Does Walking Help You Lose Weight?

Does Walking Help You Loose Weight

Schwoaze / Pixabay

There is one fitness question that is often asked: does walking help you lose weight? The answer is an unequivocal yes! However, you cannot simply take a leisurely stroll and expect to lose weight. You have to go the distance and incorporate other elements to make walking work for you in the weight loss department.

The good news is that walking is cheap! All you need is a good pair of socks and comfortable, supportive walking shoes.

The 10,000 Step Rule Of Thumb

Does Walking Help You Lose WeightYou have probably heard that if you can incorporate 10,000 steps into your day, you will be able to lose weight. It seems like an awful lot, but really, it translates into about four to five miles or at least one hour of power walking. You can do this all at once or break it up throughout your day.

Walk before breakfast and dinner; walk during your lunch hour at work. Bypass your car and walk on foot to do your errands. Park at the far end of the parking lot of a store or take the stairs instead of the elevator. There are a myriad of ways to answer that question “does walking help you lose weight?”

Add Intensity To Your Walk

Walking on the treadmill or even around your block will help, but adding intensity will really boost your fat burning powers. Start with a slightly faster than average stroll for approximately five minutes and then add a two minute burst of power walking as fast as you can. Decrease your speed to a brisk walk until you recover your breath, typically about five minutes. Next, add another intense burst of speed of up to a minute, decrease your speed for another few minutes and then add on the power walking speed again. Doing this at odd intervals during your walk will boost your metabolism and increase fat burning.

Another answer to the “does walking help you lose weight” question is incorporating some elements such as hills or stairs during your walk. Inclines boost your heart rate which, in turn, keeps your internal engine revved up to burn more calories. Ankle weights, a weighted belt or even carrying a weighted backpack are additional ways to add intensity.

If you are walking in your neighbourhood around the blocks, make your walking routine into a game. From one corner to another, do a high step march or even lunges. Skipping, taking exaggerated big steps or even walking backward (keep an eye out for hazards in your path) can increase walking intensity too.

Benefits Of Walking

In just one hour of brisk walking, you can burn up to 500 calories, depending on your body weight. Walking every day of the week like this can help you lose almost half a kilogram of fat – and this is with your normal diet! Just imagine what you could lose if you revamped your diet, bypassing trans fats, sodas, candy and fried foods. Does walking help you lose weight? Absolutely! And if you develop a plan for your walking endeavors, you will experience great success in the weight loss department.

Follow these suggestions and the answer to Does Walking Help You Lose Weight will be: Of Course it Does!

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Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Suggestions
Post Pregnancy Weight Loss

satyatiwari / Pixabay

Have you recently had a baby? The baby weight might take a bit of time and effort to get off. Read on for some post pregnancy weight loss tips that can help you get your old body back.. sooner rather than later!

  • Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips for SuccessBreastfeeding helps burn calories and many women who breastfeed find post pregnancy weight loss easier. You might hold onto the weight for the first four to six months after baby is born, because your body tends to hold a ‘reserve’ when you’re lactating that can help you ensure you’ve got the ability to make milk but after baby begins the moves to solids along with nursing, you’ll start to see the weight loss. Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories a day. It takes a LOT of exercise to burn that much so doing breastfeeding in addition to exercise could be helpful.
  • Exercising -Join the gym. Many gyms offer child care and some trainers offer special post pregnancy weight loss regimens that help you focus on getting your pre baby body back. If they don’t, try to get some help so you can get to the gym. The time to yourself will do you some good and the exercise will help you get your pre-baby body back.
  • Eating Less -Reduce your portions. Many of us have no problem getting accustomed to eating for two. It takes some effort to get back to eating for one. Try to eat smaller portions more often and give up some of the comfort foods you gave yourself permission to indulge in while you were pregnant. It’s not easy when you’re a busy Mom but do your best to make your calories count. Note: If you are still breastfeeding, you will have a bit more leeway with your calories than if you’re not because lactating women need more calories.
  • Walking – Get out daily with the baby. Walk with the stroller or purchase a jogging stroller. A daily outing will do both of you some good.Post Pregnancy Weight Loss Tips for Success
  • Working Out – Take a class. There are great classes that help you burn a lot of calories quickly, such as Zumba (a great post pregnancy weight loss exercise),which can be a high energy and fun way to melt the weight off. Invest in home workout equipment. Jump on the treadmill during baby’s nap or do some gamercizing on a Wii Fit, PlayStation Move, or XBOX Kinect. You can burn calories in a fun and easy way. Grab these weight loss workout ideas!

Finally, it took nine months to gain all that weight and post pregnancy weight loss will take a bit of time. Don’t dismay!


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