Exercise Bike Workout Tips

Exercise Bike Workout

midoalone / Pixabay


 Do you want an effective exercise bike workout?

Here are some tips for you.

Pick a Good Exercise Bike

To begin with, there are quite a few different exercise bikes on the market. You’ll find inexpensive mini bikes and larger and more expensive bikes as well as recumbent bikes. Look at product reviews of exercise bikes to help you choose a good one. Look at models that show you distance traveled, calories burned, and if possible, one that measures your heart rate, too.

Use it Regularly

Many people buy an exercise bike with the goal of regularly doing exercise bike workout routines but the bike winds up sitting in a corner, collecting dust or being used as a clothes horse. Consider whether you’re really going to use it or not. If you aren’t sure that you are, consider buying an alternate piece of workout equipment or better yet – join a gym so you’ll have access to a wide variety of exercise equipment. If you think you’ll use it 2-3 times a week, it could be a good investment

Track Your Progress

Because setting goals is a good way to make sure you get the most out of y our exercise bike workout routines. Hence consider keeping a running total of the amount of calories burned and / or the amount of distance traveled on your workouts. Most models will provide you with a display that tells you these things. If you make it a goal to increase calories burnt or distance traveled weekly, you could see and feel great results from your exercise bike workouts.

Tips to Stay Interested

It can get boring to sit on a stationary bike and stare at the same wall. Make sure you vary your routine to keep your exercise bike workout interesting:

• Move the bike. Move it in front of a window, in front of a tv, etc. You might even want to move it in front of your computer so you can do other things while you exercise on the bike.

• Take it outside. If you can have an indoor exercise bike for workouts and buy a bicycle to do outdoor workouts, even better.

• Take a spin class. Exercise bike workouts in spin classes mimic outdoor conditions and add a great deal of intensity to exercise bike workouts. This could be a good start before you invest in a stationary bike for your home, too.

• Mix it up. If every single workout involves a stationary bike, you’ll have a greater chance of getting bored. Find alternate cardio exercises to blend in with your exercise bike workouts. Consider walking, running, swimming, and aerobics classes, too. Adding strength training to your regimen is a smart idea, too.

In conclusion, use the Exercise Bike Workout Tips offered above and you will see results.

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Treadmill Workout Tips for Weight Loss

Treadmill Workout Tips for Fast Weight Loss

profivideos / Pixabay

A treadmill workout can be a really great way to improve your health and help you lose weight fast, too. Here are some tips for varying your treadmill workout for maximum results and minimal boredom.

Some people say that running or walking on a treadmill is a boring workout. But it doesn’t have to be boring at all. In fact, if you do other things while on the treadmill, your workout won’t even really feel like a rigorous workout and you’ll rack up the calories burnt / distance walked. Engaging your brain in other activities while walking at a brisk pace could be a great way to multitask and make time and the calories fly.

Maximum Results – Minimum Boredom

  • Treadmill Workout Tips for Fast Weight LossListen to music – Out loud or on your earphones, music can help the time go by faster and can help you quicken your pace. Many people find that while on a treadmill workout, they’re feeling like they’re ready to be done and suddenly a favourite song comes on and they muster the strength do to another 5-10 minutes.
  • Watch TV  – Watching television shows or a movie while doing a treadmill workout can make time go by faster. Instead of focusing on what you’re doing you’ll be focusing on what’s happening on the screen.
  • Read a book – Reading is a great way to pass the time while on a treadmill and by limiting reading a gripping novel to just when you’re on the treadmill, you’ll increase the chances of getting on the treadmill more often and for longer periods of time.
  • Play a video game – Playing a video game is another way to do a treadmill workout without focusing on the workout. Playing handheld games or even connecting your gaming console in the room with your treadmill can work great. Some people play computer games or do web surfing, too, putting their notebook on a treadmill desk.

Beyond keeping busy while on the treadmill, vary your workout routine. Most people don’t take full advantage of the features of their treadmill for their workouts. Read your manual and find out how to set the programs so that your treadmill varies your routine for you. This is a treadmill workout tip that is sure to help keep things challenging. And don’t rely on a treadmill workout alone for all of your fitness needs. Vary your activities and include strength training a few times a week, too.

Maximize results of your treadmill workout routine with this helpful tips.

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Inner Thigh Exercises

Inner Thigh Exercises

deepkhicher / Pixabay

A lot of people, especially women, look for inner thigh exercises as it seems like that those inner thighs are an area that seems to take weight on easily. Here are some inner thigh exercises to add in to your exercise regimen.

1. Squeeze an exercise ball between your thighs. Remember the Suzanne Somers ThighMaster? It helped you with a contraption that you squeezed with thigh muscles. You can do this with a small stability ball. Do it sitting or lying down and you’ll exercise those thigh muscles. If you’re doing it lying down and do a back bridge / pelvic thrust and you’ll get even more benefits.Inner Thigh Exercises

2. Cycling. Cycling can be great for leg exercises and can help you tone your legs from top to bottom. If you do cycling exercises regularly, you will see fast results.

3. Strength training. Strength training can help you burn fat all over. Consider getting a consultation from a trainer for any weight lifting regimen so you can ensure that you learn to do the exercises correctly, minimising risk of injury.

4. Aerobics. Aerobics exercises and other cardio work does great for helping you burn calories and burn fat.

5. Pilates and Yoga. Both of these exercises help you build long and lean muscles. They don’t provide the same fat burning power as more robust cardio exercises but they definitely help. Leg lifts are a great Pilates exercise for your core and your legs.

6. Side lunges can help you focus on thighs. Slide one leg out while bending the knee for the other leg. Slowly return to a standing position. Do this a few times and then alternate.

Can You Spot Reduce?

Inner Thigh ExercisesSome women say they’d like to simply remove some of the fat from their upper inner thighs. Exercises help with your overall body and despite the fact that these exercises are good for you, spot reduction isn’t something you should focus too much effort on. Consequently,  an overall approach to cardio and strength training will give you better results.

Furthermore, as you lose weight, your muscles can be more well-defined with inner thigh exercises, resulting in toned legs rather than just thinner legs. Cardio and weight loss will help, too. Additionally, cutting calories and cardio will help you lose weight and burn fat all over. Therefore, don’t spend too much time focusing on just one area of your body because you think you need to target it alone. Your overall exercise efforts will pay off by helping you lose inches wherever there is excess fat.

In conclusion, follow these Inner Thigh Exercises regularly and you will look young, fit and trim.

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Workout Programs For Men

Workout Programs For Men

Workout Programs for Men

tacofleur / Pixabay

Time is the single biggest problem when creating workout programs for men. There is never enough of it! Luckily, you do not need hours at a time for exercise but you do need to carve out at least 30 to 45 minutes a day to achieve respectable results, depending on your fitness goals. Getting up a little earlier than normal or bumping back bed time are great options to squeeze in a workout in your busy schedule.

A Three Day Per Week Fitness Program

Workout Programs For MenIf you follow an exercise routine based on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule, you will be able to keep your weekends free for friends and family time. Plus, a three day routine adheres to some trainers’ advice of one day on and one day off. Workout programs for men that are based on three days will incorporate cardio exercises in addition to strength training using weights or resistance machines.

Each day starts with about 20 minutes of cardio exercise such as the treadmill, elliptical, stationary bike or even jumping rope or marching in place. Anything that will warm up your body and get your heart rate up will work. Just be sure you alternate your cardio options each day.

After cardio each day, you can concentrate on core muscle groups, alternating each day. You might spend 20 to 25 minutes on three or four core exercises working on your arms, chest, and shoulders on Monday whereas on Wednesday it might be your back and legs. Friday could be a combination of the entire body. On all 3 days, abdominal exercises should be added to complete the workout.

Circuit Training Several Days a Week

Intense circuit training for three to four days a week can be an excellent addition to workout programs for men. It takes only 45 minutes at a time and combines a full body workout along with cardio. And because the exercise is intense, there is a lot of fat burning going on. The use of dumbbells adds better results. With circuit training, there are often seven to ten different exercises that are completed in succession, allowing only 10 to 15 seconds of rest in between each one and approximately two minutes between each completed circuit. You should repeat the circuit two or three times in a 45 minute session.Workout Programs for Men

A typical circuit training workout for men will include squats, with dumbbells optional. Mountain climbers, push-ups, ab crunches, dumbbell swings and split jumps are often a part of this routine. You might also include lunges with or without dumbbells, push-up rows, overhead dumbbell presses and front lateral dumbbell raises.

For an effective circuit training workout, you should switch out the exercises in your routine every three or four weeks as your body can become accustomed to them.

Creating workout programs for men based on just a few days a week can work with busy schedules. You can achieve results as long as you stick with your exercise routine regularly. Of course, you will boost your chances of developing a better body if you add a healthy, balanced diet into your fitness plan.


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Strength Training Exercises for Beginners

Strength Training Exercises for Beginners

C_Scott / Pixabay

If you want to get fit and lose weight, strength training exercises are a great way to burn fat fast and to help you sculpt your body as you shed inches. The end result will be weight loss that has the pleasant side effect of you looking and feeling both good and strong.

Whether you’re male or female, you should be doing strength training exercises as a part of your weight loss and fitness regimen. There are a variety of strength training exercises you can do. Here are some suggestions for strength training exercises for beginners:Strength Training Exercises for Beginners

  • Bicep Curls
  • Lunges
  • Resistance Bands
  • Pilates

Let’s look at some of these popular strength training exercises a bit closer:

Bicep Curls

Do bicep curls with large or small weights, it is a great progressive exercise for beginners. Start small and increase the reps and when you’re comfortable, increase the weight.


Lunges are a great way to build strength in your lower body and they can be done just about anywhere.

Resistance Bands

Use resistance bands, they are inexpensive pieces of exercise gear that work well in  a variety of strength training exercises. Buy them with varying degrees of resistance, and they take up about the same amount of storage space as a jump rope.


Strength Training Exercises for Beginners

tanjashaw / Pixabay

Pilates is an excellent strength training exercise that can focus on your core, on your arms, your legs, and can produce great results for your glutes as well.

Pilates offers a lot of results without extreme intensity. You can also do Pilates strength training exercises with just a short period of time.

Core Strength Secret:

Strength, in your mid-section, will serve you well in just about any exercise you do. Hold and release your abs repeatedly, even when doing nothing at all and you’ll build strength in this area. When doing any strength training exercises be aware of holding your core tight and you’ll increase results.

If you’re not sure where to start in terms of strength training exercises, it’s worthwhile to read books to get some starting ideas, purchase videos, or meet with a personal trainer.

In conclusion strength training, along with cardio workouts and a good diet will help you reach your health, fitness, and overall wellness goals.

Start off by warming up and by taking rests between sets. Over time you can increase your rep numbers as well as weights, if using weights as part of your strength training routine. Always be well hydrated and be careful about strength training exercises you’re unfamiliar with to avoid injury.

Strength Training Exercises are a great option for beginners, try them for quick results.

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 Exercises to lose belly fat work, being obstinate however, will yield results faster.

Note: You need cardio. A lot of sit-ups, crunches, and other exercises to lose belly fat are good but they’ll often build up the muscle underneath the fat. Cardio, such as walking, running, cycling, swimming, and dancing in addition to the following exercises to lose belly fat can maximise the results.

Exercises to Lose Belly FatYou also need to eat well. If your eating undermines your exercises, you’ll find losing belly fat even more frustrating. Monounsaturated fats are a great addition to your diet (avocados, dark chocolate, olive oil, and some others) for helping you lose belly fat and you’ll want to eat fewer carbs and sugars and more proteins and vegetables. Limiting beer, wine, soda, and other calorie laden beverages will help, as well.

  • Squats – Squats can help you sculpt your lower body and can be done anywhere and without exercise equipment.
  • Cycling – Riding a bike is great for your lower body. You can also do air cycling to help you benefit from cycling while at home. It’s great for the lower belly.
  • Hula Hooping – Hula hooping is a great exercise to lose belly fat, especially in the obliques. Don’t worry if you keep dropping it, just keep practicing. You can find great hula hooping exercises on the Wii Fit gaming device, as well, that counts your revolutions without you having to have a hula hoop.
  • Resistance and Strength Training – Will help you burn fat all over. Resistance bands are inexpensive and you can start this with hand weights as well as using your own weight as resistance with push ups or chin ups.
  • Twists – Twisting exercises are great exercises to help you get rid of belly fat. They can be part of aerobics or Pilates or dancing.
  • Exercises to Lose Belly FatDancing – Dancing is a fun cardio workout that can burn fat all over, including in the mid section. And dancing doesn’t feel like exercise as much as it feels like fun so it’s great for people who don’t find it easy to become a gym bunny.
  • Yoga – There are a number of types of yoga to choose from and yoga exercises can help you strengthen your body and improve your flexibility all over. Yoga, in conjunction with cardio could do good things for sculpting your mid section.
  • Crunches – Good old fashion crunches can help build muscle so that as you lose belly fat you’ll have a better looking mid-section. There are various types of crunches that can target upper, lower, and oblique areas.
  • Sit Ups – Sit ups can also contribute to building muscles and strength in your mid-section.
  • Pilates – There are a variety of great Pilates exercises that can help you with losing belly fat. The one hundred, the warm-up Pilates exercise helps you build strength in your core. There are a number of other Pilates exercises that help you build long and lean muscles throughout your body. Pilates will help you increase your ability for endurance with exercises to lose belly fat. After just a handful of Pilates workouts, you’ll feel a difference.
  • Another Tip – Try to reduce stress in your life. Stress can cause a belly fat increase!

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat will work, but the secret is to maintain discipline.

Belly fat can be stubborn but don’t give up. The above list is not exhaustive but can give you some ideas of how you can get the body you dream of.

With hard work and persistence, stubborn belly fat will go away.



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