Detox Tea Recipes

Ginger Healing Detox Tea with Turmeric

Tumeric is a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice. Additionally it is hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer’s. Making the news lately because of its amazing healing properties. This is a tasty recipe for a warming, detoxifying ginger-turmeric tea: after the holiday season, we figured we could use some detoxing and healing!

Then we tasted it, and were totally hooked: it’s delicious! Above all, ginger and turmeric combine with citrus and maple syrup to make the perfect blend of healing nutrients. In addition, we streamlined the recipe to make it an ultra-easy detox tea recipes:

2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Juice of 1/2 lemon

1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm.
Makes 1 serving.

Spa Cuisine: Peachy Iced Green Tea – Recipe

Drinking green tea may help you lose weight. According to clinical studies conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo, of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Hence, green tea is a great immune-enhancing health-booster and anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols that inhibit tumor formation.

So here is another of our easy-to-make detox tea recipes with green tea, above all, this one tastes so good you’ll never guess how good it is for you! A great, healthy thirst-quencher for hot summer days.
Simple Solution:


6 green tea teabags
6 cups cold water
2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced
1. Place teabags in a large teapot or pitcher.
2. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, add cold water, and bring to a brisk boil, then pour water and peaches over teabags.
3. Steep for 6 minutes, then add sweetener (maple syrup, honey or Succanat are recommended). Allow tea to cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
4. After that, include a few peach slices in each glass and serve with a spoon, garnished with a sprig of mint, if you like.

Finally, an even easier alternative: Make a pitcher of green tea and add the contents of a can of organic sliced peaches. Chill thoroughly.
Makes 6 servings.

Finally, Detox Tea Recipes are a great way to remain healthy. Try them!

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Avoiding Liquid Calories for Weight Loss.

Drinking more liquids is usually recommended by dieticians and doctors for those on weight loss plans. Usually, liquids contain less carbohydrates than solid food. This is great advice for water (it has zero calories). On the other hand, many liquids have tons of calories that go unnoticed.

Avoiding liquid calories is difficult. Many drinks have undetected calories. Hence they have a huge impact on your weight loss. Exactly like calories from food, liquid calories will make you gain weight. Liquids don’t make you feel full for long. Therefore, we end up taking in more calories, since they come from two sources. Reducing calories in the form of solid food is easier. We simply reduce food intake. With liquid calories however, we drink to quench thirst, or to help food go down, many times not noticing how much we drink.

How to avoid liquid calories in your diet

Drink water instead of sports drinks and soft drinks.

Water has lots of health benefits and has zero calories, and therefore is one of the healthiest drinks you can take. Sodas have lots of sugar in them, which increases blood sugar levels. Therefore causing an insulin reaction in the body. With time, this will lead to weight gain and diabetes. Sugar-free drinks contain sugar substitutes such as aspartame, equally as dangerous. It increases the risk of metabolic syndrome, resulting in belly fat and high cholesterol.

Unless you are doing hardcore cardio exercises, you don’t really need the calories from sports drinks. Energy drinks have several disadvantages to your body, such as putting unnecessary stress on your heart and having lots of carbohydrates. For instance, a small can of Red Bull has only 115 calories, but a whopping 28.3g of carbohydrates, which are converted into fat.

Watch out for fruit juices

In as much as you will get the same nutrients when eating a fruit or drinking its juice, eating the fruit is better as it is more filling, and for longer, due to its fiber. Additionally, juices may have been sweetened with sugar.

Drink low-fat milk

Avoiding liquid calories by opting for low-fat milk in place of full fat milk works well. A cup of whole milk has 148 calories while a cup of low-fat milk has only 90 calories.

Avoid flavored and coffees

Most of the specialty coffees, such as Cappuccinos, Season Blends and Mochas have over 400 calories per serving. Drink regular coffee instead.

Avoid alcoholic beverages and cocktails

Alcoholic drinks and liquors have calories, especially cocktails with sugary mixes or cream. When you take alcohol, the body immediately starts metabolizing it. Hence it stops breaking down fat. This will stop your weight loss. Limit your alcohol intake or completely avoid it to lose weight.

Finally, routinely avoiding liquid calories will result in substantial weight loss.

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Ketogenic Diet – Using this Low Carbohydrate Diet to Your Advantage.

As with most low carb diets, the Keto uses specific foods to trigger your own body to burn fats. This method uses ketosis, a metabolic process where, in the absence of carbohydrates, it begins to burn fat for fuel. Used carefully, it is very effective to lose weight. Used in excess however, it will be dangerous. Dehydration is one of the sequels. Additionally, are the development of ketones.

Hence, follow this diet properly and you will see results fast.

However, you must remember that a strict low carb diet exaggerated over long time will create medical conditions. It will even be dangerous to your health.

Therefore, as with any decisions concerning your health, consult a physician when in doubt.

Low carbohydrate diets are great when used within a low carb diet plan. Additionally, they should be done together with a good exercise program. Maintaining a good level of fitness will result in a successful conditioning of the body.

Finally, eat often while on this diet, it will increase your weight loss results.

Ketogenic Diet Recipe – Garlic and Chive Cauliflower Mash Ketogenic Diet Recipe

This flavorful cauliflower mash pairs well with a wide range of beef, pork, chicken, and plant-based entrees. Plus, it comes together in under 30 minutes, so it is perfect for those busy weeknights when you want to get a healthy dinner on the table without too much fuss.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Serves: 4
Tip: Steaming the garlic along with the cauliflower will remove the raw edge and make it more tender.


1 medium cauliflower head, florets only
2-3 whole garlic cloves, peeled
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
2 T. unsweetened almond milk
1 t. garlic powder
1 t. onion powder
Sea salt and black pepper, to taste
3 T. fresh chives, chopped


1. Place the cauliflower florets and the garlic cloves into a steamer basket set over a pot of gently boiling water. Cover and steam until the cauliflower is fork-tender, around 15 minutes.

2. Transfer the cauliflower and garlic to a food processor or blender and add the olive oil, almond milk, garlic powder, and onion powder. Season with salt and black pepper, to taste, and process until smooth and creamy. Taste and adjust the seasonings, as desired.

3. Transfer to a serving bowl and top with fresh chives before serving. Enjoy!

This Ketogenic Diet recipe is one of many you will find in our Healthy Diets category.

Low-Carb Diet Report



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Stress Affects Your Digestion – Why Does it Happen

How Does Stress Affect the Digestive System?

Let’s look at a few facts.

1) Most adults these days lead lives filled with at least a little, and usually a lot of, stress and anxiety.

2) 70% to 75% of all human disease and infection begins in your gut, due to some problem with your gastrointestinal and digestive systems.

Put those two facts together, and you could make an argument for a causal relationship between stress and anxiety, and a poor digestive system.

There are mounds of evidential data to support both of these facts. Therefore whether stress causes digestive problems or not, a first-year law student could present a strong argument linking stress to poor digestion. As it turns out, many doctors and other health professionals are familiar with the role stress plays in relationship to how you digest food.

There is no “maybe” about the link.

Anxiety, stress and depression almost always  cause digestive problems of some sort. The data behind that statement is irrefutable. So is the physical link. As the website puts it, “You don’t need a PhD in physiology to know that stress can be hard on the stomach.” Let’s take a look at exactly how high levels of stress can negatively affect the digestive process.

Have you ever had to speak in public?

Surveys show that people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying! As you were headed to the podium, about to give your speech or address, you probably experienced some level of stress. What physical area of your body did that stress reveal itself? You got that “butterflies in your stomach” feeling, and could have actually experienced feelings of nausea and dizziness.

This is because when your brain becomes severely stressed, an automatic Tidal Wave of hormones is released. Among them is CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone). It is linked to the age-old “fight or flight” stress response, and one of its jobs is to turn off appetite. This explains why you might not be able to eat much when you experience high levels of stress.

Just one more of the many ways stress affects your digestion

However, CRH also releases steroids which can make you hungry. This is the reason some people combat stress with a quart of ice cream or a bag of potato chips. Receiving vastly different signals, your digestion system can understandably respond by not knowing what to do.

There is also the hormone serotonin to consider.

How is this linked to stress? Serotonin is largely responsible for how you feel. So when your brain decides it is going to stress out, you experience a serotonin reaction. As we just pointed out, almost all of your serotonin is in your gut. So stress cranks up your serotonin, which creates a reaction in your digestive system.

Those are just a couple of ways that stress causes a digestive system reaction. The research, clinical studies and medical data linking high levels of stress to digestive problems show time and again that this is a very real relationship.

Short-term, irregular and infrequent stress periods may just cause a tummy ache or nausea. However, prolonged stress can lead to aggravated chronic diseases such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome and other unhealthy conditions.








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Holistic Diet  for a Better Lifestyle.

We all know that we need to eat healthy foods in order to stay healthy and maintain a balanced weight.

But what exactly is “healthy”? Well, it’s not just about cutting out the bad stuff like junk food and sweets. It’s also about adding more good things into your diet such as fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals!

This blog post will outline some of the best holistic foods for healing. So if you’re looking for some suggestions on how to start incorporating these into your diet then keep reading!

Holistic health and living a more natural life starts with what you put into your body.

Your gut is your second brain, and for good reason. It controls a lot of our bodily functions and emotions, so we need to be very careful about what we eat or don’t eat; this includes everything from the quality of food products that go on grocery store shelves all the way down to how adequately prepared they are at home before being eaten.

For healing both mind and body there’s nothing better than following these helpful dieting tips!

Switch to Healthy Fats

For a holistic and more natural diet that is good for your body, you need fats, but only the good ones. Many people think fat is a dirty word and should always be avoided, but this isn’t the case. You need fats in your body to provide energy and important nutrients, plus they help make you feel full.

However, you want to pay attention to the types of fats you consume. Get rid of the bad fats, including vegetable oil, soybean oil, trans fats, and fried foods. Switch to healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, and seeds.

Add More Plant Foods Into Your Diet

Do you want to eat a healthier and more organic diet? Start with fresh fruits and vegetables. Look for plant foods you enjoy to eat, otherwise you are not going to stick with it.

You want lots of greens in your diet, including broccoli, spinach, kale, lettuce, and collard or mustard greens. Get these organic when you can, or at least rinse them very well before preparing your meals. Try to stick more veggies in the foods you prepare, and don’t forget your fresh fruits for added vitamins.

You don’t need to follow a vegan diet just to be healthy, but try one meat-free day a week and see how you feel.

Increase Your Protein

As you begin eating a healthier diet, you should also make sure you are getting adequate amounts of protein. Protein benefits you in so many ways, including giving you energy and helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. It is also essential when you are working on building your strength through weight training.

Choose natural sources of protein, including lean meat, poultry and fish, nuts like almonds, chia seeds, hemp, protein powder, lentils, peas, and beans.

Consider Giving Up Dairy and Complex Carbs

These are not for weight loss, but rather to help heal your body from the inside out. It is likely that your gut issues are from grains, complex carbohydrates, and added sugar in your dairy products. Try to reduce how often you have milk, cheese, ice cream, rice, pasta, and white bread. At the very least, stick to whole grains instead of the white, starchy grains and breads.

In conclusion, following a Holistic Diet means eating foods that help our body heal. Your health and emotions are controlled by your gut. Changing your diet will show remarkable results in your mind and body, so it’s worth the effort! If you’re not sure where to start with adopting this way of life, just follow the guidelines above.

And remember: The most important part is changing what goes into your mouth – not just quitting bad habits but replacing them with good ones too!.

It may seem like an overwhelming task at first, but once you get started following these principles, it becomes second nature pretty quickly…and trust us when we say that the payoff is well worth it.


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Eat Eggs  – They will Keep You Healthy


Why should we eat eggs, what makes them such an important part of our daily food intake and how do they benefit our health?


Chicken eggs are the most commonly consumed type of eggs. Eggs have been a diet staple for a very long time; they are affordable, easy to cook and readily within reach most of the time all while being filled with nutrients.


How does eating eggs benefit us?


Eggs are known to provide us with a lot of nutrients; but let’s check out the most notable ones and how they help your body.


●       Eggs are High in Good Cholesterol

Sometimes seeing the word “cholesterol” can be scary- but unbeknownst to most people, there is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol has many benefits to the body, and it is good to know that eggs are a food that contain high amounts of good cholesterol.


●       Eggs contain Choline, a relatively unknown but very important nutrient

The nutrient Choline might not be familiar to many people but it is very beneficial to your body. Choline helps build cell membranes and also helps in producing molecules that signal various functions of your brain.


●       Helps keep your muscles strong

Eggs contain protein that helps your muscles work every day. Protein is the main building block of the body. Eggs also slow down muscle loss from age and lack of exercise. Additionally they contain an essential amino acid that helps your body make use of and metabolize the protein you consume.


●       Eat eggs, they help reduce the risk of heart disease

Many low-carb diets include eggs in their meals. Studies have shown that those who eat eggs while in a low carb diet have lower risk for heart disease.


●       Helps your immune system

Eggs contain vitamins A and B-12 and the nutrient selenium that helps in keeping the immune system healthy.


●       You will eat less

Looking for food that can be filling but won’t break the bank? Eating eggs can help you feel fuller. The protein in eggs fills you up and can make you feel full longer. Make sure to also include sides like a slice of bread complete with a few vegetables and seasonings for a more enjoyable eating experience.


●       Energizes you for the day

Ever wondered why eggs are a staple to breakfast meals? It’s because they contain the necessary vitamins and minerals to produce energy in your body to function efficiently and optimally throughout the day.


●       Eggs help improve eyesight

Eggs have the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin that can help prevent age-related blindness. Those antioxidants also protect your eyes from harmful sunlight.


●       Sharpens brain performance

Vitamin D is hard to get from food but luckily, eggs can provide this very targeted nutrient that can help brain development by allowing the neurons inside it communicate.


●       Eat eggs, they are inexpensive

Eggs are readily available everywhere. Besides being filling and healthy, eggs are one’s go-to food whenever a sudden attack of hunger strikes.


How would you like to eat your eggs?


Here are a few ways to cook an egg that could be to your liking. Do you want it to be as healthy as possible or do you want it partnered with something else?


●       Sunny side up – This is a classic way to cook an egg. Just fry it until you reach your preferred consistency. Keep the yolk slightly runny and dip your toast in the yolk for a tastier experience.

●       Scrambled – So far, the easiest one to cook your eggs. Break the egg and move it around until it’s cooked the way you want it to.

●       Omelette – This one’s a bit harder to master but you can definitely play around with it. You can put your favorite toppings or fillings to add more flavor to your dish.

●       Boiled/Poached – If you want a much healthier way of eating eggs, this is the way to go because it doesn’t need to be cooked in oil.


Get to know eggs better!

●       Most large eggs contain 212 mg of cholesterol and while that sounds intimidating because it’s more than what most food have, it’s not as bad as it sounds. Eggs give you good cholesterol while helping your body with the bad cholesterol as well.

●       Pastured eggs are more nutritious than your average egg. Remember to also eat the yolks since it stores most of the nutrition your body needs.

●       Studies have found that 3 whole eggs per day is an acceptable amount for people that don’t have health issues.

Finally, eat eggs because they are good for you!

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Intermittent Fasting to Lose Weight

Practicing a healthier lifestyle is always the better way of living. Nowadays, the more people look for ways to achieve that perfect body, the more diet plans pop up. Therefore you have more options to choose from. People like shortcuts; the easier, the quicker-the better! Which is why fasting for weight loss is growing more popular by the day.

Intermittent Fasting or simply IF, is unique in that it is time restrictive rather than food group restrictive. It’s the act of fasting for long periods of time then eating during specific intervals instead of restricting yourself from different types of food while keeping regular mealtimes.

Humans have been dieting since the ancient times- before convenience stores, on demand food delivery and microwave ovens. Our ancestors had to hunt and gather for every meal, meaning they literally had to be the predator among the vast choices of prey in the wild.

Sometimes they were unsuccessful, which pushed them to involuntarily fasting.

There are different types of intermittent fasting. They differ in the amount of calories consumed and the period of time you between meals.

Read below to choose which one you’re more inclined to start with

16/8 Method

This type of IF is arguably one of the most popular and easiest one. This could also be your steppingstone before going into more intense fasting methods. Using the 16/8 method means fasting for 16 hours a day and having an eating window of 8 hours. An eating window is the time you get to eat after fasting for a while.

The simplest way to practice 16/8 is to eat early dinner and fast until 12 noon the next day.  Two meals per day is doable for this method; lunch and dinner. You can eat some snacks during the eating window, granted you don’t binge eat.

5:2 Method

Fasting using this method means fasting for only two days per week, hence the five to two ratio. This doesn’t mean you don’t eat for two whole days though, but rather you only eat 500-600 calories for the duration of it. Then, you continue to eat normally on the remaining five days. You can restrict yourself to one meal containing 250 calories per day with this diet.


Once you get the hang of the 16/8 method and you think you’re fit for longer hours of fasting, this method could be your next goal. This method includes a whole day of fasting, or 24 hours to be exact. You could practice it by fasting from dinner to dinner or lunch to lunch- it doesn’t have much of a difference.

Alternate-Day fasting

According to its name, it just means fasting every other day. Studies have found that those who practice it tend to lessen their calorie intake rather than restrict themselves with an eating window. An example could be only eating a total amount of 250 calories for each meal.

The Warrior Diet

The name derives from the fact that it allows you to feast at night within a certain time frame. This method allows for fasting the whole day then eating a full meal by night. Organic food is recommended during your meals in the day for a more effective weight loss.

Spontaneous Meal Skipping

This method is one of the simplest ones to practice but also lacks in studies that prove it works. It could also be called a “short fast” where you skip meals whenever you’re not hungry. Starving yourself is different though, remember to eat when you feel the starvation creeping in.

How do you start practicing it?

Find out what you want to achieve – Laying out goals for yourself is a way to help you achieve it. How do you want to see yourself progress as you practice IF? Do you want to lose weigh, and have a healthier lifestyle?  Find out what’s your end goal so you can pick out a method that best works with you.

Choose which method you want to practice – Your end goal should be the deciding factor when selecting a fasting plan. Remember, you know your own body’s capabilities and limitations best so use your knowledge of your personal history as a guide.

Adopt a disciplined mindset – Any time you try something new, you always have to adjust. So, take some time to let yourself get used to it, some mishaps may happen but learn to also stick to the plan you have.
Fasting is far from starvation so always make sure to practice it healthily. To make sure you can achieve the practice well, read through these reminders:

Plan out a whole diet – Although fasting means that you can eat normally during your eating window, doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. Help yourself achieve your goal much faster by limiting your calorie intake for each meal.

Create an IF calendar – Write down the pattern you’re opting for in calendar or planner. Even set an alarm for each time you have to eat or start fasting.

Important Tips:

Don’t binge eat – Eating during your “eating window” doesn’t mean making up for all the fasting you did. Eat as you normally would for every meal or else, all those fasting hours would be for nothing.

Drink beverages in between – Stay hydrated; even more when you’re fasting. You should aim to drink half of your body weight in water every day. So if you weigh 150lbs, you want to drink at least 75oz of water.

Consume organic snacks – Snacks to munch on in between meals doesn’t mean those sugar filled snacks you buy from convenience store. Choose healthier options like healthy fats, fruits and vegetables to snack on during your eating window to help fill your stomach.

Practice is key – Not all things you do are perfect from the very start. Adopt the practice of self-discipline and of course practice hard. Start slowly with intermittent fasting. Eat earlier dinners and then eat brunch the next day- that will automatically be a full 12 hour fast. From there, you can adjust your eating window more and more until you feel like you can practice your desired method.

Finally, remember that Intermittent Fasting is safe when done properly. Try It!


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Ginger and Lemon Tea – Why You Should Drink It Daily.

Drinking a hot cup of tea has many health benefits, aside from just making you feel great! A cup of tea a day soothes and relaxes.  It also energizes you and kick-starts your day.

Are you ready to start your tea-adventure? Then start with ginger and lemon tea which is not only a great choice of drink every day, it is also a great alternative to coffee!

If you are a non-coffee drinker then you are on the right track, and if coffee is something you can’t live without, maybe switching to tea every so often would be a great idea too!

Health Benefits
Lemon ginger tea is an aromatic tea which gives you a ton of health benefits inside and out–meaning it does not only provide benefits to your health but also radiates a healthy glow on your skin, hair and body.

Some of the benefits you get when you start drinking Natural Lemon and Ginger Tea:

A. Soothes Gastrointestinal problems

If you are feeling a bit nauseous lemon ginger tea will bring relief due to gingers curative effect.

B. It is a Great Immunity Booster

Vitamin C and antioxidant rich lemon boosts the immune system. Additionally it prevents colds and coughing.

C. Improves Heart Health

Lemon and ginger help the heart function properly, hence it improves blood circulation.

D. Great for the Skin

This vitamin and antioxidant-packed tea also has vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants which improves skin health. Additionally it has antibacterial benefits which can prevent skin infections and make it glow.

E. Improved Hair Growth

Lemon ginger tea also helps in hair growth as the vitamins and minerals in it makes your hair stronger and shinier.

Lemon and Ginger Tea is easy to make.

Making lemon ginger tea does not require rocket science measurements. All you need is water and some other ingredients you can easily find in your local market. There are some of the variations of making this tea. Read on and opt for the one you prefer the most.

1. Add Honey for Sweetness.

And enjoy a soothing tea with a dash of sweetness, a tinge of sourness and a touch of spiciness!

All you will need are 3 ingredients: honey, lemon, ginger and of course, hot water.

First, cut the lemon in half to squeeze one half of its juice into a cup or mug. Second, peel the ginger and grate it. Add it into the mug with the lemon juice, then add hot water and honey to taste.

2. For an Anti-inflammatory Tea

Use the same recipe as above tea and add a pinch or two or turmeric powder. This blend will enhance the drink’s anti-inflammatory benefits.

3. Have a Nostalgic Cup of Tea

Similar to the first two blends, to make this you have to mix in a stick of cinnamon in your mug or tea pot. This brings a different aroma and taste to the tea just like Christmas where you just want to relax, read a book and sip a warm cup of tea!

If you are focusing on weight loss you can use any of the blends, but you should drink at least two cups a day –one in the morning and the other at night. It is also advisable to take this 30 minutes before a meal.

Drinking lemon ginger tea on an empty stomach in the morning will help digestion and food absorption.

Lemon ginger tea is a wonderful concoction that has so many health benefits. Always remember though, all these benefits can be gained through the help of disciplining yourself and following a healthy diet.

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Using Artificial Sweeteners?  What you Need to Know.

While there is nothing wrong with having artificial sweeteners in small doses, if that is a part of your lifestyle, however there are detrimental side effects if used in excess.

Sweeteners affect everyone differently, if you have any of the following ailments however, it is time to rethink your artificial sweetener consumption rate.

Gut Problems while using artificial sweeteners

One of the most common complaints that have been mentioned by consumers is that they are having upset stomachs and some intestinal distress.

Also it is extremely inconvenient if you are under stress. At work it makes it hard to concentrate.

Researchers have found many links to gut health and artificial sweeteners.

Symptoms of gut distress:

Gas and bloating
Abdominal cramping
Constipation or diarrhea
Nausea and general stomach aches
Uneasy feeling in the gut

It may take some time figuring out that the effects you are experiencing in your gut is actually from the artificial sweeteners.

This requires keeping a food diary so you can track what symptoms you have, and what you consumed before experiencing them.

If  you feel this way after using diet or sugar free foods and drinks,then you have found the culprit.

Sudden Weight Changes

Changes in gut flora cannot be ignored,  they will have a major impact on health and even cognitive functions.

These will influence your mood, and trigger depressive episodes that are difficult to handle for some people.

When intestinal flora can’t properly carry out their functions, the body will begin to store energy as fats. Hence, it leads to sudden weight gain.

On the other hand, some people notice the opposite, where they start losing weight, either from the loss of cravings, or from other health issues as a result of the artificial

Losing or gaining weight unexpectedly and without an obvious reason?  Get help from a doctor.

Feeling bad Without any Explanation

There are a wide range of negative effects reported by people who consume large amounts of artificial sweeteners.

In some cases, you just feel off – gassy or bloated. Additionally you have headaches, low energy, or have heart issues.

Remember: discuss with your physician any of the above changes in your overall health.

Using artificial sweeteners is convenient. Use it with care.

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Every Day Foods That Must be Eaten to Stay Healthy.

Figuring what to eat everyday is a challenge. Some foods are good for you, but aren’t necessarily a great addition to your diet if you’re eating it every single day. Eating well is critical to maintain a balanced diet. Therefore, let’s look at some of the great foods that you must eat every day as part of a healthy lifestyle.


Yogurt is full of nutrients. A great source of vitamin A, B and E anf minerals. Additionally it has a high content of proteins and may promote good heart and bone condition. Add it to your breakfast or use it as a dessert – it tastes good and keeps your gut and stomach healthy.


It is full of iron, calcium and vitamins. Because it is high in fiber, it helps digest other foods. Also known to provide nutrients that aid in the fight against certain cancers. Eat it in salads, mix it with fruits, or steam it. It goes well with almost any kind of meal.

Berries, Every Day Foods that taste great too

Berries are considered superfoods in many contexts, and since there are so many different types, it’s easy to find which ones fit easily into your diet. You can experiment with strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries, using them as snacks throughout the day, breakfast foods in a smoothie or with yogurt, or even after a healthy dessert in the evening.


Unless you’re allergic to nuts, a small handful of them every day can help to boost your overall wellness. Almonds, walnuts and peanuts are some of the most common nuts, and are full of goodness. Nuts are a great option for vegans who may struggle otherwise to get good fats and a well-balanced amount of nutrition. Nuts can help you to lose weight, maintain a health weight, and lower your risk of heart disease.


Despite its high calories, half an avocado a day will keep you full  longer and provide plenty fiber. Always wash avocados before cutting into them or peeling them. This fruit has plenty of Vitamin K, which helps to promote better bone health.

These every day foods will maintain your health for years to come, Eat them!




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