Calories Burned While Swimming

Calories Burned While Swimming

12019 / Pixabay

How many calories burned while swimming? That depends. The amount of calories burned on activities depends on several factors. Treading water at a vigorous speed will double the calories burned when doing it at a moderate speed. And butterfly strokes are among the most rigorous swimming exercises as well. Casual movement in the water is going to have a minimal burn versus laps, of course.

Keep in mind that calculators often denote the caloric burn in a one hour period. To sustain rigorous swimming activities over a one hour period is unlikely. Hence to base your goal on entire calories burned while swimming one hour is unreal.

Why should you track calories burned?

If you’ve got weight loss goals, tracking calories burned swimming and doing other activities can help you reach a specific goal. Tracking calories consumed and calories burned can give you a good idea of whether or not you’re on track for your weight loss and fitness goals. Calculating things helps you be accountable.

Are You getting the right number of calories for weight loss?

Not everyone has the same metabolism. Your age, weight, and gender will have a major impact on how many calories you burn during various exercises. Men have a bigger need for calories than women and men seem to lose weight faster, too. Be sure to find out what your recommended caloric intake is so that you have a better chance of setting realistic and healthy goals.

Suggestions for maximizing the results of swimming for weight loss:

Swimming isn’t necessarily the fastest way to burn calories. Some say that swimming for weight loss is less than ideal if you’re not doing other exercises, too, and not doing careful calculations on calories taken in as well.

Swimming is known for increasing appetite, especially if you swim in cooler water, so it’s wise to carefully monitor what you eat to make sure that you don’t undo all the calories burnt.

In conclusion:

• Taking an aqua fit class, doing laps, and having fun on a regular basis in the water is a great idea as part of your efforts to be fit and to lose weight or maintain weight loss you’ve achieved.
• Increase your chances of success by tracking calories burned.

Swimming can be beneficial for other aspects of your health beyond weight loss too. It can help you with muscle tone, strength, balance, and help you strengthen your heart and lungs.

Finally, knowing how many  Calories Burned While Swimming is not as important as how much benefit you are getting out of it.


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Exercise Bike Workout Tips

Exercise Bike Workout

midoalone / Pixabay


 Do you want an effective exercise bike workout?

Here are some tips for you.

Pick a Good Exercise Bike

To begin with, there are quite a few different exercise bikes on the market. You’ll find inexpensive mini bikes and larger and more expensive bikes as well as recumbent bikes. Look at product reviews of exercise bikes to help you choose a good one. Look at models that show you distance traveled, calories burned, and if possible, one that measures your heart rate, too.

Use it Regularly

Many people buy an exercise bike with the goal of regularly doing exercise bike workout routines but the bike winds up sitting in a corner, collecting dust or being used as a clothes horse. Consider whether you’re really going to use it or not. If you aren’t sure that you are, consider buying an alternate piece of workout equipment or better yet – join a gym so you’ll have access to a wide variety of exercise equipment. If you think you’ll use it 2-3 times a week, it could be a good investment

Track Your Progress

Because setting goals is a good way to make sure you get the most out of y our exercise bike workout routines. Hence consider keeping a running total of the amount of calories burned and / or the amount of distance traveled on your workouts. Most models will provide you with a display that tells you these things. If you make it a goal to increase calories burnt or distance traveled weekly, you could see and feel great results from your exercise bike workouts.

Tips to Stay Interested

It can get boring to sit on a stationary bike and stare at the same wall. Make sure you vary your routine to keep your exercise bike workout interesting:

• Move the bike. Move it in front of a window, in front of a tv, etc. You might even want to move it in front of your computer so you can do other things while you exercise on the bike.

• Take it outside. If you can have an indoor exercise bike for workouts and buy a bicycle to do outdoor workouts, even better.

• Take a spin class. Exercise bike workouts in spin classes mimic outdoor conditions and add a great deal of intensity to exercise bike workouts. This could be a good start before you invest in a stationary bike for your home, too.

• Mix it up. If every single workout involves a stationary bike, you’ll have a greater chance of getting bored. Find alternate cardio exercises to blend in with your exercise bike workouts. Consider walking, running, swimming, and aerobics classes, too. Adding strength training to your regimen is a smart idea, too.

In conclusion, use the Exercise Bike Workout Tips offered above and you will see results.

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Best Abdominal Exercises

Keifit / Pixabay

What’s the definition of the best abdominal exercises? That depends on your goals. You’ll find listings of the best abdominal exercises for men, for women,for post-pregnancy, post C-section, for runners, and so on.

Different people of different fitness levels have varying goals for their abs. Where you’re starting from and your hope for the outcome are factors as are the types of exercise equipment you have access to.

The best abdominal exercises out there will help you strengthen and tone all aspects of your core. For a great set of abs you’ll want to strengthen your upper and lower abdominal muscles, therefore it’s wise to mix things up and strive to target all areas.

Here are 3 of the Best Abdominal Exercises for Beginners*:

Exercise Ball Crunch

An exercise ball, also known as a stability ball, is a great piece of inexpensive and versatile equipment for some of the best abdominal exercises recommended. One of those abdominal exercises is the crunch. By laying on the ball, you’re engaging your core muscles actively so that you don’t fall.

Laying your lower back on the ball and stabilizing yourself (if necessary) by putting your knees against the wall while doing this puts you in a great position for a crunch. Doing a few sets of 12-15 reps is recommended.

Pilates 100

Anyone who does Pilates is familiar with the Pilates one hundred. It’s the warm up exercise to start out with and is done fairly quickly but with great effect as it engages your core muscles and works your heart, too.

Lay back and lift your legs off the floor. You can angle them straight up or at any angle you like. The closer your feet are to the floor (without touching) the more you’ll ‘feel’ it. Lift your back up so that your arms, shoulders and upper back are off the floor and extend your arms so that they’re a few inches off the floor. Pump arms slightly and consecutively, as if you’re patting the air.

Do it 100 times. As you count, hold your breath in for a count of 5 and then exhale for a count of 5. Holding your upper body up and legs out will do amazing things for your abdominals and you can vary the intensity of this exercise by the position of your legs.


The plank is a bit like a push up except without the pushing motion that gives your upper body a workout. This workout requires that you rest on your elbows with your toes on the floor (you’ll want to be wearing sneakers for this). Hold your core tight. Contract abdominal muscles and breathe continuously.

There are many different abdominal exercises to help you tone up and sculpt your belly. Mix things up so you don’t get bored and so that you keep your muscles actively working.

Tip: Even the best abdominal exercises won’t necessarily get rid of belly fat. In order to trim the excess from your mid-section you’ll want to alter your diet and add some cardiovascular exercises to the mix, too.

As a result, the Best Abdominal Exercises For Beginners are those that allow you to improve gradually.

* As reported by some fitness gurus and authority websites online.


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Core Exercises for Women

tacofleur / Pixabay

Because you’re a woman, you are interested in tightening and strengthening your core. Therefore we have grouped  six great exercises for your fitness routine.

Core exercises for women will tighten and strengthen your entire mid-section. Consequently, your overall balance and back will become stronger.

First of all, a word of caution: it is wise to talk to your doctor before taking on new exercises if you have back problems.

Here are six core exercises for women..

1. Pilates – Pilates develops long and lean muscles. It is one of the most popular core exercises for women. Pilates can be done just about anywhere, do crunches and waist flexibility routines with it. There are varying degrees of difficulty, that makes Pilates good for beginners and for those who are more advanced.

2. Yoga – Yoga core exercises will improve flexibility and deep breathing which in turn, will strengthen your core.

3. Abdominal crunches – Crunches are highly effective core exercises for women and men alike. Crunch those ab muscles and strengthen them. Different types of ab crunches target your upper abdominal muscles and / or your lower abs as well.

4. Bridge – Laying on the floor do pelvic tilts in addition to bridges, you will exercise your legs and glutes as well.

5. Fitness ball core exercises – For  many women, a stability ball is a basic piece of exercise equipment. Use it to do crunches, push-ups, and flexibility exercises.

6. Plank – Plank exercises are excellent for your core.

When doing any core exercises for women or men, hold your core muscles tight. Try sucking in your belly and continue breathing, rather than holding your breath. This will optimize the entire workout.

Adding cardio to your core exercises is smart, too, so you can burn fat and begin to reveal the muscles you’re building underneath.

These Six Core Exercises for Women will Change your Appearance in no Time. Ty them Now!


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Cellulite Exercises Work Well.

Cellulite Exercises

taniadimas / Pixabay

Are you looking to get rid of cellulite? Exercises can help you get rid of unflattering cellulite.

Reduce Your Body Fat

A reduction of body fat, in general, will definitely help you diminish the look of cellulite. Cellulite is, in essence, body fat deposits in specific areas. It’s common, especially in the butt and thighs and especially for women.

Watch your diet, track your calories, and strive to lose body fat /weight. Eating healthier foods will fuel your body rather than build up toxins in fat cells. Reduce bad foods and reduce portion sizes in general.

Drink More Water

Water can help facilitate the flushing of toxins and your body’s fat cells can hold toxins. It is a great way to improve the overall look of your skin as well.

Cellulite ExercisesStrength Training

Strength training is something that boosts your metabolism and this could be very helpful in reducing cellulite. Exercises can include resistance bands, weight lifting, and even push-ups that use your own body weight for resistance. Building muscle will help you burn fat.


All cardio exercises can be cellulite exercises. Any exercise can help you burn fat and cardio can help you trim down all over. Consider doing 30-60 minutes of cardio daily. Whether you’re looking to do lighter exercise, such as walking, or more intense cardio such as jogging or running, they will help you reduce fat all over. Walk briskly and wherever possible, walk on rolling terrain.

Pilates and Yoga

Both Pilates and Yoga can help you melt your cellulite away. These are both powerful types of cellulite exercises that can help you sculpt your body and help you get the leaner, more toned body that you want.

More women than men tend to look for cellulite exercises. It’s just another thing women seem to have gotten the short end of the stick on. Women tend to get more cellulite than men.

A combo of regular exercise and watching your calories can definitely help. Some people look for cellulite creams, as well, but cellulite is internal and creams can’t really help you in this area. Getting rid of cellulite won’t happen overnight and if you lose weight and lose some of your cellulite, you can have it come back as well.

Are There Other Ways To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

Some people do seek medical help with laser treatment. But changing your lifestyle through dieting and exercise can be highly effective ways to reduce cellulite.

As a result Cellulite Exercises Work Well. Follow the routine and stay healthy.

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Treadmill Workout Tips for Weight Loss

Treadmill Workout Tips for Fast Weight Loss

profivideos / Pixabay

A treadmill workout can be a really great way to improve your health and help you lose weight fast, too. Here are some tips for varying your treadmill workout for maximum results and minimal boredom.

Some people say that running or walking on a treadmill is a boring workout. But it doesn’t have to be boring at all. In fact, if you do other things while on the treadmill, your workout won’t even really feel like a rigorous workout and you’ll rack up the calories burnt / distance walked. Engaging your brain in other activities while walking at a brisk pace could be a great way to multitask and make time and the calories fly.

Maximum Results – Minimum Boredom

  • Treadmill Workout Tips for Fast Weight LossListen to music – Out loud or on your earphones, music can help the time go by faster and can help you quicken your pace. Many people find that while on a treadmill workout, they’re feeling like they’re ready to be done and suddenly a favourite song comes on and they muster the strength do to another 5-10 minutes.
  • Watch TV  – Watching television shows or a movie while doing a treadmill workout can make time go by faster. Instead of focusing on what you’re doing you’ll be focusing on what’s happening on the screen.
  • Read a book – Reading is a great way to pass the time while on a treadmill and by limiting reading a gripping novel to just when you’re on the treadmill, you’ll increase the chances of getting on the treadmill more often and for longer periods of time.
  • Play a video game – Playing a video game is another way to do a treadmill workout without focusing on the workout. Playing handheld games or even connecting your gaming console in the room with your treadmill can work great. Some people play computer games or do web surfing, too, putting their notebook on a treadmill desk.

Beyond keeping busy while on the treadmill, vary your workout routine. Most people don’t take full advantage of the features of their treadmill for their workouts. Read your manual and find out how to set the programs so that your treadmill varies your routine for you. This is a treadmill workout tip that is sure to help keep things challenging. And don’t rely on a treadmill workout alone for all of your fitness needs. Vary your activities and include strength training a few times a week, too.

Maximize results of your treadmill workout routine with this helpful tips.

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Cycling For Weight Loss

Cycling For Weight Loss

Cycling for Weight Loss

Free-Photos / Pixabay

Cycling for weight loss is a great idea. Whether you choose to use a stationary bike, pull your bike out of the garage, go to a spin class or all of the above.. cycling can be a great way to lose weight. You’ll burn calories and shed inches while toning your lower body and even improving your posture.

Cycling for weight loss is smart. This fun and enjoyable exercise will tone your body and can burn about 400 calories per hour on average when riding at a moderate speed. Every 3500 calories burnt is about a pound lost so if you ride a little bit more than an hour a day, you can lose about a pound a week. And you can switch things up so that you won’t easily get bored with it.

Exercise Bike Riding

An exercise bike is a relatively inexpensive piece of exercise equipment. You can spend a lot of money on them, yes, but you can also buy a used model to have at home as well.

Most models have

varying degrees of tension and often have a panel to tell you about calories burned and distance traveled.

Cycling can be done in the gym, as well, and is often a great way to warm up before strength training. Starting a workout with 20 minutes on a stationary bike could be a good way to start each workout.

To avoid the potential boredom of stationary cycling for weight loss, listen to music, vary your routine, and consider watching television while riding (it can make time fly!).

Spin Classes

Spin classes are a popular way of cycling for weight loss benefits. They are a class that involves indoor interval cycling in a classroom format. Spin class bikes attempt to replicate outdoor cycling conditions with modified spin bikes.

Outdoor Bike Riding

Outdoor Bike Riding

chezbeate / Pixabay

Riding a bike outdoors is a great exercise to lose weight and have fun at the same time.

Cycling is a great exercise for the entire family so why not get a bicycle and helmets for everyone and spend time out together riding some great bike paths.

You’ll all burn calories and enjoy the great outdoors together.

Cycling for weight loss is something you can do on a regular basis. The first few trips might result in soreness in your legs but it will get easier and you’ll benefit substantially.


Cycling for weight loss is a fun & enjoyable exercise. Try it now!

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Butt Exercises for Great Glutes

Butt Exercises

C_Scott / Pixabay

Great glutes can be yours with some effort. Here are some great butt exercises to help you get the shapely “buns of steel” you’re hoping for..


Squats are butt exercises that do a great job of sculpting your rear end. When you do a squat you engage your sit muscles but don’t actually sit down. You can engage your muscles by doing reps of squats and also by slowing down every time you get ready to sit down throughout your day. Hold for five seconds before sitting and you’ll feel it in your behind.

For extra intensity, do squats with a resistance band in your hands and anchored under your feet or do squats while holding dumbbells, too. Another great squat exercise is to do jumping squats.

CyclingButt Exercises for Great Glutes

Riding a stationary bike, going to spin class, or riding your bike outdoors will all help you tone your butt. Exercises in the pool that involve pedaling motions will help as well.


Hiking is great for your glutes because you’ll be walking up and down hilly terrain and working your butt. Exercises that are varied such as hiking, are much more effective than walking on even terrain.

Kick Boxing

Kick boxing is a high energy way of exercising butt muscles, legs, and your whole body, really. This is cardio with a kick! Kick boxing can be excellent as a weight loss method and for toning and strengthening.


Rebounders are mini trampolines and the jumping motion can do great things for reducing the size of and tightening your gluteus maximus.

Step Classes and Step Climber or Elliptical

Stepping up and down with a platform can be a fun class to take and stepping can do great things for your butt. Exercise that requires any sort of climbing can help you get your butt in great shape.

Taking the stairs is a great idea, too, as often as possible. If you work or live in a high rise building, try to avoid taking the elevator wherever possible. Instead of spending all your gym time on the treadmill, consider using the elliptical and stair climbers, too, as they’ll do great things for your lower body.

Bottom line..

In conclusion, if you want a shapely bottom, there are dozens of different exercises you can work into your routine to help you reach your goals. Don’t focus however on the leg exercises and butt exercises alone. Spot reducing doesn’t really work. Exercise your whole body and you will see a difference in how your butt looks.

Reach your best shape  with this group of great Butt Exercises.


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Inner Thigh Exercises

Inner Thigh Exercises

deepkhicher / Pixabay

A lot of people, especially women, look for inner thigh exercises as it seems like that those inner thighs are an area that seems to take weight on easily. Here are some inner thigh exercises to add in to your exercise regimen.

1. Squeeze an exercise ball between your thighs. Remember the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster? It helped you with a contraption that you squeezed with thigh muscles. You can do this with a small stability ball. Do it sitting or lying down and you’ll exercise those thigh muscles. If you’re doing it lying down and do a back bridge / pelvic thrust and you’ll get even more benefits.Inner Thigh Exercises

2. Cycling. Cycling can be great for leg exercises and can help you tone your legs from top to bottom. If you do cycling exercises regularly, you will see fast results.

3. Strength training. Strength training can help you burn fat all over. Consider getting a consultation from a trainer for any weight lifting regimen so you can ensure that you learn to do the exercises correctly, minimising risk of injury.

4. Aerobics. Aerobics exercises and other cardio work does great for helping you burn calories and burn fat.

5. Pilates and Yoga. Both of these exercises help you build long and lean muscles. They don’t provide the same fat burning power as more robust cardio exercises but they definitely help. Leg lifts are a great Pilates exercise for your core and your legs.

6. Side lunges can help you focus on thighs. Slide one leg out while bending the knee for the other leg. Slowly return to a standing position. Do this a few times and then alternate.

Can You Spot Reduce?

Inner Thigh ExercisesSome women say they’d like to simply remove some of the fat from their upper inner thighs. Exercises help with your overall body and despite the fact that these exercises are good for you, spot reduction isn’t something you should focus too much effort on. Consequently,  an overall approach to cardio and strength training will give you better results.

Furthermore, as you lose weight, your muscles can be more well-defined with inner thigh exercises, resulting in toned legs rather than just thinner legs. Cardio and weight loss will help, too. Additionally, cutting calories and cardio will help you lose weight and burn fat all over. Therefore, don’t spend too much time focusing on just one area of your body because you think you need to target it alone. Your overall exercise efforts will pay off by helping you lose inches wherever there is excess fat.

In conclusion, follow these Inner Thigh Exercises regularly and you will look young, fit and trim.

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Lower Body Exercises for Beginners

Lower Body Exercises

scottwebb / Pixabay

If you are just beginning to exercise, you’ll want upper and lower body exercises for beginners. Starting off slow can help you progress and will help you stay on track with your goals as they won’t seem so difficult to reach!

Advice For Lower Body Exercises

  • Exercises for the lower body will help you with your thighs, glutes, hips, and with your calves. Lower body exercises can help you burn fat all over, really. Some exercises are more effective than others but together with a sensible eating plan, you could get great results for your lower body. Make sure that you integrate healthy eating with an exercise plan for the best results possible.
  • Always stretch before your workout. Think of your pre-workout stretch as warming up your muscles to make them work better. This will also give you more longevity and faster recovery time after your workout.
  • Whichever lower body exercises you do, make sure that you start off with a low number of reps and take 1-2 minute rests between sets. This is especially important when you are a beginner. If you’re doing a circuit in the gym, gym workouts often start with just 5 reps for each exercise and then a rest. The next set might have 8-12 reps but start off slowly. You should also rest between days of strength training. Cardio can generally be done daily but strength training requires rest days for your muscles.

There are a few pieces of low-cost equipment you might want to invest in, including: a kettlebell, a stability ball, jump rope, and some resistance bands. If you can invest in a treadmill, stair climber, elliptical, or another piece of cardio equipment, great, but if not, don’t worry. You can do plenty of beginner lower body exercises and cardio without a lot of expensive equipment.

Lower Body ExercisesHere are some good beginner lower body exercises you might want to start doing in order to tone up your lower body.


All cardio exercises can equate to working out your upper and lower body. Starting off with walking is good. You could work up to running over time, if wanted, but if you’re sedentary now you’ll want to work up to running gradually.

Inner Thigh Ball Squeeze

Using a stability ball or even a smaller beach ball, hold the ball between your thighs and squeeze repeatedly. This can help really tone your lower body. Exercises like this can be done sitting, standing, or lying down.

Standing Leg Lifts

Standing with resistance bands around your ankles, put your hand on your hips and lift one leg out as if your legs are scissors. The resistance will help build muscle tone from the hip straight down.

Hip Lifts

Use a stability ball and lay on the floor. Dig your heels into the top of the ball while raising your bottom and using your arms for support on the floor or exercise mat. Digging your feet in from a bending position, push out until they’re straight. Then dig and pull them back in. You’ll be rolling the ball along the floor and working out several muscle groups.

If you’re concerned about new and beginner lower body exercises, consider watching some online videos and talking to a trainer.

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