Detox Tea Recipes

Ginger Healing Detox Tea with Turmeric

Tumeric is a free-radical-fighting antioxidant-rich curry spice. Additionally it is hailed as a defense against both cancer and Alzheimer’s. Making the news lately because of its amazing healing properties. This is a tasty recipe for a warming, detoxifying ginger-turmeric tea: after the holiday season, we figured we could use some detoxing and healing!

Then we tasted it, and were totally hooked: it’s delicious! Above all, ginger and turmeric combine with citrus and maple syrup to make the perfect blend of healing nutrients. In addition, we streamlined the recipe to make it an ultra-easy detox tea recipes:

2 cups water
1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 teaspoon powdered turmeric
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Juice of 1/2 lemon

1. Bring water to a boil, then add powdered herbs. Simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Strain tea into a mug, add maple syrup and lemon, stirring to combine. Drink warm.
Makes 1 serving.

Spa Cuisine: Peachy Iced Green Tea – Recipe

Drinking green tea may help you lose weight. According to clinical studies conducted by Dr. Abdul Dulloo, of the University of Geneva in Switzerland, green tea raises metabolic rates and speeds up fat oxidation. Hence, green tea is a great immune-enhancing health-booster and anti-cancer agent, with flavonoids and polyphenols that inhibit tumor formation.

So here is another of our easy-to-make detox tea recipes with green tea, above all, this one tastes so good you’ll never guess how good it is for you! A great, healthy thirst-quencher for hot summer days.
Simple Solution:


6 green tea teabags
6 cups cold water
2 ripe peaches, pitted and sliced
1. Place teabags in a large teapot or pitcher.
2. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, add cold water, and bring to a brisk boil, then pour water and peaches over teabags.
3. Steep for 6 minutes, then add sweetener (maple syrup, honey or Succanat are recommended). Allow tea to cool, then refrigerate until thoroughly chilled.
4. After that, include a few peach slices in each glass and serve with a spoon, garnished with a sprig of mint, if you like.

Finally, an even easier alternative: Make a pitcher of green tea and add the contents of a can of organic sliced peaches. Chill thoroughly.
Makes 6 servings.

Finally, Detox Tea Recipes are a great way to remain healthy. Try them!

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Tai Chi – Improving Your Health

Connecting mind and body while meditating is what Tai chi is all about. Additionally it is a form of martial arts.

Tai chi practitioners move very slowly, breathing in a specific way involving 13 exercises that mimic movements animals make.

These exercises improve physical endurance, mental clarity and overall health.

Using the ideas of opposing forces like yin and yang, as well as “qi” which means your vital life force. Bringing both of these into your exercises will help improve your overall health because it will connect all the forces in your body with your life force. By mindfully moving your body in these ways, you can improve your health and vitality including increasing your immunity.

Tai-chi can help people in all levels of health improve their health. It is low impact, weight bearing and aerobic, all at once. It improves muscle strength, coordination and flexibility. Tai chi also improves balance which can help reduce falling risks. Additionally, you can improve problems of pain and stiffness associated from arthritis.

The breathing improvement you’ll experience can also help improve sleep quality. This routine improvese health and wellness to people of all ages and at all fitness levels, since the movements can be modified for the individual’s needs.

To get the maximum benefits from tai chi, follow these principles.

  • Exercise on an Empty Stomach – It’s better to be fully hydrated and exercise before meals rather than after meals. This is the only way you’ll be able to do the movements comfortably.
  • Start Slowly – Don’t start at the end, rather start with the beginning. It will take time to learn all the movements, let yourself have the time needed.
  • Avoid Exercising When Very Tired – Tai chi is very relaxing, therefore it’s important not to work out when you are exhausted.
  • Seek Licensed, Certified and Trained Instructors – You can use videos, but it is important to find an expert to ensure you’re doing it correctly at first to avoid injury.
  • Focus as Much on Breathing as Movement – Both are equally important. When you are learning, concentrate in doing it correctly for the best results.
  • Don’t Overdo It – Never do more than you can and don’t push yourself to do more. It’s okay with tai chi to do less than you think you can.

You can start exercising at any time. You don’t need to be in tip-top shape to do it, and you don’t need to be very young. In fact, tai chi is especially helpful for elderly people.

It helps people to gain strength, get more sleep, and increase their overall health.

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Yoga Basics – Why it Helps

If you are thinking of trying a new exercise, then yoga is the way to go. Unlike other sports or forms of exercise, yoga does not only strengthen your body but also relaxes your mind and motivates your spirit. Yoga is the union of the mind, body and spirit. It is being one with the universe, leading to unification and enlightenment. Practicing this exercise includes postures or poses, breathing and even internal cleansing and cultivating the life-energy as it is also a form of meditation.

Here are some of the yoga basics you need to know.

Basic Guidelines of Yoga

Yoga can be done at home or in a yoga studio near you. An advantage to going to a yoga studio in the beginning is you can learn the correct way to do the poses since a yoga instructor is present to teach and correct them, and you can meet other people who are into this form of exercise, too.

In this way, you can share your experience about how it is beneficial your health and wellness and get more motivation to really include practicing yoga regularly into your life.

Yoga is simple enough hence  a quiet place and a yoga mat are pretty much everything you need.

Other yoga basics to consider

1. What to wear?
Going to the gym might require you some spandex type clothes but in yoga you can wear clothes that are loose and comfortable such as leggings and tights and pair it with a shirt of your choice. What is most important is that your clothing of choice is comfortable and will not restrict your movement.

2. How long should I do it?
As a beginner you should start slowly. Do not push yourself to the limit and you should be very attuned to your body and its cues. Additionally, you can start your practice depending on your schedule, objectives and ability. Start with 15 to 30 minutes, after some time, 15 to 90 minutes. You can practice 1 to 6 times a week. Always remember practicing longer but less frequently can be better than practicing for shorter periods but more frequently.
3. What to do and what not to do?
As mentioned earlier, do not push yourself too much! Do the basic poses first before moving on to the more challenging ones. Also, if you have any medical issues it is best to consult your yoga master or your medical doctor to prevent injuries or further harm.

Benefits of Yoga: Mind, Body and Soul

After getting prepared physically and mentally, the next thing you should know are the benefits you can get from yoga. This exercise does not only affect the physical body but also the mental state of the person doing it.

1. Improves the health of the muscles, joints and even the heart.
This can help lower blood pressure and pulse rate, reducing the risk of heart problems. In doing yoga, it involves almost every body part to move, this also improves your flexibility and balance.

2. Improves the quality of life.
Yoga develops discipline, devotion and mindfulness in you as it involves not only the body to move but also the mind to be more disciplined, focused and calm.

3. Improves mental health.
Doing yoga relaxes your mind and rejuvenates the spirit. This can reduce stress, relieve anxiety and fight depression. It helps lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression as it reduces the levels of cortisol or stress hormone and also controls the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter linked with depression.

Basic Yoga Poses

After knowing how it can benefit you, aren’t you excited to try it out! If yes, then here are some of the basic poses you can do even at home.

1. Corpse Pose
Lie of your back in a neutral position with your arms at your sides. Relax your arms with your palms up. Relax your legs and your feet and close your eyes. Breathe naturally and let your muscles completely relax. Stay in this position for a few minutes.

2. Downward Facing Dog
Bend down in all fours, stretching your arms further from your head, somehow forming an acute triangle. Also lift your hips slightly upwards and hollow your abdominal muscles, holding your breath 5 to 8 counts.

3. Tree
Begin from standing position, your weight distributed evenly on both feet. Shift your weight to your left foot and slowly anchor your right foot on your inner thigh. Also center yourself, balance and press your palms in prayer position at chest level. Inhale and keep to this pose for up to a minute.

4. Triangle
Stretch your legs apart forming an acute triangle and reaching the leg further from the other with one hand to your knees, then the other arm reaching straight upwards. Turn your gaze to the top hand and hold your breath for 5 to 8 counts. This could strengthen your legs and tone the entire body.

In conclusion yoga is an exciting exercise routine to try out. It improves your lifestyle and gives a healthier perspective of things.

Finally, practicing these Yoga Basics will relax your mind and spirit.

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Losing Weight Tips That Really Work and are Simple to Do.

The tips presented here are used by some of the leanest athletes on the planet. From professional bodybuilders to Olympic athletes and pro fighters.
If you want to be in the leanest shape of your life (single digits in body fat) without a whole lot of effort, this is it.

Eating four to five smaller meals per day will turn you into a fit and healthier person in no time. That’s it! It is not rocket science, nor is it a secret. It simply works, that’s it.

Lets understand why it works:

    1. When you’re eating 4-5 small meals per day you don’t get over hungry which means you don’t overeat at meal times.
    2. The need for snacking between meals goes away.
    3. Junk food stops being an issue.

By eating 4-5 meals your metabolism increases, which means you actually burn more calories during the day.

But don’t take it from me.

This is what bodybuilders, fitness models and professional fighters do. They watch their weight in the build-up to a competition or a fight. Hence, controlling their weight by eating more works.
Additionally, eating 4-5 meals per day helps you manage your appetite better and lose weight.

Follow these simple losing weight tips and see how quickly it works.

For those who claim they just don’t have the time.  These weight loss tips obviously are not important enough for them. It is a case of setting priorities.
If something is important to you – you’ll make time. Get up earlier, you’ll just make the time.  Therefore, if you’re serious, doing this will stack the odds in your favor. It is well worth the effort!

A few practical weight loss suggestions:

Prepare lunch the night before or in the morning.  Sometimes  lunch may be a portion of the previous night’s dinner. Then divide lunch into two portions.
In this way you have breakfast, two lunches and come home to an evening meal (that’s four small meals in one day).  Finally, add a healthy snack later in the evening.

Some people cook all of their meals on Sunday and freeze them. Having  meals ready takes away the chance of going back to the old system.
In this way you will keep your metabolism higher and your hunger pangs at bay. It’s not that hard and well worth the results.

It is however, a matter of having discipline and a little preparation. Small price to pay for feeling and looking better.

Follow these very simple weight losing tips and be healthy and trim.


Download Fast Fitness, the ultimate guide to help you succeed in your weight loss program, full of additional tips and ideas.

Fast Fitness


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Detoxifiying Benefits Your Body and Mind.

Months have past since the end of the holidays, yet the effects linger on. You might need a good detox program. It may br the only way to return to wellness.

When your body shows signs of toxins buildup, it is time to detox.  Toxins affect both your fitness level and mental attitude.

First indications are feeling sluggish and stressed. Additionally, having aches and pains signal the need to act. Extreme symptoms will include, diarrhea, constipation or feeling clumsy.

Toxins also manifest themselves in rapid weight gains and the incapacity to lose that excess weight.

Moreover, toxins in the body get stored on your fat cells. Detoxifiying benefits include cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells.

Several organs in your body handle cell waste management:


The liver recycles the unwanted chemicals in the body. Additionally, it sorts out the toxins and using blood circulation moves them  for elimination.

Lymphatic System

Lymph glands also play an important role in eliminating toxins. A network of glands channels the excess waste from the cells onto the final eliminating organs. The appendix, thymus, tonsils, and spleen are the lymphatic glands that assist major organs in the body to clean and detoxify.


The water management in the body is handled by the kidneys. They keep blood alkaline by eliminating the dissolved acid waste. Hence drinking plenty of water and alkaline drinks aids the process. Small amounts of alkaline liquids everyday will produce positive results.


The lungs are the organs that oxygenate the blood. They allow the oxygen to enter the bloodstream. Additionally, they are responsible for removing waste gases found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing fresh air keep the lungs healthy and toxin free. If you live in a city, find oxygen rich areas such as parks where you can perform deep breathing.


The solid waste management organ in your body is the colon. Solid waste that accumulates on the walls of the colon. Detoxing and cleaning the colon takes time. Eating plenty of fiber over time will lead to a healthy colon.

Detoxifiying Benefits and Solutions

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, begin a regular walking routine. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body.

In addition doctors suggest drinking plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and will increase the rate of detoxification in the body.

For those extreme cases, consult a physician that will design a detox program.

Finally, detoxifying benefits will be seen in a short time after beggining the program.

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Appetite Control and the Benefits of Exercise.

If you are struggling keeping your appetite and hunger under control, it might not just be about what you are eating or when, but your physical activity. Contrary to what many people think, exercise lessens cravings and hunger.  Additionally, the sense of wellness achieved by exercising, leads to better appetite control because there is an incentive to remain fit. Learning to control hunger will require having a plan and sticking to it.

Exercise, The Food Intake Regulator.

Exercise regulates big or small appetites. For people who have little hunger, working out triggers their appetite which results in improved nutrient balance. For over eaters, exercising more will increase their desire to be healthier. This will result in a desire to search for healthy diets and follow them.

Changing The Outlook  on Life.

Another big reason exercise is helpful in curbing food cravings is a change in the way people begin to see themselves. Leading an active life, going for walks, working out triggers the desire to treat their bodies better. The desire to eat healthy food instead of the usual empty calorie snacks changes their outlook. It sets the path for a long term active lifestyle.

Improves Your Overall Well Being

A person’s mental health and well being are improved by exercise. In effect, it continues to help when there is a need to control appetite and cravings. For those who feel hungrier or have cravings when stressed or anxious, exercising will certainly diminish the feelings. The fact it is that stress hormone levels rising make them want instant gratification. If left unchecked, it will increase their appetite because they will associate stress with more food. Being active and exercising regularly will improve the sense of well being and  do away with the need to over eat.

Appetite control and exercise are linked together. Use them to your advantage!

Check this useful e-book for more information on the relationship of exercise and proper eating.


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Boosting Vitamin K

Vitamin K was discovered by a Danish scientist, Henrik Dam. From his research, he named it vitamin K, which is abbreviated from the word Koagulationsvitamin.

In English, this means the “coagulation vitamin”.  Also, a second biochemist, Edward Doisy continued Dam’s work. He also discovered the role that vitamin K plays in the proper function of the body.

Additionally, both scientists received the Nobel Prize in 1943 for their amazing work.

Years later, we now are beginning to better understand the multiple functions this coagulation vitamin performs in the body – truly amazing.

Above all, Vitamin K is essential for general health and well being.

Vitamin K aids during blood clotting. It is also helpful in preventing Alzheimer’s, heart disease and cancer. Unless you are a person requiring blood thinner medication, there is no reason why you should not be taking plenty of vitamin K in your diet.

Vitamin K rich foods include cooked or raw green leafy veggies like cabbage, cucumber, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, green beans, okra, lettuce, and the like.

Also, the daily requirement of vitamin K in this form is around 120 micrograms (μg).

Benefits of Vitamin K

  • As mentioned above, vitamin K is vital for blood clotting.
  • In Osteoporosis Treatment it helps restore bone density.
  • Also used to treat patients with liver disease.
  • Vitamin K lowers the total cholesterol of people who are on dialysis treatment.
  • In the treatment of  spider veins on the skin, to remove scars, stretch marks, burns, and bruises.
  • Topically it treats rosacea.
  • Speeds up healing of the skin after surgery.

Getting enough vitamin K, is integral to good health and when there is a deficiency, a long list of health problems can develop.

There are 2 main types of vitamin K:

  1. Vitamin K1 – Found on leafy vegetables. Also a good source of fiber.
  2. Vitamin K2 – Found in fermented foods and animal products. Additionally,  the body produces its own vitamin K2 in the gut.

What to look for if you think you are Vitamin K deficient.

  • Bruising easily.
  • Your nose or your gums are oozing.
  • Excessive bleeding from wounds or injections or from surgical areas.
  • Women with heavy menstrual periods.
  • Bleed from the GI (gastrointestinal) tract.
  • Presence of blood in either the urine or stools.
  • An increase in prothrombin time (tests used to detect and diagnose bleeding disorders or clotting).

Top 10 Vitamin K Rich Foods:

  1. Green leafy vegetables: ½-cup: contains 444 micrograms
  2. Natto (fermented soy): 2 ounces: contains 500 micrograms
  3. Spring onions (scallions): ½-cup: contains 103 micrograms
  4. Brussels sprouts: ½-cup: contains 78 micrograms
  5. Cabbage: ½-cup: contains 82 micrograms
  6. Broccoli: ½-cup: contains 46 micrograms
  7. Dairy (fermented): – ½-cup: contains 10 micrograms
  8. Prunes: ½- cup: contains 52 micrograms
  9. Cucumbers: 1 medium cucumber: contains 49 micrograms
  10. Dried basil: 1 tablespoon: contains 36 micrograms

Finally, Why Boosting Vitamin K is Important

Hence, it is important that the body stops bleeding, internally or externally. When a person is Vitamin K deficient, he or she will bleed easily, resulting in bleeding ulcers or great loss of blood during an accident. Therefore, keeping your vitamin K levels is very important. Hence, vitamin K is critical to keeping patients alive after trauma.

Finally, if you believe you are Vitamin K deficient, or your health needs bolstering, consult with your physician if Boosting Vitamin K is helpful to you.

Thyroid Reset Report
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Working Out with Arthritis can be a challenge.

How to Properly Workout When You Have Arthritis

When you have arthritis, you need to exercise, but it can often be difficult to do when you are in pain or your joints feel stiff. Here are some tips for exercising and recommended types of workouts that can be helpful with this condition.

  • Try Conditioning Exercises

When working out with arthritis, you need to keep your body moving to avoid having severe pain, but you also need to be careful with the types of exercises you do. It is best not to do anything that requires over-using the joints that are causing you the most pain. Conditioning exercises get your body moving, blood pumping, and strengthen your muscles. They can also help to improve the health of your joints, but still remain gentle exercises. You may need to adjust some of the movements when doing Pilates or Yoga depending on the joints that hurt, for overall, they are an excellent option.

  • Walk, Don’t Run

Walking is a really good exercise if you have arthritis, but jogging and running usually isn’t. If you are already a runner, you may find that it doesn’t worsen your arthritis, but once it does, you need to stop immediately. Running can be really hard on your joints, particularly in your legs and hips, so if that is where most of your pain is, you should stick to slower walking. Only increase the speed and intensity as it feels most comfortable for you.

  • Go Swimming

You can also go swimming, which is extremely easy on all of your joints. In fact, many doctors will suggest swimming before other exercises if you have the ability to do so. If you don’t have a swimming pool at home, consider signing up for a local fitness center that has a swimming pool. Many of them do and will offer flexible hours for you to go swimming. Take a swimming class that is for seniors, since those are usually gentle enough for people with arthritis.

  • Stretch and Warm Up First

A very common mistake made by people working out with arthritis is going right into the exercise without stretching or warming up first. Your muscles need time to stretch and get working, so take your time warming up. Similar to warming up, you also need to remember to cool them down at the end of the workout.

Finally, make sure you always talk to your doctor before starting any new workout program.

Working Out with Arthritis can be difficult, using the right amount of exercise will improve your quality of life. Try it!

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Exercising Improves Mental Health, a fact known by ancient Romans & Greeks seems to be often ignored in modern times.

Exercises that Boost Your Mental Health

Exercising Improves mental Health

Pexels / Pixabay

Exercise doesn’t just make you physically fit, it also makes you mentally fit. This is a often an unknown benefit of exercise. Everyone knows how exercise can make your waistline smaller; make your heart healthier, etc. But, very few people know just how crucial exercising is for your mental well-being. Likewise, just as there are certain exercises that you can use to target certain parts of your body, there are certain kinds of exercises that you can use target your mental health.

Mens sana in corpore sano is a Latin phrase, usually translated as “a sound mind in a healthy body”. Yet another proof that exercising improves mental health.

In this article, we are going to go over 3 of the best exercises to keep both mind and body sound..


Aerobic exercises are designed to get your body moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will exercise a lot of different muscle groups and it will make you build-up a sweat. That last part, in particular, is also why aerobics is good for your mental health. Because aerobics encourages you to move around a lot and because it is such an intensive workout, it really gets your blood moving. When your blood circulates faster, that means that your cells are getting more oxygen. As anyone who has taken rudimentary biology can tell you, oxygen is what keeps all your cells (including the ones in your brain) healthy and functioning at peak performance. Not to mention the rush of endorphins that are proven to make you feel good!


Yoga is great for your mental health for 2 distinct reasons. Firstly, much like aerobics, yoga gets you moving. It exercises a ton of different muscles in your body and gets your blood pumping (although admittedly, not as fast as aerobics would). The second benefit of yoga is its calming, stress-reducing factor. Controlled breathing and mental relaxation are big parts of yoga and they have a very positive effect on your mental health. Things like controlled breathing reduce stress and anxiety, which is obviously very good for your mental health.


Running is great for your mental health. Many people run outdoors, and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood. Not only does it get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. Just in general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.

Exercising Improves Mental Health and  contributes to overall Wellness.

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Weight Loss and Wellness Welcomes you.

Whether you are looking to lose a little or a lot of weight, or are just simply searching for ideas to help you feel great, it’s our aim to help you achieve your goals. Our website is updated regularly with a wide range of information to assist you with all forms of weight loss fitness and wellness strategies, options and general information. Therefore we suggest you catch up our blog posts. They bring the latest of what is available in the world of fitness, dieting and general well being.. Because some people trying to lose weight spend time focusing on rigorous workouts and testing multiple diets at short intervals. Therefore the question is: are they achieving wellness without changing their lifestyle? – Probably not. First of all to properly loose weight and achieve the state of wellness, every person must assess what it is he or she want to achieve. Setting goals and creating a plan to get there will result in success. Weight loss is a life long affair, where motivation will determine who succeeds and who fails. Hence motivation it is the most challenging obstacle to changing your life. Therefore staying focused is the best way to reach your goal.

With our help and guidance you can find the way to achieve Weight Loss and Wellness in a safe and permanent way.

Browse through the latest articles about Dieting, Working Out, learning Self Control, check our helpful Videos, and eBooks that will show you the way to Complete Wellness.Weight loss Because weight loss may result from water loss, muscle degradation, and many other sources. When loosing weight, you need to make sure that you are losing body fat and not muscle mass. Regardless of why you have decided to get rid of those extra pounds, you must find the ideal diet for you. Weight loss will will diminish health risks, improve fitness and slow down old age. For most people, following a healthy diet and a good exercise regime will keep them trim and improve their health. Even moderate weight loss will lower dramatically people’s health risks. It does, however require a change in habits.

Avoid Weight Loss Hidden Pitfalls

You have been following your program well. Following a healthy diet and healthy eating.Yet your your sugar levels are still high. Therefore you are wondering where all the sugar is coming from. Without realizing it, you have been taking sugar hidden in certain foods like coffee, juices and frozen dinners. Many of them have ingredients that contain sugar and are keeping your levels high. There is always an alternative to sugar that is healthy. You do not have to go with a chemical sugar substitute either. Keep that in mind when you begin to remove sugar in these hidden sources before you jump to the conclusion that there is no replacement option and that these hidden sources will just have to stay in your diet. WARNING – Please note that the information posted on this blog site is intended as reference material only. Therefore our opinions in no way reflect any endorsement of products or a substitute for medical advise. Also please read our Terms of use and Disclaimer Pages for more details. Before you decide to change your regular way of eating, or begin a weight loss program, it’s recommended you consult with your doctor to make sure you are able to safely follow any of these weight loss programs. Weight Loss

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