4 Kettlebell Mistakes People Make

Kettlebells are a versatile exercise tool. They can be used for both cardio and to build muscle, so it is no wonder that they are a very popular exercise tool. However, many people are using them without learnig how to do so properly. Are you making any of these 4 kettlebell mistakes, too?

Not realizing that kettlebells are meant to work out the lower body

Kettlebell swings are one of the main exercises that people do when they use kettlebells. A lot of people, however, make the mistake of not realizing that kettlebell swings are meant to exercise the lower body. When you do a kettlebell swing, you should be primarily focusing on working out your lower body. When doing the actual swing, your lower body should be doing the vast majority of the work. You should use your arms should be used to keep the kettlebell steady and centered, but the actual swinging should be done entirely with your hips.

Swinging a kettlebell too high

This mistake is closely related to the previous one. A lot of people make the mistake of swinging the kettlebell too high when they do a kettlebell swing. Some even go as far as swinging it up near their head. This is a big mistake since swinging the kettlebell too high puts unnecessary amounts of stress on your upper body, specifically your shoulders and your spine. So, remember, when doing kettlebell swings, try and keep the kettlebell lower, not higher. Let the momentum of your hips raise the kettlebell, do not add unnecessary force to the swing.

Breathing wrong while using the kettlebell

Breathing is a crucial part of doing kettlebell exercises right. If you want to do kettlebell exercises properly, then you need to develop proper breathing technique. A lot of people fail to do this and it holds them back. The proper way to breathe when doing kettlebell exercises is to take a deep breath while lowering the kettlebell then exhale while swinging the kettlebell.

Lifting the kettlebell from a squat position

A lot of people make the mistakes of lifting a kettlebell from a squatting position. They bend their knees too much instead of bending their hips. Your knees are not the focus nor should they be. The focus is on your lower body. So, make sure that instead of bending your knees, that you are bending your hips instead.

These 4 kettlebell mistakes can ruin a great workout. Be mindful when you exercise to avoid possible injuries.

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Stationary Bikes Are Great Workout Machines.

How to properly use your new Stationary Bike

Scientific studies have shown a direct correlation between physical environment and fitness level. Therefore, plan carefully where and how to use your new stationary bike.

Since you have already given up on the great outdoors for your cardio workout. Make the environment pleasant to be in.

That does not mean that those who have opted for stationary bikes are to be short changed. The esthetic value of their workout time has to be rewarding. Hence, if you decide to make that purchase, make careful choices about the placement of that stationary bike.

Keeping that in mind, it becomes paramount to add entertainment value of time spent on the stationary bikes. Therefore, consider things like other household members and their use of the space that you’ve chosen. If your quarters are limited the dining room, then dinner time may be the worst time to use the stationary bike. If you have chosen to work out in the morning maybe headphones with an extra long cord will let you watch the stock market reports while others sleep.

Where to set up your Stationary Bike

Consider the physical environment carefully. Are you relegated to a dank basement at exercise time? Take the time to brighten the area. A little paint and posters that inspire you can go a long way. Favorite music or videos can make the time spent on the stationary bikes the best part of the day. Without such careful planning the time spent that you used on a stationary bike review might have been as well spent for other purposes.

As with any other workout program, consult a physician before starting it.

Finally, stationary bikes are great exercise machines, make it pleasant and you will succeed.

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Smith Machine Home Gyms – Pack Power Into Good Designs


Check out any gym where weight training is going on and you’re likely to see a back-up at the Smith home gym machines. Therefore, these powerhouses for muscle building are favorites of serious trainers and those just starting out. With the ability to mix work outs, this gym machine is also great for commercial settings.

But what about Smith machines home gyms? Are these worth to review for exercising at home? You bet!

The Choice of Pros

Exercise home gym reviews written by professional trainers who are into building strength and overall fitness love Smith machines for their private gyms. Hence, this machine enables the user to do a lot of exercises on a single piece of equipment, plus reset it to accommodate different users.

Some of the better Smith gym models have a lot of options for home use. The better features, for example, include angle changes, benches that adjust, leg extension ability and more.

For Home Workouts

Smith Machine Home Gyms are appropriate for almost total body work outs. Add in just a few extra exercises and you’re covered, making these gyms perfect for private use. A well-made Smith provides counter balance and easy control. It will move with simplicity and puts less stress on the muscles than other pieces of gym equipment.

The best thing about a Smith is that it helps a person lift without a spotter, great for home workouts.

Therefore, if you want to equip a home gym right, start by reviewing all options including a Smith machine. Combining a lot of different weight training features into one solid piece of home exercise equipment, this equipment is perfect to help a person get fit and stay that way.

Plus, by using Smith Machine Home Gyms you’ll save lots of time running to the gym!

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Bowflex Home Gym – The System

The Bowflex became popular through Infomercials, 30 minute television presentations. And now being broadcast all over the Internet in a variety of ways, including consumer forums and consumer reviews.


Very well built, and based on its flexible composite resistance arms, it is designed for beginners and advanced trainers as well.

Websites representing the Bowflex home gym system have links to review articles and photos. Learn what what makes Bowflex so popular.

One such article posted on Bowflex Equipment.com tells how that person’s Bowflex  survived a hurricane. The story, by  Sean Cuda of Orlando Florida. It describes how the storm had blown down a 110 feet pine tree on top of his family’s house and garage. The Bowflex machine however, remained unharmed.

The Bowflex machine is credited with saving the rest of the garage as well as the kitchen and the home office attached to the garage. The way that the Bowflex machine was stored actually kept the roof and walls from collapsing. Quotes from the owner of this machine and more details are posted at the Bowflex website.


This is such an amazing story and is one that will build anyone’s confidence in the Bowflex home gym system. More reviews are available on Amazon, eBay and other sites.

There are articles with different exercise programs as well. It explains how to use their Bowflex machines safely.

Test a Bowflex once, you will see the difference it makes.



This exercise machine is built strong with few moving parts. The equipment is made to last.

Years of experience and it has a large following. Also well known for its durability. The brand is in the market since 1986.

Use  the Bowflex System regularly, it will keep you fit for life.

Finally, Bowflex Home Gym has become the standard by which other exercise equipment is compared.

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High Intensity Interval Training.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT alternates short periods of intense cardiovascular exercise with less intense anaerobic exercises recovery cycles until the point of exhaustion.

Results are impressive, and have converted HIIT into one of the most popular forms of physical training. Very popular with gym-goers and health enthusiasts all over the globe.
HIIT’s popularity comes from the fact that sessions are over much shorter than most workouts. Add the fact that the number of calories burned in minutes would require hours of cardio workouts.
An example would be to alternate walking and sprinting every 30 seconds. Then repeat the process for a number of rounds.
Some people will sprint for 30 seconds and stand still the next 30 seconds to catch their breath.

But does HIIT have to be running-based all of the time?  Absolutely not. Here are some non-running-based examples of HIIT you could try.


Swimming can actually be adapted to give you a very effective HIIT-based workout indeed. People often think of swimming as a low-impact endurance-based form of cardiovascular exercise, and while this is true, it can always be adapted to meet your HIIT needs. Swimming is great for the body because it helps to tone the muscles as it is resistance-based. This is due to the fact that you are fighting the water when you swim, so resistance is coming from the water. To perform a simple HIIT workout while swimming, simply perform some basic low-intensity swimming strokes that you’re comfortable with for around 30 seconds. Next, switch to a higher gear and swim as quickly and as intensely as you possibly can for the next 30 seconds. Repeat this process for around 8 – 10 rounds, making sure to really push yourself during the high intensity part of the exercise.


Cycling is another form of cardiovascular exercise that is hugely beneficial, and highly underrated. When we cycle, we burn calories and helping to increase our endurance. We are also toning the muscles, especially those in our legs as we pedal. Head out on your bike somewhere relatively flat and quiet, where you can pick up speed and maintain it consistent. Then, simply cycle slowly and carefully for 30 seconds, and then accelerate as quickly as you can, for the next 30 seconds. Repeat this for another 8 – 10 rounds

High Intensity Interval Training is a modern solution in the fast paced world of today.

High-intensity interval trainingDOWNLOAD THIS FREE 20 PAGE REPORT

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Home Treadmills – Are they worth the price?

When it comes to cardiovascular workouts, the treadmill offers the best bang for your money.

That is why it’s still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. Therefore it’s a great investment in your health. One that will pay large dividends if you are ready to get the maximum benefit from it!

Here are 5 easy ways to get the BEST use from your home treadmill:

#1) Do your research first

Make sure you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs.

For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shock-assisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that’s easy to move?

If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there’s a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.)

Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible?

These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you’re actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it!

#2) Place the treadmill in a ‘happy’ spot.

By ‘happy’ I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don’t put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. I’ve tried this this and the workouts don’t last long! If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out.

Rooms and spaces have definite ‘feels’ to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.

#3) Get  ready before your treadmill arrives.

Before yours turns into one of those thousands of unused home treadmills.  Be prepared by the time it arrives and you’ll be three-quarters of the way there. If you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Have several workout or favorite CD’s around. Do you like watching your favorite movies? Have them on tape and ready to go.

By having an ‘exercise’ stash around your treadmill, you’ll be inspired to workout AND you won’t be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start your workout.

Again, this may sound silly, but it works. Gyms do it, so should you!

#4) Have a plan ready.

Before you start exercising, prepare your plan, a “roadmap to success” so to speak. By writing it all down you’ll be psyched up for success.

Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want.

By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you’ve planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you’ll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!)

#5) Track your progress

By tracking your daily progress, you get empowered to move into even greater accomplishments.

Seat easy to reach milestones in the beginning.  These are easy to reach and when you go beyond them it will encourage you continue improving. Soon you will be reaching unbelievable goals.

These  5 ways will get you rolling and save your machine from going the way most home treadmills go, Somewhere in a garage gathering dust.

Finally, Just remember that a little bit of preparation will pay off large dividends in the long run.

Home Treadmills are among the most undervalued pieces of exercise equipment.

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Working Out with Arthritis can be a challenge.

How to Properly Workout When You Have Arthritis

When you have arthritis, you need to exercise, but it can often be difficult to do when you are in pain or your joints feel stiff. Here are some tips for exercising and recommended types of workouts that can be helpful with this condition.

  • Try Conditioning Exercises

When working out with arthritis, you need to keep your body moving to avoid having severe pain, but you also need to be careful with the types of exercises you do. It is best not to do anything that requires over-using the joints that are causing you the most pain. Conditioning exercises get your body moving, blood pumping, and strengthen your muscles. They can also help to improve the health of your joints, but still remain gentle exercises. You may need to adjust some of the movements when doing Pilates or Yoga depending on the joints that hurt, for overall, they are an excellent option.

  • Walk, Don’t Run

Walking is a really good exercise if you have arthritis, but jogging and running usually isn’t. If you are already a runner, you may find that it doesn’t worsen your arthritis, but once it does, you need to stop immediately. Running can be really hard on your joints, particularly in your legs and hips, so if that is where most of your pain is, you should stick to slower walking. Only increase the speed and intensity as it feels most comfortable for you.

  • Go Swimming

You can also go swimming, which is extremely easy on all of your joints. In fact, many doctors will suggest swimming before other exercises if you have the ability to do so. If you don’t have a swimming pool at home, consider signing up for a local fitness center that has a swimming pool. Many of them do and will offer flexible hours for you to go swimming. Take a swimming class that is for seniors, since those are usually gentle enough for people with arthritis.

  • Stretch and Warm Up First

A very common mistake made by people working out with arthritis is going right into the exercise without stretching or warming up first. Your muscles need time to stretch and get working, so take your time warming up. Similar to warming up, you also need to remember to cool them down at the end of the workout.

Finally, make sure you always talk to your doctor before starting any new workout program.

Working Out with Arthritis can be difficult, using the right amount of exercise will improve your quality of life. Try it!

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Exercising Improves Mental Health, a fact known by ancient Romans & Greeks seems to be often ignored in modern times.

Exercises that Boost Your Mental Health

Exercising Improves mental Health

Pexels / Pixabay

Exercise doesn’t just make you physically fit, it also makes you mentally fit. This is a often an unknown benefit of exercise. Everyone knows how exercise can make your waistline smaller; make your heart healthier, etc. But, very few people know just how crucial exercising is for your mental well-being. Likewise, just as there are certain exercises that you can use to target certain parts of your body, there are certain kinds of exercises that you can use target your mental health.

Mens sana in corpore sano is a Latin phrase, usually translated as “a sound mind in a healthy body”. Yet another proof that exercising improves mental health.

In this article, we are going to go over 3 of the best exercises to keep both mind and body sound..


Aerobic exercises are designed to get your body moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will exercise a lot of different muscle groups and it will make you build-up a sweat. That last part, in particular, is also why aerobics is good for your mental health. Because aerobics encourages you to move around a lot and because it is such an intensive workout, it really gets your blood moving. When your blood circulates faster, that means that your cells are getting more oxygen. As anyone who has taken rudimentary biology can tell you, oxygen is what keeps all your cells (including the ones in your brain) healthy and functioning at peak performance. Not to mention the rush of endorphins that are proven to make you feel good!


Yoga is great for your mental health for 2 distinct reasons. Firstly, much like aerobics, yoga gets you moving. It exercises a ton of different muscles in your body and gets your blood pumping (although admittedly, not as fast as aerobics would). The second benefit of yoga is its calming, stress-reducing factor. Controlled breathing and mental relaxation are big parts of yoga and they have a very positive effect on your mental health. Things like controlled breathing reduce stress and anxiety, which is obviously very good for your mental health.


Running is great for your mental health. Many people run outdoors, and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood. Not only does it get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. Just in general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.

Exercising Improves Mental Health and  contributes to overall Wellness.

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Tone Your Body Without Getting Bulky, there is a way to do it


When women think about lifting weights, they instantly think about getting big and bulky. While this is the look that some women want to look like, Most don’t like the idea.

As a result, the weights section of the gym is often full of men trying to build muscle and severely lacking in females. However, lifting weights doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically become a big and bulky person. Many  simply work the weights to add strength to their physiques.


What to do if you just want to tone up?

Some women have been losing weight for a few months and just want to tone up their bodies rather than build any substantial muscles. Since your skin is elastic, it is able to expand and retract with the changes your body makes, such as gaining or losing weight and changing shape when you are pregnant. Lifting weights is a key part of not only helping your skin to retain its elasticity, but also helping to prevent any loose skin after you have lost weight.


If you’re worried about becoming bulky but you just want to tone up your body, start off by lifting small weights (around 2-3kg). You can even lift smaller than this if you feel it is too heavy for you. The key with toning is to lift smaller weights but do more repetitions, while building big muscles requires fewer reps but heavier weights. That’s why many toning exercises will encourage you to lift 1-2kg weights around 15-20 times, rather than 20kg for 8-10 reps.


What if you don’t want to use weights?

You don’t have to use weights in order to tone your body. They are many exercises which will help you to tone up different body parts, such as squats for improving your thighs and bum, or various arm movements if you want to get rid of the hated bingo wings (upper arm fat).


I’m doing toning exercises and not seeing results; what am I doing wrong?

In order to see the results you want from toning at the gym, you need to also eat a healthy balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water will help a lot with your skin and its elasticity, so try to cut out soda and other sugary drinks and replace them with water.

Finally, combine a good protein rich diet with your exercise routine to tone you body the right way.

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Elliptical Exercise Machines – Five  Features to Look For Before Buying.

Elliptical Exercise Machines

Elliptical Exercise Machinesjaneb13 / Pixabay

Buying an elliptical machine? Here are 5 key features to look for when shopping to help you find the very best elliptical exercise machine.

1) Forward and Reverse motions

The ability to move in a forward or reverse motion adds variety and challenge to your workout. It works different sets of muscles and results in more calories burned overall.

This also reduces your risk of repetitive use injuries common with some treadmill and stair climber users. Most elliptics have this option but it’s always a good idea to make sure.

2) Adjustable resistance

Quality elliptical machines will have a range of resistance levels. Increasing the resistance increases the calories burned. It also helps you continue to challenge your body as your fitness level improves.

Look for an elliptical machine that makes resistance changes simple (i.e. one-touch resistance adjustment) so that interval training sessions can be easily incorporated into your workout

3) Upper body workout arms

While you really don’t need these for an effective workout, many people prefer them. They do help to provide resistance training for your upper body – and again, result in more calories burned.

However make sure you don’t have to lean over while using them which can diminish the effectiveness of your workout (this can happen on many of the cheaper elliptical models).

4) Quiet operation

Look for an elliptical machine that is specifically designed to stay quiet. A truly well designed elliptical machine should be fairly quiet at all intensity levels.

Also – cheaper ellipticals can develop a squeak after a few months of heavy use so be careful to buy a quality brand of elliptical machine and steer clear of the cheap department store models.

5) Elliptical Incline

It used to be that only high end, commercial elliptical trainers offered this option however lately more affordable models are offering incline on several of their machines.

Incline is not the same as resistance. It changes the incline of the elliptical motion and helps to work different sets of muscles for increased fat burning and toning.

Elliptical exercise machines give you a low impact, safe workouts that burn a maximum amount of calories in the least amount of time.

Make sure those 5 key features are available in the one you are buying.l machine. Then you’ll be assured you will get the complete workout  you need.

Finally, using Elliptical Exercise Machines regularly produces spectacular results. Get yours now!


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