Does Cardio Sabotage Weight Loss, How It Could Be Hindering Your Weight Loss Plans.

Jogging is the most traditional exercise for people intending to lose weight. But there are many other choices such as swimming, football, or cycling. A whole host of aerobic cardio exercises to help you shed the pounds. The principle is simple: just get moving, and stay moving, for half an hour to two hours. Do it five to seven days a week, and you will burn enough calories to lose weight.

Cardio workouts are not the best way to loose weight

However, this approach is seriously flawed. For starters, cardio is not the best way of burning calories. Cardio only burns a certain number of calories per step or arm movement. Which means that the only way you can burn more calories per hour is by moving faster. And new exercise will burn more calories than exercise you are used to, because for new exercise you are growing new muscles, stronger tendons, and more nerve endings. Once you are used to it, you will only burn the bare minimum. In this sense, does cardio sabotage weight loss, the answer is yes.

Think about muscle growth

Secondly, burning fat is only part of the journey. To have a well-rounded figure and level of fitness, you need to grow muscle too. Muscle tightens your skin, making your figure better rounded, lifting your butt and arms to prevent sag, and generally making you firmer. And muscle gives shape to the body by plumping out the butt and legs, and shaping the back. This balances your figure and makes you look more youthful by adding shape and athleticism. Many women fear growing too bulky if they grow muscle, but in reality we all need some muscle to look and feel good, and for women it is so hard to grow muscle, you can stop long before you get too strong.

Weight loss must be sustainable

Additionally, if you want to ensure that your weight loss is sustainable and that you can avoid setbacks even if you are stopped from exercising, and eat a balanced diet later on without gaining weight, your metabolism has to increase. Muscle burns twice as many calories per pound as fat, and if you have more muscle, every time you move you will burn more calories because more muscle fibers are moving. This means that the number of calories you burn without even exercising goes up, so you can eat more food whatever you do.

In essence, it is vital that you add something which provides resistance training to help build your muscles up. A good start is always body weight exercises. This is especially the case if you have never done any muscle building exercises before, as you will need practice. Sit ups, squats, lunges, pushups, planks, and other common body weight exercises are all you need, no need to worry about doing anything new or special yet. Just add in half an hour of body weight exercises twice a week at first and build yourself up enough to start using weights or another form of resistance.

Develop a workout program

After body weight exercises you need to progress onto something else. Resistance band training, free weights, or exercise machines, add an extra level of challenge.

This is because, old exercise routines burn fewer calories. Therefore add resistance training often. Weights of all kinds are a great choice. Once you have lost the weight you wanted,  stop increasing weights. Focus on staying active instead.

Some women just lift light weights more often in an effort to avoid getting big, but that is actually what bodybuilders do. If you want lean, strong muscles, without bulk, it is best to lift heavier weights fewer times.

Only if you do all of the above, the answer to does cardio sabotage weight loss will be no it doe not anymore..

Finally, remember that when growing muscle you will need more fuel to grow it with. Hence, you will need more calories and protein, especially if you’re losing weight too fast. Additionally, add  glucosamine and micro nutrients to keep the body strong and healthy.

Does cardio sabotage weight loss efforts? Only if not done properly.

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Making Exercise Fun

Making Exercise Fun is a great way to achieve fitness!

Making Exercise Fun

Photo by mobina rb on Unsplash

We all know that we should exercise on a consistent basis to reap the health benefits like a stronger heart, better weight management, better sleep, improved mood, more energy … and the list goes on and on.

Exercising can even increase longevity. But, over time, it can get boring and is no longer the fun it used to be. If left unchecked, you will start missing workouts and eventually just quit exercising altogether. So how do we keep the fun in exercising?

Here are a few of the more popular ways.

Vary your routine

Doing the same thing when exercising over time gets boring. Instead mix it up by having a few different routines to choose from. For example, if you typically run on a treadmill, run outside occasionally. If you lift free weights as part of your stretch training program, switch and use kettlebells instead.

Not only will varying your routine help from getting bored, but you will burn more calories. If you keep doing the same routine over and over, your body becomes more efficient at doing it and ends up burning fewer calories. If you keep it guessing, you’ll get maximum calorie burn.

Pump up the volume

There isn’t a better way to get you going when you don’t feel like exercising then to put on a pair of headphones or ear buds and play some spirited music. Something with a good beat to it.

Exercise with a friend

Working out with a friend does a couple of things. First, it gives you someone to talk to while going through your exercise routine, so it adds an element of socialization, but it also creates accountability. There may be times when you don’t feel like exercising, but you do so as to not let your friend down. And if the truth be known they exercise with you when they don’t feel like it too.

Join a group class

Exercising with a group is one of the best ways to put fun back into exercising. Not only do you make new friends, but there is a certain energy when a group of people are all doing the same thing at the same time.

Get some new exercise clothes

Sometimes all it takes to put some fun back into your exercise program is to buy some new workout clothes or shoes. If you look good with what you are wearing, you will feel good and will want to continue working out.

Measure instead of weigh

Relying on a scale to measure your progress can turn you off to exercising if it shows you are not making progress. A better way to measure if you are making progress or not is to measure yourself. Your waist, hips, upper arms and thighs will measure your progress. In many cases, you lose inches, but not pounds. Some people go by how their clothes fit.

Because muscle weighs more than fat, the number on the scale can be misleading. You can still use a scale, but only use it as one method of tracking your progress and not the sole method.

Use these tips often, they are helpful in making exercise fun.

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Benefits of Cold Showers

There are benefits of cold showers but singing is not one of them!

Taking a cold shower routinely can really change your life in powerful and subtle ways. There are some guys who have actually experimented with taking cold showers, wanting to find out about this powerful tool as a way of enhancing fitness, health, mental toughness and yes, quality of life!


Remember Wim Hof, known as the Iceman; who trained himself to endure the extreme cold. There are many lessons to be learned from his experience. Additionally it wakes you up, energizes you and increases alertness and the ability to concentrate. It strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems, enhances recovery from disease. Also reduces inflammation, increases testosterone, and improves hair and skin health.


Here are some life lessons learned from John Sifferman, after taking a year of cold showers:


  1. You’ve got to be 100% in; willing to take the uncomfortable

If you are not 100% in it, you won’t make it, period. In an uncomfortable situation, you will be miserable, but if you are not willing and ready, you’re not a candidate for cold showers. In other words, you need to want this. If you’re not 100% on board, you’re not going to make it. The point here is, it takes willpower, it’s the simple idea of being comfortable with being uncomfortable, testing your resolve to see what you are made of.


  1. Learning to be flexible

It’s good to have a basic plan, sticking with it as best you can, but not too rigid. It requires flexibility to ease into the situations, the shower in this instance, more gradually – almost every time John would end up going colder, for longer. The key again is making progress, by pushing your limits.


  1. It requires endurance

Even after 18 months of disciplining himself to take cold showers, John still found it hard to do so, every time. He always heard a voice telling him to give up, just set the shower to warm. He said he had to beat the fear of facing that icy water, all the time, over and over again, but he knew that to endure would make him the champion.


  1. Refusing to weasel out of it 

You will want to quit, but you must be prepared for that eventuality. John often wanted to give in, thinking, ‘today, I’ll just skip this one’, giving himself excellent excuses for skipping the shower; early warning signs for quitting. But he never did budge from giving in. Not an inch.


  1. When facing resistance, search for the right motivation, but keep going! In this instance, John waited till after his gym when he was hot and sweaty, knowing it would turn out better! It might even be nice. It aided also, in recovery and inflammation reduction. He turned negativity into positivity.


There’s more to cold showers than just a long list of health benefits – a lot more.


Cold showering, simply, is one of the things you have to experience to understand. It teaches you a lot about yourself – it gives you superpowers. There certainly are heaps of health benefits, even relieving depression and stimulating weight loss. But as you can see from the above, it does far more. It builds character too! Additionally helps you focus and  overcome resistance. Also builds confidence where you believe you can reach any goal you set for yourself, even when resistance tries its best to get in the way.

If you can overcome the resistance to expose yourself to cold showers on a daily basis, believe it, you will have built a solid foundation of overcoming more challenging obstacles as well as uncomfortable situations. That’s aside from the health benefits! Go take a cold shower!

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Tabata Workouts – A Fast, Effective Fitness Routine.

Among the multitude of new exercise routines available to people, there are a few that stand above the rest as innovative and effective.

CrossFit was one of the first in a crop of brand new workouts. It took the fitness world by surprise and created an entirely new niche.

Additionally, as time has marched on, more people have been asking for workouts that challenge and excite them. This demand grew, and high intensity interval training (HIIT) was developed. Tabata is an HIIT variation.

Tabata History

Scientist Izumi Tabata and a group of his peers studied two groups of athletes. Then he documented their aerobic and anaerobic progress over a fixed period of time. After observing the differences between one group performing at moderate levels of intensity, and another group performing at high intensity intervals.They discovered that second group was already performing quite a bit better after only 6 weeks. Tabata used the findings of this study to develop his workout routines.

How Tabata Works

Today, Tabata is one of the most popular workouts in the high intensity interval training category.

It uses eight rounds of high intensity sets in a timed interval of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, to achieve fast and pleasing results. Tabata also requires you do one exercise routine and go as hard as you can for 4 minutes. This is far more challenging than it sounds and that intensity will take you out of the game for a bit afterwards. In fact, after  a  4 minute Tabata session, you will be completely exhausted. Hence, if you are not, then you didn’t do it hard enough.

Benefits of Practicing Tabata

Also one of the biggest benefits of  Tabata workouts, is that you don’t need to dedicate a lot of time to get your fitness in a day.

Since the workout only take a total of 4 minutes, you have your entire day ahead of you. Hence, keep things interesting, switch things up and have something different to focus on each day.  Also, do a Tabata workout along with a short normal intensity workout to achieve extreme results.

Try one of the many Tabata Workouts today!

Download this Free HIIT Report:

  • Useful Tips
  • Equipment Suggestions
  • Reading Material Sources and much more
Tabata Workout

skeeze / Pixabay








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5 Easy Workouts That Don’t Require Equipment.



When planning for an at home workout, most people think they need to buy equipment. Surprisingly,there are several workouts that don’t require equipment at all. additionally, the misconception is that without equipment, these workouts will not give you the results you need.

The truth is, these 5 easy workouts give you better results than you may think.

Tabata, number one on the 5 easy workouts list

1. Tabata workouts require no equipment and give you a full body workout easily. The idea behind Tabata is doing intervals of intense workout and then rest. For example, most people start out by doing 20 seconds of high intensity workout followed by 10 seconds of rest. They do this in intervals until the entire body workout is done. You can then repeat this eight or more times. The only weights required are what your own body has to offer. All you need is you and the floor.


2. Yoga can be done with no equipment. Though you may immediately think of things like yoga blocks, straps, resistance bands, and so on. The truth is these may help if you are new to yoga, but they are not required. By knowing a few basic moves, you can make yoga work for you with no equipment at all. You can also span out to options like Tai Chi and other similar workouts.

Stationary Walking

3. Stationary walking is just what it sounds like. You follow an online coach on free sites or DVD options and you simply walk through a mile or more. This home workout may sound boring but you will be changing intensity levels, moving your arms during the workout, and combining aerobic workouts with the walking. This is an ideal option that works for people who may not want a treadmill in their home and may not have an area where walking four miles in a short amount of time is doable or safe.

Cardio Dance

4. Cardio dance uses your imagination and music you enjoy. No equipment is required. You can use the radio on your phone, music on your phone, or some other option for the music. Ideally, you are just dancing. You can do specific dance options for more cardio or full body workouts, but overall this is the same type of cardio you would get a dance club, you are just in your home and dancing to what you want how you want. It will work up your heart rate and help you drop weight easily.

Body Weight Circuit Training

5. Body weight circuit training is similar to Tabata but does not require the HIIT intervals of intense workout and rest. Instead you are doing a series of workouts like push-ups, sit-ups, and so on. You do a certain amount of reps and then move on to the next part of the workout. You use your own body weight to give you resistance.

Something to keep in mind with these workouts is the ability to work them into a revolving routine that gives you maximum results. If you want to purchase weights or other equipment you can, but even at high intensity levels the equipment is not necessary, making these workouts the most affordable option for your at home needs.

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Detoxifiying Benefits Your Body and Mind.

Months have past since the end of the holidays, yet the effects linger on. You might need a good detox program. It may br the only way to return to wellness.

When your body shows signs of toxins buildup, it is time to detox.  Toxins affect both your fitness level and mental attitude.

First indications are feeling sluggish and stressed. Additionally, having aches and pains signal the need to act. Extreme symptoms will include, diarrhea, constipation or feeling clumsy.

Toxins also manifest themselves in rapid weight gains and the incapacity to lose that excess weight.

Moreover, toxins in the body get stored on your fat cells. Detoxifiying benefits include cleaning that unwanted garbage in your cells.

Several organs in your body handle cell waste management:


The liver recycles the unwanted chemicals in the body. Additionally, it sorts out the toxins and using blood circulation moves them  for elimination.

Lymphatic System

Lymph glands also play an important role in eliminating toxins. A network of glands channels the excess waste from the cells onto the final eliminating organs. The appendix, thymus, tonsils, and spleen are the lymphatic glands that assist major organs in the body to clean and detoxify.


The water management in the body is handled by the kidneys. They keep blood alkaline by eliminating the dissolved acid waste. Hence drinking plenty of water and alkaline drinks aids the process. Small amounts of alkaline liquids everyday will produce positive results.


The lungs are the organs that oxygenate the blood. They allow the oxygen to enter the bloodstream. Additionally, they are responsible for removing waste gases found in every cell of the body. Deep breathing fresh air keep the lungs healthy and toxin free. If you live in a city, find oxygen rich areas such as parks where you can perform deep breathing.


The solid waste management organ in your body is the colon. Solid waste that accumulates on the walls of the colon. Detoxing and cleaning the colon takes time. Eating plenty of fiber over time will lead to a healthy colon.

Detoxifiying Benefits and Solutions

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, begin a regular walking routine. Exercise is a good key in having a fit and healthy body.

In addition doctors suggest drinking plenty of lemon water. This is an effective way of maintaining a very good circulation and will increase the rate of detoxification in the body.

For those extreme cases, consult a physician that will design a detox program.

Finally, detoxifying benefits will be seen in a short time after beggining the program.

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Women Gyms – Are they Better?


There are lots of great fitness centers and gyms operating these days, and many of them try to cater to just about everyone who might be looking for a place to get in shape and participate in an effective workout.

While a general fitness center might be good for most people, some women enjoy specialization and prefer to workout at women’s gyms. Gyms that focus on serving only women offer unique benefits over a general facility.

So let’s take a look at those advantages:

Advantage #1 – Privacy

Women gyms allow females to exercise without the fear of being oogled or approached by men during their workout. Let’s face it, there are no doubt a lot of people who believe that today’s gyms function as modern-day singles bars, when in fact most people — especially women — go to their fitness center of choice in order to help themselves get in shape. They aren’t there looking for a date, so women only gyms provide female patrons the opportunity to workout and to feel comfortable at the same time. When a woman is exercising, particularly if she’s not looking her best because of the effort she’s putting in, she probably doesn’t want to worry about being hit on by a stranger.

Advantage #2 – Specialized Training

All women only gyms offer tailored programs. That means that a woman who enrolls in a females only fitness center should expect to find that there are classes and programs designed for the unique specifics of a female’s body. We all know that men and women are different in lots of ways. And those differences include our bodies and how they work and develop. Hence, women gyms give females the opportunity to work under the guidance of instructors focused on their special needs. That’s a major benefit to the body-conscious lady.

Advantage #3 – Size

It seems that generally speaking, women only gyms are smaller and more intimate. Co-ed fitness centers (like those well-known major mega gyms) can be huge and, at times, overwhelming. A smaller and less intimidating gym can make it easier for someone to focus on their conditioning without feeling lost. Additionally, women only gyms quite often strive to provide a sense of intimacy and pride themselves of being compact and effective, with a minimum of hype and a premium on providing a quality workout experience without making their patrons feel overwhelmed.

If you’re a woman looking for a fitness center that caters to women only, you’re in luck. There are a number of terrific women’s gyms operating practically in every community.  In the end, such centers offer comfortable and safe environment for women to workout.

Women Gyms offer the best options for females. Well worth using them!

Finding your Fitness Motivation E Book
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 Using Rebounders for Fitness.

Rebounder is simply a term used for a mini trampoline. The popularity of using this type of device has grown significantly because of all the health benefits associated with it.

People of all ages and health conditions are using them to improve their health and fitness.

Rebounders are available at sporting good stores and online. Choose a sturdy model with six legs. Models with only four legs may tip over and be dangerous. Choose one that folds under a bed or in a closet.

Who can use a Rebounder?

Rebounding is popular for people of all ages and physical abilities. Because of the low impact it has on the joints. The springs in the system help cushion blows, reducing risks associated with traditional aerobic exercise.  Exercises can be as varied as your imagination. The important thing however, is to bounce for a period of time to get your heart rate up. There are numerous videos available that teach you how to use it.

Benefits of Using Rebounders

Bouncing stimulates the metabolism, circulates oxygen, and strengthens the heart. It increases the capacity of the lungs and improves muscle tone. It also helps enhance the immune system, aiding in the prevention of illness. This is a great tool to help combat obesity by providing valuable, low impact exercise. Exercise has been shown to reduce tension brought on by everyday stress and pressures. Rebounding enhances this element by being particularly fun. From children to seniors, this type of exercise is greatly enjoyable.

Rebounding can help reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. It can also improve coordination and balance. If you have incontinence problems, rebounding can actually help by exercising and strengthening muscle cells. You will see improved bladder control in a short period of time. It is also an ideal exercise routine for anyone recovering from ailments such as broken bones or strained muscles. Since bouncing does not work against gravity, there is no undue strain on muscles and joints. You can help strengthen them without causing harm.

Rebounding has become a widely popular form of aerobic exercise.  Additionally it offers psychological benefits by reducing stress.

It is also one of the most fun forms of exercise. Who doesn’t like to bounce?

Finally, using rebounders regularly will keep you trim and fit for years to come!

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Toning Your Body Without Getting Bulky – How Can You Do It?

When many women think about lifting weights, they instantly think about getting big and bulky. While this is the look that some women want to achieve. Many women don’t like the thought of becoming bulky after lifting weights. As a result, the weights section of the gym is often full of men building muscles and few females. However, lifting weights doesn’t mean that you’ll automatically become  big and bulky. No matter what your gender is, you should embrace the weights and add strength training into your workout routine.

What should you do to avoid bulk when toning your body?

Some women have been losing weight for a few months and just want to tone up their bodies rather than build any substantial muscles. Since your skin is elastic, it is able to expand and retract with the changes your body makes, such as gaining or losing weight and changing shape when you are pregnant. Lifting weights is a key part of not only helping your skin to retain its elasticity, but also helping to prevent any loose skin after you have lost weight.

If you’re worried about becoming bulky but you just want to tone up your body, start off by lifting small weights (around 2-3kg). You can even lift smaller than this if you feel it is too heavy for you. The key with toning is to lift smaller weights but do more repetitions. Building big muscles requires fewer reps and heavier weights. That’s why many toning exercises will encourage you to lift 1-2kg weights around 15-20 times, rather than 20kg for 8-10 reps.

What if you don’t want to use weights?

You don’t have to use weights in order to tone your body. They are many exercises which will help you to tone up different body parts. Squats for improving your thighs and bum, and various arm movements to get rid of upper arm fat.

I’m doing toning exercises and not seeing results; what am I doing wrong?

In order to see the results you want from toning your body at the gym, you need to also eat a healthy balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water will help your skin’s elasticity. Hence, try to cut out soda and other sugary drinks and replace them with water.

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Alcohol And Exercise – Debunking Some Facts

As the weekend nears, you probably will think about going out and having a few drinks with friends or co-workers. The thought of relaxing and wind down has its social merits.

There are some things, however that you must keep in mind.

Do small amounts of Alcohol affect your muscular output?

Research has proven that small amounts of alcohol will increase muscular endurance and strength output. However, the benefits are very short lived. After 20 minutes or so, problems will surface. Alcohol will, over the  next few minutes reduce your strength, endurance and aerobic capacity. Even with short term use, nerve muscle interaction will be reduced resulting in a loss of strength. Remember, alcohol is a poison that will really harm your body if you aren’t careful.

Long term effects on the body.

Over longer periods of time it will make your body loose the ability to metabolize fat, and diminish muscle growth.  Additionally, alcohol will affect your nervous system and brain. Long term usage will cause severe deterioration of your central nervous system.

Once alcohol reaches the blood cells, it will damage them. Alcohol users, often suffer inflammation of the muscle cells. Over time, some of these damaged cells will die affecting muscle contractions. Drinking alcohol also causes muscle soreness after exercise. Hence, it will take you a lot longer to recuperate.

Alcohol will also interferes with your heart and circulatory system ability to function properly. Anytime you drink, your heat loss will increase, due to the alcohol simulating your blood vessels to dilate. The loss in heat will cause your muscles to become quite cold, therefore becoming slower and weaker during your muscle contractions.

It also leads to digestive and nutrition problems as well. Alcohol causes a release of insulin that will increase the metabolism of glycogen, which spares fat and makes the loss of fat very hard. Additionally, due to alcohol interfering with the absorption key nutrients, you will eventually become anemic and vitamin B  deficient.

Excessive Drinking Effects.

Because your liver is the organ that detoxifies alcohol, the more you drink, the harder your liver has to work. The extra stress alcohol places on your liver will cause serious damage and even destroy some of your liver cells.

Since alcohol is a diuretic, drinking large amounts will put a lot of stress on your kidneys. During diuretic action, hormones are secreted. This will lead to heightened water retention, loss of Potassium and frequent cramps. No one who exercises wants this to happen.

If you must drink alcohol, you should do it in moderation and never drink before you exercise, as this will impair your balance, coordination, and judgement.

Finally, think about your health and you may begin to look at Alcohol and Exercise from a whole new prospective.


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