion – This removes several of the top layers of skin in an area with a lot of stretch marks, revealing smoother skin underneath.

Tip: Find out How to Remove Stretch Marks Early!

The best approach for removing stretch marks is to work on them early. If they’re still red, they’ll be easier to remove than if they’re older and silvery in color. If you’ve got a combo of old and newer stretch marks, a multi-faceted approach of home remedies may help but you might be best off to examine one of the stretch mark creams, oils, or lotions on the market.

Check Weight Loss and other Wellness options.

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Choosing Healthy Snacks For Kids

Whether you’re looking into dieting, want to control your child’s calories, or are just looking to get some fresh after-school, movie night, or healthy snack ideas for the lunchbox.. here’s some information that can help you with choosing healthy snacks for kids as well as increasing the chance that your child will actually eat the snack.

snacks for kidsFirst of all, choosing healthy snacks for kids will provide your children with nutrition and promote healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

The right snacking habits will help you with weight control, nutrition. Your child’s snack repertoire will change beyond cookies and candies.

Read on for some tips and some ideas for healthy snacks for kids.

Adopt Healthy Snacking Habits For The Whole Family

Kids and parents alike should choose healthy snacks. Many parents make the mistake of trying to stop the toddler from eating certain snacks in the house.

Why bring those snacks in at all?  An occasional treat night is fine. Make the normal snacks consist of healthy choices and the whole family will be better off.

Therefore try to choose snacks with nutritive value.

Watch Sugar Content

Even fruits and juices contain sugar and while fine in small doses, should be carefully monitored for both health and nutrition as well as oral care. Many healthy snacks for kids are ok nutritionally (such as fruit leather, juice and raisins) but aren’t good for the teeth. Be extra careful with low fat or fat free snack foods as many do have high levels of sugar, which can turn to fat anyway.

Avoid Snacks With Artificial Sweeteners

It’s wise to keep things natural for kids. Many people believe that there can be negative health effects from aspartame, sucralose, and similar sweeteners so most nutrition experts suggest steering clear if possible.

Healthy Snacks for KidsGet Creative

Offer a variety of snacks to keep your kids interested and to expand their palate. When foods are offered in snack form, they often become favourites. For instance, your child may think he or she doesn’t love rainbow peppers on their dinner plate but dipping raw strips of colourful pepper strips into a healthy dip might get them trying the healthy food.

Get Your Child Involved

Helping with snack time can get them involved in eating healthier choices. Decorating muffins with healthy toppings instead of cupcakes, helping to arrange raw vegetables into a fun pattern on a platter, choosing to help prep and clean-up, and other involvement will encourage your child to want to eat the healthy snacks. For kids, choice is often important.

Here are some suggestions for healthy snacks for kids:

  • A fruit platter with yogurt dipping sauce.
  • snacks for kidsTrail mix. Mix favourite things for your child, including: raisins, nuts, dried fruit, seeds, and granola. Be careful about allergies of course, and be sure to spend extra time on teeth brushing after trail mix.
  • Smoothies. A smoothie can be a filling and dessert-like snack. Combine yogurt, a banana, some milk, and other fruit combinations for a delicious and nutritious shake.
  • Veggies and dip.
  • Cheese and whole grain crackers.
  • Ants on a log (celery with peanut butter, topped with raisins)
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Benefits of Fasting – Does it outweigh the feelings of deprivation?

Benefits of Fasting

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Have you wondered if the benefits of fasting outweigh the feelings of deprivation? Read on for helpful information about the benefits of fasting and various fasting tips.

Benefits of Fasting

Fasting isn’t new. In effect countless generations in various cultures use it as a way to heal, as a spiritual connection, and  prayer.

Fasting must be done only after careful consideration and research. Read on for some helpful info.

About Fasting

Fasting involves a period of not eating. There are several types of fasts. You might do a juice fast, which allows you to consume fruit and vegetable juices. You might refrain from food altogether and simply drink water during your fasting period.

There are also short fasting periods with no food and no water. Of course, dehydration fears prevent most people from embarking on a no food / no water fast for good reason. Hydration is very important and fasting without water is dangerous, depending on multiple factors.

Benefits of Fasting

The benefits of fasting are numerous, and include..

  • Giving your digestive system a break – This improves digestion substantially.
  • Detoxification – Your body holds toxins in fat cells. Fasting can help you use these stores as energy.
  • Enhanced healing / boosted immune system.
  • Jump starting your metabolism – A fast is a good way to avoid a plateau.
  • Possible increased lifespan – In many cultures where occasional fasting is done, the overall lifespan is, on average, longer than in areas where fasting is not typically practiced.

Our bodies work hard and the occasional fast will give your system a break allowing it to detoxify. When your body’s systems get a break from digesting, that energy will aid healing instead.

Fasting is done for a number of reasons, including spiritual as well as weight loss and healing. Occasional fasting has substantial health benefits.

If you’re considering fasting, it’s important that you weigh the benefits of fasting carefully against any health issues you have. People with medical conditions or a serious disease, must consult a physician before fasting.

How much fasting is safe and how often it can be done is a subject of debate.  Do research before fasting

There is a fine line between fasting and starvation so it’s important to be careful.

Many people find fasting extremely difficult but even an occasional one day fast could do good things for your health.

Whether you’re looking at doing fasting to lose weight, body cleansing, or for spiritual reasons, make sure you do further investigation before starting a fast. It will provide you with great benefits.


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